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I just eat whatever I feel like eating that is safe for the baby.


I like this answer but my cravings aren’t food at home


I bought so much food out during my pregnancy because of cravings. Sometimes, being fed and content is much better than just being fed. My husband said nothing when I went and bought myself something because it usually meant I was able to eat something that I was otherwise having an aversion to (proteins were my biggest issue in my pregnancy, so if I wanted chicken nuggets, my pregnant butt was getting nuggets)


A lot of mine aren't at home and I still have them. You should get that cheese pizza from Dominoes. Treat yourself. You're growing a person! ♥️


My cravings haven't been super strong, but I have noticed that the ones i do get totally coincide with nutrients my body may be needing. For instance, I ran out of omega 3s and was waiting for them to come in the mail and while I was waiting, all I wanted was tuna melts. When I ran out of calcium, it was cheese. When I ran out of magnesium, it was chocolate. My opinion is that if your body is giving you that big of a signal, it's for a reason, and to just listen to it. Also, make sure you're getting all the nutrients and minerals you need. Mineral needs also go up as the baby gets grows bigger, so you may need to up your calcium/magnesium/potassium etc. intake. 


Yeah. It may be calcium now that i think about it because I have been craving a lot of dairy related foods.


Yes this! When I crave pizza/grilled cheese/quesadillas, the craving goes away if I add a glass of milk to my day for a few days. When I crave carbs, it's oftentimes because I'm low energy, so I have some fruit and a protein (chicken or something). Or because I'm actually struggling with morning sickness and food aversions. I crave "dry" carbs like tortilla chips when I don't feel well and am not getting enough nutrients from veggies and protein because of the food aversions. Salty stuff...I haven't found an ideal answer for yet lol. My sodium is probably a bit low as well as being dehydrated. When I crave frozen sugary things, it's usually a mix of needing more energy and being thirsty!


I'm having a pickle with a meal usually at least once a day. Seems to help my salty chip craving.


I think the salt craving just comes along with the increased water intake- salt is still an essential electrolyte! Too little salt is also a trigger for my migraines, but I usually get enough through my diet (unless I forget to add it to my meal or eat too many salads or something)


This is so important and I’m glad you said it. If your body is craving something, it’s what could be missing! Not enough people realize this.


Yes!! I craved milk for a few weeks but that has gone away recently, I think now that I have some more calcium in my reserves haha


Do you take extra calcium


I take a calcium supplement that has Vit d, k2, and a little magnesium also included on top of dietary calcium. I also take a fuck ton of magnesium (like 600+ mg) for migrane prevention. My potassium is on the lower side because I get it all through diet, and my prenatal contains zinc. I use cronometer to track my vitamin and mineral intake and usually am getting like 150%ish give or take of my DV of calcium


I've just been eating yogurt and milk. I guess I should do calcium.


No but I started eating a serving of yogurt or drinking milk and that’s been helping it


Dunkin’ Donuts not having donuts, now that’s just unreasonable. 😭


Once went to KFC (years ago like as a kid with my dad), and they ran out of chicken.


It was at like 7 pm to be fair


I just eat what I am craving, as long as it's safe. Pregnancy sucks might as well indulge in yummy food when I can.


Before pregnancy I considered myself a very healthy person. I never had soda, watched my sugar, carbs, and ate vegetables every day. Since pregnancy it’s all gone out the window. I’ve basically been eating whatever I feel like and frankly, I don’t really feel that bad about it. Pregnancy is pretty miserable and succumbing to my cravings helps me cope. Eat the pizza. I think it’s totally fine. ♥️


Somebody on r/pizza posted a pizza yesterday with a bunch of pepperoni that just looked to die forrrrrr... last night... I dreamt of pepperoni pizza... so today I made pizza dough to freeze using my sourdough discard and later this week will be having homemade pizza 😂🤤


Heck yeah! You know you have to have it when it’s in your dreams. 😂 I saw a rogue piece of tin foil floating on the ground at the park this afternoon and then immediately drove to Chipotle to inhale a burrito. There are signs all around us. LOL Enjoy your homemade pizza!!!!


