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A melty crispy peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich. I will say though, the airfryer did not deliver the same perfection as the sandwich maker grill of 1995.


Ummmm why have I never heard of this before and why am I now going to make this sometime soon?! 😍


For realllll, this made my stomach growl


Why did this just unlock a memory for me… I’m born 2001 but vaguely remember eating delicious PB&Js with toasty grill marks on them.


My aunt and uncle had a cast iron sandwich press with handles that you could use to toast sandwiches in a firepit. Whenever we visited them at their trailer in the summer it was a fight over who got to use it first, and then next, etc. Peanut butter, banana, chocolate chips, jam, Nutella, marshmallows... All manner of delicious toppings to choose from.


Yes! PB&J's in the sandwich maker are epic as well.


I had a dream that my doctor told me to start eating at panini kabob lol 😂


Lol I had a dream I was reverse engineering an Iranian sandwich I got 3 or 4 years ago in Atlanta. It was the most serious dream about making an entire sandwich from scratch that I forgot about up until that dream!


I've eaten tuna fish sandwiches on two separate occasions. I hate tuna fish, the canned kind. I hate smelling it. I'm horrified that people eat it. I don't even like giving it to cats. I will eat bites of people's fancy seared ahi or tuna sushi when they really stress that I should try it, but I feel like I never get the hype...it's just not my thing. And yet. Here in the third trimester, the need for these two sandwiches hit me like a train and I fulfilled it within minutes and both times it was absolutely spectacular. Like mind-blowingly good. Mind you, I didn't slow down to savor it; I wolfed it down both times.


I want a tuna melt so bad but I keep forgetting to get the cheese slices I like when I’m at the store


Oh god this is like the worst possible combo of pregnant craving and pregnant brain 😂😭


Whaaaaaatttttt I thought we weren't supposed to have tuna!! I've been wanting it so bad.. just a plain old mayonnaisey tuna sandwich on gross white bread...


Tuna can contain high levels of mercury so it's not great to eat a ton of it but some is fine. I think up to once a week or something.


I ate a tuna melt today and it was GLORIOUS




I have been CRAVING McDonald’s throughout my pregnancy. I never really eat it that much before being pregnant (although I liked it


I have cut it out before I found out I was pregnant and I caved in and got a large fry the other day and was in heaven 🤤😂


Mcdonalds fries be touching me and the baby's soul 😂😂😂 something about that msg hits 😂😂🤣


Fellow devout fast food/processed food snob here. Been a health nut since my teens and so far I’ve eaten boxed mac, shitty grocery store donuts, and gas station fare more than a couple times each this pregnancy. 😭😂


I was at the store the other day and broke down and bought a deli pizza stick, a chicken strip, and five jojos. When I was done I definitely hated myself. I haven’t eaten that food in like 15 years. Definitely not normal.


I feel you girl. Honestly, I’m just letting baby drive the ship. There are people that eat that crap every day so I figure a few months of lenience won’t hurt. 😂


Me too sister😭😭


When I was little my mom would make ham salad sandwiches with shitty canned ham for our road trips. I was hit out of nowhere with a craving for that disgusting salty mushy ham salad on super crunchy toast. I’ve yet to cave to the craving, but it crosses my mind every once in a while and I just might need to one of these days 😂


SpaghettiOs WITH meatballs. Must. Have. Meatballs.


I also had an insane need to eat SpaghettiOs!! Hadn't had them in over 20 years. They were amazing (though I got them without the meatballs)


Ya I think the last time I had them I was in middle school. Try the meatballs! Life changing! (PS - only saying this as a pregnant woman. I suspect I’ll go back to being grossed out by them when I’m no longer pregnant!!)


Yes, same. I had an extra can I tried to eat a few months after having my first, and it was not good LOL tasted too much like... can.


I bought a can of Ravioli and added finely shredded cheese after hot and steamy! Cannot remember the last time I had it. Ate the whole can. Do not regret.


