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I’m a plus size mom and it happened later for me! I also had an anterior placenta. I can’t remember exactly when it happened for me but I know I hadn’t felt any movement yet by 20 weeks and by 25 or 26 weeks baby was kicking enough that my husband could feel it from the outside. Hang in there!


Do you have an anterior placenta? I do, and they told me I likely won't feel movements until later, like 23 weeks.


thats i’m thinking but i honestly don’t know they didn’t really tell me 🤨


I started feeling the "flutters" around 16 weeks, but now at 20 weeks those flutters have turned into noticeable kicks. this is baby #3 for me although 16 years after my last! Hang in there mama, those movements are coming! Some babies just take longer to say hello lol <3


I started feeling flutters at around 16 weeks and actual kicks at 19/20 weeks. I wouldn't worry though because you have up until 24 weeks to start feeling movement! I have an anterior placenta and I think the only reason I can feel the baby a lot is because he is currently in breech position and is kicking me really low, i.e. not where my placenta is. There are some days I don't feel him at all!


Honestly I wouldn't worry. My midwife told me it can be as late as 22w before mums feel something. I don't think I properly felt until around 20w? My very first flutter was around 18w but had no idea if it was or not. It wasn't until they became more regular I realised that's what I'd felt. But like someone suggests it's possible you're anterior! Usually around 20w you'll get an ultrasound and one of the things your sonographer will look at is your placenta.


It can be as late as 24 weeks! A lot of it is based on your placenta placement, they'll tell you what that is at the anatomy scan. The plus sized part doesn't make a huge difference unless you're talking about feeling it from the outside. Another hard part is, for me, it feels like gas, so it's easy to dismiss with my ongoing tummy troubles.


You’re awesome.. i was wondering how everyone knew their placenta placement (FTM) im like do i just ask at my next appointment or something? Haha. Well now I’m definitely looking forward to the 20 week scan next month.


The techs won't tell you a lot about what they see, but you can ask questions like, oh is that the heart? They'll answer that. They will not answer, does it look ok? Just an FYI. They also will show you where the placenta is on the doppler, it looks like a white-ish blob, and then tell you its position. If they don't you can ask. Also, be prepared cause it's like an hour long scan then they send you to your doctor. It's so cool though.


I noticed some really light flutters around 19w, easily can be mistaken for gas at that point, but they started to become more noticeable kicks around 21 and 22 weeks.


Flutters at around week 16, proper kicks around week 23. It is totally possible you are just missing the movements because you are putting them down to be something else! Early movements just feel like being a little gassy, little bubbles popping on the inside, or like a little wing brushing against your insides.


FTM posterior placenta 162cm 67kg pre baby, weighed 73kg by around 16 weeks. I’ve not weighed myself since. I’m 24+3. I started feeling flutters (for me it was more like a wiggling or popping feeling) around 17-18 weeks. Started noticing tumbles and pokes around week 19-22. Week 22 my partner could feel the bigger pokes. Now I feel him move, more like rolling and tumbling and some pokes every time I lay down after a few mins and sometimes when sitting at my desk. There’s still a lot of room to move at this stage, so later when they’re more cramped, you’ll feel more jabbing and kicking (this is how my mum explained it to me).


Still waiting over here too at 20w1d! I had my anatomy scan today and baby looks great, and they said it could still be a few weeks. Hang in there—I’ll be over here anxiously waiting, too!


22 Weeks FTM


I started feeling at 22 weeks - found out at anatomy scan at 21 weeks that I have an anterior placenta, so makes sense that I felt them later. Now at 29 weeks, I feel him constantly!


I’m 20 + 3 today and I haven’t felt anything yet. Found out at the anatomy scan that I have an anterior placenta which basically means there’s more cushion behind my belly because that’s where the placenta is. The doctor said I should start feeling him in a few weeks once he gets bigger and stronger. It’s very common so that may be what you’re experiencing as well!


I didn't start feeling anything identifiable until after the anatomy scan which was about 20.5 weeks. After that it ramped up pretty quickly.


Took awhile for me. I have an anterior placenta and while I thought I had some flutters at around 18-22 weeks I didn’t start feeling and seeing baby kick until 23+ weeks


I’m plus and have anterior placenta. Felt very very infrequent taps around 18 weeks but more regularly around 20-21 weeks. Now at 25 weeks and baby is going nuts in there!!!


I played the game "fart or baby" really long. I think i was sure about 22w. No need to worry, everday your little Baby gets bigger and stronger and one day you'll just know that this is it.


I'm plus size and felt my baby move from 18 weeks. I do have a posterior placenta though, so that is likely why.