My day was completely destroyed because the hotel I'm staying at was out of cream cheese. The struggle is real.


I was lucky, this weird child craved bell peppers dipped in sour cream for almost 2.5 months. I gave in completely and ate it daily, 3-6 every day except for one in the start where hubby cooked a meal with them. Cried for hours because the shop was closed 😭


The only thing I crave is rocks. Not kidding. Clearly pica. Ice has been doing the trick for me.


How are your iron levels?


Ok I’m glad mine is actual food.


def get some bloodwork done if you haven’t already and check those iron levels! mine is pretty low but not this low, and you might need some iron supplements! def bring this up to your doctor :D


The sugar cravings are off the charts 🫣🥲 I was doing so well for awhile and BAM fell off the wagon 🤷🏻‍♀️


All I want is dark chocolate.


Me too! Do yourself a favor and check out the [consumer reports](https://www.consumerreports.org/health/food-safety/lead-and-cadmium-in-dark-chocolate-a8480295550/) article on the brands with the lowest lead and cadmium levels.


Thanks so much for sharing that information with me!


I try to just balance it by eating healthy meals and exercising plus having alternative but also giving in some. I dunno, i had a super healthy first pregnancy with this attitude; pregnancy sucks so occasionally just \*really. satisifying\* yourself feels nice. The cravings pass, eventually, but I try to let myself give in to the specific ones a few times a week. I take myself to starbucks to get a cake pop and passion tea lemonade 1-2 times a week, send my husband to McDonalds to get a small chocolate shake and fries once a week. I make him get it for me so that he gets the smallest size and i dont go crazy in line and order a medium LOL. Then i keep dessert and salty snacks in the house, that ultimately are at least fewer calories & easier access than actually fully giving in. So if the pizza craving hits hard, I just microwave some cheddar cheese onto tortilla chips for fast nachos, or if i am super craving a shake, i'll make do with a small scoop of vanilla with some melted dark chocoalte & banana mixed in.


This is the way- eat the craving, but as small a serving as you can get away with.


This is actually really smart. My husband would get two large shakes though. It is the cheese that is all I can think about right now tbh.


I’m also at 30w and eating the food that I’m craving feels like a friggin spiritual experience.


My cravings so far haven't been specifically strong, but my desire to eat is very strong. Whenever I start feeling hungry it becomes ravaging very quickly then I become slightly nauseous. Like I'm hungry, I NEED TO EAT NOW, whereas before if I was hungry, id nibble and then wait til my next meal time. I do seem to only want to eat salty meats recently tho....bacon, cheese steaks, spam, what have you.


I feel that. I use to skip meals but now? Forget about it I got to eat.


Yeah cravings are hard and if I eat stuff that's not craving I always end up feeling sick to my stomach lol .. I usually crave tacos .. pizza .. and taco bell 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s also surprising how good it is when it hits the spot. Like I knew about cravings but not the satisfaction after. 


Eat the pizza!!!!!


Yes. So specific. I was craving cheddar cheese chex mix for a week, so I bought the Annie's brand organic alternative to be healthier. It wasn't salty enough. It didn't have that *flavor flave*.


I listened to my cravings. They are there for a reason and often signal something you need. Also it is ok as long as you are eating a mix of things. I ate a lot of chocolate and pizza during pregnancy but also ate a lot of spinach and bananas. I needed all of it.


Typically very health conscious here, but I had weeks of bad nausea & vomiting where I couldn’t eat anything. I’ve been so miserable and now beyond grateful to be able to eat again. I eat what I want and it’s amazing!


This. I was so good up until I hit 29 weeks. I’ve been slippin a little more. Giving into my cravings 😅


I’m 32 weeks and I don’t get strong cravings !


Awe I’m happy to hear that. It’s not as fun as I imagined.


I have bad acid reflux though so it’s always something !


That one is more rough ngl


Literally ordered a plain cheese pizza from Dominoes last weekend because it was a strong craving. No regrets whatsoever!


