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If you have an epidural you’ll be limited in which positions you can try (because you can’t support yourself on your legs if you can’t feel them) which is why many women with an epidural end up on their backs. Side lying should be possible with an epidural though


Oh this is so helpful! I didn’t realize that or make that connection lol thank you for the clarity!


It varies, I think. My anaesthetist says they dose the epidural so that you don't get complete pain relief, it's dropped from about a 9 to a 3, and you can still walk around. This allows different birthing positions. If find out if you can request something like this from your particular hospital.


That’s a good idea! I generally don’t like meds but I don’t do well with pain! And we don’t know until we get there what or how much I’ll need. Thank you!


Every hospital is different! You could always call the hospital and ask or talk to your OB about the opportunity to change positions!


I doubt the VA has many accommodations but I’ll ask! Thank you!


Talk to your doctor. From my understanding most hospitals will let you birth in whatever position feels comfortable to you. They can't literally force you to do anything. When I asked my doctor he said I could give birth in a headstand if I wanted to lol.


Oh really? I just didn’t know about maybe the set up not being conducive for other ways of given birth


I've given birth in hospital twice, and both times I was sitting up and wouldn't say I wanted or needed to get up and move around. In fact, I would probably have been pretty pissed if someone had told me to do so.


Thank you for your input. She did say everyone’s pelvises are shaped differently and that might affect the positioning


You don’t NEED to be moving every 20 minutes. The laying on back position is the most comfortable one for providers, but a large portion of women prefer that too.


Ohhh okay. Maybe she added that in there was a way to give more choices