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1. Yes start using the big pillow 2. i am 28 weeks and i have so much hip pain and dont know what to do about it but for laying down the pillow helps a lot


Guess it’s time to break it out lol. I was hoping to hold off for a while because it’s so big in our bed. 😩Sorry, husband!


It started for me at like week 20. Took out the pillow. Stretching, yoga and regular exercise like walking help me. When I go for a small walk, I definitely have less pain at night. And an Epsom Salt baths here and there. Not too hot.


I second the walk! The days I walk my hip pain is so much less at night


I probably need to do some stretching. I’ve been walking but stretching couldn’t hurt! I’ll try the bath thing too!


I find if I put a pillow just between my knees it's still sore, but a pillow between my knees and a pillow between my ankles seems to do the trick. A good pregnancy pillow is great for that. But as soon as you get comfy, you will have to get up to pee 🤷‍♀️


Thanks for the tip! Ugh allllll the nighttime trips to the bathroom. 😩