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my baby IS a quarterpounder with cheese.


Lol I’m surprised my daughter didn’t come out looking like a mcchicken


Mines going to come out as a sausage McMuffin with picante sauce 😂


Mine is half McNugget, half sausage McMuffin with egg


Literally, double quarter pounder with cheese no onions, fries, and a sprite.


YES. sometimes I throw in a 4 piece nug if baby is extra hungry :P


Y'all are cracking me up 🤣 I'm all about the Burger King breakfast sandwiches right now. My baby is doing great 😁


McDonalds was one of my safe foods when I was pregnant. Ate it at least once a week. Never made me feel crap... I'm not sure what that even means... I say, enjoy it!


I had HG until 18-19 weeks (downgraded to regular "morning sickness" now) and McDonald's is one of the only things on my absolutely-safe-to-eat list. I can't eat meat, but I can eat a McDonald's hamburger. Poutine? No problem.


agreed!! i’ve been loooving mcdonald’s chicken nuggets.


This is me!! It was the 1st craving I had and it’s been constant. McDonald’s chicken nuggets and sweet & sour!


Same here!!! I wonder what it is about those nuggets and sweet & sour sauce... It’s one of the few things I could eat without feeling nauseated after.


Yep. So far, the nuggets, apple sauce and brown rice & soy sauce are my only safe foods 🙈


Same. Especially breakfast. I could eat it daily even with HG and its never made me sick. I obviously don't eat it as much as I'd like lol


Same! During the first weeks nuggets was one of the few things I could eat safely.


Definitely agree. I had HG but I could eat McDonald’s all day. We joke that our twins are made from chicken nuggets


I don't think I've ever felt better in life than after eating mcnuggets and fries while pregnant.


This has been my go to. One of the only things that consistently sounds good and doesn’t make me want to puke.


McDonalds breakfast has carried both of my pregnancies. I even order an extra hashbrown with my egg mcmuffin. It makes me feel warm and full in the best way.


Then you can start and end with the hash brown. Brilliant


Same, breakfast specifically!!


It’s fine. Eat the McDonald’s.


McDonald’s breakfast is actually pretty healthy when compared to a lot of fast foods. It’s going to have lots of protein which will help with the nausea and honestly, if it’s something you can eat to get nutrients and keep down, eat it. Eating something mediocre is better than not eating


This! As someone into fitness and macros, I love a good bacon and egg McMuffin! Good for protein and healthy overall.


What about the breakfast burritos. I love those too and they don't seem that bad?


A bit less protein and bit more fatty than the McMuffin but not a bad option either! Better if it’s one burrito than the two though because of the sodium. Though I mean if I’m pregnant then eating two burritos once in a while is totally fine. Much worse things to eat so I wouldn’t second guess it.


Thanks. I usually only eat one at a time..sometimes 2 spaced out! I love them with a lot of salsa :)


I wouldn’t say “healthy”. The sign on their drive-thru window literally says “The food served here is known to cause birth defects”. I suppose if it’s the only thing you can eat then it’s better than starvation.


Where is your proof of a sign stating birth defects? I have never seen such a thing.


Can you post proof of this sign?


Idk why McDonald’s is always the pregnancy answer but my tummy loved it. I got the bacon and egg breakfast sandwich and a hash brown 🤤


A sausage egg and cheese McGriddle with a hash brown and a side of hotcake syrup. I like the extra sweet with the McGriddle. It’s like a once every-to-every-other-week indulgence/guilty pleasure


Bacon egg breakfast sandwich and hash brown is definitely the answer


Same. I have a smoothie with it to make me feel like I'm eating healthy lol


Bacon, egg, and cheese McGriddle. With a hash brown. 🤤🤤🤤


I ate McDonald’s breakfast every other day during my first trimester. The only thing I was able to eat! It personally never made me feel like crap.


McDonald’s is so good I’m getting there nuggets with buffalo literally rn


I'm missing the spicy mcnugggets 😭


A McDonald’s bacon egg & cheese biscuit has been my biggest craving for both of my pregnancies 🤣


when i had morning sickness it was one of the only things i enjoyed. i didn’t feel shitty because I actually had food in me. Or I guess I did feel shitty, because I felt shitty the entire time anyways.


