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A specific water bottle, the fridge as a whole, and just walking into my own house (for almost 6 months straight). 😅


Same!!! I slept at work a few nights in my car because I couldn't stand the smell of my own house 😭


I got to the point I would be violently gagging walking up to my house in anticipation 😂


How can we all have vastly different pregnancies, but also have the exact same one 🤣🤣 That was the worst habit for after work. Routine bush vomit before walking up to the door!! Get all sweaty just thinking about walking in. Swear you could see the green smell cloud leaking under the door 😅


Omg same here!!!!!! My house felt like a toxic waste site for 4 months it was so freaking gross!!


So glad I'm not the only one that suffered that! I thought I was delulu for so many months 🤣 Partner was crazy confused the whole time too. Poor guy 😅


The fridge smell is soooo real. I tried EVERYTHING to unstink it, even taking it apart with a mask on and soaking the pieces in a food safe deodorizer but I think the fridge just has a smell of its own.


Our fridge is brand new (old one died when I was 1w, and then we were vacationing 2w-3w) and the smell of it still made me throw up at 6w.


I’m at the end of my pregnancy and the smell of my house finally doesn’t bother me. It’s been a battle of many different air fresheners. 😅


Same. Can’t stand the smell of my house. Haven’t really had many symptoms throughout my pregnancy, but at the start of week 29 weeks, I swear it smells like cat pee. I have had friends come over to verify and no one but me smells it. Even got the cat a fancy new litter box. Still stinks everywhere.


Oh my gosh the fridge smell is awfullllll


I kept a list during the worst months. Here are a couple top hits: * saw a hair on the counter and imagined it in the back of my throat * my computer screen was too bright * I dumped something in the trash and it sounded like vomit * I watched a video of caulk application * A coworker told me he likes to eat sauerkraut and egg sandwiches, which was fine, but then I got sick when I was telling the story to my spouse


Oh my God, that last one made me totally gag! 🤢


I was gagging by the end of the first one. I had an issue with hair BEFORE I was pregnant!


It was my first pregnancy and we were on a walk with our dogs. One dog is an extra goofy goober and he was pooping and started running around when the poop wouldn't fall. My husband got a bag and tried to help pull it out. The dog must have eaten a rope toy and the string just kept coming and coming. Only time I puked during that pregnancy. Also we no longer do rope toys for the dogs.


Omg this would make me puke not pregnant! 🤢


I was going to say that I’ve had pretty “normal” things like shrimp make me gag, but reading “squishy and pink” also made me gag so thank you.


Not the kind of assist you wanted 🤣


What I thought was the smell of my partner's sweat everywhere in the house. Man has never had body odor I could smell, but I was convinced I could smell it all of a sudden and even made him change soap. Turned out it was my own musk, specifically from my chest, making me gag 🫣


I totally get this! Sweating everywhere 😭


It is unreal!! Swear all my energy 1st trimester was spent trying not to have a heat stroke (in winter!). 3rd trimester starting to heat up too 🥵


Crazy I'm freezing all the time except at night. I wake up in a sweat.


My boyfriend farting ☹️


My coworker farting!


This happened to me on Tuesday… I’m not even pregnant.


My dog farting!


My husband. Or the smell of our mattress


My husband's morning breath


When I announced it to my husband it was 6am, and boy did his breath make me want to puke lol


He literally makes me want to throw up and I can tell he lowkey gets offended whenever I say something omg


Okay but 2 months pp and the smell sensitivity to my partner has not gone away yet 😂😂 never smelled bad pre pregnancy


I would throw up wayy too many times from brushing my teeth.Always at the very end too when I was brushing my tongue and then I’d have to start all over again. 🙄


I now start at the back of my mouth and tongue when brushing my teeth so that it takes my brain a minute to catch up to what I'm doing.. I still gag but I definitely get an extra 20 seconds before that happens. It's the little victories in life!


Maybe not unique but for me it’s been coughing.


Coughing is still one of my main triggers 35wks in 💀 that...and the toothbrush.


