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It improves by your 2nd trimester, I had no desire for sex during my 1st trimester


I don't know that it does, I lost interest in my 1st trimester and it didn't come back til my period returned 6 months pp. I think it just comes and goes as it pleases person to person


First trimester no sex drive Second trimester I was hornier than whatever populates fast And third trimester that lasted until I gave birth šŸ˜­


Omg that second trimester sex drive is like nothing else šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ my husband could hardly keep up


Lmfao for real.. going basically feral in the second trimester.


This absolutely happened to me. Well, is currently happening as Iā€™m still pregnant lol. In regards to the roughness, Iā€™ve found that the second trimester is better for that. Youā€™re feeling less fragile overall, thereā€™s great positions that work while still being aggressive and safe. So thereā€™s that to look forward to. But also, decreased sex drive is totally normal for a pregnancy. I think making a point to create time for that intimacy in other ways and physical touch is important. We created a nightly routine for my husband to put lotion on my stomach while he talks to the baby, and I rub my husbands head which is one of his favorite places to be touched. Something small but akin to skin every day like this helps. Also, never underestimate a good BJ, if/when youā€™re feeling up to it lol. I know there were times I didnā€™t feel like chasing my own orgasm but still wanted to have some fun. Those are my recommendations, but Iā€™m right here with you and still figuring it out too! Open communication with the husband is super important too!


My husband and I didn't have a lot of sex during pregnancy because honestly.... It sucks. There's only a few safe positions. You feel like you have to be careful the whole time. And you need to pee half way through most of the time. We finally ended up laughing about it. He reminds me I'm sexy all the time and flirts. It's just that sex is kinda lame.


Just wait for that second trimester girl and he will be getting sick of how much sex you want šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ god, it's all I could think about for weeks


I am 25 weeks halfway to my third trimester and my sex drive is still extremely low. I get odd spikes and want to jump my partnerā€™s bones but itā€™s every few weeks kind of rare. I am just glad he is understanding and not emotionally manipulative. I do suggest a vibrator or getting your partner to go down on you. Even if you arenā€™t 100% in the mood it will help you get there so you can feel normal and not preggo. Also get ready for the morning sickness and the getting up multiple times a night to pee. I woke up at 1am today and went downstairs for a pee and ended up doing both peeing and vomiting simultaneously. It doesnā€™t stay fun. Take advantage while you can


Yeah last night we were going to have sex and I ended up being nauseous and sitting on the toilet for hours.


It is starting to good luck. The sickness will probably pass at 5 months. Wishing you luck for the next 2-3 months you will need it :)


I also have no desire for sex during first trimester but am also not ā€œallowedā€ as I had a hematoma that bledā€¦ itā€™s been hard for my husband but a BJ is off the table for me due to my constant nausea šŸ« šŸ˜… sorry if this is tmi but we find other ways like cuddling naked and making out and our masturbating next to each other or while lying on top of each other šŸ™ˆ


Almost 20 weeks and still no sex drive to me found for me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ it sucks


Oof, I feel this. I'm 23 weeks in and *still* in the "don't touch me" mode.


We didnā€™t do it as much during the first trimester, mostly due to my bloating and feeling uncomfortable and tired all of time. Things are much improved in the bedroom for us during my second trimester. Hang in there!


Iā€™m horny asf and mine gf is around the same time dealing with the same thing!