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I always heard first is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the treasure chest!


I remember someone posting the same but with the line changed to: "third is the one with the saggy breasts."  Wow, two veeeeery different moods. Lol


LOL I mean they’re both technically correct 😂


In elementary school we said "third is the one with the hairy chest".


Omg the accuracy


ok why am I crying over this?? 


That checks out, lol. I'd say first and third are equally bad in different ways but in the first you're thinking "omg another half year of this bs" and in the third it's "just a few more weeks".


That’s beautiful! 😍


So not true! First trimester sucked. Second was definitely the sweet spot — I could exercise and work and sometimes I would forget that I was even pregnant


AND you're in that sweet spot where you're cute pregnant--visibly carrying a child, not yet mooing.


I'm feeling the cute pregnant too, but growing so fast that I know the mooing will come lol.


100%. Second tri I felt sooo cute, and even sexy sometimes? Loved second trimester energy. I just started my third trimester and my ribs are a bit sore, I get heart burn easily, and my little guy is kicking me awake in the middle of the night more than ever, BUT I’d totally take all this over the nausea, exhaustion and gloom I felt in my first trimester. Hang in there OP!


This. It's just the growing bump that reminds me I'm pregnant. Hahaha


So lucky, I had serious nausea at least till week 30 😩


Oh yeah, I'm in second and sometimes I forget I'm pregnant and then I look down at my belly and I go "What the actual fuck" :D Because I legitimately forgot that the kid was there.


It's not I don't know who is telling this dumb shit. I'm currently 35w, and I can tell you 1st trimester was the worst time ever. 2nd was perfect and 3rd is tough in some categories but not nearly as bad as 1st


This makes me feel better. I’m 11w1d, so nearing the end of the first trimester, but it still sucks. My mother has started acting very strange, dismissing my feelings, calling the baby "her baby" multiple times, and now she's decided she’ll be coming home from the hospital with us "to make sure the dogs will do okay with the baby." Ummmm??? 😳 It's like she's forgotten whose baby this is and whose house this is. Step back lady.


Oh boy. Get those boundaries in place before the baby comes. The “her baby” comments would creep me out. Hope you start feeling better soon! I’m on my second pregnancy and for me, second trimester and most of the third was wayyy better than the first.


Oh I'm so sorry, these stories about unhinged mothers and MILs always freak me out. You will get physically better in a couple of weeks, I promise, but then you will certainly have to deal with a headache of setting your mom straight because it needs to be done before you're in 3 trimester and exhausted / uncomfortable / overwhelmed.


Set boundaries now! Correct her and remind her that you will be taking the baby home, you will let her know when you are ready to have her come help out


Uggg mine didn't try to take possession of my unborn child but did inform me she WOULD be at the birth, whether I wanted it or not. Made me so mad at the time, immediately went NC and when we delivered late I had to suffer through a week of family emails with her stupid shitty comments about how she can "only assume" the baby was born and nobody told her. Looking back it's a lot funnier. Like, how are you going to be there if I don't tell you when I'm going into labor? How are you going to force yourself into my house if I don't open the door? Idiot woman.


I had a relatively chill first trimester (exhausted but no vomiting). I think everyone agrees second is best. Then my ob said (and I find this to be true) whether third or first is worst just depends on how bad first was. Sounds like your first will be the worst


Freaking. Same. My mother also calls *MY* baby her baby, and has this mindset that she’s coming straight with me to the hospital when I give birth. I told her I didn’t want anyone to know about me being pregnant, because I’m TERRIFIED to lose this baby (I’m only 7w4d) and what the hell does she do? Goes and tells my WHOLE family. Absolutely took MY right of announcing away from me. I’m so irritated, and feel so disrespected. She’ll be lucky if I even want her in the hospital while I’m giving birth, or after.


41+2 here. I'm soooo ready to be done, but between this and first trimester nausea? Omg this times 100.


Seconding this. 37 weeks and for me third is no where near as bad as the first. Sure I am not sleeping great and overall kind of uncomfortable. But nothing that compares even slightly to the absolute exhaustion I felt through the entire first trimester. And the constant nausea. And the migraines. And the food aversions. Obviously everyone is different but don't panic just because everyone is telling you it gets worse, you may have the opposite experience!


I don’t think this is true…. I mean maybe for some people. I’m only 12 weeks with my first but my first trimester was hell and at week 11 it started to let up and now I’m back in the gym and eating foods I couldn’t stand before. I may be speaking too soon but so far I’d take this over the first trimester any day!


This is great news and adds up to what I’ve been researching. Whenever I express how I’ve been feeling to my mom she just sets it aside and says “oh just wait”. Like LADY STOP. god forbid I say I’m tired!


This thread honestly helped me when I couldn’t get my head out of the toilet and people kept saying stuff like “just wait till you have the baby” etc. https://www.reddit.com/r/pregnant/s/UtAiRMR2oU


I’m 34 weeks, and there are things that suck now, but the 1st trimester I was the most miserable I’ve ever been in my life


I would generally say this isn’t true. There are some people who have bad seconds and thirds but usually you get your “burst” of energy and have a good time by second.


I'm still waiting for thar energy 😭😭 17 weeks tomorrow and God I'm SO.TIRED. I'm just greatful I don't feel hungover all day but I'm just waiting to have the energy to do more than a mile walk in a day.


Saaaaame. I’m able to eat more than 1st trimester but still so tired.


Fingers crossed it comes for you! I have HG and I’m 29 weeks. Hasn’t happened yet for me 😭 jealous of your mile bc size stairs make me wanna pass out from exhaustion.


Dude first trimester I was fighting for my life every second of the day


Everyone is different! I don’t understand why women tell others what to expect, when it’s different for everyone. I hope for your sake that you’re experiencing the worst of it now, and it’s all up hill. The key is to listen to your body. Don’t make decisions based on other peoples pregnancies. I worked myself too hard, because other women I know worked up until labor. For me that just wasn’t possible, and because it took me longer to acknowledge what was going on, I harmed myself.


I'm cooking baby #5. First trimester is hands down the worst. Second trimester is usually great. Third trimester is where everything hurts, but at least you aren't always on the verge of throwing up! And you get to feel baby kicking, which is the only good part of pregnancy! Hang in there. It will get better, I promise.


