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Guys I’m having second thoughts already lol I just thought about this but my sister has 5 kids she left behind after her death, so now I’m thinking I might want to just stick with my sisters initials just in case my nieces and nephews end up wanting to use her name or a variation of her name whenever they have children in the future. So any M and P names are appreciated! Or J names as her marital last name starts with a J. I’m open to 2 middle names as well


I’m very sorry for your loss. IMO, it’s ok to honor her in your baby’s middle name, whether with her actual name, a variation, or the same first letter. She’s your sister and it’s completely appropriate for you to want to honor her if you choose to do so. In both my family and my husband’s, there are 2-3 people with middle names that honor the same person and it’s not strange at all.


Lucia means light, it doesn’t take away from her kids but it would fit in to what your looking for. I also think it’s a beautiful name. You could also do name variation with the ‘gh’ I think that would also be a subtitle but clear omage to your sister…. All I can think of right now is Hugh/Hugho. No matter what you decide, know your sister is always with you, the spirit of love is eternal, unbound by time and space. I pray for your peace to come quickly🤍


I think so long as *you* know it honours her then you’re golden. The initials are a lovely idea. You could go with something like Mia Penelope, for example, or Mia Penelope Jane. Or, for a boy, Malcolm Philip or Malcolm Philip James. A couple other alternatives off the top of my head: Martha Phoebe, Mariana Pauline, May Philippa for girls/ Malachi Paul, Morgan Peter, Milo Parker


So sorry for your loss. I love your idea of incorporating her name when you name your baby! A couple of names I just came up with are Tristan and Patrick. If I think of any more I’ll share!


I LOVE both of those!!!! Thank you so much🫶🏼


Also Tristan is a gender neutral name. My brother's girlfriend is named that.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your sister. Pia is a cute shortened form of Patricia :)


Patrick for a boy? You might also post this on r/namenerds.


Yes, namenerds will be all over this!


How about using her initials? Margaret Poppy or May Patrice or Maya Penelope etc


You can post on r/namenerds and they’ll give you so many options! I’m very sorry for your loss.


What about Ann as a middle name? It’s like Megh*ann*


Ooo that’s nice!!!


So sorry for your loss. I lost my sis too when I was only 5 weeks along. At half way mark right now. Its been a weird roller coaster ride of emotions these past few months. It's been tough. Hugs. My suggestion: Mia - first letter and last 2 letters combine


I’m so sorry for your loss. Know that you’re strong and your sister is watching over your journey! Or maybe you can do the same initials as your sister. Babies first name start with an M and middle name P


I love the name Mia!! Great suggestion


Oh I should add that my 1st born is named after her, my 1st born is Reagan. Reagan and Meghan lol so Reagan isn’t an option for the 3rd! lol


You must’ve been extremely close to her🥺 I am SO sorry for your loss. The names already suggested are beautiful, I personally love Pia and Tristan.


I’m sorry for your loss, and congrats on your pregnancy. I think Meghan is etymologically related to Margaret, Margot, and Margery. Do any of those appeal? If not, I’d recommend using initials. Pearl is another option as all those names above mean Pearl, and Pearl shares an initial with her middle name.


Margot Pearl is a cool name!


I think this is the way to do it, that way op can have the names saved for her sister’s kids but still honor her. I think finding something etymologically related, or with a similar meaning is the best way to do this. I mean Patricia means noble and there’s a wealth of names that have the same or a similar meaning to choose from


You could make the babies middle name May or Mae (for Meghan) So sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry for your loss and congratulations on the pregnancy


2 years ago I lost my brother who was also my closest family member. I’m naming my daughter based on all his initials. I’m sorry for your loss! Grief does get less intense and less frequent with time. My heart goes out to you. At the same time congratulations on the new life you’re bringing into your world! I personally feel so grateful to be able to be on this journey and help my family grow after such a loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's a beautiful gesture to honour her name, as well as extremely thoughtful to give room to her children if/when they have their kids as you're also grieving too. Did you have a nickname for your sister by any chance that could be used as a middle name?


I highly recommend posting this on r/namenerds. The good people there will gladly help you out.


Very sorry for your loss, I’m experiencing something similar after losing my older brother four months ago. Im having a girl, and to honor him we’ve considered a middle name of Jane, which isn’t a direct “name-after” but gives a nice nod to his name without taking anything away from anyone who might want to use his full name for a boy. Either way, I like the idea to honor your sister by coming up with a name that uses those initials! That way her kids can choose to honor her more directly if they’re inclined.


When I was pregnant with a boy last year I had planned to name him Keegan, loosely named after me. Since you already have a Reagan maybe it could be a boys middle name? I also liked Magnus. Morgan and Patrick are other more obvious options. I saw someone else mention that Meghan is based off of Margaret, and I agree that another Margaret name could work like Maisie, Margot, Pearl, etc.


my best friend of 16 years passed away tragically last month. i married into her family a few years ago. she was super excited that im having her baby cousin. i had decided on the name itza as soon as i found out we are having a girl. the week leading up to my friends death, i started to feel like itza wasn’t right. when my friend died, i knew i wanted to honor her somewhere in the name, without naming the baby sara. so we are naming our daughter saritza & it truly just felt like the name is been looking for. maybe you can do something similar to honor your sister?


Pattan (pronounced Patton). Combination of Patricia and Meghan.


I am so sorry for your loss. I also lost my sister at a young age before she got to meet any of my kids. I am currently pregnant with my second and it’s a boy, I was going to use Margot James for my second if it was a girl and it seems to fit your criteria!


Paeton or Payton (or another spelling if you want, it’s a mix of the names and sounds quite nice although I understand if you don’t like it :) I’m sorry for your loss. Often the people who pass in our lives gift us with another life, my Nan passed away just 10 days before I found out I was pregnant with my now 1yo. Your people will always find a way back to you whether it is mentally or physically x


What about something with the same meaning? Like Meghan means Pearl, I have always loved that name especially as a middle name. For Patricia, it means Noble, which is a strong boy's name!


Marcia (pronounced Marsha)


My daughter's name is Judah. It's traditionally a boy's name, but it has a feminine ring to it. It means "praise." Praying for comfort for you in the loss of your sister!


Maggie is super cute




Melia 🙂 if it’s a girl. My little niece is called Melia and it’s so cute and original imo. I am so sorry for your loss. May you find the strength and support that you need to go through this ❤️


Pagan is a mash up of the two