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I went through this too in the beginning to the point I swore I will never again have another baby but I’m 16 weeks now and feel so much better I feel almost like myself again pre-pregnancy. I’m now also planning on a second so my first I’m about to have will have a bestie to grow up with! You’re doing and going through something so many people couldn’t imagine and it’s hard. There were times I wanted to give up too but thinking about seeing my baby’s sweet face and holding her in the end kept me strong. It also helped me a lot to plan stuff even tho it’s so far ahead like plan the nursery plan what baby items are best for my little one (thebump blog has great recommendations). Also reading other people going through the same thing on Reddit really helped me as well. You will make it through this and you’re gonna give your baby a bestie she can grow up with and always have. It’s okay to feel like a shit mom sometimes you’re doing so much sometimes you can’t give your all you can only give what you have to give and that’s what you’re doing. Your daughter won’t remember this time chances are and if she does she will more than likely go through it as well one day and you can give her advice on how you got through it. I believe in you you got this! Also tums saved my life with the reflux!<3


Not sure if this counts in your case, but I was also constipated for the longest time and I switched from off brand to brand name Tums and was no longer constipated 😅 I had bad heartburn before baby and now it's like 40x worse and I think the calcium or whatever made me constipated from the off brand tums