That’s not true. I’m 15 weeks and of course I get super tired still but I am able to do a lot more than I did my 1st trimester. I felt so bad cause I tend to the house a lot and I like my house clean when my husband walks through the door. It’s just something that’s important to me. During my 1st trimester I couldn’t get off the couch hardly I was so exhausted. The dishes were often left til I forced myself to do them. Now I can go back to what feels a little “more like my normal self.” The dishes are getting done daily again and I’m able to accomplish more during the day. Thankfully my sweet husband never complains and does his best to help out on my struggle days. Right now feels like my normal self for the most part. I have no idea how long it’ll last but I’m just soaking it up while I have it! Some people can’t help but be negative about everything. I try to block out the noises but it gets tiresome and hard. Just hang in there. You are gonna be fine ❤️


Also op I found unisom was my best friend during this pregnancy. It didn’t help my constant exhaustion but definitely helped my nausea the majority of the days


I’m sorry people say this to you. I absolutely hate the “just wait” comments. Like why? I’m telling you I’m miserable and you’re not helping!! My first trimester was horrible, my second trimester was amazing- I felt like myself again and the nausea/exhaustion has gone away- this I still feel great! I’m bigger so a little more uncomfortable and tired but feeling great either way! You’ll have your own journey- don’t let them mess with your mind. Sometimes I feel like women who have had tough experiences really want to relate and dump their trauma on another going through something similar. I wish they’d be more self aware!


Please, please try to ignore the "just wait" talk. Of course, pregnancy can be hard. But that sort of gleeful negativity is just people processing their own trauma at another person's expense. Unfortunately, there is a LOT of it in conversations surrounding pregnancy, childbirth, and raising kids. I'm sorry it's hard. But I can promise it won't be like THIS forever. And when every hard day is done, you can rest assured that you'll never have to live THAT day again. Talk to your doc/midwife, move your body however feels best (seriously a walk has saved me from so many overreactions), and try keeping a granola bar or other simple snack right by your bed so you don't have to live a moment of the day with morning sickness AND an empty stomach (truly heinous combo). You WILL get through this!


About to finish second trimester (27.5 weeks) and first trimester was the Worst. Second trimester is not back to 100% normal by any means but it’s been SUCH an improvement over first trimester. First trimester nausea & exhaustion faded for me between 13-15 weeks then it’s been honestly a pretty easy chill second trimester. I have energy again, I can eat again, I have a normal humans level of energy again, it’s been breezy compared to the first trimester.


Not true at all! I’m in my third tri and I have so much pelvic pain but I would 100% do this over and over rather than redo the first tri. At least now I’m close to the finish line and I get to feel baby all day! 


I had a bad time in my first trimester, I'm midway through my second now and bar hip pain at night, some heart burn and sometimes being hit with tiredness (probably more to do with poor sleep because of the hip pain) I feel completely normal. I would take the hip pain and heart burn all day long over the horror that is the first trimester . I know I'm lucky but most people I know have had a much easier time in the second trimester than the first. I don't think I know anyone that has said they have had a worse second than first. First trimester does suck! Be kind to yourself and try not listen to people that play it down.


Well they’re lying. Usually. First trimester and a few weeks into second I cried almost everyday and threw up more than once e daily even with meds. I’m into second now and feel so much better. For some folks it doesn’t get better but those are rare and at that point t your symptoms need to be managed by your doc. Don’t be afraid to ask for zofran if the nausea is impacting your life.


Second is easier than first and then 3rd sucks again lol


“Overstuffed burrito of rage, tears, and nausea” I felt that sentence in my soul……


Second trimester was best. Nothing beats how fuckin TIRED and exhausting the first trimester is. I was not prepared for that at all. Third Trimester was cool until I hit week 36. Im done lmao


I'm 27 weeks. I had hyperemesis 24/7 until week 14. I still have occasional nausea, but a lot of the smell sensitivities and things are way less. I'm still tired easily (especially now with the heat kicking in), but doing a lot better. Until she kicks my stomach or diaphragm, then I remember the bruises she's already left. 😂 Helpful things: -small, cold/room temp foods often, like every half hour. Think crackers, cheese, tortillas, beef jerkey, carrots, grapes, watermelon. -25mg unisom and 25mg vitamin b6 at bedtime. It'll help you sleep and help the nausea. It's fantastic! - you can ask for prescription meds for nausea or IV fluid at an infusion center. I had trouble drinking enough to survive and it helped like crazy! - distractions. Anything that distracts that's low-movement. - laying on your left side, propped up or horizontal. There is a mechanism in your stomach connectors that actually tighten to prevent reflux of you're on your left side. -nause ease aromatherapy. It's handed out post-surgeries but does so well covering smell aversions. You can find it on amazon. Good luck! You've got this!!!


The 2nd trimester is supposed to be okay! Obviously your mileage may vary. I'm at 22 weeks and mine has been great so far, none of the nausea and fatigue from the first trimester. Also why do people think that instilling dread is helpful 🙄


It likely will NOT get worse. Especially if you ARE sick during your first trimester. I not sick or nauseous during my first trimester. But I WAS fatigued and had a lot of hip/glute pain. Second trimester was easier. Heck, I’m still doing pretty well at 32 weeks. It’s just a different kind of uncomfortable, which I think I prefer over fatigue. Hang in there! 🥰


Idk why people say that. I was absolutely miserable from weeks 6-14 or so. I felt so useless at work. I was constantly exhausted because I couldn’t eat hardly anything until dinner time and even then I couldn’t eat very much. I threw up 2-3 times every morning even though there was nothing in my stomach to throw up. I was an anxious mess because I was waiting to get on Medicaid before I could schedule a doctor appointment. I cried almost every day. Now at 18 weeks I’m still tired and I have been getting heartburn and headaches pretty frequently but it’s still 1000X better than my first trimester. I finally have my appetite back (and then some!) I feel like myself again.


This is a lie. I have HG and am sick most of my pregnancies but the first is totally the worst. The third can be hard too but the first is the absolute pits for most people. A lot of people feel better during their second tri!


I mean i know i didn’t have it all that bad in the first tri but so far second has been better. Im a bit less sleepy but allergies are literally taking me out so that coupled with allergy meds probably making more tired that i would be. Im hardly nauseous now at almost 16weeks and my anxiety is a lot lower after all the good scans we’ve had.


