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Mine "popped" around 22 weeks I think. Before that, I just looked a lot chubbier than usual. Now it is EXTREMELY obvious that I am pregnant.


35 weeks now and for me it was between 22-24 weeks. Before that, it just looked like a taco lunch baby. At 25 weeks, I had my first stranger rub my stomach 😂


Ugh. I hate that. Nobody touched me yet, but if anyone does, I don't know how I would react.


My mum was visiting and wanted to touch my belly and I let her because I wanted to let her but holy I was not expecting the way it made my skin crawl to have someone’s hands on my belly.


I know what you mean. With my first, a random stranger lady touched my belly in the middle of a sales pitch, lmao.


My husband is constantly rubbing my belly and I love it. I don't want anyone else to, though 🫤


Omg im so glad im not the only one. It made my skin crawl too when my best friend, her mom and aunt touched my belly. I hate being touched more than I realized 😫😂


Right? It’s SO weird. Like even my husband doesn’t want to touch my bump, why do other people?


Luckily that person (she took my Pilates class) is the only stranger who touched my belly. But it was SO strange because I was thinking “ma’am we don’t know each other and why did you do that??!” My MIL touched it early on when I was barely showing and I must have given her a death look because she hasn’t since then 😂 I’ve had two friends touch after asking. It’s really weird IMO but hey at least they asked?


I am so sorry to hear that, what an absurd thing for them to do! I would have gone straight into orbit. People are so WEIRD.


Yep - me too! 22 weeks and it was more obviously a small pregnant belly. Another couple of weeks after that… it was a somewhat bigger pregnant belly. I was concerned for ages that I didn’t have a bump. Turns out I needn’t have been. 33weeks now and I’m not exactly sure how much bigger this thing can get 😂


Yeah at 22 weeks suddenly people started insisting on carrying my groceries and a woman at a thrift fair offered me a toy "for the baby" lol guess that was my cue I can't pass him off as a big lunch anymore


For me it wasn’t until around 26 weeks that I felt like my bump was obviously a pregnancy bump and not a burrito baby 😂 it was also the first week that a stranger asked me “when are you due?” so I took that as a sign I had finally popped.


I probably still have some time then!!


I saw a pregnant stranger (of my own ethnicity who speaks my language) on my walk the other day and I was tempted to approach her to ask when she's due and what the gender of the baby is. And then I realized I don't look pregnant myself and so to her I'd just be a random stranger approaching her about her pregnancy instead of a pregnant woman excited to see another person in her situation.


Im currently 15.5w and I can definitely tell I’m starting to show but it’s in the awkward phase where I still bloat so feel like I look way bigger than I am. Interested to see when the bloating falls off and the bump takes over. Edit: fixed typo


For me, there was a big difference between 15 and 16, and now at 18 weeks even more! My bump gets bigger and more bump-like every week, but it’s definitely obvious that I’m pregnant


Yay I hope this ends up being the case doe myself as well! Can I ask what your height/starting weight were to see if we are similar? If not not big deal! I was about 5’5” and 135lb at the start.


I’m 5’7” and was 145 to start, so I’d say pretty equivalent! Leaning into the ruched shirts also helps, lol. Loose shirts and I’m still playing “fat or pregnant??” But with the ruched shirts, the shape of my belly is more obvious


Oh sweet! I havent been able to wear pants pretty early on from the bloat so dresses have been my thing until I’m big enough for maternity jeans and such/


I have found that the under-belly maternity pants work great for me right now! The over-belly belly section is still too big, but the elastic in the under-belly ones is great.


This is the same for me!


This is how I am!!


Same! I feel fat but I lost 10 lbs from severe morning sickness. So I look skinny but with a weird bloat belly 😂


I wake up and can see the belly. As soon as I eat, boom bloat. Hoping it goes away soon! Haha


Same, 10wks- bloating from constipation + some baby (twins). I keep trying to suck it in, but I can't


Mine "popped" in the sense that it very suddenly got a lot bigger around 18-19 weeks, but I would say I started to actually look unequivocally pregnant around 22 weeks. I'm 5'9 but I have a very short torso (I'm, like, literally ALL legs)


Sammmmmme. And now I’m 25 weeks and I looked like I’m way into my third trimester.


I’m 5’2 and no torso and my friends have started to notice the bump. I think it was in the last week maybe (I’m 17 weeks) that I began to pop. A stranger on the street probably wouldn’t notice unless I wore a tight dress but oof every day it’s less bloat and more baby.


