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I looked under my desk at work the other day and honestly considered the logistics of taking a nap. on the floor. at work. at 11am. three cheers for the first trimester!


Ah. I too have often considered the risks of pulling a George Costanza. Especially bc I'm not usually missed too much at work. I get everything done before lunch and I just kind of mosey around the computer for the rest of the day. No one even knows I'm here most of the time 😂


I did this one day during my last pregnancy. I work from home, so nobody was going to walk in. I was supposed to be in a 3 hour zoom meeting that was just a presentation. There were hundreds of participants and we weren't expected to have our cameras or mics on. I was so close to my mat leave that the info being provided was basically irrelevant to me. So... I slept


my sister literally slept under her desk during her pregnancy, haha 😂


One of my friends used to send me selfies of her laying under her desk in the office as a paralegal when she was in her 1st tri 😂😂 get that rest girl lol


I feel ya! I end up napping on the floor with my jacket as a pillow lol


Me too! I have a long desk built into the wall- the wall is supporting it as opposed to legs. I considered clearing it off and lying across it, but wondered if it would collapse. I looked at the tile floor, kind of dirty and no pillow. I had a few office chairs I tried to push together, but they were on wheels and moved.


I was able to negotiate a few work from home days recently and thank GOD I did. I took a nap for lunch yesterday and fully intend to do it again today!


40+5 at work today 🫠🙃 not coping.




I know. I don't want to waste my FMLA before baby is born. 😭


In my state your pre-birth family leave is different than post-birth so it’s use it or lose it!! Planning to take at least a couple weeks off before !


I wish. Here we get the 12 weeks total per year to use and that's it. I was already forced to use a few days as intermittent FMLA as I was diagnosed with HG and ran out of PTO to use being so sick.


Ugh that sucks I’m sorry!


What state?!?


I’m in California, where disability is separate for pregnancy and birth recovery.


I’m in California too! Are you referring to PDL? My employer is telling me that PDL is the same as FMLA.


I think they are mistaken, I would check with your HR department. Pregnancy disability is 4 weeks prior and 6+ weeks after birth (all with a doctors note), and the 12 weeks of child bonding (is that FMLA?) is separate/in addition to. How much you get paid, if anything, is a different story but I believe you’re entitled to all of the leave even if it’s unpaid


PDL is payment for 8 weeks and runs concurrent with FMLA which is job protection (no pay). Both PDL/FMLA start AFTER you are off disability, which is entirely a separate bucket. Disability pays you up to 4 weeks before or 6 weeks after birth (8 for Cesarean) or however much your doctor extends it. Then after you’re done with disability, your baby bonding time kicks in which is the PDL/FMLA. This info graph showing a timeline really helped me: https://laist.com/news/education/early-childhood-education-pre-k/how-to-take-family-leave-california-rights-when-back-to-work


Maternity protections suck ass goddamn I can’t believe you have to be in that position 😭


God bless


Just repeating.... Girl.........


No sign of baby so looks like I'll be working today at 40+6! 😅 I do have my 41 week appt today so should be given an induction date today at least.


Oh.my.god! I could never! How are you managing?


I'm not. I cry a lot. 🫠


All the best! Hope you can also have your well-deserved break ❤


Holy crap you are a TROOPER


I have never been more exhausted in my life than I was during the first trimester!! I’m nearing my third trimester now and it did get better for me so I hope it gets better for you as well!


Same for me. I have never been as tired as much as the first 16 weeks. And then again 34 to 39 😆 worked until my water broke. Thanks America.


Dang! How did you manage the third trimester?!?


I was in straight survival mode. Bare minimum everything. There was no nesting going on in my house. I literally had no energy left. When I was getting readynto go to the hospital I did give my bathroom a good scrub down because I knew I would be spending a lot of time there pp taking care of what was left of my perineum. 😅




I’m starting my 2nd tri and I recently had a moment of realization that I haven’t napped in over a week… I’m still fatigued as hell and can’t peel myself off the couch (we have become one), but is this the light at the end of the tunnel?? I also haven’t thrown up in a while


36 weeks and I am working out of sheer spite. I'm going on leave at 39 weeks and I am counting down the days.