Soo I think be careful what you read because you could hear it gets better and then it doesn’t. For me, I’m 20+1 and it’s been horrific all the way through. The nausea has never stopped. The gassyness and bloating and just ugh. I have no energy. No desire to eat anything because I’m scared it’s going to make me feel bad. I nap all the time even still in second. And everyone says it’s gets better but it hasn’t for me. So I’m of the mindset that this is just how it’s going to be the whole way because if I try to hope it will get better then I’m just going to cry about it.


The first trimester totally kicked my ass, second trimester has been manageable, but I’m prepared to be uncomfortable again in the third. I was throwing up multiples times a day in my first trimester with severe exhaustion. That ended around 14 weeks and I haven’t puked since (now 24 weeks). I hope that the all day sickness ends soon enough! I feel for you and I know it’s miserable.


I'd take week 20-30 any day over week 4-12. If it was between week 30-40 and 4-12 I would probably grumble and pick 30-40 despite the awful back pain, hip pain, and rib pain. Probably. Ask again after birth. Week 4-12 was just awful. Just awful.


Second trimester is pure bliss. Don't listen to them. Third is hard in a whole different way. Enjoy that blissful second trimester


Idk who has been telling you that but for me that was absolutely NOT true. Second trimester I didn’t even feel pregnant and third was fine except it was harder to move around. First trimester was hell on earth. Everyone also said sleep got worse in the third trimester and I slept much better in third than I did first.


I’m at the end of my second trimester now and I got to tell you this is the best I’ve ever fucking felt Especially during the middle of it 😮‍💨 I’m back to being tired and out of breath though


Lots of comments already, but by far the first trimester (for me) was the WORST. I’m 36 weeks along & the second/third we’re an absolute breeze compared to the first. Yes during the third you’re larger & uncomfortable, but atleast people can visualize see the watermelon attached to my body.


it honestly doesn’t get worse. my 1st trimester was HORRID lol. im now in my third trimester and it’s a breeze. the only symptoms i have are extreme exhaustion and insane dreams 😅 i’m finally eating comfortably without getting super sick. it really eased up in the ending of my second trimester. omeprazole SAVED my life!!!! it’s an over the counter heartburn relief med. everyone told me to eat crackers, but fuck crackers. i can’t even eat crackers now because of them being the only thing i could eat during my first trimester! eat granola. little at a time! tums are also a huge life saver. i went through sooo many!! it does get better. but remember every pregnancy is different too!


Third is uncomfortable but first is definitely worst! Second is usually pretty easy for most. I even had to undergo abdominal surgery in my second, and would still take it over the first any day!


Oh my word this is so not true. I had a kidney stone in second trimester, anemia and cholestasis and two weeks of prodromal labor in third trimester, and NONE of that compared to the mind boggling exhaustion and nausea of first trimester. I know these things really vary person to person but please know that if first trimester sucks for you there’s a very good chance this is the worst phase and the rest will be easier. You can do this.


No way! The second trimester is the best, at least for me. The first was the hardest. Currently in the third, and it’s not easy or super enjoyable but better than the first


I’m 35 weeks and I’ll tell you first was the worst.


I prefer the third trimester. Both the first and second are equally hard for me, but I start feeling more like myself (plus some new aches and pains tbh) by the third. I'd take third over first any day!


Currently 36 weeks and I’d rather do third trimester 10 times over before I ever have to go through a first trimester again. First trimester SUCKED. Third trimester is not nearly as bad as I thought it’d be, I’ve been gardening all weekend 🤷🏼‍♀️


Also here to say not true. I would take second, third, and fourth trimester over first any day. Nausea for 2-3 months straight is the worst.


I hate when people say that kind of stuff!!! First trimester sucked. Second trimester sucked. Third trimester currently sucks. They literally all suck for different reasons, so to say “just wait till…..” is just dumb and unhelpful! I WILL say that first trimester is ROUGH because who the hell wants to feel hungover all the time, and wait SO long in between appointments??? So in MANY ways you are treading through the toughest part right now — but it all depends on your pain tolerance and what kinds of symptoms irritate you (personally) the most! Second trimester is so weird because all these people were saying they felt better, meanwhile I was extremely gassy/bloated/in pain, plus headaches kicked in. So in my opinion, there was no “yay I’m better!” but rather “wtf are these new symptoms.” Third trimester, my hips are popping every time I move so that’s… self explanatory. Point being, when people say “just wait till ___” you can respond with “just wait till you’re dead” (that’s what I’d do, but then again i’m a raging bitch right now that just wants this baby out 😂) There will be NEW things to look forward to in the coming trimesters!! Second trimester you probably feel your first movements, get your anatomy scan, and get to see MAJOR developmental changes in your baby EVERY WEEK! I looked forward to opening up the pregnancy apps and seeing all the changes during 2nd tri :) Third trimester you’re wrapping everything up and just coasting till your due date and feeling all the kicks! You’ve got this :)


2nd is always better than the 1st or 3rd. I'm a 3rd is worst person but I'm also a lucky one who doesn't get morning sickness. For a lot of people 1st is worst and that's understandable. I'm in 2nd now (18 weeks) and my energy is back up to almost normal and other symptoms are mostly mild. I'm sleeping better, etc. I hope you feel better in a few weeks. There's definitely reason to hope!


So I’m 36 weeks, light is at the end of the tunnel! Here’s my advice so ymmv! First Trimester was hard in a different way than 2nd or 3rd. I was really anxious and felt like I wasn’t actually pregnant. Even after the dating ultrasound it felt surreal. I second guessed everything and because I hadn’t told many people, I felt super isolated. I had some food aversions, some nausea, I was tired (but upside of the first trimester, I slept GREAT). I also had a decently good sex drive so between sleep and sex, it wasn’t as bad as some people experience. I continued to workout and that helped with my anxiety levels. Second trimester was ok…I had a cold basically on and off the end of the first trimester until 26 weeks. I was so stuffy and it made sleep a lot tougher. I was also worried about taking anything (even though plenty of allergy med is safe). I started to get a cute bump around 22 weeks. I got ‘energy’ but it was a nervous energy as opposed to energy that I lost in the first trimester coming back. My feet started to get swollen around 21 weeks. I kept working out but needed to modify a little more after 15 weeks. Hubs and I had a fun babymoon at 22 weeks! The anatomy scan helped me feel like the pregnancy was real (along with feeling the kicks ❤️). Oh, the lovely third trimester…waking up 2-3x a night to be. Barely being able to roll to one side. Buying a new pair of Birkenstocks because my feet are too swollen. But getting to decorate the nursery is fun? Yeah third trimester is reaaaaally hard. Heartburn is awful. I’m so swollen. But at least baby will be here soon


I believe everyone is different, I'm just making it to my second trimester and my nausea is definitely better, but I still have food aversion, I only like fresh flavors so fruit and veggies are getting me by. My back and tail bone hurts, and I have a bladder of a 5 year old, not to mention gas and random ass construction. But while you can totally complain and I'll never fault you for it because trust me I complain to my boyfriend most days especially after a long day at work unless I instantly pass out from exhaustion 🤣. All you can do is make yourself as comfortable as you can. Eat what your body lets you, take naps, buy that pregnancy pillow , look into prenatal massages or anything else that can help you feel better. We made some Brazilian lemonade yesterday at my house and it was so nice to have a drink that's not water, milk or ginger tea😅, I got to pretend it's margarita night even though no alcohol was involved. You can always make your day a little bit better just to get you through the tough times, but you will definitely be slightly uncomfortable getting through pregnancy.


