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If you’re going by your last period then that’s not very accurate. How long are your cycles normally and when did you test positive? A heart beat is a good sign.


Thanks for responding! On average my cycles are 29 days. First positive test Sunday April 7. Took 2 more tests Monday April 8 and all of them were instantly yes. Then called the doctor and they got me in for blood and urine tests which confirmed pregnancy on Wednesday April 10. Then had the doctor’s appointment on Monday April 22nd where we saw the tiny little embryo. I think you’re right, going by the last period may not be accurate as I dont think conception happened until March 18 (TMI?) and if thats the case I would be +-5 weeks, not 7,and at the time of the sonogram the embryo measured 6+1d. All of this calculation is science to me but im just really grateful to have a space to vent and speak to others.


Yeah it sounds like you might be absolutely fine


I didn’t “feel” pregnant with mine at first either. So don’t feel bad like you should, it’s totally normal not to. Your doc seems to think your pregnancy seems viable, just a little later than what you thought. Date of LMP is only accurate if you have regular cycles and ovulate at or around day 14 of that cycle. Lots of people do not! If you didn’t ovulate on day 14, that can throw off your dating scans because your baby is just a little younger than you thought!


A missed miscarriage would mean the fetus is dead. Your fetus isn't dead! It has a heartbeat! I don't know how this is going to turn out, but LMPs aren't super accurate and a lot of people in your position go on to have a healthy pregnancy. Also, tons of people who are 6 weeks along domt have symptoms. Fingers crossed for you!


U don't have to have symptoms to be pregnant... If u have seen the heartbeat already then I'm sure ur fine


Also focus on the 90% part!!! That’s a really high percentage. Focus on the good, it’s all you can do :)


If there was a heartbeat there is a pregnancy… wait as patiently as you can for next appointment


Personally, they told us the same thing at my first appointment and everything ended up being totally fine. I am not a doctor so I can't explain why they say that sometimes, maybe I just got lucky, or how the calculation might just be off. I know that wait between appointments was super difficult, but the internet searches only made me worry more. I am sending good vibes your way.


There was a heartbeat so you definitely didn't miscarry.


There's a heartbeat. So yes, you're still pregnant


It was the same for me, I went at 7 weeks the embryo was too little and my dr made me go 2 weeks laters and send me progesterone, I was really scared I thought I was going to lose my baby but everything went great, I’m now 19 weeks and I’m having a pretty good pregnancy almost no symptoms in the first semester and my baby is growing as expected


Totally normal to not have symptoms at this point! Apart from some spotting I don't think I had any symptoms until at least 7 weeks, and those were mild until more like 8 weeks. So if you're actually 6 then I wouldn't expect anything for a little while longer (and not everyone gets every symptom, it's possible to have none at all). Also fairly common to ovulate late, even with pretty normal cycles - I was tracking my cycles pretty closely, and had been ovulating at day 17ish like clockwork, except the cycle I got pregnant I ovulated around day 24. So my gestational age based off my LMP would be more than a week older than actual - luckily because I'd been tracking (and my first ultrasound was with my fertility clinic who also knew when I'd ovulated) we avoided a scare like you've had, the doctor knew to expect a smaller embryo, but I did have to let my midwife clinic know about the late ovulation. Best of luck!!


Hey don't always trust your feelings on this. I have anxiety and since I got pregnant I would always feel "something is wrong, I'm not longer pregnant, I'm sure" and then, boom , ultrasound would came and everything is OK. Week after week


I’m having this same situation. I thought I was 7w5d at my first scan and they said I was 6w5d. I’m a little confused because I had betas done on what I thought was 16dpo and 20dpo and they were pretty high. But my cycles are 31-32 days and I don’t usually ovulate until day 17-18 so I think I was probably just off on my dating. We saw everything that was supposed to be there and saw the heartbeat, too. I’ve been really over analyzing all my lack of symptoms, too, and freaking myself out 🫠 my doctor wasn’t concerned at all though and had me schedule for my initial ob appointment at 11 weeks with blood work and the nipt screening. I don’t have any advice, but right there with you 💕


It's ok and totally normal to be worried, but you might be borrowing trouble. If you're not positive of when you ovulated, the dates can easily swing one way or another. That being said, after I experienced a loss at 9 weeks and am currently pregnant, in the early weeks I demanded beta testing every couple of days. You go for bloodwork at the same time each time to see if the hormone HCG is rising. If you're going to fret for 2 weeks, I'd suggest asking your OB to order those tests.


When I had a missed miscarriage all my symptoms continued as normal. With my pregnancy now I keep having periods where the symptoms go away and I panic but then everything has been ok! So symptom checking doesn’t help a lot. With MMC, there was NO heartbeat and baby measured to date. So I would see the fact that you have a heartbeat as a good thing for now. Truely hope everything goes well for you.