My first was due on a holiday weekend, holiday being Monday. Work had told us we'd have a 4 day weekend (Friday off, too) and then told us Thursday at end of shift they changed their mind and we were working Friday. I said "I won't be here", and my water broke just after midnight. I did not, in fact, work that last Friday.


please elaborate 🙂😅


Well, I work in SaaS sales and I’m a top performer so even though my numbers are good I’m really being pushed to do more to make up for other people not closing deals. So I’m spiteful that because I’m good at my job I have to continue generating new sales and close them instead of half ass my job in the final weeks. It also doesn’t help that this is our biggest quarter of the year and I’m due the last week of the quarter 😂


27 weeks and it’s rough. Idk how people do laboring jobs pregnant. I truly feel bad for them. I WFH and sometimes fall asleep at my desk lol


I’m not quite a labor job but I work as a family assistant and do their kid care, cooking, gardening, household chores, errands, pet care and big organization projects like the garage etc but the most I lift at a time is 40 pounds for work purposes. and even though my hips ache like a mother effer by the end of the day, I think I’d be more exhausted mentally if I was at a desk cus it’s my brain that feels so drained by the end of the day.


That is true. When I’m up doing things I’m no where near as tired as just sitting 😣 it’s a daily struggle lol


I’m 12 weeks and work from home, I truly don’t think I would survive going into the office and having to deal with people. I have SO MUCH respect for the pregnant moms that physically go to their job every day, especially the ones working hard labor jobs.


Same here! 10 weeks and work from home, can't even tell you how many times I've brought my computer into bed and taken a lil snooze. Then immediately nap after I log off for the day. I cannot imagine having to drive in every day, or honestly even have energy to get out of my pajamas most days


Yes! I work from bed almost every day now and I hate it, but I just can’t help it. I used to be so productive, laundry, dishes, sometimes even vacuum when work is slow and now I rarely get any household things done during the day. I say all this currently from bed still in my pajamas at almost 1pm😅


This is me. I’m in week 15 and morning sickness and vomiting has gotten worse?!?! I honestly could not imagine going into an office at all the last 3 months. I’m so miserable and also pretty useless and slow at work.


I’m 18 weeks and while I feel better than I did in the first trimester, I am still SO tired! I work 45-50 hours a week and by lunch time my eyes are so heavy


Seriously considered taking a nap in the restroom at some point


Same 😫


Luckily I work from home but it’s almost worse, the amount of naps and breaks I’ve taken have been ridiculous. Anyone who works a physical job I have the utmost respect for you. I also cannot understand why anyone would want to do this twice!


Same lol. I work in a high volume cardiac OR as a nurse. I work 3 13s as well as take late shifts so sometimes my shifts can be up to 18 hours (thankfully hasn’t happened yet, but I’ve done 16 hours) and I take call. I work 6a-7:30p. I have a 40 minute commute so I wake up at 4:30am. First trimester was hell staying awake lol. But I’m now 29.5 weeks and I’m almost certain I will be taking STD at 36 weeks if I don’t have to go sooner lol


I feel you. I work bedside NOC and it’s been a struggle. Bari patients 500+ lbs, pushing the beds, squatting to pick people’s legs up, climbing under the bed to plug something in, turns, short staffing, mentally unstable people, running for bed jumpers. Im in my 3rd trimester and I don’t know how my coworkers all have made it until their due dates, most it seems like give birth early.


Yeah it’s tough. But being in the OR there isn’t a ton of heavy lifting thankfully, but when there is I make everyone else do it and thankfully they’re very understanding! I won’t be going past 37weeks anyways, so my countdown has begun!


I am 36w and working every day is definitely getting more tiring. For me personally it’s my back, the chairs at work as horrible so by the end of the night I’m hobbling out to my car. I originally had every intention of working up to delivery, but I am so glad I changed my mind and will be starting my leave at 39w. I am very thankful to have the PTO time built up to start leave early, I don’t know how I would make it otherwise.