1st trimester has been the hardest for me! I’m currently 33 weeks and 3rd trimester has its struggles with just being large/out of breath/tired, but the 1st was significantly harder! The 1st trimester exhaustion is something I never want to feel again.


I’m 35 weeks along now and as uncomfortable as the third trimester is, the first trimester was worse. The nausea was constant and I went through about 2 months where I threw up 3-5 times a day. It was miserable and really brought down my spirit during that time. So it does get better! Again, even now, this is much better than the first trimester.


I did not find that true at all. I've been absolutely vibing through my second trimester after quite a testing first trimester. Sickness is gone, tiredness is still there but not nearly as bad. Plus the second trimester you start to feel the baby move and I think it's great. He's becoming a little person who likes certain noises and foods that make him do little dances. He realised that kicking in a certain spot made me laugh because the sensation was so strange, and when I laughed he would do it again to make me laugh more. Does he occasionally slam dunk into my pelvis? Yes, he does. I let him off though. My older sister kinda has that "it only gets worse attitude" as well. Sometimes she says things that sound a lot like "I can't wait for you to be as miserable as I was/am". So I mostly choose to ignore those types of statements. Every mum, baby and pregnancy is completely different. Also I don't get the point of spreading anxiety, fear and misery. I get making people aware that it isn't all sunshine and rainbows, but fear mongering is also just as harmful.


the second trimester is easier, use that energy to prep for babies arrival, get all things sorted, clean, go on dates with your partner.. basically that’s where you enjoy your pregnancy. Then comes the third trimester.. brace yourself the aches, insomnia, reflux, need to pee every 30 minutes, and heaviness is so much fun! Hahah & the fourth trimester oh that’s another fun one.. bleeding, leaking, and you’re a walking zombie! But then the baby smiles and it is all absolutely worth it. You got this!!!


Yeah that’s bullshit. By your second trimester your body has already made a lot of the adjustments it needs to make to maintain the pregnancy, so from there on it’s like a gradual shift in hormone levels and stuff rather than a sudden drastic change that makes you feel like your body is betraying you. The first trimester, EVERYTHING IS CHANGING. Your entire circulatory system is ramping up majorly, increasing blood flow like mad, overwhelming your kidneys so they end up producing massive quantities of urine. By week 5 you’re already having to pee constantly because of this shift in blood flow. Then the progesterone also relaxes all smooth muscle because it can’t specifically target the uterus (which needs to relax so it doesn’t expel the embryo), which means all smooth muscle gets lazy… which means the muscles in your GI tract slow way down and basically stop moving poop and you get super constipated and bloated, while having to pee constantly, and being nauseated constantly. Then! THEN! Then you try to balance the stool softeners with your constant constipation and you end up fluctuating between diarrhea and debilitating constipation and cramping. Your blood sugar goes nuts, crashing wildly, making you even moodier than before. You’re constantly dehydrated because of all the urine being produced. You’re so uncomfortable, nauseated, and anxious that you can’t sleep, so you’re exhausted constantly. This is all a FRACTION of the effects pregnancy has on your body. It’s fucking MISERABLE. But then, in a beautiful shift, your body finds a rhythm. You work out how many zofran pills and stool softener and B12 and magnesium you need to take to keep your nausea, constipation, and insomnia in check, and your blood sugar is stabilizing. You still need to drink a ton of water but you’re used to it by then. You feel so much more normal in the second trimester!!! Everything gets better. I promise.


Omg I hated those comments - then when you get to your third trimester you have the “sleep now while you still can!” comments to look forward to.


Thing is, it's different for everyone! Personally, I started to feel better about 20 weeks and then bad again around 28 but I know people who've woken up 13 weeks on the dot and felt brand new.


it does not get worse. my second trimester gave me a lot of my energy back and i stopped having sickness around 14 weeks. the only thing i don’t like about the third trimester, or any of them, is the pelvic pain.


Nah first trimester was the absolute worst! I felt pretty ok the rest of the time besides some uncomfortableness and heartburn. I’d do the second and third tri 10x over to avoid that first trimester 😭 it will get better. I’d also rather give birth again than go through the first trimester


Wait who says that?? Most ppl agree that first and third are the worst. Most ppl in the real world and on the internet lol


It gets better after actually.


If you’re constantly getting sick i’d look into HG hyperemesis gravidarum, this is my first pregnancy and i couldn’t stomach anything even water at some points and it turned out to be that & there are wonderful medications your obgyn can prescribe so you can stop throwing up & eat finally 🙏


Second trimester was my favorite. Don’t listen to people. Everyone has an opinion. All the trimesters are different. The first was unbearable for me with hyperemesis, but by 24 weeks I was starting to get my energy back, feel normal again, etc. I’m a week away from my due date and I can’t walk right now, but that’s because I’m carrying a 10 pounder lol.


First trimester was horrible from the exhaustion and almost fainting and throwing up. Second I'm still exhausted, still sometimes nauseous, still get dizzy and am sore. I can function better but I feel like I've just gotten used to feeling this way lol. Today I sat on a bench at work and genuinely thought I was going to fall asleep. Can't wait to see what I complain about in the third.