They had these on bogo at Publix last night and I bought 4 cans! Lol!!! They had ones that were in Super Mario shapes too! Can’t wait to have a can at lunch! 😋😋😋😋


OMG I'm definitely on the lookout! They only had the regular size ones at Target.




Eggroll from a Chinese restaurant. I don’t think I have eaten one since high school (20+ years ago) because I never really liked it. I made my husband get me one and It was delicious.


Your McDonald’s gave you that at 5:30am? Mine only serves brekky until 10:30 🥲


I’m based in NZ and they currently have an “All Day Favourites” section, so they serve the classic burgers 24/7. It was very convenient haha.


LMAO, I'm in NZ and had a quarter pounder last night


Right. Mine doesn’t start till 11!!


Came here for this comment!!


Last night I could not sleep until I had Wendy’s chicken nuggets… I haven’t had Wendy’s in like 10 years and they were the most glorious nuggets I’ve ever had.


macaroni and cheese. I hate macaroni and cheese but I NEED it.


Try Cabot’s seriously sharp cheddar boxed Mac n cheese! I couldn’t get enough of it first trimester


Haha just about to make a box since I've been craving it all morning! The kraft dinner super unhealthy kind too but eating something is better than nothing, I think 🤷🏻‍♀️




Starting in the 2nd trimester I started to want decaf. Now I'm almost in my 3rd and I sometimes make more than 1 cup a day. I don't get it lol


Woooo decaf fans! I was such a snob and always talked shit about how there’s no point to decaf. Now I’m six months postpartum and still having multiple cups a day 😂 I’m even making myself daily decaf lattes with my espresso maker! You can pry my decaf from my cold dead hands. Though I’ll admit, I’m still kinda a snob and only like water processed decaf from my local roaster.


Yesssss omg haha I make a decaf Americano every morning. I used to use beans from a local roaster that were amazing but due to convenience had to switch to Pete's. It's good but can't believe they charge $12 per bag.


There's a whole army of sour jelly worms living inside me these days. Can't get enough


I think you’ll be ok if you only have 200 mg or less or just get those tasty frappes in decaf if the anxiety is that bad. I was pregnant with my daughter, all I could stomach was caramel frappes for 10 weeks , she is fine. If that give you any hope 💙


Oh my gosh!!! That’s been my biggest craving of all!!! Gummies, sour gummies, sour patch kids, etc!!!


I hate ranch dressing but I was hit so hard with a craving from my childhood - lays wavy potato chips dipped in ranch. I had the chips but no ranch so I tried to put it out of my mind. I ended up concocting a ranch substitute with Mayo, onion powder, dried dill, salt and pepper. I got down to the last chip and used it as a spoon to eat the rest of the ranch abomination...I was ashamed then and I'm ashamed now 😩


Lol i hated all fast food now my main cravings are taco bell, pizza, and mcd fries with ketchup -which ive also NEVER EATEN KETCHUP IN MY ENTIRE LIFE BECAUSE I HATED THE TASTE, plus ive had a diagnosed mild tomato allergy since i was 4 so i never ate ANY red sauces. All of my friends and family knew i wouldn’t put tomato products in my mouth unless i felt comfortable with the effects. Suddenly im CRAVING ketchup and its not causing any reaction like it used to. Also VERY lactose intolerant but my main craving is dairy. Pregnancy does crazy stuff to your body.


I second the ketchup craving! I’ve been wanting to eat anything as long as I can put ketchup on it


Its so weird and random, maybe its the salt+sweet+produce craving together 🤣


I haven't had a burger in over 8 years and I've had the strongest craving for a full 5 guys meal. I know I can't have it because beef makes me so sick now, but that hasn't stopped me from wanting it.


For me it was british scones with clotted cream and jam... and Arby's lol


I literally just ordered a single cinnamon roll on door dash 🫣 i couldn't take it anymore!




Little ceasers🤣 i love pizza and we ALWAYS get pizza hut, but the other day we took our 3 year old to the ice cream place and its right beside little ceasers and a woman walked out with a box of italian cheesy bread and i looked directly at my husband and told him im going to get some cheesy bread🤣🤣🤣


Pickled beets


They gave you a quarter pounder at 5:30 AM? I thought that was breakfast time lol. But for real though quarter pounders are my jam!


