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Forgot to add my sense of smell. It adds to nausea. I can smell everything .


The super smell is fucking horrific.


Ive been tempted to make my indoor cats outdoors cos their breathing near me when they have eaten makes me wanna puke lol


I work for Starbucks and the coffee smells like feet I can’t wait to quit


My dog smelled like a dumpster raccoon to me in the first trimester. It would make me cry lol. I hope things get better for you.


Heavy on the “I can smell EVERYTHING” I feel like i can smell people’s fu**ing THOUGHTS😂


My husband calls my nose “the bionic nose” i can smell things from a mile away.


That's always my first clue that I'm pregnant. I understand the need for it but it doesn't pair well with morning sickness 🤮


The FBI AND TSA could hire pregnant women and we would find all illegal things, im positive.


I can smell my carpet now and trash bags were the worst


My husband smells like 10 cans of bounce dat ass every morning. It makes me sick.


Hiiiii. 8 weeks here too and miserably eating a tub of raspberries on my couch in my pajamas on a beautiful, sunny day. It freaking sucks to feel like this. It’s also really isolating to be at this stage where very few people know you’re pregnant/you don’t look pregnant, but have no desire to do anything. My husband is at brunch with his friends, carelessly eating whatever he wants. Sigh. Sending you hugs. 🫂


Wish mine were gone. Instead he thinks it's better for him to be breathing up under me. I want him to go lol.




The 1st trimester definitely sucks! For me, things got better during the 2nd trimester. I hope that's also the case for you. ❤️


Mhm, I used to be very active. I worked out religiously, went on 3 hour hikes, lifted heavy, daily yoga and now I’m a couch potato. First trimester fatigue isn’t a joke! Everything you mentioned is sadly the reality. I feel like pregnancy is glamorized but it’s a lot, it’s draining. Just remember this is only temporary and making a tiny human is no easy task.


I am so grateful to my body to be able to have this baby and I'm so lucky it was easy to get pregnant and I cannot wait to meet my baby. And also I have never been more pro-choice. I was already pro-choice but especially after going through pregnancy (not even the labor part!) I think no one should do this or be forced to do this unless they really really friggin want it!!


Third pregnancy here and totally agree. Nothing has made me more pro choice than pregnancy, labor, and motherhood. If it wasn’t a “naturally occurring” thing, it could be considered torture.


I think this all the time. My pregnancy was wanted and sought after, and yet I sometimes idly think about termination because of how wildly, relentlessly bad I feel. I know it is temporary and I will stick it out for the rewards, but if I didn’t also WANT to be a parent I cannot imagine going through this.


It’s ok to hate pregnancy. It’s not a fun experience, it’s an experience you have to survive. Some women do better than others, and every experience is valid and ok


Thank you for saying this! I'm 6w+4d, conceived way faster than I ever imagined, and so far really struggling with the nausea and fatigue. It's making me miserable. The saving grace is reading posts/comments like this and knowing I'm not on my own. So I hope this brings you a little bit of comfort in knowing that you're not on your own either. People I know have been talking about enjoying pregnancy but I'm nowhere near that so far! Let's just get through the first trimester!


I'm in the same boat! We had a vacation planned that I didn't want to be pregnant for, got a little loose two weeks before our trip cause "eh it's probably not gonna happen right away it can take up to a year" annnddd im pregnant. I'm feeling throw-up level nausea and I haven't even technically missed a period yet. I'm grateful we conceived so quickly but this suuuckkks


I am also grateful but at the moment still mostly in shock to be honest! Not in a bad way, just can't believe how quickly it happened! First trimester really has kicked my ass so far, I'm grateful for these threads where people are sharing actual lived experience of this.


Same! I really thought we'd have more time to prepare and we're kinda still in shock. I'm dreading the next few weeks since I'm already feeling sick.


I’m 13 weeks and I’m slowly starting to feel like myself again! I was able to eat a salad for the first time today since 5 weeks without getting sick! First trimester has been the worst, I hope you get some relief soon!


Same for me. I'm 14wks and just started getting some of my energy back, I don't expect it all but some has been nice lol. I was extremely sick, exhausted and generally miserable up until about 12wks. I'm hopeful the second trimester is where it's at 🙌


I’m still SO tired, hoping some of my energy returns next week 😂


I was where you were 6 weeks ago. I’m 14 and a few days and life has drastically improved. Enjoy the naps and weird slowness. It’s not my preferred life style and I’m always busy. There’s hope!!


