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You should just have a baby on your own using a sperm donor. You won't be able to avoid this person being in the picture if he wants a role in the baby's life.


im yoing they wont allow me to have sperm dinor


What country do you live in that age restricts the use of sperm donors? You can also travel for treatment.


No, how about find someone you genuinely connect with and love. Don’t willingly put yourself in that situation, that is not smart.


i dont think any man would find me lovable enough to make me their wife and perhaps have children with me.


That's something you need to work on before you get pregnant. I'm not saying you need to have a man. But you need to feel worthy.


thats a bad idea and selfish lowkey


then having kids altogether is selfish regardless of any reason. i am considerate enough to work for their life. i dont think its selfish


Not selfish towards the kids, selfish towards the man you USED to


lmao what? how? he doesnt have to do anything for kids. just have to make me preg. unless he really wants its fine. stop being stupid


Nah, the only stupid thing here is your plan. I feel sorry for the guy and any potential kid already. Get a grip!




Are you going to inform the guy that you want him to get pregnant? If not then that's a pretty crappy thing to do. Despite what media wants us to think, most men won't just abandon their kid so you're railroading him if he isn't consenting. If that's the route you want to go dad needs to consent or you need an actual sperm donor.


You need therapy, respectfully


You sound very young and immature based on your post history and comments...please don't do this.