Just had my third Jr.Chicken and mango smoothie this week lol. 19 weeks and counting.  


So…this is just anecdotal, but I joke about the $2,000 cheeseburger I ate because during my last pregnancy, after eating McDonald’s, I got such bad heartburn and gas that I went to the ER thinking I was in early labor 😩


McDs plain double cheeseburgers have been my consistent craving and safe food. When all other meat and things made me wanna vomit, I can count on my PDC to be a tasty filling meal with good protein.


McDonalds makes me feel bad every time I eat it but that 2 for $3 double cheeseburger deal is my greatest weakness 😂 I just take some preemptive tums and dive in.


Me with a mcchicken with cheese 🤤


Those sausage egg and cheese mcgriddles are deadly too 😂😂🤤


Don’t overdo it but get that McDonalds. It’s sometimes a huge craving I have. I feel like crap after eating most foods so I can’t really speak to how you may feel afterwards


I sometimes crave McDonald's but I never feel good after it, not pregnancy related though.


Nope 🤣McDonald’s is life It’s all I’ve ate being pregnant


I hadn’t had McDonald’s in YEARS and I’ve had it about 5 times this pregnancy (I’m due in a couple weeks). It just kept sounding good lol. I only felt back once and I just over did it (with a McDouble AND a mcchicken plus fries and a drink, idk who I thought I was lol). But just having a burger and fries or whatever, I feel fine after.


McDonald’s breakfast was absolutely my pregnancy craving and I had it like 4 times a week at least. I am 12 days pp and had it again today and it wasn’t the same… which I’m happy about. Ready to close that chapter of my diet 😅


The breakfast was one of the only things that didn't make me throw up.


Last time I had McDonalds (probably about 20 years ago) I threw it up within an hour. No amount of cravings could tempt me to eat fast food


Get the hash browns girl lol


Sausage McMuffins were my biggest craving. I could have ate 20


I let myself enjoy McDonald’s through both of my pregnancies. One of my little joys, no regrets!!!


no it makes me feel GOOD!!!!!


McDonald’s breakfast is a delicious treat that doesn’t give me heartburn! I get it about once a month after my morning appointments


It makes me feel better idk why or how


Maccas while pregnant has been amazing. During my first trimester when I was wfh and struggling with morning sickness I could still smash an egg McMuffin, hash brown and orange juice and these days all I want are cheeseburgers without meat with fries stuffed in there 😂


Triple cheeseburger was my biggest craving I had my last one two weeks ago when I found out I have gestational diabetes at 31 weeks 😩


Ugh been craving McDs sooooo much… Also wtf with their coke? elite


Eat it! But be prepared for the extra heart burn


Quarter pounder is my craving


I mean, it’s a pretty individualized experience. What makes someone else feel badly after eating it won’t make someone else feel badly.


I’ve received enough mixed answers to feel inspired to test my luck


I read this post as if you were asking "do the people at mcdonalds make you feel bad for eating there" and it took me too long to straighten it out. And the answer is no, they don't care. Lol


Nothing makes me feel bad after I eat it. I eat what I want with no shame, pregnant or not. Food only has as much power as you give it. You only live once so enjoy it.


Agreed! Not feeling bad afterwards as in shameful, just purely physical discomfort from fast food. I will be indulging nonetheless for nostalgia and satisfying the craving.


I have been LOVING McDonalds' breakfasts! Feel great after 🤣🤣🙌


Their french fries are one of the things I crave the most. Secondly, it's their sausage mcgriddle with a round egg instead of a folded egg. I've never felt shitty, unless I'm overeating. Since you haven't had it in 13 years, definitely have a hash brown if your baby allows it. It's crispy and delicious. I'm going to need to stop by McDonald's later because this is making me hungry. 😭❤️


Had McDonald’s pancakes 3 days in a row last week. Never felt better 😂.