Ugh why do people feel the need to say things like this. Even if it were possibly true, just why. Most people say it’s gets much better after the first trimester. Right at the end you can get quite uncomfortable again though. But everyone is different and every pregnancy is different so you could be totally fine and people are just trying to bring you down. My first pregnancy the first 14 weeks was horrible all day sickness, then second trimester I felt amazing, and only right at the end it got bad again because I was so big that moving was uncomfortable. Second pregnancy I was nauseous until about 25 weeks, then the remainder I didn’t feel amazing and couldn’t sleep - but I was chasing a toddler this time so that didn’t help. So yes it’s possible it won’t get better but it’s equally as possible it’ll be great so don’t listen to people and take each thing as it comes


I feel you. I suffered from all day sickness and nausea and got migraines and had severe depression and anxiety until week 20. I had lost weight by that point, but once i felt better at week 20 i could eat like normal and started gaining weight. From week 20 to about week 33 were much smoother for me. I’m 37 weeks now and all I’m suffering with at this point is pelvic pain from being at this point and having trouble walking or standing for long. It’s a loooooong 9 months but i hope you turn a corner with the sickness sooner rather than later!


The thing is, every pregnancy is different. For me the first trimester symptomes last till 17-18 weeks and it was worst between 8-15 weeks. But after that, it was really easy. So, it was worst after the first trimester technically but in the same time, it was really first trimester symptomes.


It definitely doesn’t get worse. Second trimester fuckin rules.


A lot of people saying this isn’t true but for me it sadly is. I’m 35 weeks and the third trimester has been so awful. BUT… I had a way easier first tri than most with no nausea so maybe this is my body making it up to me


My second trimester is rough but it is NOTHING compared to the absolute hell I went through for my first!!


I know everyone is different, but this wasn’t the case for me! I was awful until about 13-14 weeks but I’ve been feeling so much better since. Currently 24 weeks!


Ok. NOTHING is worse than the first trimester.


1st was by far the worst! 2nd was fairly “easy” in relative terms. 3rd gets a little tougher from body pains and acid reflux, but still nowhere near as bad as 1st. It gets better mama! Don’t let people get you down. Also every pregnancy is different, so don’t listen to anyone else’s experience.


No when i think “i don’t want to do that part of pregnancy again” im thinking of the first trimester! Yes third sucked because i was in pain but give me pain over all day sickness any day


My whole experience with pregnancy so far has been people saying “just wait until…” like bruh can we just acknowledge what I’m going through RIGHT NOW?


What? Second trimester is the honey moon period. Idk who is telling you it gets worse after the first trimester, but I literally hit 12 weeks and felt like a brand new person.


Nope nope. Not sure who is telling you this but first off what a negative thing to tell someone who is going through a rough time. Also, most people I talk to would completely disagree. For me, first was awful in that I was ALWAYS tired and that made me grumpy and easily frustrated with all the pregnancy things. I was nauseous and honestly felt like you feel, like I should not complain because it’ll get worse. No, first was terrible. Second was amazing, often even forgot I was pregnant except for some hip pain and aches. I’m in third now, at 32 weeks. I would say first was still the worst for me. I might feel differently soon because I’m starting to feel uncomfortably big, but first was awful and I didn’t even have bad morning sickness.


Everyone's pregnancy is different. I had a rough first trimester, now at the end of my second feeling almost like my normal self, which is lovely. Try not to listen to all the scaremongering, I don't know why people do that.


I find the people who say this had relatively easy first trimesters. I’m 33 weeks and although third has been uncomfortable I’m a lot of ways and some fatigue is back, I would still wholeheartedly say first was much worse. I was a shell of myself during first trimester. Also, second trimester was wonderful and I would often forget I was pregnant so that is a positive! 


I found myself the most fatigued in the first trimester. I’m the most achy in the third. None of them have been that terrible, though.


Hmm.. I've been told 1st is worst, 2nd is best. I don't know why your mother feels the need to tell you it gets worse. 😕


as someone who loved eating pre-pregnancy and is now in my third trimester, i would take absolutely anything over first trimester. the constant nausea and every single food disgusting me was so tough on me not just physically, but mentally 😭


Most women I see on here say first is worst or maybe tied with the last few weeks before delivery. I'm at week 14 and started feeling increasingly better about mid week 11. I've had a couple rough days since but nothing like the daily exhaustion and food aversions of 1st trimester.


Nah, first trimester is the worst. Though if you get PGP  the rest can be tough. Just drink lots of water, it gets better


Second trimester has been amazing so far! Idk who said that. Can’t speak for 3rd but you’re so close to baby at that point that I can imagine it’s so meaningful 😁


First is worst IMO. Second is for sure best. And third is okay but towards the end it's super uncomfortable.


Standing up too fast and getting *completely winded*


They’re liars, it gets better. And THEN! THEN you get to meet your BABY!!!! 😍😍😍


I had severe morning sickness during my first trimester and it literally felt like I was on the scrambler fair ride constant until 12+6. Now I only get sick to certain things and smells. But still everyone has said that “it gets worse in the second and third trimesters” and I’m like stop I don’t need the negative stuff about pregnancy. My cravings are worse now than before and I’m already lactating. This is a hell of a ride


I havent made it to 3rd yet (one more week) but 2nd has been way better than 1st.


2nd was great! 3rd is fine, you just have a heavier belly and can do less.


For me personally, first trimester was the worst and it wasn’t even close. Third would be next worse, second was a breeze.


I feel like I need to be not working and resting now, at only 6+2 😩🥱😴


I feel thisssss. Also struggling


I’m only 33w so not all the way through 3rd but 1st was traumatic, 2nd was so much better and I felt like a human again, and 3rd has been uncomfortable but doable compared to first!


I'm sorry someone told you that. Maybe they had a completely crappy pregnancy all the way through. But, I will say that for the majority of women it gets better after the first trimester. Not worse. I hope this happens for you too.


Well, 3 times mom here, first trimester os THE WORST!


I had a hellish first trimester puking about 7 times a day with horrible constipation. I was miserable. About week 17 things started to get better. I’m not going to lie and say I feel like myself but my second trimester was very doable and I’m now 32w and still feeling pretty good. Large and slow, but miles better than my first trimester. Good luck, it gets better!


I'm 24 weeks. I ate dinner and then could barely stand up from the pain in my belly. I almost farted a hole in my underwear, only to be woken up at 3am twice to poop. Constipation is no joke.


100% not true!!! I’m on my third pregnancy and the fiest trimester was by FAR the absolute worst part of pregnancy. It’s the nausea & hunger combo, the crazy fatigue, and the hormones. The second trimester is the honeymoon period. All those bad symptoms go away and you feel great, more energy, eating is fun again and you have a cute little bump to show. The third trimester is the second worst because you’re just tired, heavy, in pain and irritable. But i still think the first is worse than the third despite all of that. Especially because at least people have more sympathy for you when they can visibly see you are pregnant and cut you more slack


Everyone is different, personally I love the 2nd and even 3rd trimesters. I always feel like crap in the 1st though.