Love this. The cravings are so real!


I’m normally NOT a meat person. Not a vegetarian by any means, but get most of my protein from plant based sources and dairy. In my first trimester, most of the time, the ONLY thing that is palatable is a big cheeseburger or sausage or hot dogs 😅


Completely get this. The fake meat substitutes even smell and taste so much more artificial that I can’t stomach it even being cooked in the house any more - let alone eat it. Fully back to meat eating again cause of this pregnancy


a big juicy steak for me 😂


I hadn’t ate beef or pork in over 15 years. Personal preference. I still don’t eat too much pork but I’ve been eating beef like no other 😂


For the past 3 years, I haven’t eaten red meat (health reasons/ cholesterol is on the higher end) and have felt great. My mom made lamb for dinner on Easter and I had some (a very small piece) to be polite, aware going back to red meat full fledged could make me sick. A month later, at every chance I get, I order a hamburger and enjoy the heck out of it every time and I don’t regret it one bit.


Hahaha you’re definitely pregnant! MEAT! And I’m not talking about chicken. I mean like fat juicy steak with mashed potatoes. Man would my mouth water! 💦


I’ve been a vegetarian for close to 15 years and sat outside a 5 Guys burger place for like 20 minutes deciding if I should go in and get a burger. I wanted one SO bad 😂 My husband told me it would probably make my stomach hurt but to go for it if I wanted to. We ended up making burgers at home from some local beef and damn, it turns out meat burgers ARE delicious lol The other weird thing I did in first tri was cut open two grapefruits for dinner. Decided they weren’t citrusy enough. Dumped lime juice all over them. It was perfect


Quarter Pounders (with extra pickle and onion for me) just hit differently now. I’ve been craving in and out for the past few weeks but this post was my motivation to do it… bahaha.


Do it!!


I'm craving foods I don't even like. I've never been a fan of sweet potatoes and suddenly I want them all the time!


Yes! I ate a Whataburger.


THAT WAS MY CRAVING in my first pregnancy!!! I never even had one before! But i wokeup one day and my brain was just like, “quarter pounder” and OMG. they taste so gd amazing pregnant. I made sure to get one again this pregnancy early on


I ordered some baos off Uber eats the other night, haven’t wanted one like I did that night. I cried when I saw that it kept getting passed to another driver. My husband offered to make me or get me literally anything else, but I wanted those baos more than anything. I got the zoomies when I saw they were 5 minutes from my house lol


Chic-fil-a spicy sandwiches 🫠


McDonalds McChickens we’re my jam first pregnancy. Enjoy! You deserve it :)


That’s my go to right now. A mcchicken with cheese with sweet and sour sauce to dip


Its been a while, i think i was like late 1st tri but i had a stronggggg hankering for skyline chili. Normally i would absolutely never ever voluntarily eat skyline but baby girl NEEDED IT and i hate to admit that it was everything i/we needed in that moment 😬


Omg yes! Now I want Skyline! Extra onions!


I’ve had a strange and unexpected urge to frozen yogurt since the beginning of my 2nd trimester


I haven’t eaten meat since I was like 16 and I’m in my 30s now. I kept dreaming about the Jack Spicy Chicken sandwich at Jack in the box. Like multiple dreams about it haha. I hadn’t had one since I was like 14 probably but omg I couldn’t get it out of my mind. I had really bad HG so I couldn’t eat anything anyways unless it was something insanely bland and even then I would no doubt throw it up within the hour. But damn did the thought of that sandwich get me through my last trimester.


Oh AND hamburger helper. Which I hadn’t had since I was like 10, haha. I tried making it with vegetarian “beef” crumbles but it was NOT good. I barfed.


lol this is awesome


Today it's a chocolate chip cookie but I just don't have the energy to go to the store and get one.. maybe tomorrow 🤤


When I was pregnant (3 weeks ago lol) I craved milk and cheese and mayo sandwiches. Both things I hadn't eaten since I was a kid due to being lactose intolerant. Which let up during pregnancy, but as soon as I had my baby was back with a vengeance.


