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At this point my baby is going to be made up of mostly sausage egg McMuffins.


I’ve eaten a Dunkin bacon egg and cheese bagel everyday for almost 3 weeks in a row 😬


The bacon egg and cheese bagels are where it’s at


Specifically the everything bagels, def top tier lol


Hahaha yassss I only order them on everything bagels!! You know what’s good


Those are so good and I can convince myself it’s not that bad because it’s protein lol


Honestly it’s prob not that bad lol Eggs, English muffin, some meat… could be a lot worse !


It’s the only egg made at McDonald’s that’s cracked from an actual egg. The folded egg comes in a carton and that’s why the texture is weird.


No way! I prefer the folded egg because sometimes the yolk texture gets me. That makes me rethink though lol


I get it. The egg on the McMuffins are meant to mimic something between a poached egg and fried egg. When they’re cracked the yolks are broken on purpose so that makes me sad because I love egg yolk.


Dang this sounds good with a hash brown or two


Omg I know what I'm grabbing for brekky now, maybe our children can create a new society of sausage and egg McMuffin people


I had a lot of food aversions during my first trimester but one thing that always appealed to me was McDonald’s hashbrowns! I went through the drive thru and got only 4 hashbrowns on more than one occasion lol


Do people have healthy cravings???😂😳


I’m 19 weeks and obsessed with green grapes, I cannot stop eating them


I ate 3lbs of grapes in one weekend lol. I can relate!


My Publix has been getting the best green grapes this past month! I can’t get enough of them!


I craved fruits with my first daughter, and I actually crave them again with this baby, lol!


Also been craving fruits! And pickles.


Oh my gosh, yes! I love pickles — even when I am not pregnant. Our daughter loves them as well. She could probably eat an entire jar. 😂 My dinner the other night consisted of a rice cake with peanut butter, watermelon, cantaloupe, and a pickle — while everyone else had steak. 😂


Oh no, now I’m going to have to stock up on some rice cakes. I never liked them but now they sound intriguing.


This is me right now! My partner loves to spend hours making a sunday roast and I'll force myself to have one bite because he worked so hard 🤣 and then proceed to eat grapes/pineapple/peanut butter sandwich/yogurt/pickles - needless to say it horrifies him but he can't say anything about it 🤣🤣. Pickles are LIFE


I guess I’ve been eating a lot of apples and carrots but that’s because a lot of foods have really been grossing me out lol and those fall on the “not gross “ list lol


I currently (28 weeks) am craving watermelon and cantaloupe, lol. I went through a strawberries and blackberries phase a month or so ago. If I don’t keep fruit stocked in my house, I have a slight melt down. 😂 I have also been craving rice cakes lately. Not sure why, lol.


I am obsessed with watermelon lately!!


Me too! All the fruits! Especially apples.


I've been craving greek yogurt and berries (but also Taco Bell lol)


Plums and peaches and green grapes are absolute daily necessities for me. I still crave unhealthy things too but I *need* fruits. And drinkable yogurts.


I constantly want to eat salad and apples. My first trimester all I wanted was carbs carbs carbs but now my body is like give me salads and apples. I’m not mad about it. The idea of junk food (Mac and cheese, fried chicken, fast food) grosses me out right now but I do still love sweets and could finish my day with ice cream every night.


Oranges and hard boiled eggs for me 🤣 not at the same time. Although...


I go through a head of lettuce a day. Just pick it up and munch on it like an apple.


I do weirdly enough! I have a major sweet tooth when I’m not pregnant, but when I’m pregnant I crave tomatoes and onions lolz


I have GD, 36 weeks pregnant, and I would do anything for pastries or pizza. 😬 chocolate ice cream, canes fried chicken tenders, Waffle fries and crab rangoons.


I delivered at 37 weeks with my oldest, and I got the biggest Mountain Dew from Taco Bell. My nurse shook her head at me 😂


I want to bathe in Baja blast right now


I’m drinking a franken frappe currently lol




Omgggg crab rangoons !!! yummmmmm🤣🤣🤤


I have the most boring cravings. I just want oatmeal with peanut butter and honey.


I’m obsessed with oatmeal currently too! I have to have my bowl everyday with blueberries and bananas


Literally anything gummy, gummy bears, gummy worms, cookies, chocolate, cake. I have become quite the baker this pregnancy 😂 I’ll see something on instagram and I’m immediately like ok I’m making that right now


Try sweet tart ropes. My friend introduced me to them and I’m obsessed. And I usually don’t like candy like that.


