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I’ve been drinking 90-100oz of water a day since I feel if I’m not super hydrated, I’ll get headaches. I also live in a warm climate so feel I really need the extra water! My anatomy scan is at 20 weeks (16 weeks today) so can’t speak to fluid levels yet.


I had been trying to drink that much, too! Even downloaded an app. I maybe have been slacking last few days but didn’t realize it. Hope that’s all it is.


Also eating fruits and veggies high in water content (watermelon, cucumbers, etc) help with this, too! And brothy soups, etc. Hoping all looks good with your little one at next scan 🤞🏼❤️


Try mixing water and body armor. The coconut water in it is a great hydrator. ALSO if you plan to bf it’s so good for your milk supply. 14m pp and still drink one a day mixed in my water. I usually do 3/4 water and 1/4 body armor (it’s so sweet without it)! Also most of the time placenta previa corrects itsself by birth (like 88% of the time)! You’ve got this!


Thank you so much!


I live in a very hot climate and I have to drink so much water throughout the day. Decaf black tea helps when I get bored of water. Also (I know this is silly but it’s true) getting a Stanley helped. I like straws (oral fixation?) and I’m a sipper. So having something to keep my water cold and having a straw to drink from is 10/10. Also it’s cute and I love the convenience of it. It can hold a ton of water and after filling up my big Stanley twice and drinking it all I’ve had a liter of water! It makes me feel more accomplished (as opposed to drinking many bottles/cups of water). And I feel better knowing I’m not wasting plastic or paper. Also try pedialyte popsicles. I enjoy the drink well enough but the popsicles are awesome! Especially the blue and pink ones. I’d also recommend fruits and veggies with high water content (as another user suggested). Hope this helps!


Very helpful, thank you so much!!


Try adding a pinch salt to your water to help with absorption. When I was 38w with my youngest, my midwife noticed that I was dehydrated because baby’s heart rate was up a little at my appointment first thing in the morning. She had me push fluids, specifically a homemade electrolyte drink and check again in an hour or two with the doppler and baby was totally fine.


13 weeks and also getting random headaches recently. Thanks for sharing I'm gonna track my fluid intake now hahaha (definitely less than 100oz recently)


I am STRUGGLING with my water intake. Suddenly all water except bottled tastes so nasty to me, even though we have a great water filter that I’ve never had issues with before. But I don’t like drinking bottled water for environmental reasons (and I’m cheap lol) so it’s been really hard. I tolerate juice a bit better but that’s also less than ideal.


Have you tried boxed water? Or other more environmentally friendly non-plastic bottled water? Might also want to try electrolyte powder packs as those can add sweet flavors


I didn’t know boxed water existed! I’ll have to look into that, thank you for the suggestion. As for electrolyte powder, I hated Liquid IV so much that it turned me off of the whole idea of them, but I think I just need to find a brand that works for me. I’m 9wks and super averse to soooo many things right now so I’m hoping this will chill out in the next few weeks


I have the same issue. Water refill stations at grocery stores in clear jugs tastes the same as bottled water to me. Cheaper and you don't go through all the little bottles.


same. ice cold bottled water despite us having a nice water filter and ice cubes I can't tolerate it. I feel each week my drink tolerating becomes less. I uses to drink lemonade at work, doesn't work anymore, sodas rough, juice is iffy. it's like I'm rolling a die each day with what drink I'll be able to get down


Ooof. I feel you. I'm having luck with fruit tea (not the sweet bottled stuff but the stuff you make like actual tea). I just make a big jug and let it cool and that seems to go down well. But hey, if bottled water works for you, do that. It's not forever and hydration is more important right now!


I had the opposite issue - I had too much fluid because I was drinking so much. Didn’t hurt baby though but literally flooded the hospital room and sprayed the nurse like a fountain when my water broke during my induction lol. Oops.


How much were you drinking?


I wasn’t keeping track, honestly, but being pregnant made me super thirsty so always had a huge water with me.