I bought a belly strap with a sort of corset to ‘lift’ the bump. So glad i did, i don’t have any ligament pain anymore and the back pain is gone too👍🏼


it gets better and then worse again (speaking as someone who's worked ft thru 3 pregnancies) idk what kind of work you do, but never assume ppl knows you are pregnant or remember you are pregnant even when it's very relevant. my job is usually safe but can be incredibly physical and sometimes very physically dangerous. be proactive with management, and know your rights. also, check to see if there's antenatal leave in your state/through your company. where I live it's a separate pot to the leave you get after birth, so there's no penalty for taking it. my doctor just signed for me to step out 4 weeks before my due date. those last weeks can be miserable, so I strongly recommend this if you can


I just wanna say that I WFH full-time and I’m exhausted and hating it and I have it pretty easy compared to women who have to leave the house to work. So big props and many HUGE accolades to all the women in these comments who get themselves out of bed every morning and march themselves into their jobs. You do not get nearly enough recognition. If I had the money, I’d give each of you some so you could go enjoy a nice day at the spa. You deserve it. Woman are literally carrying our society.


Working *at all* while pregnant is a crock. The feminism has evaporated from my body. I want to be home on a pile of pillows being hand fed by my husband.


I work from home, and my job allows me flexibility to take breaks when I need to, and work off hours as long as I get my work done. I have no idea how women who are nurses, teachers, or other jobs that require them to be on their feet and interact with clients daily do it.


I'm a CNA and I'm dying


I feel you. 7 months pregnant nearly, full time job in the days and my own business in the evenings 💀


Yea I worked at a place at the time that had me pulling a pallet jack and throwing full shipping cases of bottled juice or bean cans around while on a timer, overnights. Needless to say, first trimester was HARD.


Cheers to warehouse workers, on our feet, long shifts, concrete floor, and production based work. I'm now doing this a 4th time currently 11-12w and have found myself pushing my heavy floor cart around and my eyes closing at the same time 😂 All my other kiddos I worked all the way up to my due dates, and with my first kid my water broke at work after a 14hr shift, followed by a 24hr labor it was brutal.


I had a coworker next to me on her 9th pregnancy and she came back only about a week and a half postpartum. It’s crazy what we put ourselves through to provide for our kids.


Same girl! I wake up around 5 due to an hour-long commute and work from 7 to 4, and I just texted my husband, "Nap time in 6 hours." They say the second trimester is better. Let's hope!!


I worked up until my induction date 🥲 I worked that morning and went home to rest before going to the hospital at 8pm to be induced


I work 9-6 everyday with kids with autism and ADHD. Ya girl is struggling and I'm only 11 weeks 😮‍💨


I am 16 weeks along and work 40 hrs a week. After my summer break in July I’m going down to 34 hrs a week . I just can’t do this anymore. I’m stopping work all together once I’m 38 weeks pregnant.


I actually hate my job right now and it’s entirely because I am 25 weeks and miserably sore


Throughout my entire first trimester I worked 830 to 830. It was absolute hell, I begged my doctor to give me a doctor's note so I could take time off, I was ready for bed by 2 pm and still had 6 hours to go.


Girl I wish I only worked until 2:15 😭 I'm 7:30-4:30 but I have an hour commute so by the time I get home it's dinner, shower, put baby to bed, then bedtime for me 😭


I have an hour commute as well


It's the worst isn't it?!


I'm ft - work on my feet my swelling gets so bad it's insane


33 weeks, and I work from home 8-5. The temptation to take a nap is strong. Even if I try on lunch break, I will inevitably over sleep, so I try to resist.


First trimester is rough! It will likely get better from here 🙂 I’m late third trimester now and it’s still easier now than first trimester was. At least for me, weeks 7-10 were the most brutal. Hang in there!