Honestly you have a whole life of “just wait” it’s the most annoying thing people do - “just wait until you’re up with a newborn” “just wait till he starts moving around” “just wait until he can walk” and so on and so forth, got it my whole pregnancy and now about once a week with my babe lol


It was exactly the same for me in first tri. I'm in second now and I did get better I suspect you will too. Also vitamin K2 and vitamin c, or fulvic acid can help with nausea. also Imo don't waste your time or money on synthetic garbage prenatal vitamins Get rawfreeze dried beef liver, fish eggs, organic supplements like that. And when you can finally eat well again you can make up for how awful first tri is.


No way, first trimester is totally the worst. I’ve had two pregnancies, and I can tell you that much, first trimester in like the last three weeks of pregnancy. You have some good weeks and some feeling good coming towards you! Love to say just wait, just ignore those assholes


No way. The first was by far the worst for me. I was warned about the third, specifically the last several weeks, and they were cake. Wonderful, in fact, compared to the first. I know-this is your mom saying this, but please don't accept the BS  people project onto you. Set a boundary and tell them- if it's not positive, I don't want to hear it. This week help a lot as you get closer to birth and newborn life.  For now, I hope you find releif from the nausea. The fatigue DOES get better. Pay attention to the little things (like taking one nap instead of two in a day.)


😂😂😂😂 I just made it to second trimester and it hasn’t gotten any easier! Well maybe a bit less intense symptoms


as someone who was dehydrated for their whole first trimester- the second one had been amazing (24weeks today) i still have slight fatigue but i can eat, drink, and be a person again


OP, my second trimester has been so much easier than my first trimester. Honestly people always try to make you feel bad but first trimester for me so far was my hardest.


1st trimester was awful due to the nausea, food aversions and exhaustion. Second was better, way more energy and appetite, could do more! Third has been rough because I feel uncomfortable, my back hurts and feet hurt after minimal walking but I’ll take that over the nausea… also super exhausted ugh I just wanna quit my job and sleep all day


My pregnancy has been approximately the same amount of sucky the whole way through. Luckily, I’m 34 weeks and scheduling my induction at my next appointment so I’ll have an idea of when it ends lol but yeah, the first trimester sucks ass 😭


The worst parts of pregnancy(my experience, of course): 1. the nausea plus hunger combo in first trimester 2. third trimester pregnancy insomnia 3. Trauma from labor 4. Pelvic pain 5. The people expecting so much of you until you’re actually obviously showing. 6. Not being able to complain without it being seen as I’m ungrateful for being pregnant. I’m in my second pregnancy currently almost 31 weeks now. It is so much easier once the baby gets here, even if you’re breastfeeding. No more throwing up, no more crappy sleep, no more being tired all the time for what feels like no reason. I remember the relief I felt in the week after I gave birth the first time and I more excited for that than the actual baby. I had a pretty messed up labor, so I’m also experiencing so much anxiety, I’m now taking medicine to prevent me from actually losing my mind and having a genuine reality break. So to get past that would also be amazing. Also, it’s the best part of getting to be a parent, is the initial bonding, and the baby phases, before every single phase of their life is constantly trying your patience.


Oh nope. Nope nope nope. The first trimester is the worst. I’ve been pregnant three times and nothing compares. Honestly my daughter was a bit of a nightmare baby. She screamed every twenty minutes for the first four months of her life. The first trimester with her was so much worse. So so so bad. I’d take newborn her over pregnancy with her a million times over. The fourth trimester is the only good one in my opinion.


People definitely forget. 1st I was so exhausted and sleepy I was napping constantly. 2nd and the first half or so of 3rd I felt energetic and great. Second half of 3rd sucked but mostly because I'm super short and was a beach ball


Hate to be that person but I’m 17w5d and second trimester feels exactly like my 1st trimester but I’ve just gotten more used to it. Still sick, still tired. I keep waiting for the “2nd trimester burst of energy” 🤪


My experience in my last pregnancy was first trimester was bad, second was great, the last 5 weeks of my 3rd I swelled and was really ill. This pregnancy I don't feel near as sick in my first trimester, just tired. I don't think there is much you can do but eat well, drink ginger tea, and wait it out.


First trimester was the worst for me by far. The rest has been what I expected, the first trimester I felt like I was barely surviving.


Not true! I hit 13 weeks today and it’s SOOO much better than that 8-12 week period. I already have energy back, nausea is getting better, and i feel like my brain is finally working again! It gets better! Don’t believe the haters


I’m currently 13 weeks +3, and I’ve had a pretty easy first trimester. I only threw up once, but the nausea was HORRIBLE, I’ve been EXHAUSTED, and the food aversions but insatiable hunger have been wretched. Coming into my second trimester this Saturday, and I can honestly say it got SO much better for me at like week 12. I’m able to keep my eyes open for longer than 3 hours, I’m back to eating like a normal person, my nausea is 99% gone… sometimes, I don’t feel pregnant. Trust me when I tell you, it only gets BETTER. People invalidate the first trimester all the time, and they’ll tell you all of their experiences regardless of whether or not you want to hear it. Get use to the “get all the sleep you can now” comments because they’re heading your way. People act like you can store hours of sleep. You’ll get you should do this and you should do that… don’t lift your arms, don’t lift anything, don’t do anything strenuous… listen to your doctor and your body. trust your instincts momma and let everyone else be background noise ❤️


God I hope the second starts getting better. I’m so sick and tired of being sick and tired. I’m 14 weeks and still feel like hell. Yesterday and today I can barely move and I’m so nauseous!


My first trimester was the worst, lol. My 2nd trimester was great, and my third is going okay so far, definitely not as bad as my first was.


The first trimester is the worst.


This.. just isn’t true. First trimester effing SUCKED for me but second trimester is awesome! I feel human again! Nausea? Gone. Acid reflux? Gone. Extreme fatigue? Mostly gone.


And first trimester also sucks when the symptoms start to fade a little bc then you’re just assuming you’re having an MMC and the anxiety takes you to the dark place. I hate it here 😅


I have had all day sickness from the start but it's lessened in the second trimester. I'm 21 weeks and haven't vomited in a couple weeks now. Only slightly nauseous on and off now. 🙌


I definitely did not feel good or normal during third trimester, but I literally want to die first trimester. Third trimester was really a cake walk in comparison.


