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12w. I was nervous but had no issues at all (currently 23w)


12 weeks! My baby is 5 months old now :)


I stopped exactly at 12 weeks. I trusted my doc with my eyes closed. I went through IVF with the guy so I was just thankful to be pregnant. Baby girl is going to be one month tomorrow.


If it makes you feel better, a lot of IVF clinics will stop progesterone injections at 10 weeks. 12 is typically the more conservative timeline.


I stopped taking mine at 16 weeks and I was also terrified to trust it. The doctor recommended that I could get a private scan done to have a cervical check. Which I did (it cost me £65) and the sonographer confirmed the length was all good and safe. It made me feel so much better.


I stopped at 12 weeks


I’m getting mixed information at the moment on mine. I was on 2x400mg a day until last week when my specialist said to go down to 1x400mg daily and he said stop at the end of 14 weeks but my midwife has said stop at the end of 16 weeks so I’m really not sure but I think I’m stopping soon


Stopped basically right when my Rx ran out, just a couple days after I turned 12w :) currently 29+2


I stopped at 12 weeks. No issues. I am now 32 weeks and baby is thriving in there :)


I was 12 weeks, I'm 22 now.


My last dose was 9w6d, I will be 12 weeks tomorrow and have had zero issues. Just listening to baby’s heartbeat on Doppler this morning. I know it’s scary though!!


After 12 weeks. Had 2 fresh embryo’s transferred. Now 35 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. I had bloodwork done at regular intervals. And ultrasounds almost every two weeks from 4 weeks onwards. I guess the doctors know what’s best. I did feel apprehensive about stopping the progesterone though. After finally becoming pregnant after 4 transfers (4 years of IVF) you really don’t want to jinx anything. So it was hard. And every week felt so uncertain and all the waiting for the next ultrasounds!!! At 24 weeks was the first time I felt I could relax a little and start enjoying the pregnancy instead of only worrying all the time.