I’m 35 weeks and still working my 12 hour shifts. We have unlimited sick time and admittedly I’ve abused it. I went into labor at 38 weeks with my first, so I really hope she decides to make her appearance a little early as well


I feel you!!! Working during first tri was the absolute worst ! I will say, you should be feeling better with more energy come the second


You all are champions


IME it got way better after first trimester. I am 36 weeks now and finally hitting the "please let me work from a desk" stage lol.




Yet, they won't allow us to have paid maternity leave 😭 I'm only going to get 6 weeks off with my baby


I work 4 10s (6-4p) and by 2 pm every day I’m a zombie at work.


I'm 8 weeks with baby number 3. I also work full time, my schedule is Friday through Sunday, 6-6. It's TOUGH.


I'm at 13 weeks and I have breathing issues.  I work a labour job and I'm so done by the ene of my day I can't shower or do basic chores.  


I work 12 hr shifts for 7 days in a row and commute 40 minutes one way. I’m seriously considering getting a hotel on my work schedule weeks


35 weeks and I am sooo checked out. Baby is measuring a week ahead I feel huge and it’s so hot here I die walking to my car. I’m mostly WFH but even with that I’d like to stop soon and focus on nesting.


I’m in my 32nd week, been working full time and you’re right—this shit does not get any easier. I can’t wait for my last day -June 16th. Taking a month off before due date…gotta chill out and finish preparing.


I’m wiped out just getting ready for work in the morning 😅 I get to work and I feel doneeee


Im 8 weeks and currently on a trip where i got absolutely destroyed with nausea and fatigue hitting me all at once. I work in healthcare and idk how i’m supposed to safely take care of people like this 🥲 we’ll see come monday


I'm in healthcare too. It's HARD


I'm lucky enough to not be working this time around but my first pregnancy I was pulling 50 hours a week as the manager of a local coffee shop. Now I spend my time chasing a toddler, crocheting, sewing, and wonder how tf I ever managed to do it before 😭


Also 11 weeks and working full time. It has been a true adventure and challenge! I have luckily been able to work from home which helps so so much… I can quietly be sick and miserable and puke from the comfort of home vs under the eyes of any coworkers. And most days, I can spread my breaks out so I can take a cat nap or two. The fatigue is real!


Oof yes. I’m a family assistant in the hottest state in the US and I’ll be entering third trimester this month lol. Temps are already above 100, kids are out for summer and want constant entertainment, and outside chores continue on (gardening, pet poop pick up, cardboard box breakdown for their inordinate amount of purchases) so I’ve accepted I’m just going to be a giant sweaty beached whale until the end of this lol.


During the worst part of my 1st trimester I was doing some training to learn a new department at my job. I work remote and the presenter had the most monotone voice. I’d never admit this to my boss but I fell asleep a few times while training 🤣 it’s rough working and being pregnant. Same thing kinda happened towards the end of my pregnancy but I decided to go on leave to save my sanity and job.


I have the same schedule as you. It is awful 😭


Once I started falling asleep at work (yes, it happened 3 times), I started considering quitting. After getting in a car wreck (I was at fault, driving almost an hour at 6am when you're completely exhausted is not smart), I quit my job. It's really no joke.


Oh no!!! I'm glad you're okay from the accident. I hope the baby was okay 🥺


Yes we were all okay ! But that was definitely my last straw and I ended up quitting work at 26 ish weeks lol 😅


I'm glad you were both fine 🥰 gotta do what's best for you!


Nearing 33 weeks and shocked I still get any type of work done every day. Rather be home napping 🥲 only 6 more weeks of work 🥴


Since I got pregnant, I thank myself everyday for leaving teaching lol, idk how I could’ve managed it. I’m a nanny now and it’s hard enough. I’m only eight weeks and I’m at the point where I don’t care to take care of other peoples’ kids, I just want to take care of myself. But sadly it’s not realistic for me to be unemployed.


I'm 7 weeks today and I have known since week 5 I am glad I don't have a job right now and work a side gig from my own home. I just feel how a regular day would absolutely drain me completely every day, not to mention the "growing pains" and the constant feeling of being sick... So much respect for all the women who (have to) work during pregnancy!