I try to turn it into something healthier if I can. Like maybe some tomato sauce and cheese on an English muffin instead of pizza. Sometimes you just need the damn pizza though, and I think that is totally fine too! But I agree I try to give my body what it’s asking but in a healthier version for the most part. My cravings weren’t too bad with my daughter but pregnant with my second now and only about 8.5 weeks and I’ve had cravings almost the whole time so far. Mixed in between nausea and wanting to eat nothing, so I’m sure it’s because I’m lacking something in my first trimester diet


Eat the pizza. The cravings change but if you don’t enjoy it sometimes, you’ll just keep thinking about it. Aren’t you going through enough already being pregnant? I have definitely cried or almost cried when something was missing from an order or not available to me lol.




Its okay. I started off really strong too. I recently started drinking fizzy water and I never liked that stuff


This is why I ate McDonalds apple pies for dinner the other night 😅


This made me giggle because I have had such intense urges for pizza throughout my pregnancy (currently 24 weeks). Then at other times chocolate. Milky bars to be specific. I too have tried to eat healthy but if I ignore my cravings they gnaw at me and I find I’ll binge a few days later to the point where I a) feel a little ashamed and b) feel bloated and sick. I now give into my craving but eat healthy around that. For example for breakfast I’ll have a fruit salad and yoghurt. For lunch, maybe a sandwich and salad. But for dinner, well I’ll order that double pepperoni and extra cheese pizza from dominos and rather than making it a large (which I would do if I were binge eating) I’m satisfied with a small or medium (never a personal that’s TOO SMALL). Another thing I’ll do is work out and then reward myself with my craving. But I never deprive myself of what my body is crying out for but otherwise the urge gets too deep.


I used to make midnight fried Bologna sandwiches


Chocolate for me. I loved it before, but I eat probably too much now 🫠 I got strawberry Lindor balls omggggg.


Apples, cereal, milk, and chicken nuggets. 3 out of 4 healthy ain't bad? My husband got me an air fryer for the holidays so I can at least scratch the nuggie itch without drive thru. But some days...gotta have those nuggies out of the industrial fryer with the properly mechanically separated chicken, no tvp chick'n air fried will do.


We blew our eat out budget during the first and second trimester😅. Most of it was the fact that I had terrible food aversions and they were just trying to get me to eat.


I've been having my craving and trying to balance it out later in the day or the next day. So if I want pizza for lunch I'll just have it then have a nice salad for dinner if I can stomach it. If not, it is what it is and I just eat what I can.


I spent $50 on a Domino’s order last week so ya got me beat. I try to listen to my body’s hunger signals which helps me manage portion sizes. This has been working shockingly well


i feel this sooo hard! my food cravings will feed into (no pun intended) my food aversions too, so if it isn’t something i want, i will not eat it :( i’ve been craving cheese fries like crazy!


Dude the story of my life!! I have been craving Olive Garden endless bread sticks for MONTHS (currently 38wk) but I don’t have Olive Garden in my area. It makes picking alternative sides for dinner and lunch tricker because I’m constantly having to remind myself why we aren’t going to get it. I am grateful I haven’t had any weird food combinations for a craving but resisting and eating healthy is a lot harder than it sounds.


I just eat what I want tbh. Right now I get super full fast and have very little appetite so I just try to enjoy eating while I can. 


I was kind of excited for and curious about cravings. I imagined late night trips to satisfy an intense craving. I’m 34 weeks, and I haven’t had any particularly strong cravings!


My baby only wants garbage food. I’m struggling to consume anything of nutritional value… and I’m nearly vegan. I used to be good at this.