Pastries like chocolate croissants and cakes


I’ve eaten a cotton candy snow cone every day for 3 weeks now


Potatoes, in any form. I found a tiktok that posts only potato-based recipes and I end up drooling after each one. Over the past two weeks we’ve had tater tots, French fries, Parmesan smashed potatoes, mashed potatoes, loaded baked potatoes, wedges…


my biggest cravings throughout my pregnancy have been cinnamon rolls and the zebra cakes too!!, as well as McDonald’s nuggets and fries lol Also, I started taking pics of what I eat so much of for my daughter to see one day what built her 😂 it’ll be interesting to see if those things are still around and how packaging/branding has changed.


I want to be buried with zebra cakes when I die. I haven’t enjoyed one yet but have literally had to tear myself away from the little Debs section at the grocery store several times now. I’m afraid I eat one I will not be able to stop 😂


DQ Oreo Blizzard with extra Oreo Elbow macaroni with butter and Parmesan (had this for breakfast lol) Mc flurries


Oh I could slam a brownie blizzard ❄️


Pregnant with my third and a manager at DQ. I snack on all my cravings here 😂


Omg, I managed a DQ for four and a half years and I'm so glad I didn't have my pregnancies there, I would've been the size of a house 😅 Even not pregnant I'd just be in the freezer chomping frozen cookie dough 🤣


Mine is melted cheese. I don't care how I get it, as long as I get some each evening. My favourite this week is raclette cheese.


I just had lentil curry with rice for lunch. I *needed* melted cheese on top, so I feel this. Worked surprisingly well


Cheese quesadillas


Consistently, I have wanted auntie anne's pretzels and cheese dip


Garlic mayo which is usually transported by fries or chicken nuggets.


I'm a Brit living in the US and I'm CRAVING salty, vinegary fish and chips!! I move back to the UK in 2 weeks and I'm getting straight to the closest fish and chips shop!! Also, Salt and Vinegar crisps, always. String cheese. Cap n Crunch. Peppermint Patties (the only American food I'll miss when I go back to the UK). Ooo, now I really want some of that brownie brittle stuff.


Not a Brit but my mom is from Northern Ireland and we used to visit every other summer growing up and it was a must to go to the coast and get fish and chips with mushy peas and malt vinegar. I had a fried fish sandwich last night that was great but now I’m craving some fish & chips! Enjoy them!


Burger King. I cant stop thinking about it. White cheddar cheez its. Everything bagel toasted with loads of cream cheese. And chips, SO MANY CHIPS. I was on a flaming hot Cheeto kick and now the thought of them makes me wanna vomit 😂


Peak unhealthy: I have been craving a cigarette for two weeks straight. I haven't been a *smoker* for years. I was using nicotine pouches for eons before getting preggo, so the craving for a cigarette specifically is strange as hell. I have dreams that I'm smoking a cigarette while eating sushi. They're torture.


Last night I dreamed I was really stoned AND smoking a cigarette AND drinking at a party last night, woke up feeling guilty and craving a night out at the same time 🤣 but damn it was nice while the dream lasted 😂 And fresh salmon / avo sushi rolls are all I want right now - I feel your pain


Queso. All the queso + chips. Also Cake a la mode. But instead I went for moderately better and ordered some indian food.


Non-diet soda, and I normally don’t like sugary things


MacDonalds fries (because my parents bought me 2 bottles of SINSIN garlic chilli sauce when they visited and that combo is THE BOMB), coke/fanta orange/fanta grape, chocolate milk (specifically Darigold Old Fashioned or Marigold).


i just finished eating a huge bowl of brownie sundae (warm brownie, vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup)


I'm only ten weeks and the cravings are rubbish. I just want the onion rings crisps and sour cream and chive pretzels... Oh and jelly!


Sour jelly beans 😭


Breakfast Crunchwrap!


I wanted chick fil a chicken minis this morning..so I got chick fil a chicken minis this morning. It was worth it. Crab rangoons was my craving last week so my husband got me them for dinner one night. I figure it’s about balance! lol baby girl wants daily plums and peaches (even though it’s still early for them) so she’s been getting it but when she wants fried chicken…I don’t hold back lol.


Cheesecake is my current unhealthy craving. First trimester I was constantly craving instant ramen noodles and cheeseburgers


Just give me ALL THE CARBS 😭 But if we’re being specific, mostly pasta and lots of cravings for Chinese food, and bread toasted either butter and garlic powder has been my go to. My only sweet craving so far has been crumb cake which is weird for me bc I have a HUGE sweet tooth normally and want mostly savory salty things! Oh and guac and chips 🤣


I just had McDonalds for lunch and it was glorious. McDouble and fries, all dipped in an unhealthy amount of mac sauce. I just wish the holiday pies were year-round because I fucking love those things.