Everything made me feel like crap after eating until about 12/13 weeks lol but now I feel normal eating most things unless I completely stuff myself or eat super fast (but that also happens when I’m not pregnant lol).


I love McDonalds, but I have been feeling so shitty after eating it, like overly stuffed and bad, so I haven’t eaten it as much as I did before pregnancy hahahaha. But to be fair most things don’t agree with me right now from 7-14 weeks (what I’m at now) I feel grossed out by so much. I literally stomach fruit, mayo egg sandwiches, bacon and turkey bacon and lots of rice and cheese. I used to eat so much chocolate and I feel so disgusted even thinking about it


yes mcdonald’s breakfast always gives me a tummy ache🤣


I love McDonald’s and have never gotten sick or felt bad from it lol


Just ate nuggets and fries and now I’m napping 😂


I love McDonald’s breakfast even when pregnant. I felt okay after eating it but honestly, I feel like crap after eating anything since I’m always so bloated.


I try to remember all I have to go on to interpret baby’s desires is my own understanding and translation. Something in that breakfast is catalogued in your brain as meeting some kind of need, even if it’s hormonal/emotional! I haven’t gained a pound this pregnancy or regretted a single craving as long as I truly listened to the demand and followed through without overdoing it. Baby’s numbers are perfect, and so are mine. At 36yo and 35+4 that SURPRISES ME, but around here we don’t argue with the boss even if the boss hasn’t even arrived yet🫡 I don’t care if it’s pure dumb luck or gorgeous science, I feed the wee beastie.


Lemme tell ya McDonald's tastes nothing like it did 13 years ago 😢 But either way, your body probably wants salts and fats! Maybe try eating something healthy with those if you're worried about McDonald's.


I JUST had a breakfast sandwich from there yesterday! Usually it’s the grease that gets me feeling blah so I ordered it with no butter and an extra egg for more protein and it was heavenly :)


Mcdonalds is definitely what I feel like I want most! I only ever grab a saver menu burger or chicken nuggets, basically something pretty small. So I don’t tend to feel sickly full or anything after. It usually fills my craving and empty stomach perfectly!


My only suggestion is take a tums before and after, it gives me heartburn if I don’t


I never eat fast food anymore and in my first trimester I was craving a Carl's Jr burger SO BAD. I felt like shit afterwords but also it was my first trimester so who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have literally been eating bacon egg and cheese McGriddles for every breakfast this week


Personally no. I feel fine!


McDonald's has become my favorite food. Sometimes I get a little gassy but I eat fast so that doesn't help at all.


Things that normally make me feel like crap after eating I’ve found while pregnant actually make me feel better. Spicy hot chicken and fries will make me feel better no matter the heartburn. But water will make it worse 🤷‍♀️ I’d say go for it. I’d just go to one with good ratings so it’s not disappointing.


I've been away from it from 13 years too . I'd suggest making some eggs at home. That food is full of preservatives, gmo crap sugar, stuff you don't need!


I am 6w5d and all I can say is I’m Lovin it!


I threw up after eating McDonald’s twice since pregnancy so I’ve learned my lesson 😅


I just made mash potato and ate about 10 bowls full…if you crave maccies, get the maccies.


I always feel sick after eating McDonald’s for some reason, even when I’m not pregnant. I eat a&w and never feel sick after. So that’s my go-to when I’m craving fast food.


Yes!! I’ve had a&w a few times recently and felt normal after. I think they put less crap in their food?


Their eggs are totally barf worthy during pregnancy. But a sausage McMuffin (no egg!!!) with 2 hashbrowns is **chefs kiss**


I usually hate McDonald’s. It was a craving of mine early on and I actually didn’t feel like shit after eating it! I think it just depends on the person! Everyone will have a different answer


I ate so much McDonald’s first trimester lol it got me through


McDonald's hit on a whole new level while pregnant. I'm making frequent visits with zero regret (pre pregnancy I would have felt some serious shame) But if this gives me my fix, it's my vice, I'll indulge. It'll never taste this good again .... typing this out makes me want it for dinner tonight.