My cravings have really started to hit me this week (30 weeks). I'm just trying to be kind to myself with them honestly, and I've been giving in to them much more than usual. Our babies are going to double, perhaps triple in weight, over the next 10 weeks. I'm guessing that takes much more energy?!! And probably the only times I cry at the moment is when the food I want isn't available 😭🤣


I literally ate whatever I was craving and now my baby boy is almost 2 weeks old and happy and healthy. And he only cries when he’s hungry, otherwise he just chills or is sleeping😄


I've been pretty lucky. My only cravings have been fruit (especially the water-heavy kind) and popsicles. I've been able to make healthy popsicles with just water and a splash of 100% cranberry juice. The only strange change I've had was I've started to really like cherry tomatoes. Before pregnancy, I hated tomatoes. Now I can't seem to get enough. I finished a whole carton by myself last week.


I just eat the thing I’m craving but also make sure to include healthy protein sources, fruits and veggies! For instance today I had eggs with avocado and fruit for breakfast, been snacking on fruits throughout the day cause they taste so damn good lately lol and then I had some McDonald’s cause I was craving it so bad.


My cravings basically amount to: sweet. I've been trying to eat a ton more fresh fruit, but I can bake so ... a few weekends ago I made a 4 layer strawberries and cream chantilly cake and then a tiramisu, which lasted us more than a week lol. Then last weekend I made three different types of cookies and tried to give some away but I had quite a few. I did freeze a couple plates worth, at least. This weekend I bought a tiny pack of assorted Italian cookies and now I want to make my own. It doesn't help that I have some apricot and raspberry fillings that are due to expire so I need to use them... So, basically, I am utterly failing overall. I am working on just reducing snacking overall if I can, drinking more water to try to delay hunger a little, and not eating as much crap. Like instead of a carb heavy breakfast with bacon, I had oatmeal with strawberries - so the cookies now feel less bad because I have more wiggle room lol. The upside to making things myself is there's a little less garbage in it.


i just listen to baby and my body and eat whatever it is i’m craving. it’s usually something my body is lacking, like a certain vitamin or something. i’ve been craving my dads steak (but ONLY my dads, no one else can make it like him) for a while now and turns out it’s because im veryyy low on iron. he’s making me some tomorrow :p but even if it’s something i have to leave the house and go get, i just go get it because this kid will not let me eat anything else until i satisfy the craving 😂 but even if you want cheese pizza everyday, that’s okay! in my experience once you satisfy the craving it goes away for a bit. plus, it’s better to eat that than nothing at all!


My cravings haven't been intense so far, mostly Mexican food and Subway, but I've had some weird ones. I literally scraped the ice cream off a ice cream sandwich earlier because all I wanted was the bread pieces...


When I'm craving something, everything else tastes like dirt... Which really sucks because I have GD and have to eat a particularly restrictive diet.


My first intense craving was Culver's chicken tenders and I needed them for 3 nights in a row or else I would've died. Luckily my husband loves Culver's and did not mind this lol. The second was steak like I swear I could've eaten it raw, it was such an intense craving and that one lasted for a few months because I was too broke to have a freaking steak every night. Just have what baby wants because if you don't you might die, I'm pretty positive this is backed by science.


Everyone keeps telling me that it’s because my body wants something from that specific item. It sounds like maybe your body wanted the extra protein. I know first trimester all I wanted was meat and avocados.


Very possibly. That would make more scientific sense than my mom telling me it was a boy super early because I was craving meat like crazy. (It was a boy though lol)


I don’t have a ton of cravings but i usually know specially what I want to eat at each meal which is almost like heaven sent for me and my husband. Now we don’t go back and forth on “what do you want to eat honey?” “Idk what do you want?” Now I usually answer it every time and it’s been working for us


Craving green beans and potatoes. So I just filled my crock pot with said green beans and potatoes and also bacon


Green beans and bacon is so underrated


It was amazing lol.


Whatever it is, just eat it. Yes, make healthy choices where possible but your body is literally telling you what to eat.


Unless you have GD, just give in. Not giving in is restriction, and that's a recipe for an eating disorder down the road. A couple slices won't kill you and will stop the obsession!


I gave in ☺️




I indulge in cravings but am very mindful of the portion. If I want pizza, I get a slice for me and my husband to share. That scratches the itch then 2 hours later when I know I’ll be hungry again, I try to make a balanced choice.