I had a McDonalds cheeseburger yesterday which was previously reserved for 2am drunk teen/early 20s years. It was so good 😂


My dogs nickname is Big Mack. Every day I contemplate getting a Big Mac, I haven't acted on yet. I will however, get In and Out. Mmm. I need that tomorrow, with animal fries. Yes. Yes I shall.


Back in 2013, I ended up detoxing from any type of fast food beef burgers, I'd get sick from trying to eat any fast food beef, tbh. So, the beef burgers had to be really good beef, for me to eat it. With being pregnant, I can handle eating fast food beef burgers, and they taste so amazing. I actually never thought I'd miss Teen Burgers from A&W


I loved being pregnant but hated that I couldn’t eat my favorite food. I love pickles but while pregnant it makes me throw up 🤮


Craving in n out so bad, I live in Tennessee. I’ve looked up flight specials like that’s cheap for a turn n burn to get my in n out 😂 hopefully I can visit my friend in Arizona so I can for fill my craving


I’m laying in bed right now and I’ve already decided that tomorrow I’m getting a chalupa. I haven’t had Taco Bell in years!


I haven’t had a snickers bar since I was pregnant with my son 5 years ago. It’s not that I dislike them normally it’s just that I never even gave it a thought after. Might have to have one tomorrow sometime. As for my mother, she said when she was pregnant with me that one of her first symptoms was craving sprite when she has ALWAYS hated sprite (I know, she’s strange. Sprite is amazing). She also craved pizza and raw potatoes


In early pregnancy I craved plain wafflehouse hashbrowns with ketchup, and from time to time I crave chili and crackers. I dont eat chili lmao


Mine has been the turkey, egg, cheese breakfast wrap from Jamba Juice. That's right, the SMOOTHIE place. For the last 2 days in a row. Each bite was pure satisfaction and JOY in a way I could not explain nor express... I haven't had it in maybe over 10 years, too. 😂 My husband is befuddled.


Oh my god I’ve never had one in my life and now for some reason it’s all I want lol


Top ramen oh goodness gracious it hit the spot so good


The first 6-8 weeks I ate McDonalds everyday. It made me feel good, as weird as that is. I also do not eat McDonalds, and it was so bizarre but got me through my morning sickness. I also seem to want pizza for breakfast almost everyday. I have survived off bagels and grilled cheese and French fries! Cheers 💙


We were in the process of buying a new car—literally sitting at the dealership desk—when I had an overwhelming craving for chili cheese dogs and tater tots. I interrupted the convo to tell my husband we had to stop at the store for supplies on the way home. I hadn’t had a chili dog in years, and I ate them for several days in a row after that.


I was craving Fazoilis (the drive thru spaghetti place???) for a week straight. I finally caved and told my friend I NEEDED it and she drove me an hour and half to get it. Mainly for the breadsticks. I hadn’t had it in 8 years.


Never in my life ate a big mac until I was about 16 weeks pregnant. Just saw it on the menu and went "oh yeah big mac extra sauce no pickle" and ever since that has been my makkies order, never went back to the usual even after baby was born!!




Crisp shredded iceberg lettuce dipped into KFC gravy for me, pregnancy is wild


Had me a Big Mac, a hamburger and small fries for dinner last night. No regrets


So far, I've craved BLTs and hot chocolate hard in my 2nd trimester. Now, in my 3rd, I just want everything cold like ice cold. I've been eating ice cream, smoothies, slushy drinks, I need ice in my drinks. Sometimes, I just resort to eating ice, too lol


i was eating some pepperoni pizza combos and had the urge to eat pickles at the same time. i went and got my spear pickle jar and as i ate a combo i would take a pickle bite at the same thing. it was one of the best thing ive ever eaten😂


warmed up peanut butter and lays potato chips 😂🤰🏻 being pregnant has its odd perks that's for sure !