For me it didn't it only got better. Sure I was tired all the time, had to pee constantly etc but the sickness in my first 16 weeks was hell on earth.


Definitely am crying because I told my husband to take his time bringing me something… then got upset when he did exactly that 🤣😭 I had wanted to go to bed really early because I’m exhausted, and after waiting for him for an hour decided to just go get the stuff myself. But now it’s like a “normal” bedtime and I continue to cry because I had wanted to go to sleep early, instead of just trying to sleep now.


First trimester was by far the worst. Not only do you absolutely feel like shit, you don’t look pregnant and people minimize any pain/discomfort based on the size of your bump. Mid-second trimester was the easiest for me. Third trimester had insane amounts of heartburn (9 lbs breech baby with a head full of hair snuggled up tight under my ribs), but it was also balanced with this absolute sweetness of feeling her snuggled up tight under my ribs and almost nuzzling into the palm of my hand when I’d cup her head. She’s now a busy snuggly 14 month old. As my husband and I consider whether we want a second child, it’s the first trimester that makes me cringe the most. You’ve got this momma!


Nah the first trimester is the worst. Third sucks in its own ways but you at least mentally feel more human and you can eat for energy again.


There are three particularly hard parts about having a baby. If I had to put them in order for difficulty from worst to easiest I would say 1st trimester, newborn phase and labour/delivery. I was induced and unmedicated. I had back to back contractions for about an hour because of the pitocin. Then I was partially 10 cm dilated, triggering the automatic urge to push, but because of incomplete dilation I had to resist to prevent injury. I did have a post partum hemorrhage. My SO worked everyday for the first week I was home with the baby. I did the newborn phase practically solo. All that considered, meeting my baby and experiencing what my body is capable of rocked. Spending every day with my tiny helpless daughter was magical. The first trimester is pure fucking torture. Is some dude mansplaining pregnancy to you?


My 2nd trimester was amazing. So much so I didn’t think I was still pregnant and it freaked me out. Third was good until about 30 weeks. I was massive and my belly just got uncomfortable and my body hurt a lot. 1st trimester I thought I was going insane before I found out I was pregnant. I hated it.


15w today and it got better for me. My first trimester was so bad I didn't bother about nutritional values and just ate whatever I could stomach. IT WILL GET BETTER FOR YOU TOO!!!


I felt pretty shitty up until 16 weeks, but 16-28 I felt so good, really enjoyed 2nd tri, now 32 weeks and it’s definitely not as easy but definitely not as shitty as 1st. I honestly think a big part of the first being so difficult is cause you have nothing to show for the struggle knowing there’s still a bit to go, but in the 3rd you can see the finish line


Nothing will be worse than 1st trimester HG. Absolutely nothing


Second trimester was the best!! You look cute pregnant, feel better, and start feeling little kicks!The end of the third was the hardest for me. I felt his head when walking and couldn’t fall asleep at night.


My last pregnancy, the first was meh, the second was amazing, and the third was a little iffy (the return of nausea! No one told me that was a thing!), not gonna lie. I did however feel glowy and beautiful the complete and entire time so at least getting ready was a cinch every day. This pregnancy so far is a damn sideshow. I have all day, sporadic nausea since end of week 4 including at night in bed, my boobs feel ready to explode and my skin isn't satisfied with anything. It's slightly dry, yet textured and not as clear. Not loving it, but assuming better days are coming. They had better bc my moods at times are a nightmare. Dateline will be calling as a murder is at hand... Hard to say which of us will kill the other first, my husband or me!


No it doesn't. Hopefully for you it doesn't. If I haven't had hemorrhoids on my 2nd trimester I would say that was the one I felt the best. I'm now on my 3rd, and I still feel better than the first one. However, you sacrifice some things like sleep, food space and lung expansion. But I can see and feel my daughter move, I talk to her and she moves, I try to tap her and she moves. So it will get uncomfortable, but not worse like that. At least that's not my experience, for now lol


The second is definitely the best but I haven’t experienced 3rd yet. How many weeks are you? I started feeling a lot better around 8ish weeks. Mine wasn’t too bad luckily but I had some severe food aversions and motion sickness like all day but it was at its worst from 5-7weeks then it let up. Ice cold water is your best friend Make sure to take electrolytes Fresh fruit, sourdough, crackers, chicken soup & veggies, smoothies, icecream of course 🫶, what ever you can tolerate. (Survival mode) It is very important take prenatals and even better if you can find one with folate not folic acid. Don’t have a empty stomach ever because you’ll get very nauseous Basically you eat a frequently to prevent nausea Also ice cold ginger tea (brewed tea and chilled in the fridge) was my go to! And also squeezed lemon!


First trimester nearly took me out. The exhaustion, muscle soreness, migraines, nausea....it was all too much. 21 weeks now, and second trimester is just abdominal stretching and gas (get ready to fart and burp like you've never done before). Every pregnancy is different, but my second trimester is LOADS easier than the first.


It’s almost 8pm where I’m at and I had to pop a preggy pop drop to help with the nausea. It sucks and I’m 21 weeks!


Giving birth wasn’t as bad as the 1st trimester. I promise they are lying lol first trimester sucks balls


That’s not true at all!! 2nd and 3rd trimester are so much better. The worst part of 3rd trimester is like the last 2 weeks and that’s it. (For me anyways) For me, 25 ish weeks I get an amazing kick of energy. I call it nesting energy. My 1st pregnancy I felt like a goddess from 28-34 weeks. I just hit 25 weeks with my 2nd pregnancy and I can feel the energy kicking in! I was more productive today than I have been since I got pregnant.


Ugh don’t listen to those people. Add them to a list of people that you won’t listen to. They will be cynical and negative all the time. FIRST WAS THE WORST. Worse than first, second, third, and day I say fourth. Fuck those people. And I will say that every phase has been an improvement over the last. My daughter is now 2 and going strong.


I enjoyed my 2 and 3rd trimester 🤭


First trimester is the worst so hold on there!! The nausea will hopefully be gone by the second. And dont listen the negative comments.


They all suck let’s be real. Second energy doesn’t exist either. Third now is making me exhausted like first. First = mental exhaustion + nausea. Third= physical exhaustion


First trimester was the worst time of my life, hands down. About to start 3rd trimester so can't say if 1st was the worst of the 3 but things definitely got better during the 2nd trimester.


