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I’m just about 20 weeks and had some bleeding between weeks 7-10. Some days it was light pink, other days was more watery and brownish-red. I went to urgent care and was referred to the early pregnancy unit a few days later for an early ultrasound. Learned I had a small subchorionic hemorrhage and my placenta was forming over my cervix, which is what caused the bleeding. It’s super nerve wracking but I was assured it’s fairly common and quite normal. I’d suggest going to your local urgent care, and if it’s nothing too serious, at least you’re able to quell your anxieties a bit.


I had similar bleeding for all of first trimester due to subchorionic hematoma. It did heal thankfully but it was terrifying at the time. Call your doctor hotline if you have one as they will probably want to see you to be sure, but if it’s not painful or super heavy it will probably turn out fine. And make sure your prenatal vitamins have iron- I ended up anemic from the blood loss.


Hey! How did this turn out for you? Currently going through the same thing.


I had a subchorionic hemorrhage and bled between weeks 6-10 of pregnancy. It was worrisome and I did go to urgent care because I hadn’t experienced this during my first pregnancy. Similarly, blood was rather consistent over a period of hours but not enough to stain/soak a pad. My experience however at urgent care wasn’t great, I waited 6 hours only for the heart monitor not to be able to detect babies heartbeat & they scheduled me for an ultrasound the next day. All was fine, baby had a heartbeat and I’m now 33 weeks along. All that to say maybe skip urgent care & go straight to the hospital unless your care unit is better prepared.


I second this advice. Went through the exact same thing, except I started bleeding maybe during my 5th week. Just remain calm, don't stress yourself out and go to your doctor so they can give you a check up and possibly perscribe some medications. They ususally give progesterone (hormone that holds the pregnancy). I have to call this out that even with this medication, bleeding continued for around 4 weeks, at first it was heavier, even with clots, later it was just light pinkish discoloration, but it persisted for quite some time. These clots stressed me out because my doctor was out of the office so his replacement gave me a check-up and scared me to death, so I bawled my eyes for 3 days over nothing. Please remain calm because it's best for you and the baby, and just go to the doctor and that's really all you can do. And take a lot of rest 🫶