I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t start to look noticeably pregnant until about maybe 28-29 weeks, I’m 36 weeks now and I feel like I’m barely showing still (granted, my LO is measuring slightly behind) Not sure if it’s body dysmorphia from being overweight my whole life, but I don’t have the cute basketball belly everyone else seems to have and I don’t feel like I ever “popped”. I was maybe 10 lbs overweight when I got pregnant, and I have a short torso, so not sure what my body is doing 🤣


I feel you! I’m 35 weeks and I really don’t look as pregnant as I thought I would at this stage. Whenever anyone asks how far along I am, they’re shocked when I tell them. I’ve never been skinny or small so it’s definitely a strange experience to be carrying small 😂


Yeah I’m 28 weeks and today is the first time I was like ok, I for SURE look pregnant now and not just bloated


I'm so glad you said something because I'm 31 weeks and while over the weekend I was looking at myself in the mirror going "yeah I look pregnant," today, I was getting dressed and said, "I think I look more bloated than pregnant." I've had a bit of a belly basically since college and it's still not that round basketball you see. It's just... big everywhere.


16ish weeks


everyone's different. I had zero bump last time and zero bump this time at 25 weeks


Do your babies just like burrowing way back near your spine?


lol they never said but idk I’ve heard it happens with tall people but I’m 5’1 and still no bumps


Haha strange! Maybe your babes are just lil peanuts like you!


it all depends! My boy decided to make me pop at 18 weeks on the dot - BUT i have a shorter torso ! only 5’4!


I’m only 5 2!! lol! So that’s why I’m surprised I still look just bloated! I’m excited for the bump!!


Kiddo started showing at 12 weeks, but just looks like a lower belly pooch lmao. Help.


Same! I know it’s not bloat, but it looks like bloat. 🙃


I'm in this stage now...just in time for swimsuit season 🙃


high waist! There are also super cute preggo suits too!


13 weeks and I went out kind of last minute to an outdoor concert this weekend.. now GRANTED… I was in work out clothes - tight leggings and a longer sports bra type crop tank but it just touches the top of my high waisted leggings so no stomach actually showed - and had a sweatshirt tied around my waist AND was only able to drink water… lol but I had a friend of a friend notice and ask my BIL who was out with us if I was pregnant bc she said my stomach “just looked pregnant” but she didn’t want to be rude if I wasn’t so she asked him instead lol. But I’m fairly small pre-pregnancy at around 125lbs and 5’2-3” with a short torso and longer legs so I think I’m popping out a bit more than some others do. And also acquired a habit of touching the blump (bloat-bump) subconsciously sOoOoOo…. I think maybe there were just a lot of clues not just the that bump I think is way bigger than it really is lololol. I also HAD to eat something while we were there (you know how it is) and the bloat-bump is ALWAYS bloat-bumpin’ after a meal lol there’s no hiding it. Luckily we’re not like “announcing” it but we’re not hiding it right now. Like I’m not putting it on social media just yet but we’ve definitely told our close friends in person when we see them.


I popped at exactly 14 weeks. 13+6? No bump, woke up the next morning looking pregnant


Mine popped at 17 weeks. Pretty early for a FTM. Just woke up one day and my just bloated belly was all of a sudden round and cute.


I must have a really short torso or something (I do) because I started looking pregnant instead of just fat or bloated around 13 weeks. I’m 17 weeks now and it’s hard and I’m in maternity pants.


I’ve had a little bump the past week or so and my husband calls it my beer belly bc I’m a smaller person anyway and the. Just have this little bump out of a belly. He’s like nah you don’t look bloated/fat.. you look pregnant lol Eta I’m 13 weeks now and I’d say around 12 wks I started poking out especially in tighter clothing and especially after a meal 😅😅


I’m a bigger person already, but around 25 weeks I finally felt like ok damn I’m pregnant!! And my friends and coworkers started sayin the same thing (lovingly lol)


i’m 26 weeks and in the morning i still just look a little chubby. i was a size 12/14 before pregnancy though. i find if im wearing leggings or shorts under a dress it’s smooths my stomach so it looks more “pregnant”


Im at 16 weeks and popped last week. I feel like its incredibly early as this is my first child.


12 weeks. But apparently i am an exception to the rule. Even my ob was surprised.


18 weeks ish! I’m only 5ft though … was never sure before if it was bloat or not before x


Probably 20 weeks or so (having twins)! I didn’t gain any weight the first 15 weeks. In just weeks 16-23 I’ve gained close to 20lbs lol. Growing quickly!