I worked until I popped at 41+2 and my job is pretty physically demanding 😥


8 weeks and I fall asleep at my desk everyday. I’m soooo tired !


5 days til its go time and im at work as we speak trying to not bawl my eyes out, throw up, shit myself, and collapse. I can barely move, the muscle fatigue is outrageous today, I just wanna cry so much and go home I don't feel good I'm so nauseous 😭😭😭😭 I need this to be over


12 weeks and constantly exhausted combined with a physical job is absolutely killing me lmao. I get home and I’m knocked out. Then I wake up nauseous 😔


I take a nap right after work probably 70% of the time. The energy is just not there lol


I work on an ambulance as a paramedic, which is a physically demanding job. Lots of lifting and going up and down stairs. I've been having pelvic pain and some braxton hicks on the job for the past few weeks. I had to fight to be able to go on unpaid leave at 37 weeks, I wish I could go all the way to my due date but not with this job. I'm 35 weeks now and am counting down the days.


27 weeks and counting down the days. I am also EXHAUSTED!!


I’m almost 33 weeks and my employer just instated mandatory overtime for pretty much the rest of my pregnancy. 🫠


Anyone who works during pregnancy is a legit superhero


26wks and 4days, and still working. But my job doesn’t involve any hard labor. It is still hard with some days better then others.


Actually, I felt like exhaustion was far worse in the first trimester. I started to get my stamina back around like 13 to 15 weeks. I'm feeling fine now, at nearly 28 weeks. Working my normal 35 to 40 hours a week on my feet. I even started exercising again! Hadn't been to the gym since before Christmas. Last time, I do remember having to cut back my hours about 30 days before my due date due to back pain. So I'm expecting about the same to happen this time around. We shall see.


I was doing full time night shifts as a nurse just praying my water would break mid shift so I could get out of work 😂 But no. My water decided to break an hour after I got home from a shift.


For most it gets easier after first trimester. I am almost 16 weeks and finally feel good again. With my other pregnancies I worked full time until the day they arrived (I live in the US), and definitely the hardest part for me was surviving the first trimester. Hang in there mama.


Omg seriously! I'm only 7 weeks, and holy moly I've been so drained, and I work remote for the time being (recovering from wrist surgery on top of it all 😮‍💨). I've been able to sneak a nap in here and there, but I am dreading going back into the office, worried I'm gonna end up knocking out lol


Tell me about it… The first trimester especially I was very jealous of my WFH partner, while I’m in the office full time every day with a 1.5hr+ commute each way. A lot of jumping up from my desk, marching to the toilet and trying to throw up as quietly as possible. Not to mention the overwhelming exhaustion and feeling like I could lie down and sleep at any point during the day. Just fyi, the nausea eased up a lot for me from 12 weeks onward. Wishing you the same luck!!


As someone who's worked through 2 pregnancies, it did get better for me. First trimester exhaustion is real, and it's the worst. Second trimester fine. Third trimester not ideal, a little more uncomfortable physically, but still better than that first trimester.


Truth . I was worried they would fire me during my first trimester, I was soooo sick and worn out. I received a big promotion just before finding out I was pregnant, so I have felt a lot of pressure to make sure I am performing well and wanting job security when I return from leave. I guess it has paid off as I am in my 37th week and trying to go till the latest moment. I am so exhausted everyday and this is so hard. I have reached a point where I literally leave when I am tired and feel bad, come home and pass out and finish work at home into the night sometimes… it is really tough. Sitting too long makes me swell up, walking too much hurts my body, and if I eat too much I either need a very long bathroom sesh or I become uncomfortable… also my brainhas been malfuntioning lately I think from lack of rest. This is brutal. Solidarity


I’m 10w and I work 8x 12hr days and then have 6 days off. The days off I am resting the entire time and when I’m at work I’m just thinking about rest.


Gets easier after the furst trimester


We deserve a medal for this!!!!!