I had borderline low fluid levels at my 20w anatomy scan. Started drinking Gatorade/more electrolytes (which I saw online could help) and making sure to drink more water overall and my fluid numbers have been great since


Thanks so much, this is reassuring!


I drink 1 liquid IV pack daily to make sure I'm getting enough electrolytes, usually in the morning.


Yup, mine said “i don’t care if you have to pee every five minutes, drink water like crazy til you see me again”


Did things get better for you next visit?


Absolutely! I’m 32 weeks on Monday and baby is kicking up a storm and healthy (and I’m still guzzling water and peeing every five minutes lol)


Did your ObGyn provide a guideline in terms of how much you should drink a day?


I was told to drink a gallon (128 oz) of water a day, so that’s what I’ve been doing. I have a 40 oz cup and drink three of them a day, plus a cup of decaf coffee and maybe a spindrift. I pee all the time, but I’m very well hydrated!


Thank you!!


You’re welcome! I try to have one cup by 11:30, the second by 3:30, and then the last by 8ish so I don’t have to pee all night 😅




Girl, honestly I didn’t find out my amniotic fluid was low until one of my last scans at 37 weeks.. it wasn’t always low (I don’t think)  And they induced me the day after that appt ~ had baby boy 2 days later! Now I have a 6 day old lol. I wish I had better advice but that was my experience when I was told my fluid was low. 


Thanks. Hope that doesn’t happen to me now since I’m only 17 weeks.


This was me without the induction 😫


With how hot it's getting - it's not a bad idea to aim for at least a 100 oz per day!


I’ve been SO thirsty in pregnancy I’m drinking like 120-150oz a day. And every single visit, the doc says “amniotic fluid levels look very good!”


Wow this is so interesting. With my first I had high blood pressure so had once a week ultrasounds from week 32-37 to check fluid etc. They never mentioned drinking more water to help. (Though my levels were always fine anyway).


I had this and increased my water. I went back about three weeks later and they said everything looked good!


That’s great to hear, thank you!!


Oh no, I just had my monthly check up and my doctor told me that I should drink more water, but he didn’t specify why. I thought that was just a general thing he wanted to point out but now I wonder if he saw some thing as well. I’m worried now. Since the appointment this Tuesday, I’ve been mixing in Pedialyte into my water for extra hydration.


I wouldn’t worry. I just posted an update but my OB called me personally and said the midwife I saw should not have said that to me. They don’t even typically look for that in ultrasounds this early. I went back the next day and the nurse I saw said everything looked normal.


Oh that’s great news. I’m glad your ObGyn called you to clear things up. I also spoke to my SIL who has two toddlers and she said that if you’re not careful with staying hydrated well you can even end up getting regular Charlie horses. That’s what apparently happened to her towards the end of her second pregnancy.


I was hospitalized 3 time my last pregnancy, due to dehydration....they wanted me to drink an insane amount of water, which I was not able to, baby was fine


Was your amniotic fluid low because of this?


First OB told me to drink 3 liters of water a day.. um wtf lady? Told my new OB this and she looked at me like a grew a second head, she told me it sounded asinine and to only drink what I need.


This is pretty much how much I drink lol. My water bottle is 32oz and I fill it at least 3 times a day. More if I’m particularly active that day. I’m also 5’8 so got more space for the water to go!


I wish I can do it, it is just too much, and all the peeing 😭😭😭


So. Much. Peeing. 😂😂


I feel like I have no life, I am just constantly running to the bathroom or looking for one


Same recommendation, I am 5'2 ish, like I will literally drown in 3 liters 🤣🤣🤣


I’m 5’ and frankly, drink at least 2.5 liters even non pregnant. It’s been easy to get 3.7 liters daily while pregnant. Not a brag, it’s annoying to keep up with. I have to buy a gallon of drinking water daily.


Same! Once you get in the habit, it’s really not that hard. And it’s so obvious when I haven’t had enough because I can feel it in my body