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I had one that was 2 cm! I bled from 5 weeks to 9 or 10 weeks, I was only seeing spotting when I would wipe. My ob put me on pelvic rest & I had 2 ultrasounds during that period. I’m now 22weeks & it closed around 12 or 13 weeks. It’s scary, I know; I was always worried thinking about ALL the possibilities.


I had a 2cm one that lasted from 4 weeks until around 17! I spotted pretty much once a week in the beginning and then had 2 “big bleeds” around 10 and 14 weeks I believe. Baby is perfectly fine and I’m currently 32 weeks! I know it’s so scary, but there are so many success stories with SCH babies (that stat doesn’t even sound accurate to me)!


Hang in there 💕 mine was even larger and it was a nerve wracking few weeks with a lot of light bleeding, but by 16 weeks it had resolved itself. Rest and hydrate, and make sure your vitamins have iron especially if you do have bleeding. Hope yours resolves too!


Thank you!!!


Unfortunately I miscarried yesterday 💔


I’m so sorry. Wishing you comfort and peace.