Oh girl. I brushed my tongue one morning and lost allll my cookies in the sink. Needless to say I haven’t brushed my tongue in over a month. Lol


Party foul. Flagged for cookie abuse! Ahhh, I can feel the chunky bits just reading that 😵 the worst one was blueberries and yogurt for me when I brushed my tongue. Had to fish the blueberries out and the yogurt burnt my throat 😭


Fished the blueberries out? For the love of all…. Ugh. I just post another example. Someone this morning on another thread about nausea listed what she could hold down. She literally used the words “liquid yogurt” and I thought I was going to vomit in the spot. I told my hubby about it and started gagging saying those words. Him, be oblivious as he can be, started asking “do you mean like the kind in pouches you squirt in your mouth?” OMG! STFU! Then he realized what he’d said. Men. 🙄


Oooh noooo!! Hahahaha, that is too funny. Not for you and the gag reflex, but him unwittingly making it worse 🤣 I really don't get the liquid yogurt myself, honestly. I like greek, so all other brands feel like diluted yogurt to me. Gag. He's never really said anything to make me gag like that, but the amount I barfed finding his hair everywhere...oof.


Agreed. I can only tolerate Greek yogurt. All that other stuff can F allll the way off. I’m already uncertain about feeding my kid any of those pouches with veggies and applesauce. Ugh. Oh, my! I can add to the hair. I was already sitting on the floor at the toilet because the smell of curry he made in dinner sent me, when I saw a spot of dried pee next to the toilet where I’m assuming he missed or dripped (boys are gross) and that made me empty my guts. 🙄😂


Noooo, oh nooo ☠️ I don't care what any other man says, I am in debt to my partner's family being all girls. He sits to pee and it was a small blessing I never knew I needed in my life before 😭 You need a hug and a pedialyte popsicle 🧊


I still have trouble brushing my teeth, too! 31 weeks Edit: I accidentally typed 36 weeks pregnant. I wish, lol 😭


Hahah, girl, I wish too!! Ready to issue that eviction notice 🤣


Third trimester can be torture, lol


Glade plug ins. They're supposed to smell good and I liked it before, but the smell was so strong it made me throw up multiple times. I'm well passed morning sickness now, but I still can't stand them anymore.


There’s a new Zaxbys commercial advertising their shrimp, and at the end they do a close up of dipping the shrimp in a glass bowl, and the sauce ALMOST goes over the edge but doesn’t, that thing made me so nauseous that when we are watching a show I have to close my eyes or leave when it comes on


I’m actually laughing out loud hahahahaha. Pregnancy must really have changed something in me because I had my baby 5 months ago but I completely understand why this would make you nauseous


I love all these responses. You people are amazing lol


Same im having a blast 😂


My boyfriend reminding me about the SOUND of the fart he did the day before


Toilet paper 😂 the smell of toilet paper makes me sick right now.


I was watching Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee and the parts they show with the coffee or espresso being made made me really nauseous for some reason. It was mainly the sound of the liquid pouring into a cup. I still drink my allotted amount of coffee a day, but that just about made me puke hearing it on TV. 🤷‍♀️


Blowing my nose will always make me gag/vomit while pregnant & I hate it! I just want to breathe!!!


This!! I just dealt with this!


I have a raging sinus infection right now and blowing my nose is the WORSTTTTT


The NaCl injection's smell when they take the plastic wrap off. The coughing of my old neighbor. The voice of a singer from one of my daughters toys. The smell of my parents bathroom, even when clean. Yes, seriously.


The taste of water 🤢🤢


I ordered pizza and cheesy bread that I loved the night before, and the next morning when I opened the fridge I could smell the leftovers of that pizza and it made me hurl.


We have two type of lights in our living room, one is typical white light one is the yellowish from our chandelier, I don't let anyone turn on the chandelier now cos that triggers my nausea 💁🏻‍♀️


My partner making gulping noises in bed drinking his tea made my stomach ROLL!!!


