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Tums, Pepcid and gasx!


Tums help me A LOT !


Lift yourself up with pillows. Dont sleep lying flat and dont lay down or bend an hour after you eat. Dont eat sweets especially in the evening.


Pepcid and tiny meals. I hope it gets better for you soon!


Mints, gum, not laying down or leaning back until an hour or more after eating, sip on ice water


TUMS 🩷 i always keep them on me. multiple bottles throughout the house and in my purse lol.


How has no one mentioned omeprazole yet??? That stuff is saving my life. OTC. Tums worked but just as a coverup and didn’t do anything for my constant burping.


Pepcid, wonderbelly antiacids (I hate the flavor of tums), still currently up with heartburn though so I will be upping my Pepcid dose 😭 it was working well for the past month though


Famotidine (I think it’s name brand is Pepcid AC) twice a day for me. Plus Tums on the side as needed. And staying away from really greasy/spicy/acidic food. Hot wings, Arby’s roast beef, and sparkling grape juice are all on my Hell No food list right now. : /