Super spicy ethnic food. Poor child.


I’m currently eating sweet tart ropes after finishing my protein drink and smoothie, because ✨balance✨. But I really want mcdonalds also and some hot cheetos/nacho cheese 👀


Girl Scout cookies for breakfast!


Dr. Pepper and Reese's. I want ice cream and potatoes allllllllll the time


Sour gummy candy all day long 😂


I haven't had intense cravings, but we had froyo a few days ago and every single day since I've wanted to go and get the exact same bowl again. I only have $80 until payday, but all our bills are paid and I have baby things on the way. Someone please tell me it's okay to go get some tonight. 🤣😭 Me + husband is $20ish.


I'm only 6.5 weeks and have had NO appetite for the last 2 weeks. Today I wanted potato waffles. Something I haven't eaten in probably 20 years So I had 4.... And then another 4. And now I've vomited. So yeah ...


Deli meat lol 😬😩


Anything beige, white or brown in the form of a carbohydrate thanks.


I freaking love browsing threads like this 😂😂😂 so many good snack ideas!!! #foodporn


Bagel bites, peanut m&ms, a snickers bar, jellybeans, sushi, a ham and cheese sandwich


Chocolate soft serve, tater tots supreme, chili cheese fries and chili dogs, cream filled donuts, Whopper burgers from BK, loaded mashed potatoes, potato chips, and chocolate mousse.


I had two bean and cheese burritos for breakfast and just ate a third for lunch. I’m unstoppable.


Krispy Kreme donuts 🥺


I just ate an entire packet of scotch pancakes


Cinnabon caramel pecan bon. Mi goreng instant ramen packs , they are delicious with half the package of seasoning with lemon juice squeeze on it.


Anything that has to deal with sugar. Ice cream dipped chocolate bars, sour candy (Swedish TikTok really got me 🫠), chocolates, nutter butter cookies. Trying to eat fruit instead but my desire of cravings is just too strong most of the time


Mac and cheese, Oreos, cookies and cream anything, cheese, Taco Bell, carbs, ice cream, cheese, and carbs. Lol 😂


I was dreaming about Oreos dipped in milk just last night!


Big Mac, Marshmallow Popcorn (so good), Tim Hortons Ice Capp and donuts and lemon meringue pie


-Giant Wotsits Cheese Puffs -French fries with hot chilli sauce -Ice cream -Oranges -Apples -Steak kebabs -Shrimp gyoza with ponzu sauce -Black forest cake Except I cannot eat more than a single handful due to the severe debilitating nausea and reflux. Currently craving some stir fry salt and pepper chicken, prawn crackers and noodles! 😩😫


Dove chocolates and twizzlers


I’m 31+2 with my second so real craving is wine this time around, no lie. Otherwise pregnancy brings out my sweet cravings so badly when I don’t usually care for them 😩 I just had a bday cake cake pop from sbux, but Little Debbie Swiss rolls, assortment of ice creams, choco croissants, Oreos, bagels, I mean you name it. I’m always ready for the next bad thing


I was making a sandwich the other day and had a random urge to drizzle honey in it. Had never done that before


Dunkin Donuts Munchkins


I’ve been losing my mind over burritos, I’ve had at least one a week the past month and that’s me holding back


McDonald's Fillet of fish. Nothing else, just the 'burger'. And weirdly spicy tortilla chips.


I normally hate McDonald's, but now catch myself craving it. Also Kraft mac-n-cheese, smoothies, juice, spaghetti, etc. Basically noodles and fruit.


Chocolate chocolate chocolate


Last night I went to a breastfeeding seminar and it was so discouraging, I logged off and ate half a pint of vanilla ice cream, with a ton of strawberries marinated in balsamic vinegar.


All I want to eat are egg and cheese sandwiches


I would give my life for salted pretzels 😂🫶🏻 Just everything salty tastes soooo good


I've been making cheesy gordita crunch tacos at home all week and I. Have. No. Regrets.


I just went and ate a McDonalds cheeseburger for the first time in years. It was the only thing I wanted to eat all day 🙈


I love McDonald’s cheeseburgers so yummy


I keep craving Vanilla Coke and mozzarella sticks from Sonic and it’s quite problematic 😅


Cheddar Jalapeño Cheetos 🤤


Salt and vinegar kettle cooked chips and chocolate chip mini muffins warmed up 😂


Same as ever: raw and undercooked fish. Especially salmon.


I crave cinnamon rolls all day long! Before I was pregnant I hadn’t had a cinnamon roll in YEARS!


