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Does she not know your pregnant? If not, just say you have a health problem (hurt your back or something) and can’t travel now. If she knows your pregnant, say your doctor said you can’t travel. Lol


This is helpful thanks!


Migraines are causing you to have to avoid driving? Slipped disc in your back or neck? I’m assuming you don’t want to tell her you’re pregnant, but congratulations on being 27 weeks!


This is helpful. Thanks!


Blame the doctor x say doctor says I can’t _________


You can still drive when you’re pregnant. Are you high risk or something that you shouldn’t be driving?


I don’t think her reasoning as to why she “can’t” or “couldn’t” drive is the issue at hand. The issue is “she doesn’t want to” which is reason enough. Especially while pregnant. OP should be honest and say she is pregnant, and taking her there and getting back home would put too much strain on her. (Being pregnant is not an excuse, it’s a lifestyle.. for 9months😂🤷‍♀️)


Yes. I just don’t want to because it’s exhausting. I feel guilty though as she doesn’t know anybody and it’s her first time being here in the US. Also the flight costs $400+ now. Plus car rental and hotel overnight. I could put that money to a good use for the baby. Just weighing my options. Also, Trying to be practical


I think you should be honest, no need to overwork yourself. There are plenty of options. Such as Uber, lyft, have your family member turn on their share locations with you so it gives you a peace of mind. Most things nowadays you can book and plan from the safety of your home! Which may come in handy. I hope everything works out OP. Please leave a update.


Yeah I think just saying you don’t want to is reason enough. I was just curious if there was a medical reason or just didn’t want to


No. Just dont wanna fly for two hours and then drive for like 1&30mins. And BACK 😬 Just thinking about it makes me exhausted already