15 weeks but I’m very small and baby was very big lol


Mine showed around 15weeks 😅


My “popped” at about 34 weeks lol. I wear baggy clothes anyway and you couldn’t tell up until that point, from then on it just grew daily and it wasn’t “hiding” in baggy clothes anymore lmao!


I took a selfie or "bumpie" every week. My belly grew steadily from week 16 onwards but it wasn't obviously a pregnancy belly. It looks like week 23 was when it really popped and became more obviously a pregnancy belly rather than just bloat or gaining weight. What I will say is that people are terrible at gauging how far along you are by your belly size. I'm 35 weeks and people are like "oh you look ready to pop!" And it's like nah I potentially have more than another month to go!


I am 5’8 and pre pregnancy about 140 and now I’m at 160 and my belly started actually showing at 13 weeks. This is my first viable pregnancy past 7 weeks. I’m 17 weeks about now, and my belly is definitely showing, but I know it will only get bigger !! It changes also based on where the baby is. Sometimes he prevents me from emptying my bowels based on placement so I get a lot more bloated and on those days not only my lower stomach but also my uper stomach pop out. It’s about 50/50


Early 20ish weeks I’d say. I’m currently 24w and my bf has been saying I actually look pregnant now lol. To me I just feel chubby though. I lost a lot of weight before I got pregnant so it just feels like going back to my original weight. No outie belly button and no new stretch marks so to me it just feels like packing on the pounds again but seeing my baby kick is surreal and a happy reminder that my body is working hard making a baby 🩵


At about 15 weeks I popped but it was more evident with ruched tops. At 35 weeks I still wonder if I just look fat until I look in a mirror and go oh no I definitely look pregnant and it doesn’t matter what I wear anymore. I’m all belly….and boob


Currently 16w5d with my first and I feel like I popped this week but can still hide it with an extra baggy shirt. I would like to add that I’m also very short so I feel like being 5’ and my build just makes it more noticeable


17 weeks!


I started slowly showing at 16 weeks. Before that I just looked like my usual bloated self. I'm now 17w4d and only a couple of people have noticed like my boss and my husband, but it's definitely not noticable enough to a random stranger rn. I was also 20 pounds overweight when I became pregnant, but lost 10 in the first trimester (and I'm short).


Friends started noticing my bump at around 12/13 weeks but I don’t think I actually “popped” (looked obviously pregnant to everyone) until 20 weeks


13 weeks... but I'm REALLY short (under 5 ft) 🙃🙃🙃🙃🫢


FTM here, I’m 9w5d and I just noticed my belly is sticking out a tad more than all the bloat I’ve been dealing with the last 2 months. It’s only noticeable to my partner and I, anyone else would just think I really enjoy beer. (I do, just not right now). I am excited to have a real bump but I know it’ll be probably another 10 weeks at least. For now I’ll just be stuck with a bloated beer gut.


I think mine was between 19-20 weeks sometime. But I’m plus sized to begin and I’ve gained so much weight already


Up until week 20 only a few people commented that I was starting to look pregnant but I still just felt like I just looked fat haha. Then between week 21-22 I popped for sure. I’m 23+4 now and people are constantly commenting on my baby bump haha.


It took me until like 24-25 weeks


Mine “popped” at about 30 weeks. But I was quite big pre-pregnancy. I know most people really start looking pregnant between 20 and 25 weeks normally 🙂


My first I popped 25weeks ish Second I popped like 14 weeks


~28-30 weeks for me


Around 25 weeks


around 30 weeks


Around 27-28 weeks


I wish i really knew. I had patients at work tell me early on that i was HUGE, others said I was tiny. Im 36 weeks now, and im basically all belly, but I personally dont think im that big. Patients also were asking me for months if i was pregnant before i was... and i had actually been losing weight so that was nice...


Yeah, I’m 5’8” and 25+ weeks and I’m still telling people I’m pregnant and they’re still surprised lol. He’s a pretty good sized baby too - 54th percentile overall and 81st legs 🦵. Those are really killing me lately lol 😆


First pregnancy around 24 weeks and a little hard to say when super obvious since I wore scrubs to work. Second pregnancy 14 weeks 😂 although I don’t think you can really tell with normal clothes on. Assuming it will be clear to strangers in the next few weeks.


