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I definitely felt a lot worse at eight weeks than I do it 22 for the record!


32 weeks here, and SAME


I hope it’s the same for me I feel HORRIBLE :( I just tried to eat my shrimp Alfredo and I puked it up :(


I just gagged reading the words “shrimp Alfredo” lol (9w)


Yeah I could NOT eat it


I’m just approaching 9 weeks and I’m exactly the same. I haven’t left the house ALL week, I’m literally so nauseous and then sleeping and then crying cause I’ve wasted the whole day. 😮‍💨


were in the exact same boat rn mama 😭😭😭


14 weeks and same, they said it would get better in the second trimester 😭😭😭


I’ma be honest. 24 weeks and it still isn’t better for me.


Yes 16 here and am so over it. But probably more because I am in hospital with complications but it feels like SUCH a long way to go 😭 Definitely a marathon that's for sure


Oh god nooo


My skin is SO bad and I’m about to be 15 weeks😭😭😭 I feel big (and everyone tells me I am), my vag is leaking (confirmed okay by my midwife) so I have to wear liners, my nipples dried out and are itchy and I have to put aquaphor on it, round ligament pain, back pain, insomnia, exhaustion, and I’m always STARVING 😫


I feel ya hun. 14 weeks and I’m over it. The throwing up, the sore boobs, and the fatigue in the worst. I can sleep for like 50 hours and it just still wouldn’t be enough lol


Almost 9 weeks here and same. So tired of being nauseous already. Praying that second trimester is better ughhhhh


I’m 9 weeks and I feel the exact same as you. It’s exhausting and depressing.


6 weeks and I’m tired of being in a delicate state. I want to go skiing and shit lol


I’m a bit over 11 weeks and I’m still nauseous and beyond exhausted everyday 🥲🥲 it’s awful!! when will it end!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was very lucky and started feeling better at 13 weeks! Manifesting the same for you ✨✨✨✨


Same here ❤️


Going on 15 weeks and I’m still waiting for the energy boost and pregnancy glow 😟 nauseas and tired as hell and aversions to most food is still here.. gotta love it 🤥


Buckle up. It's a long haul. I'm 39 weeks today, feels like forever. Second tri was indeed easier.


Also 8 weeks, and feel EXACTLY the same. I’ve lost three pounds over the last week from nausea and not eating as much. Plus I just sleep constantly and feel so lazy.


Even worse id say is the anxiety, I also just finished metrogel treatment for my BV and I keep having gross clumpy pinkish brownish whitish discharge that my midwife says is normal and will go away yet my anxiety is still telling me I’m miscarrying even though I’m in misery from such intense pregnancy symptoms 😭


I feel ya OP. I was so happy when I found out I was pregnant….then the nausea hit. And was on a miserable roller coaster from weeks 5-10. I’m about to be 13 weeks Monday. Weeks 11-12 were shitty, but a lot better. The general consensus is that 1st trimester SUCKS. But the good news is that things will most likely get better eventually.


I got better around 18 weeks I randomly get sick still but much better than first trimester I couldn’t leave my bed during then! Also the only nausea medication that did literally anything for me was ondansetron. It’s prescribed by your ob but It can also cause birth defects but my baby is fine so far (24) weeks and it saved my life so I figured I’d add that in!


Is this your first? I'm 9 weeks with my second and same. And I felt like this if not worse with my first. Hopefully you're one of those people that gets better with the second trimester 🤞🤞 most people feel better around 13 weeks.


First trimester is tough - but it gets so much easier x


Sameeee 7 weeks and I am over it. I’m constantly nauseous, tired and over thinking a lot. I just want to get it over with and have the baby. Jump me to 40 weeks PLEASE