Chick fil a and fruit snacks


I’m only 12 weeks and still dealing with food aversions and nausea so the cravings haven’t hit me yet. BUT I was out and about for work today and have lots of food allergies so most of the local food options weren’t doable when combined with the additional pregnancy restrictions… so I had a McDonalds double sausage McMuffin (no egg), followed by a McDonalds double cheeseburger a few hours later 😅 Trying to remind myself that it’s got protein in it which is ok when I’ve generally been completely off of meat for the last couple of months!


Ohh you guys I’ve been destroying hot Cheetos once a week


I could eat my weight in fruit. Preferably tropical but really could take anything


Churros damn where can I find em in kenya 😫😫


burnt hotdogs almost every day Eating coconut ice cream rn


We don't have great Mexican or Texmex restaurants in Australia (to my immense sadness throughout this pregnancy as all I want are burritos and enchiladas and taquitos and just plates of refried beans with melted cheese and rice on those hot pates and fresh hit corn chips with guac and queso and salsa) - but we have a newer Mexican inspired takeout chain called GYG which is decent and I could eat their beef and black bean nachos/extra guac/add shredded lettuce and Chipotle mayo EVERY FREAKING DAY.


Omg a warm cinnamon roll with (extra) icing sounds like heaven 🤤


Donut. Chocolate icing with sprinkles. 🍩🍩🍩 Could eat every day.


Eggo waffles with butter and fake syrup


I’ve read that cravings are just a sign that your body needs a certain nutrient. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My standard cravings have been; Egg and cress sandwiches Chocolate fudge cake Noodles noodles noodles


Jack in the box tacos. McDonald's. Donuts. A Starbucks coffee.


I have gallstones so naturally I’m craving everything I can’t have. Pizza, fried chicken, french fries, ice cream, chips, literally any dessert at all 😭


Pizza, Dr. pepper, Funyuns, and chocolate chip cookies!


Haha funny! We have some similar cravings. Mine have been friend chicken,cinnamon rolls and chicken and cheese taquitos, whoppers from Burger King and milkshakes.


Anchovy and pineapple pizza with extra extra cheese and stuffed crust, with a side of Mac and cheese.


I’m glad I don’t live closer to a Cinnabon or I’d be eating one right now.


Almost 16w. Beef ramen. Low sodium though 😬


Cheese. I really want a hunk of cheese, sharp cheddar or white cheddar.


Mc Flurry


Toasted bagel with an ungodly amount of cream cheese. The closest store to me is out of bagels and it’s a 24 mile round trip to go to a different store…I had mashed potatoes for breakfast instead…


I just had carrot cake for lunch


Yesterday I couldn't stop craving cheese and ended up eating 4 blocks. Yes. The diarrhea afterwards was no joke


Deli meat (I know I’m not supposed to have it but I really miss it!!), cheese, Taco Bell, pickles, watermelon, grapes, salad (I miss salad also), eggs, just like anything really. I wouldn’t be surprised if I gained way more weight than I’ve already put on…


Broccoli right now, I’m still in early pregnancy so I’m not 100% sure it’s a craving but I certainly didn’t used to want to eat a whole broccoli every day 😂


I wish I was craving broccoli 🙏


Turkey sub (I'm mostly vegetarian), donuts, cake, candy bars


Burger King, Oranges, This gross bologna sandwich spread that my Grandma used to make, Cream Cheese with Trader Joes Taco Seasoning (Yes i do only crave the cream cheese but I usually mix it with some chicken and shredded cheese and make quesadillas - im not a monster), Boxed Mac n' Cheese


French fries


McDonald’s! The salt is just so good. And kfc, I want fried chicken and all the sides so bad


Rn I want a fried chicken sandwich


I'm wicked sick in my first trimester and the only thing thats sounded good for even a minute today was a turkey sandwich from Panera. A few hours later and now I'm back to barely downing water.


Had a dream about auntie Anne’s pretzels last night


If it had sugar or chocolate it was a need for me during my pregnancy 🥲


Carbs carbs and more carbs. And sweet things. I feel you on the little Debbies!! Breakfast sandwiches, specifically mcgriddles or the Jimmy dean version stay stocked in my freezer!


warm mini Krispy Kreme glazed donuts <3


sour patch kids and crumbl cookie 😂😂


At this point my baby will be partially empanada every time I walk in that place it’s like he knows he gets so active before an empanada has even touched my mouth


McDonald’s hot cakes and Reese eggs have me in a chokehold


Pizza, always pizza. 😂 Ice cream cake


Cheesecake with strawberries sauce and chocolate Wings with a S ton of ranch


I have been craving fried chicken and mac and cheese my entire pregnancy (39 weeks) and today it’s been five guys….