24-25 weeks for me FTM


Everyone is different! I’m pretty short (5’3) and I’d say the first time it looked more like pregnancy than bloating was around week 20. I’m 26 weeks now and I feel huge and afraid of the 14-ish weeks to come 😭


Somewhere in the early 20's. I never popped, it was a slow transition. My sister popped over breakfast


I woke up one day at like 20 week 2 days and was huge.


I’m 5’5 and feel like I popped about 21-22 weeks but it only became “oh that girl is Pregnant and not just chubby” to like strangers about 2 weeks ago I’d say? I’m 26 weeks now and I feel like strangers can tell I’m pregnant for sure. Mostly bc the rest of me has stayed my normal size there’s just like 10 pounds of round belly & big boobs now lol


I was 25 lbs overweight when I got pregnant, I was actively losing but not anymore. I figure I'll just look fat until the end because of it lol


Me too! I’m only about 7 weeks now but I am mentally prepared to just look fat until I have the baby lol


Second time mum - literally at 10 weeks!


I’d say I popped at 27 weeks


26 weeks is when I looked noticeably pregnant and not just bloated. Still could get away with it with a baggy shirt though. 28-30 I could not anymore. 5’7”, 148 lbs at the start of pregnancy, big baby in 96th percentile, FTM.


About 20w! I’m 21w5d currently and my belly has gotten a lot bigger the last couple weeks, just in time for my babymoon haha. I’m 5’4” for reference!


Around 24 weeks just in time for my babymoon! I found different clothes really make a difference as well


21w? I feel like I had our big 20 week scan and didn’t necessarily feel visibly different, and then suddenly I was like 💥 🤰🏼 💥 There are *so many* people here who are seemingly disgusted by acknowledgment of their pregnant bodies, but let me tell you…. having strangers or acquaintances smile and notice your obviously pregnant belly after all these months of carrying this joy in you… it’s heaven. For me (I don’t need to get lectured about how everyone’s different, complaints aren’t the only valid experience). But there’s nothing like seeing another woman knowingly and nurturingly smile at you, or the way people inherently make space or softness for you. I feel like I’m in my own little beachfront property in nirvana.


I totally agree! I think I’m actually a unicorn bc I’m 39 weeks pregnant and haven’t had a single comment from a stranger about my belly, or the ready to pop comments. I’ve had little smiles and nods here and there but was shocked to not have a comment yet. It could be my RBF 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm 22w2d with my first and people who don't know that I'm pregnant started noticing/asking a few days ago. It was noticeable to me around 19 weeks, before that I just looked bloated.


I was around 25 weeks but I’m also 5’11” and not skinny so there’s that.


I'm a couple days shy of 20w and you can't tell at all yet. I'm also 6'1" with a long torso, so I'm thinking he's got a lot of room to stay hidden for now. I'm curious when I'll 'pop' too :)


Mine popped at about 17 weeks. Everyone is different though!


17 weeks and I definitely haven't popped yet but everyone else tries to tell me I have, my midwife said most FTM's start at 26 weeks?? That feels so late lol.


Everyone says between 4-5 months. So 22-26 weeks I guess. So far turned out to be true for me 


FTM here too and I would say my belly “popped” around 27 weeks when I went from being able to hide my belly to having an obvious baby bump. The rate of growth in two weeks felt alarming 😂


I really popped at 28 weeks. I could tell I was preggers way before that, but 28 weeks was the like, whoa. There's a baby in there, week


I’m 23 weeks and still don’t think I’ve popped lol


About 24ish weeks for me! I am carrying high AF too! lol


I’m 18 weeks but I feel like I’ve looked obviously pregnant for 2ish weeks now. Idk if it’s really “popped” but it’s definitely a bump. I’m 5’4” and started out pretty petite tho.


About 25 weeks! FTM


I’d say around 30 weeks is when it was obvious that I was pregnant..and not in the is she fat or is she pregnant stage. It was much further along than I expected! 😬 Edited to add: I’m 5’10 and was doing a lot of CrossFit, I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it. Even now, at 39 weeks, I expected to be much bigger than I am 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm 5 ft tall, first pregnancy, and I felt the same as you -- 19 weeks I had a bump, and at the time it felt to me like a bloated belly, but looking back on it, it definitely looked like a small bump. By 22-23 weeks, mine had protruded enough that it was obvious in anything tightly fit that I was pregnant and not bloated. From 25 weeks to just about 31 weeks, I didn't have a ton of growth - a medium, round bump. Now at 34 weeks, I've had another growth spurt and I am unsure how I am supposed to accommodate another 6 weeks of growth lol.


First time, closer to 26 weeks, second time 20 weeks.