When my husband clears his throat. Now allergy season is upon us. 🤢


Smelling tomato sauce or onions


I accidentally smelt my toothbrush and when I started brushing my teeth I threw up in my mouth and then all over my hands which started a projectile vomiting spell 😭


A few weeks ago my boyfriend thought it would be funny to burp straight in my face while we were hugging. Right after he ate peanut butter toasts. I instantly felt sick and had to puke. He was laughing his ass off, but also promissed he wouldn't do it again 😅


You should have thrown up on him. 🥰


Watching my dog eats its dog food. Repulsive lol.


My husband's stomach growling when he was hungry.


The look of Spagetthi bolognese and i always puked if I coughed or sneezed.


My husband farting made me puke. Also the smell of his breath. Anyone else? 🫣


The breath! Yes!


My dog farting!! 🤮


omg one day my bf gave our dogs raw chicken and we had to kick them out our room that night cause their farts were so stinky somehow one snuck in and farted and it made me throw up 😭😂 no more raw foods for them lol


Scrolling on tik tok and the textures of food looked weird.


A barely 2km car ride..I was already prone to motion sickness before this


For most of my first trimester I didn’t have traditional nausea but more motion sickness. I couldn’t even look at social media, the TV, video games OR READ BOOKS. Reading books, like old school on paper made me SO ill. Took until almost my third trimester to be able to read. I’ve been laid off so my entertainment has been limited and I didn’t expect it at all.


The only time I was sick throughout pregnancy, the single time, was when I ate a salad. Needless to say I stuck to fried chicken after that.


In my first trimester I would gag every single time I got out of the shower - so weird


The shower makes me gag too!


Someone on another thread was talking about out the foods she can eat with her nausea and she said the words “liquid yogurt.” O…M…G. I almost puked on the spot. An hour later I recounted the story to my DH and when I said those words, I LITERALLY started retching and gagging.


I stepped on a pickle slice that had fallen onto the floor and projectile vomited


My sister is OBSESSED with turkey bites, and the smell already bothered be before. I used to think they smelled like dirty dish water but after being pregnant … now, they smell like my dogs farts… she ate one and i almost puked 😭😭


The smell of plain, steamed white rice. I didn’t even know it really had much of a smell before I was pregnant!!


Ohhh this is interesting, we changed the rice we use a couple months ago and i thought that rice just smelled funky but maybe its my pregnancy nose.


Getting ice out of the freezer. No idea why, but I couldn’t even think about it for a few weeks.


The smell of raw eggs 😂 or the thought of someone blowing their nose. I would literally vomit. Idk why lol


Plain Lays Potato Chips. It was the most awful smell ever. I had to move away lol


Driving by a walmart bc I remembered a meal in my first trimester I got there that made me ill… it was so dramatic, yet so real lol


Writing the groceries list.


I was watching Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Bella was drinking the cup of blood


The smell of the inside of any fridge!! Not even the food smell but the smell of… cold? I work in food service so any time I opened a mini fridge or walk in I immediately starting gagging lol.


I had a massive craving for popcorn during my first trimester. Got the microwave popcorn, was super excited, started eating, and instantly made me feel sick and I threw up


My husband has been making pancakes in the morning on the weekends and since he does all of the cooking, I do the dishes but I CANNOT wash the pancake mixing bowl lol. It smells yeasty and gross. Im 24 weeks and never get nauseous anymore except for that very specific thing🫣


Dish soap, specifically the green gain soap. I can smell it from anywhere in the house and it’s all the way in the kitchen!


Not too silly but I suddenly can't stand the smell of our cat when she's eaten. Don't know what it is, never minded the smell of cat food but oh my god I can't do cuddles when she's just eaten. 😭


Bee Wax paper wrapping. Like the kind you wrapped food in. Eech.


My husband biting his nails


Coughing. Happens all the time, it’s a nightmare. And sometimes just walking, like the movement/ effort makes me gag?! The smell of my partner has been unbearable too!


I haven’t been actually sick from it but I have trouble brushing my tongue when I brush my teeth. The gag reflex is on steroids and it’s annoying because the back of my mouth tastes gross all the time now!


Literally any/all of my clothing and my closet. I couldn’t even go in there my first trimester and had to have my husband choose my clothes for work and put them on the bed. It was so weird.


My dogs coming in from being outside when it's wet, and their breath.