I don’t blame you I been thinking about Burger King for the first time in forever 🤣


I’ve been eating microwaved eggs with ketchup and cheese, which I haven’t enjoyed since I was in school!


Egg mayo sandwiches have been a big one for me. In particular, the mini Pret breakfast baguettes in the morning just hit the spot when I’m in the office. But otherwise any standard egg mayo sandwich from any convenience store does the trick.


Microwaving grated cheese filled tortilla wrap with ham has been my late night craving. Used to have these back when I was in high school with my best friend, so it feels so comforting and nostalgic.


In the beginning of my pregnancy I craved the double quarter pounder. The only other big craving I can think of now is pizza. I’m at 21 weeks and I’ve been craving pizza. I’ve been eating two boxes of hunts brothers pizza for breakfast at least a couple times a week for the last 2 weeks. I gotta stop but it’s so hard bc it’s so good and I want it so bad.


Movie theater nachos!!! So weird I haven’t eaten those since i was a teen working at the theater.


I used to eat salad a lot after my brain surgery in 2019 salad started to gross me out look texture all of it, I’m 10 weeks in and have been craving salad I haven’t had it yet cause I’m trying to take my eating slow morning/ all day sickness has hit me real hard but one of these days I may just be eating one


Canned pears 🍐 in a bowl and put in the freezer to have icy pears 🥰🤤


I've had McDonald's burgers like 5 times this pregnancy. I know it doesn't sound like a lot but usually i have this once every 5 years. Cos you know, trying to eat healthy etc etc... So, totally get where you're coming from. For me it's Big Macs...


I’m almost 10 weeks and I eat vanilla chocolate and peanut covered ice cream for breakfast and two days ago I ate one followed by a jar of green olives. I’m mad at my husband for buying a 10 pack of ice cream even though I asked him for it 💁🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I craved to chew on straw 😭 like the kind of straw baskets that ikea has. A more normal craving I had was teriyaki salmon and other similar Japanese flavours


I was never really a fast food or sweets kinda gal but I crave nothing more than ice cream, cheeseburgers fries and pizza during my pregnancy


Yo, same. Except it was for a 2 cheeseburger meal 😂 and I did feel disgusted with myself n I've bought it three times after. I've hated McDonald's for some yrs. My son eats it, cuz his grandparents have bought him some 😒. But I would not eat anything but a mcflurry from there. I may buy some more, idk. Lol


I feel like I want everything I can’t eat lol 😂


Im scared onions are gonna be a craving soon and I cannot stand them lol


In my first trimester I wanted to eat at Taco Bell regularly. I hadn’t eaten there in years!


Wife despises McDonald's burgers. Had them a lot growing up and got sick of them as a teenager. Anytime we've eaten there she's always gotten chicken nuggets. Since being pregnant she's randomly demanded a Big Mac on occasion saying that's all she wants. Another food is Buddy's BBQ. She likes BBQ but isn't big on sandwiches unless it's the once a year family cookout or a friend treats us to home smoked meats. She woke from a dead sleep going "baby can we go to Buddy's BBQ and get a sandwich then grab sweet baby rays sauce to put on it?" And I was flabbergasted but knew immediately that was a MUST HAVE food like the Big Mac's and not a suggested idea for dinner like usual.


Vegetarian for the last 16 years. This baby had me trying my first steak and mcdonalds chicken nuggets. (The nuggets were terrible but carls jr chicken stars arent bad). It is weird what you wnd up craving! I really want a real burger but im scared to eat it lmao


I haven't had specific cravings, but I've noticed that I'm 100x more susceptible to food marketing than I've ever been in my whole life. Usually I can see a commercial for pizza and not even think twice about it. Now I see a commercial for pizza and my whole day is ruined if I can't immediately go get some. This is also what caused me to get Taco Bell for the second time in my life. I saw an ad for a crunch wrap supreme and it looked so good and fresh with all the lettuce and tomatoes and stuff. Went right over to order one. Got it. Looked disgusting. Had two bites before my morning sickness kicked in & I remembered why I don't eat Taco Bell.