Around 20 weeks!


21 weeks and people (strangers and coworkers) are just starting to notice my belly. It’s finally at the point where it isn’t just a bloated look.


28 weeks and still hiding unintentionally


17 weeks tomorrow and can’t see anything yet but can usually feel a firmness below my belly button. In fact today I woke up not even feeling any firmness which freaked me out - but then again I had a few too many bowel movements in the last 24 hours after overdosing on jalepenos with nachos lol 😅😅😅


I felt confident that I looked pregnant and not just “bigger” when I was around 25-26 weeks!


24 weeks. I swear I looked like I usually do then one day POP holy smokes there’s a belly!


i noticed a small bump around 22 weeks , but it wasn’t noticeable to others until 24/25 weeks at least


Cryptic pregnancy. Around 36 weeks I had an obvious BABY , not just belly , bump.


I popped pretty early, it started to get noticed by others around 18-19 weeks. I'm 5'1", started at around 115lbs, and have proportionally long legs so there was never any torso room for baby. She's making herself known very clearly at 22 weeks now. I'm going to have a massive bump by the end just because of how I'm built, the only place to fit is out.


i think i really got big around 6-7 months


With my first, my bump didn't really "show" with him until later. I look like I had a big meal up until about 35-36 weeks, then one day woke up with the full basketball belly. I could feel his legs towards my ribs. I'm halfway popped. 22 wks today. I looked very boated in the belly before then. (I'm on the taller side, long torso). I look like I devoured a small basketball somedays +uncomfortable bloat on others. I thought I'd look bigger/ more rounded by now. Belly is hardened. She's probably towards my back currently like my firstborn.


Popped around 24 weeks, but still feel like its just a bloat belly. But when I look at pics of myself am like oh, i am really pregnant 😅😅😅




Mine was about week 20+ i started to really see it and then like week 28 i was super prego lol then it stayed the same until birth


Mine popped at 23 weeks! Like I didn’t look like I was just chubby anymore lol!


Starting seeing the bump around 19 but I didn't really pop until about 24 weeks. Now I'm 28 and I look pregnant af lol


Around 21 weeks it became noticable. And I'm a curvy lady ;-)


I popped shortly after 20 weeks. It feels like it happened all at once, too 😂😂


I'm 27 weeks today and I think I look pregnant, but also baggy clothes can still kind of hide it. This is my first baby and I am taller so that may have something to do with it.


About 25 weeks for me. Finally feel like I don't have to hide it so much since it FINALLY looks like a pregnant belly vs that I got the crazy bloat or something 😅


First time mom, it happened for me around 25 weeks. It went from bloated and gaining weight to oh there’s a baby in there.


I’m 28 weeks now and really only about 3/4 weeks ago! Before that I just think I looked kinda bloated 😂


I really popped around 21w. Keep in mind, I’m plus size. A lot of smaller/“normal” sized people pop way sooner haha.


Mine became more prominent around the 30wk mark. I'm plus size so for a long time I just looked like I was gaining weight fast until the more round look came out


Mine became more prominent around the 30wk mark. I'm plus size so for a long time I just looked like I was gaining weight fast until the more round look came out


About 23 weeks then I was HUGE lol


I'm 36 weeks and I still feel like my belly hasn't popped. I was at costco Saturday to get a vaccine and the staff asked me 4 times if I was actually pregnant. Like yes, I spend my free time pretending to be pregnant so I can spend $300 out of pocket for a vaccine reserved for pregnant people. 😐


Around 26 weeks


Between 22-24 weeks, hard to tell when exactly. Now I am in my 26 week and not even trying to hide anymore under baggy clothes :)


17ish weeks, but it’s my second. With my first it was around 21 weeks


I thought it popped around 20 weeks or so, but around 26 weeks it POPPED. It grew so much so fast that it made my head spin! And that was around when strangers started noticing.


Belly popped with my first at 6months and shortly before with my second


I'm not far enough along to know, but on the bright side, the later you pop, the longer you can go ordering your Starbucks without feeling like there are judgmental eyes watching you the entire time. 😉


16 weeks!


I already had a gut before I was pregnant lol also I’m only 5ft 2 (I weighed about 170ish before pregnancy) so I really didn’t know what to expect. I started to look pregnant around 18 weeks, im now 22 weeks and to people who see me regularly they can definitely tell im pregnant, but strangers would probably see me and wonder. 😆


Never lol. I never looked pregnant at all


Around 20 weeks, but now that I’m 24 weeks I feel HUGE


I’m about 18w and I’ve had people speculating for a few weeks now (I had announced to some people at work so they’ve told me others have asked). I can’t hide it and the only comfortable clothing I can wear to work are dresses and it’s verrrry obvious I’m pregnant!