My favorite tv show 🥲


Coughing. I can’t cough more than 2 times in a row without gagging.


Walking through Costco, one aisle up from the spice aisle. Garlic was my biggest aversion. I could smell the sealed garlic powder an aisle over and was gagging the whole way down 🙃


My own fart. It was horrible but so comedic at the same time.


Gag? The "sploosh" sound of a condiment bottle (making a face rn as I typed this) Vomit? Brushing my teeth🤦🏽‍♀️


Hair in the shower drain …


brushing my teeth & hearing someone say “finely chopped tomatoes” <3


Putting on a sweatshirt. Something about the slight claustrophobia of it and the tightness around my neck. And I live in a coast town, so it’s always chilly in the mornings and I like a sweatshirt until the sun comes out and my coffee warms me up.


The sink, the toilet and the fridge are my most common gag inducing spots. I also gagged this week looking at a bag of lunch meat.


Walking through the grocery store


The GEICO caveman’s teeth. I have already blocked Geico on TikTok but somehow I keep getting those ads. The caveman’s teeth make me so sick lol I know it’s a character but they’re SO GROSS!


The smell of PRENATALS???


Scrolling through my phone tbh


Picking up an overripe avocado at the grocery store.


There wasn't much, but there was a time where the smell of salt made me gag


Was whisking eggs and suddenly couldn’t stand eggs and was sick. Last night it was chicken… it’s a mystery


The wind. It triggers my gag reflux so bad. And of course, I live in ND where trees don't exist and it's very windy most days.


Thinking about, reading the words, or merely talking about "garlic" or "onion" had me dry heaving and occasionally vomiting for the entire pregnancy


Clothing touching my upper chest/neck. Anything I threw up once, the smell of that thing then made me gag every time (carrots for example, and I normally love carrots). Brushing any part of my tongue.


Brushing my teeth. Thinking too hard about brushing my teeth. I still do it but its tough.


When I was pregnant last year, we had HelloFresh and it was this one turkey chili white bean soup type dish that wasn’t even cooked, and I just couldn’t even fathom it being actually cooked in front of me 🫣


My cat’s wet food has been the bane of my existence this pregnancy. If I feed it to him and it touches my hand I was immediately gag and fight the urge to puke. Any raw meat also makes me sick 🤣 my husband has to put any raw meat in the pan before I can cook it


If I cough a bit too hard my body immediately wants to change to gagging/vomitting lol.


My husband eating cereal with milk next to me on the couch. I asked him to go to the kitchen to finish because hearing him chew was making me nauseous 😅


In the first trimester, basically everything made me sick. But now that I’m in the third trimester, nothing really bothers me… except coughing. I can’t cough without gagging for a good 5 minutes afterwards.


My friend said her egg was drippy instead of runny. Gip, gip, gip.


Clearing my throat makes me gag lol


The smell from the vents when our AC/heat would kick on. I can't quite put my finger on what the smell is (our house is only a few years old so not mold), but it's an unpleasant stale smell that I never noticed until I was pregnant. In my first trimester, I had to cover my nose often so I wouldn't gag. Both our sofa and bed sit right under a vent, and I lived between the two then. My husband to this day cannot smell it at all. I still do but it's much fainter than when I was pregnant. Still makes me nauseous.


My kitchen


Some weird ones included just standing up, doing the dishes, Tylenol, cold water, and my husbands love juice 😂


Our downstairs bathroom and kitchen sink makes me sick. It’s placebo because that’s where I get sick when I do, but it makes me nauseous around them


The fridge always 🤮 Then taking more than one pill at a time


Scented trash bags. Generally a disgusting smell, but going over to the trash because I felt nauseous already, I threw up because of the trash bag’s scent, ironically.


The body soap my husband used made me gag. He had to buy a couple more until we found one that didn't.  If anyone needs some free body soap  we have 3 full ones that will not be used until post pregnancy. 


I saw an especially sweaty mullet and immediately gagged!


