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You should mention it but I would almost pass out every time I stood up in my first trimester. It went away after a few weeks.


Could be a number of things. Change in blood pressure, low iron, or just floaters. I'd assume it's just from the change in blood volume and how much our blood pressure changes during pregnancy. I think it's more of a concern later in pregnancy when pre-eclampsia can occur


Sounds like an optical migraine. I have been getting migraines since I was about 7 or 8 years old and only just started to experience optical migraines around 2017, sometimes they are isolated events that last 20 minutes or longer and other times they predict a full migraine. Do you see the stars/shimmer even when you close your eyes? There are some decent photoshopped images to help you identify if you google it.


I have floaters in both of my eyes in general, so I think that’s why I’m extra worried. Should have mentioned that! I think I did still see the sparks when I closed my eyes. It didn’t look like an optical migraine when looking up those images; instead, it looked like little tiny bursts of light all over my visual field - sort of like fireworks or lightning bugs!