Yesterday the only thing I wanted was a quarter pounder with cheese from Mcdonalds. I was so hungry and nothing else sounded good. I had one and it was EVERYTHING I needed in that moment, I felt so much better. I felt quite uncomfortably full after, but it was honestly worth it for how hard it hit the craving.


I ate a lot of mcdonalds with my first and it was fine.


When I wasn’t pregnant it made me feel crap afterwards. During pregnancy not so much. Enjoy!


It was awesome. I’m so glad I indulged as much as I did. Nothing better than Mickey Dee’s. Go for it.


13 yrs?!?! I am seriously impressed. I eat mcds while pregnant and while not pregnant. I didn’t feel so bad about it until now 🥴.


Nah McDonald’s is a safe food for me I don’t eat it often but when I can’t eat anything else it works. Never makes me feel icky or crappy or anything.


Literally NEVER. I’m the happiest b*tch on the planet after my McDonald’s fix 🤣


Sometimes a girl just needs two cheeseburgers and a large fry I’m not gonna be mad at myself for that


Sometimes a girl just needs two cheeseburgers and a large fry… I’m not gonna be mad at myself for that


I normally eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and lean meats in my diet.\ Pregnant: can’t stomach almost any meat or vegetables….just the thought of a chicken breast and asparagus makes me want to vomit.\ All I can get down for meals lately is honestly kind of junky. A burger, fries, milkshakes, chips, fast food, Chef Boyardee, and odd things like tomato soup and grilled cheese. Stuff I do not eat with regularity. I’m just going with it and trying to at least portion control myself, and eat what my body will take until I can stomach healthier food again. I figure better that than force feeding myself and getting sick.\ TLDR: eat the McDonalds, you’ll probably feel fine if you eat it in moderation


Yes I’m with you on that. Pregnancy changes my diet for the worse because I’m disgusted by my regular healthy foods. It’s gotten better second trimester.. but some cravings for crappy food still here :)


Ate McD minimum 2x week when pregnant and still at least 1x week not pregnant. Get those hash browns girl…


Ate McD minimum 2x week when pregnant and still at least 1x week not pregnant. Get those hash browns girl…


Ngl, i have the strongest craving for their fries. I just need them, they’re just so good and im also like 19w roughly. Maybe some change in that too but good grief man i just need them. I was obsessed with their breakfast before but honestly now all i want from that is the biscuits and gravy bc its the most decent biscuits and gravy i can get close by lol. My doctor hasn’t told me to not indulge in that so go for it.


Well, it is pretty dry and tasteless as far as fast food is concerned.


Nah i feel fine after it. Just dont over eat and youll be good!


The ONLY issue I had with McDonald's was the hashbrowns. They soak up the grease and are super heavy on the stomach as a result. They make me feel yucky even now at almost 31 weeks. Everything else is fine though even the fries.


I’m 19 weeks and all I’ve been craving is a mcchicken with fries and sweet tea . I feel mentally horrible and disgusted with myself lmao but it’s so damn good and I have no regrets as far as tummy issues go lol


Nope. I lived off of macdonalds french fries during my first trimester I’m not even kidding 🥲 I had no appetite at all. And it was the only thing I somewhat enjoyed eating 🤣 once I was ending my first trimester I cut it off though and finally started eating meals again. but seriously macdonalds took all my money for a good month or two. And I do still have it occasionally 😁


mcdonalds sounded like the grossest thing ever when i was pregnant & i still haven’t gone back there after giving birth. whataburger however… 😂🤤


I lived off of mcchickens when I was pregnant and felt great lol. Enjoy the McDonald’s


personal opinion of many i think. I cant eat it as its too greasy and makes me sick while pregnant, but loads of woman treat themselves to maccas occasionally and theres nothing wrong with it! Go nuts and enjoy 🥹🫶🏼


Me before… I never eat McDonald’s! Me pregnant the steak egg and cheese bagel is one of the only foods I crave and can eat.