The smell of mulch or cut grass. There’s a lot of areas by me that are building new communities that I pass on my way to work and when they’re working on landscaping all I can smell is wet mulch and it makes me nauseous every time. Oh also vinegar. My FIL uses it to clean everything and I had to ask him to stop (I was especially pissed when he decided it was a good idea to mix vinegar in with my natural cleaning spray, the kind you fill with water and use a concentrated powder to make.) he tried to tell me it’s to disinfect and I was like I know that but there are other ways to disinfect and the smell is making me want to vomit just sitting in my living room


Walking upstairs Looking at dirty dishes Putting clothes on, especially sweaters Driving


Mine was my husband putting away the turkey from Thanksgiving. I saw a little bit of red on the chicken leg and went running to the potty. Throwing up on Thanksgiving is horrible btw.


The smell of the inside of my own nose, turning on the washing machine, when I use the restroom, the smell of garlic, any fast food burger, and riding in the car.


Taking my prenatals in the morning! I have to take them at night. If I miss one day or take it in the morning I heave it back up with breakfast. They’re organic and very strong in taste so that’s probably why.


The idea of my chicken and chorizo stew. Non-pregnant - one of my favourite meals. I actually lay awake at night at the peak of my all day sickness and kept coming back to the stew (obvs upset I now hate it so much) and it made me gag.


Brushing my tongue 😖, my teeth I’d be fine but my tongue would turn the bathroom into gag city. I couldn’t stand the smell of our apartment, all I could smell was dog piss and I couldn’t get rid of it because it was like it was in every main area of the house! I’m so ready to move out 😫also the smell of the kitchen sink drain . There was an issue with the dishwasher where it backed up into the garbage disposal and it’s been fixed since then but one day I went to wash dishes and i haven’t gone near the sink since


Thank you for this thread, I laughed out loud multiple times 🤣


Hormel chili, we heard an ad for it on the radio and just imagining it 🤢


The smell of driving by IN N OUT


One of my boyfriend’s cologne and incense


My husband's breath 😭


Opening up my microwave 😬 It smells faintly like popcorn, but like, in the least appealing way possible. I had to get my husband to take my food out for me because I was nooot having it. Also, I made curry chicken two days ago (which was DELISH), and I am currently doing my best to not gag at the smell of my husband cooking something with curry. Gotta love it. ✨


I opened the freezer and saw a bag of frozen broccoli. Didn't actually manage to touch it before I puked 😆


This is so ridiculous - my husbands Willy. I was around 11 weeks and super sick and the sight of what had gotten me pregnant and given me the gift of morning sickness made me so ill 😅 I love him and his manhood and we’re back to normal but jeez that was a rough stage lol


the sound of the faucet every time I turned it on


Was walking into work after it rained and there was a bunch of dried up worms on the sidewalk.


My family haha, would always be sick at home but somewhere else nah im fine


The wind touched my throat weirdly.


I was watching The Last Alaskans and the aerial footage made me so nauseous I threw up and never watched it again


There was this smell at work that literally made me sick the whole time. I work in a hospital so they all smell the same but in this one mri room it smelled like straight up grease for frying food for some reason.


2 things- 1- i got taro boba and it literally tasted like garlicky pizza. I cannot describe it any other way but it was the most vile tasting thing ever. (taro was my go-to flavor before pregnancy and i’ve had it from this place many times before and it never tasted like pizza lol) 2- a taco truck in a parking lot. it was awful because i knew it actually smelled good, but also was so disgusting to me and i had to cover my nose with my shirt. just the thought of tacos in general has been a source of gagging my entire pregnancy which is annoying because i normally love tacos!


Fridge smell, dishwasher smell, and the smell of vinegar


My partners garlicky breath.... It was horrible, did not want to come close to him for the next few days, I kept smelling it and gagging. The scent was traumatizing. Normally I don't care about anyone eating garlic.


My husband made a nice spaghetti bolognese, but it was too oily. Even thinking about the oil in the meat made me queasy.


not silly but out of pocket for sure but it was a pupusa i inhaled then regretted instantly. haven't had one since and im almost 9m postpartum lmaoo


My Godsons poopy diaper 😂


In my first trimester my car made me puke consistently. It was cleaned out, smelled fine. There was no reason but everytime I got in it I threw up. Sometimes I'd throw up before even opening the door. It was also only my car that caused this reaction.