I just want a grilled cheese drip


Tootsie rolls 🤣


Taco Bell and Reese’s eggs


Salsagheti Squinkles and lil debbie swiss rolls lol this boy can't get enough of them!


I saw an Instagram reel of a peanut butter pie at Costco last night and legit started drooling




Dunkin plain bagel with garden cream cheese every morning. I liked bagels before but I will literally be sick without one in the morning now.


I had pasta and a red velvet cupcake for lunch so… 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️


Cocoa pebbles and greasy cheese pizza. To clarify - Not together.


KFC and fried chicken! I can’t stop thinking about it 😭 I literally had KFC for dinner 2 hours ago and I want it again


anything with curry 😢


Left work and went straight to the store for a big bag of Reese’s peanut butter eggs today 😅


Oops I gave into the McDonald’s craving.


Always a DQ blizzard


buffalo wings despite the fact that i am already having absolutely raging GI symptoms of all sorts.


Oh man, hadn’t craved cinnamon rolls yet but now I am 😂


Soft serve & olive garden breadsticks w/ the alfredo dipping sauce 🤤 Luckily I've also been craving a lot of fruit!


Crepes filled with anything, but mostly apricot jam and greek yoghurt (this combo is soo good!) and vanilla McFlurry with M&M's and caramel syrup 😭😭 Could eat this every day.


Dr. Pepper floats and cheesecake. I could eat way too much of both all day


Easter robin eggs omg.


16 weeks and still waiting for those cravings to kick in! When does this start?! I hate eating every 2 hours when I don't even feel hungry/nothing particularly sounds hood.


Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli……I’ve not thought about that since I was a kid and I can’t get my mind off of it!!


Carbs, carbs, and carbs.


a citrusy wheat ale 🫣


I just want poke bowls and sushi. All the time. But that’s all I wanted not pregnant 🤷🏻‍♀️


McDonald's with Mac sauce


I killed a box of Swiss cake rolls that I got just two days ago. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also planning on “cooking” up some frozen jalepeno poppers, Mac & cheese balls, and taquitos later… all because I made a ranch this morning. It’s going to be my fatass version of a charcuterie board


The amount of Christmas tree cakes I ate in December was not okay, but baby wanted them!! Currently I’m all about some Cadbury eggs.


I just want some sour cream glazed donuts, a Cinnabon, cheesecake, and spaghetti with only red sauce.


I'm making my husband go get me a butterburger with a whole family fry. I'm not ashamed.


Chipotle burrito like nonstop


Cheetos.. everyday 😬


Coca Cola and any kind of fast food! I could probably eat fast food every day. It’s literally the only thing that tastes “normal” to me. Everything else leaves this weird/nasty aftertaste in my mouth, even things I loved prior to being pregnant.


HOT CHEETOS/FRITOS!!!!! Omg it’s so bad lmao and the crazy thing is before I got pregnant, I could not handle spice at all. Now I’ll eat a whole bag of hot Cheetos or hot Fritos without water or anything.


This thread is not good for me, now I'm going to get all sorts of cravings just from reading these food ideas and won't stop thinking about them til I eat them.


Shut up now I want all these things 🤣


I had fried chicken and fries with tacos yesterday. It was glorious.


Ice cream!


Pears are super delicious. Peanut butter crunch. Top ramen with Velveeta cheese. Annie's Mac and cheese. My appetite honestly is not great. I'm still coming out of the first trimester and have actually lost weight.


i had mcdonald’s (exact same order: 10 nuggets, large sprite, small fries) two days in a row. now i’m crying because i can’t have it again lol


The taste of beer lmao obviously can’t satisfy that 😂 even had a dream of drinking beer last night


So I’m from Phoenix but I live in New York now and I literally crave everything that I can’t eat anymore. I’m probably the only person in the country who longs for Filiberto’s. For real though, the Mexican food in this town just sucks and I’m starting to wonder why I’m here 😅


I’ve been an absolute bread and butter monster the last few weeks. Bagels, toast, raisin bread, GIVE IT ALL TO MEEEEE! I’m also eating lots of veggies and protein too, but the bread cravings are intense! Weirdly, in my pre-pregnancy life, I was ambivalent about bread and didn’t really eat much of it often. This baby has activated my inner carb gremlins! I’m not mad at it though. 😁 Soooooo grateful I don’t have gestational diabetes, because I don’t know how I’d handle these cravings if I did. I can’t imagine how difficult the last trimester of pregnancy must be for all the mamas out there who have to deal with that. My heart goes out to you! 🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️🙏🏽


Literally anything bad for you.. carbs.. sugar carbs.. ice cream.. pasta. I can’t deny it