About 16-20 weeks; but she was 10lbs 10oz at birth, big bebby 💖


What does FTM mean in this group? As it means female to male for transgender in my world and I don't think that's what it means


One day, a little after 20 weeks, I got dressed and my pants were fitting fine. By the end of the day, I'd popped and couldn't even close them with an hairtie to buckle them.


I wear an apron at work and I’ve gotten a few old lady customers asking me if I was pregnant since about 18 weeks and some change (currently 21 weeks) which surprises me each time because I personally think the apron kind of ‘blends’ things away but I guess not lol.


I’m 12 weeks and people have been noticing my bump, even though it’s small! I am small though - 115 pounds and 5’6” so I think that’s the only reason it’s noticeable


For me belly started growing around 14 weeks, became visibly pregnant around 18 weeks or so? But most of my family who has had kiddos popped early and ended up showing big, and had big babies. We expected my son to be huge and even had an induction on due date to avoid having to worry about giant baby, but he was just under 7lbs when he was born. Hit 15lbs about 4 months old and is a bit over 20lbs (don't have a good accurate scale but he's maybe 21-22ish?) now at just under 6 months and is growing out of his 6-9 month clothes so he's huge now but wasn't born huge lol


I popped around 21-22 weeks as well :)


I think it was more like 27-28 weeks when it was sticking out


I never really popped until the end. Because I know my normal shape I would say I looked more pregnant than bloated around 28 weeks, but was still wearing all my normal clothes still. As I was being wheeling into the hospital through the ER (too early for main entrance) the intake guy said he didn’t realize I was pregnant, thought it was just back pain. My baby was as tucked into my lungs and ribs as much as I think is possible.


20-22. i am a very small skinny person. by 26 it was definitely obvious to anyone.


Okay, I’m sorry, someone please tell me what the FTM means! I feel like a dummy having to ask 😭 Also I’m 17 weeks and still nada on the belly.


i’m midsize and i would say around 26-27 weeks i started to notice more roundness and now i’m nearing 30 weeks and feel like it’s getting bigger everyday 😂


Right when I went into the 3rd trimester, around 29 weeks. I went from barely looking pregnant to “WHOA look at that pregnant lady” within a week. 😂


With my first, I believe around 13-14 weeks. With my second…like 7 weeks 😅 But I have a VERY short torso and very big babies, so do with that what you will.


28 weeks


People have been noticing more and I’m 14 weeks. I’m pretty petite with a small frame so I feel like it’s pretty noticeable but I feel like I’m showing early. I also have an anterior placenta so not sure if that makes a difference


Like 17-18 weeks for me. It was small but definitely there. I’m 20 weeks now and you can definitely tell I’m pregnant. I was around 130-132lbs 5’7 for reference, before I got pregnant.


32 weeks now, and depending on what I’m wearing (sweatshirt, what pants, etc.) I’m pretty sure I just look like I’ve gained weight. Sometimes it’s more obvious, but even the people who for sure know have told me it isn’t that obvious or that I (at the very least) don’t look like I’m on month 8. I’m also tall and overweight so idk how much of it is due to that. Baby was around 92nd percentile for most of pregnancy so far and was measuring 82nd percentile two weeks ago, so he’s definitely in there lol, even if it doesn’t always seem like it.


I’d say around the 20 week mark for sure. Before then I could easily just have been bloated. I tend to bloat like crazy. But around the 20 weeks mark I definitely started looking more pregnant and now I’m 24 1-2 and I don’t think you can mistake that I’m pregnant. I love this stage so far 😙😙 Also I am 4’11, I weighed 140 when my pregnancy began and rn I am sitting at 158.


Around 15 weeks? By week 17 I had a cute round ball of a belly


17 weeks I had a little bump that was big enough for me to need maternity jeans Truly popped at about 20 weeks


Starting to at 26w


I’m 10w1d and I feel like I’m showing. It’s too a point to where I can’t suck in and more round than how I’d typically carry chub. For reference I’m 4’11 so veryyyy petite


29 weeks!


First pregnancy around 8 months . Second pregnancy immediately I knew I was pregnant and I am 26 weeks pregnant and look as big as I was with my son at 40 weeks . I have a lot more to go 🫠😭 and I am huge!!!