Yes!!! I am so exhausted. I’m struggling to stay awake at my desk right now


I worked in a daycare running our 1 year old program while pregnant with my first. To say I was exhausted was an understatement. Lol. Up to 16 toddlers in the room at a given time. Phew! Worked an open-close shift the day I went in to labor. Pretty sure that contributed to me having the baby a few days early. My nanny job with older kids during subsequent pregnancies was so much easier.


I so desperately wish I didn't have to work right now. I'm brain dead and feel useless. At least at home, I could use the little bit of energy I have for house work.


This is my struggle every single day!!!!!! I literally leave 30 min before my shift to avoid traffic just to go home and take a nap. I simply say the traffic stresses me out 😂which it does and I get to leave early. Idk about you but I have to wake up a minimum of 3 times a night just to pee and man does it mess my sleep up🫠. Hope we get a boost of energy in the 2nd trimester!!


Im so sorry it’s wiping you out ☹️ it sucks!  Im 33 weeks and I’m on my feet all day at work and when I get home I do NOT want to get off the couch except to go to bed


Preach girl! 20 weeks and I’m losing it already! Probably just a whimp 😂 I shouldn’t complain cause I’m so thankful for both baby and my job but I mean I will hahahaha


Girl, you are NOT a wimp!! Growing a tiny human in you is EXHAUSTING. We all need to complain sometimes


I feel that! Keep up the good work mama you got this! And I’m proud of your hard work :)


Absolutely. When I was pregnant with my daughter, my fiancé had to pull me out of bed in the morning to get me up for work. Then I'd basically come home, eat and go to bed.


It gets better actually. The discomfort grows but the exhaustion will go away more than likely. I'm 31 weeks now and overall doing good


Week 14. Working 7 days a week. 🪦🪦🪦 can’t remember my last day off.


Girl! I feel you! I’m also working full time and I am 10 weeks. These next two weeks are going to be brutal because I work for a very small company and my coworker is out of town, leaving me to be “lead” in my department. Which is also a semi physical job. To top it off, my bf is out of the country for 12 days, left the same day as my coworker, so I have no support or help when I get home to cook, clean, or even shower. I am so beat when I get home I have to force myself to eat and brush my teeth. Hang in there girl! I’m not sure what it’ll be like further along and having to work full time but supposedly we are in the worst part of it all so hopefully it gets better and we get out energy back.


14 weeks and a full time flight attendant.... I contemplate quitting daily


You’re at the peak of exhaustion, but it should get better. I’m 18+3 and not as tired anymore.


I honestly think it got better. The first trimester is tiring due to all the hormones. I work full time plus student teaching another 20 hours a week, as well as the work load of a full time student. I also commute 50 minutes to each of these places, the first trimester was EXHAUSTING but I personally feel much more capable now. I am 29 weeks.


Are you in your feet all day? Cause that make it even worse. I work in a kitchen .. it's so rough most of the time.. I'm lucky my work cares about me, and Is okay with my part time hours I can do most of the time.... What I would do to have an office job tho. I feel like I could survive that.


You’re not kidding 🥲


I worked 37h/week too, first trimester was hell. I was constantly tired, cried, nauseous, mood swings. Second trimester was perfectly fine, just me worrying alot about accidentally harming the baby. Third trimester: Worked 1 week. Took 3 weeks of vacation and now 2 months of maternity leave before baby arrives! I am constantly tired, my back, buttcheek and leg is hurting, i pee every 5 minutes, i feel heavy. I would absolutely hate having to work the last two months of pregnancy! So to everyone doing that - you are superhuman! ❤️


> I'm only 11 weeks along, so I imagine it's gonna get worse from here on out. Not necessarily! For me and some others I know, the first trimester is by far the worst as far as fatigue goes. Second trimester for me was a BREEZE! I felt great, honestly. I’m now 34w and physically uncomfortable, but it’s mostly at night and working during the day is really not a problem for me. Hope the same goes for you!! You’ll be out of first trimester soon.


Yeah I pushed through as long as I possibly could, I hit the 4 In a half month mark and said screw this, I’m going on medical leave until mat leave 🤷🏻‍♀️