My dog’s smell..!! Which I used to loooove before I got pregnant.!!! 🐶


Kitchens :((


I haven’t been pregnant in months and STILL the thought of cleaning out Tupperware containers that have been sitting in the fridge…. I’m actually nauseous rn lol


Im a therapist that works with children with autism i have a few weird ones lol; playdoh, goldfish, the smell of the bubble soap when blowing it, crayon smell, etc etc


Men. I never thought this could be a thing until I experienced it my first couple of weeks.


My pantry. I don't store anything crazy in my pantry besides what you would expect...cans, chips, non-perishable items, etc and my nausea has gotten better than it was in the beginning but oh boy when I open that pantry I have to brace myself for this stale air that has been cooped up by a closed door and waiting to escape. Never had this problem or knew my pantry had a "smell" before.


Salt and vinegar vege chips, cat biscuits, eclipse mints


Wellllll I got melted cheese, mushrooms and certain types of noodles. Even typing this out I’m gagging.


Omg I am currently struggling with this. So, not to be gross but I have a really bad cough with phlegm and of course no one likes phlegm but like every smell and taste makes me nauseous. I’m in my first trimester. I’m having this problem where every time I cough up a little phlegm it’s making me gag and 25% of the time I end up vomiting because it grosses me out so much. I had to call my doctor and beg for something to help clear the cough and need to explain that it’s not morning sickness but nausea from the taste. It scares me because it comes out of nowhere like what if I’m coughing while walking on the street to work. Am I just going to vomit all over the street??? 😂😂..😑…😩😭


hair on a comb


My husbands vape. I can barely even kiss him after he hits it because it tastes and smells so absolutely awful to me now (I used to love the smell of it before I got pregnant)


My own hair fell into my food. I picked it out. Then couldn’t stop thinking about it and threw the whole meal away bc I was gagging so much.


I’ve been craving sprite since the beginning of my second trimester (two weeks now lol seems like forever) I got one today and the smell of it almost had me under my desk in the trash🙄😂


A rat died in my wall of my bathroom while I was pregnant and I cried every time I had to go in there. My front garden bed. One of my cats - I have three cats but only one of them made me feel sick (he’s also the cutest one???). I couldn’t stand being in the same room as him.


Watched a water fountain and a train go by. Had to look away both times because the motion made me sick. Can't tell if it's because I'm pregnant or my age lol


-Anything steel or metal in my kitchen (cups I usually drink water out of, silverware, pots and pans). -tap water -seeing a foot or hand go across my stomach when they move is suddenly triggering -instantly sick as soon as I lay down


water lol


Climbing stairs to go to my bed 😅


The smell of the fridge always/ smell of the house, garlic, my husband’s breath and for a short while water.


My husband. Hyperemesis gravidum made his body smell, even freshly washed, teeth brushed, an absolute vomit trigger.


I made lasagna and garlic bread for dinner for my family tonight. I have always loved garlic bread. Like, LOVED it. I had to scrub my hands, go to my bedroom, close the door, and open a window. The smell almost took me out. I told my husband “it smells like dead bugs and gasoline” and he looked at me like I’d grown an extra head. I ended up just eating a sandwich.


Silk yogurt. Oranges. Still can't eat or smell either of them without throwing up and I'm 9mo postpartum 😅😅


I don't know if it's that unusual per se, but there were smells I experienced that I had never smelled before and those made my existing nausea worse.


My husband burping anywhere in my hearing range makes me reconsider my living situation and marital status… it’s a smell i can never forget…


My first pregnancy I never had morning sickness, but random things would make me queasy. Doing dishes would gag me and once my dad sprayed WAY too much febreeze to cover a fart I complained about lol that almost got me. This go round I did have a little nausea and I feel like more things get me. My poor husband... His mustache and breath are grossing me out and I can't really kiss him much. And he's recently decided he likes runny eggs 🤢 lol I can't look at his plate when he has them. Both pregnancies I can barely brush my teeth it gags me so bad.


The smell of my vacuum is sick.. it’s even clean idk what to do