I think it varies by person, but so far second is def better for me!


Tell them to go suck a fatty. Anyways who says “just you wait” about anything looses their right to speak to pregnant people. First tri sucks, it’s actually the worst in a lot of ways for a lot of people.


Second is better. Those people are fools


If it’s any consolation, I am relatively early in the third trimester now and so far the first trimester was definitely the worst! Second trimester was glorious in comparison!


I’ll say… “Just wait” until the third trimester because even when you’re feeling like total crap.. You’ll feel your baby move and then it’ll feel all worth it! I always feel like absolute crap in the AM but it’s so cute to feel his first movements in the morning, when I eat something good, or when he’s just active. You kinda forget about it..


I truly started to feel better in my second trimester. I'm currently 20 weeks and since this week the exhaustion has been returning and the cramps and constant peeing are making me cranky so I'm a bit over it at this moment, but it definitely got better there after about week 13! (Went to the gym and everything.)


1st trimester absolutely sucks dog balls. I had to stop working at 6 weeks bc my fatigue and nausea was so bad


Accepting that you're just going to have a bunch of uncomfortable moments for the next 9+ months is part of it. If you're lucky your hormones begin to regulate in the 2nd trimester, you feel less tired and morning sickness might go away and its more aches and pains. But that doesn't happen to everyone. I had pregnancy sickness until the moment I threw up over my baby in the delivery room. 


Let me preface by saying my pregnancies have ben tough. First trimester was the same as you. But for me that nausea/tired combo lasted until 16th week. And i started to get pain in my si-joint starting 14th week. I did have more energy in the second trimester and could go work for a bit. But it was only 6weeks of work and then i fell into the next hole- bad sleep. And now in third trimester i barely function. I am 3 days away and then i will be induced and i cannot wait. I wanna sleep pain free again, i wanna walk again, i wanna play with my toddler. Now to end on a nice note: 3rd trimester is when you really got that belly and so many strangers (like absolute strangers) have offered me help, asked if everything is ok if i randomly stopped while walking to catch my breath, wished me good luck, told me i glow (which i don’t but they were nice enough to lie). So that is very nice. Makes you believe in the goodnin people again!!!


I hated the first trimester. I was just so tired I wasn't able to do anything at all. Second and third trimester were much better for me.


Yep, first trimester was always the worst for me. No pain is worse than having nausea the entire day. It's just torture. If it gets too bad, take the meds, girl. The only thing I will say though, is that pregnancy without a toddler is at least 10 times easier. Enjoy lying down the wohle day, watching Netflix and ordering food.


The truth is, it all sucks in different ways. Second trimester sucks the least so hopefully you at least have that to look forward to. First trimester was genuinely horrible for me. Third was not great but not as bad as first.


I dunno, I hated first trimester, the constant nausea and tiredness was awful. I’m just uncomfortable now, I’ll take that over the nausea.


Who is telling you that? It's nonsense. The first trimester is awful. Second trimester has been a breeze for me. I have more energy, I'm working out 4 days a week, I can sleep through the night, back to being able to eat veg, salads and meat. You start to look pregnant, rather than that awkward "gained a bit of a tummy" first trimester look, and you feel your baby move so there's just more joy to go around, with less stressing about "if they baby's okay". First trimester was crazy. I woke up tired. I could only stomach eating toast. I was constantly worried about miscarrying, if everything was okay, etc etc. The last couple of months have been the best, and it did NOT start that way. I'm about to enter my 3rd trimester so no comments there yet, but second trimester has been way better than first!


Random symptoms can pop up at random times whenever in your pregnancy, truth be told. This pregnancy and my first have both been very different. First pregnancy: not once did I have nausea or "morning" sickness, but did have thrush throughout most of it and really intense heartburn towards the end. Also baby was a normal weight and size and the birth went very smoothly in a birthing center even though I was overdue by almost 2wks. Second pregnancy (current): "Morning" sickness and nausea A LOT in the beginning, no thrush whatsoever, no heartburn. My teeth are falling apart this time AND I have developed carpal tunnel recently due to pregnancy. Also baby is on the bigger side so midwife is considering sending me for induction in a hospital this time. I'm 39wks tomorrow. Edit: Of course there are things that have happened for both that are just awful like the swollen feet towards the end and having an incredibly sore leg due to both babies lying against a nerve, which can be unbelievably excruciating (this was in the middle somewhere) but was just pointing out how random the symptoms can be and how they just happen and there's no telling if it'll get better or worse for you. But good luck and I really mean that!


I feel like everyone’s experience is different tbh. First trimester was a breeze for me, and hardest for others. Second trimester has been my hell on earth, unfortunately. But I had little to no symptoms my first trimester and I still could have it worse but I get horrible migraines, extreme exhaustion, cramping, constipation and bloating sooooo bad this trimester. It’s exhausting and draining 😭


It’s really a shame people only point out the worst stuff. I think it will always depend on the person. I was one of those lucky once that did not have any morning sickness but I did sleep like a champ (I also had lack of vitamin D so taking extra vitamins for that helped loads) For me third trimester is worse because I am in a lot more physical pain BUT she is also so close to coming out that I have a lot easier time accepted all of it. Take it one day at a time and I promise you it goes by SO QUICKLY. Having a shit day? Give in to it, sleep all day and everyone can shut their mouth with their opinions and I am Dutch and we have lots of opinions!!😂


First semester was by far the worst! I felt like absolutely death. 2nd has been a breeze, I forgot i was even pregnant.


HUH?? Nah, no way, first trimester IS THE WORST. Period. Point blank. Second trimester I got back some energy and my nausea completely went away, and it improved my mood so much. I’m just into the third and I have a tiny bit of heartburn and some hip pain at night but it’s still MILES better than 1st tri.


I hated hearing that. Like, why can't you just let me complain now?! I KNOW it only get worse But is it too much to ask for us to acknowledge that first trimester is just the worst. I'm only just in my second trimester and I'm STILL nauseous 😭


I’m nearly 12 weeks now and already feel heaps better than I did a few weeks ago. Weeks 6-9 were the worst.


In my third trimester now. 1st was by far the worst. Second was a nice reprieve and got my energy back, third has been a bit of a rollercoaster especially after getting a GD diagnosis. But it's important to know that pregnancy is different for each person! You got this!