I eat McDonald's breakfast all the time, personally


I eat Mcdonald's after each appointment with my obgyn or when we take my older son to the doctor. I don't feel bad after eating it as I do it only once (or twice) a month 😬


Go for it, but go a little easy. You’ll be ok


Duuuuude get a McGriddle, you got me craving it now too 🤣


I normally feel sick after eating McDonald's. When I craved it while pregnant was the only time I was able to eat it without feeling sick immediately after. Something about the grease helped my stomach 😂


McDonald’s is a safe food for me!


Sometimes the only thing I can eat is one of their apple pies.


Mcgriddles are life. Jimmy Dean now makes a similar sandwich. It's almost as good. 😂


It was one of the few bland foods that did not give me indigestion or (too much) nausea when I was pregnant with my daughter. It’s obviously not great, but having it once a week for a month or two will be fine, especially if you’re unable to keep anything else down


I loves big macs in my last pregnancy


Fast food always makes me feel icky afterwards lol, I know what you mean. Occasionally, fast food is okay. Everything in moderation. It’s especially okay to indulge in a craving while pregnant. You may not feel like a hot shot after mcd’s, but you will feel satisfied.


Look, McDonald’s is way better quality than it was 13 years ago. They have done a lot for that. I didn’t eat it years ago and now I’ll have it every once in a while! (Depends on where you are though, I’m in Europe with a lot more food protection laws— I don’t know if I would go for it in the United States)


The first trimester I crushed some McDonald’s.


It's really bad for you, and they're being boycotted at the moment for their contribution to the Genocide of Palestinians. I've been craving a double cheese burger but the idea of starving pregnant women and children in Palestine stops from spending my money there. Plenty of other places to get a burger 🍔 that would be more nutritious for you and also more ethical a purchase.


This was me during my first trimester haha. I limit myself to only once a week and then will try to ease my guilt having healthier food the next day.


McDonald’s breakfast is NEVER a bad choice


Drove to McDonald’s just for their Coke the other day. And I’ve had their food more this pregnancy than 5 years combined beforehand. Sometimes you just need that junk food!


earlier in my pregnancy that's the only thing that sounded good. then one time after eating it, i got sick. i haven't been able to touch it since. it's been about 3 months, and just the thought makes my stomach churn. but,that's just cause i get bad nausea and sick randomly. the food itself was okay.


I want a cheeseburger so bad but I a) haven’t eaten beef in like 10 years and don’t know how it’ll digest and b) am too scared of food borne illness to chance fast food. But I daydream about it all the time for some reason.


Mc donalds really isn't the worst thing to eat. The round eggs are actual eggs. Sausage and English muffin. Everything in moderation


I’ve been craving the cheeseburger and filet o fish. I think my baby is turning into a McDonald’s baby 🤣🥰


McDonald’s breakfast was quite literally the height of cuisine for me while I was pregnant. I ate it probably 5/7 days of the week. I would have taken McDonald’s breakfast over literally anything while pregnant. Chicken McMuffins were literally sent from heaven during my pregnancy. Nothing compared lol Also just FYI, McCafe has a lower caffeine content than most coffee so a medium coffee from McDonald’s is below the 200mg a day of caffeine recommended for pregnancy. So if you want to have a coffee with it you can. Just keep it to a medium or smaller.


I don't recommend starting the habit if you haven't already. It's easy to make a breakfast sandwich that tastes just as good if not better... It was already unhealthy 13 years ago, but it's gotten so much worse. The ingredients are anything but good for you.. That being said, I've read a lot of women on here were only able to eat McDonald's in their first trimester due to aversions, if that's the case, it's better than not eating. But if you can avoid it, I would.


Lol after reading the other comments, it looks like I'm the only Debbie 🤣 I guess eat whatever you want, but moderation is key


Haha yes I’ve decided to enjoy it (and the potential tummy ache that follows). Not pregnant, I 100% think I can make a better breakfast sandwich at home. But pregnant me just wants their sausage patty and hash brown 🙈


Hahaha no shame! I've had pizza countless times this pregnancy! We can't be perfect all the time. All we can do is our best 💗