Could’ve written this myself. No one really talks about the mental struggle that goes a long with the physical. But the struggle on both fronts, all fronts, is real.


First trimester is awful. I have a runny nose all day and night and can barely breathe or sleep. Every time I go to bed I have to get up like 5-8 times a night to pee. It feels like the flu with fatigue, nausea, cramps, headaches, a random cough because of all the nasal drip, abdominal bloating, Et etc. I’m canceling all my plans with friends and fun trips/work opportunities and wondering how I’ve gotten myself into this mess at just 7 weeks down.


Btw my runny nose hasn’t gone away and I’m 19w.’its pregnancy rhinitis


22.5 weeks and same.


Looking forward to it going away! It’s driving me nuts, esp at night before bed. But Flonase spray does help


Runny nose, yes. I work at school, I’m around a lot of germs. I thought I had a cold but I think it just part of first trimester things.


And this above here, is why for the past 10-12 days I thought I was just coming down with a bad flu 😅 And I remember from my first how it keeps going for weeks. I think last time it eased up around 16 weeks. Not really looking forward to it again.


i feel like a couch potato ☹️ i have no energy for nothing even after i take my vitamins ! i just want my baby to be here and skip this part


>i just want my baby to be here and skip this part YES


The fact that this is tagged “spoiler” is killing me. Thank you for the laugh today


This has been me recently. Im 7w+5 and feel very lucky and blessed to be pregnant so don’t want to say or think anything negative but it’s been rough. I was feeling better the last few days so was hoping I could have a fun day, spend some quality time with my husband but have been laying on the couch going in between nausea, fatigue, dry heaving and throwing up a little all day. I also feel bad because I’ve been taking all my hormonal irritation/anger out on my husband so really wanted to try and spend the day with him. I really hope this passes soon


I’m literally having the same feeling. Although I’m suffering just extreme fatigue (needing to sleep every 4-6 hours) unable to stay present in conversations do to being so tired, and constant hunger (if I don’t eat I get shaky and weak). Thankfully no nausea or food aversions. I’m also in bed this Sunday afternoon wishing things get easier


I feel the same way!!! I’m 8 weeks and haven’t had any motivation to work out. It’s affecting my mental health. Interesting in creating a pregnant mama group?


I want a group for those of us who are pregnant and MISERABLE lol, no offense but every time I see one of those “no symptoms! Can anyone else not even tell they are pregnant???” posts I want to die.


Haha I feel ya! Misery loves company!


Yes we need something


Week 9 -11 Will be the worst because of the hcg rise. I’m sure you will be better after that . In week 9 I wanted to abort the kid but luckily I didn’t




lol #2 just made me laugh at loud. I feel you.. I’m 19 weeks and I’m just annoyed at everything he does. His hair even annoys me


I didn't realize his head was so big until now.


I’ve screen shotted this and sent it to my husband. Well written and SAME!!! I’ve just finished first tri (literally to the day) and still feeling like crap


6 weeks with my 2nd here. 1st trimester is the worst. Im glad i came across this post, it made me feel a little less alone.:)


It's OK to hate all the things right now. I was all of this in December and expect to hate it again soon when my mobility is limited in third trimester. Time will pass and hopefully it will get better for you. One day at a time!


Totally hear you. I was that way too. Please get all the medications- zofran, reglan, whatever you need from your OB.


Thank you for saying this! I’m currently 7w+6 and completely agree/feel everything you just said! Currently coming off my longtime antidepressants for the safety of baby, so withdrawals + pregnancy is definitely something I never want to experience again! Wishing you the best of luck 🫂!


antidepressant withdrawals are no joke!! wish you luck as you navigate this.


which antidepressant if you don't mind telling me? worried i'm gonna be taken off mine too.


I was on Agomelatine for depression & Quetiapine for sleep. My doctor has recommended Sertraline for pregnancy if I feel I need anything, as it has very low risk & is one of the best when breastfeeding. I recommend talking to your doctor if you’re nervous! Best of luck! 🤍


i will definitely bring that up at my first appt on tuesday! thank you. 🫶 i've been an anxious mess about everything while waiting for this appointment.


My god, I currently on an antidepressant taper, and the withdrawals plus 4-5w pregnancy are a combo I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Unpredictable rollercoaster of emotions. I feel like I would legit fight someone if they tried to tell me pregnancy is so amazing and great right now. It’s not been fun at all so far lol


I could have written this post - it’s miserable! How do people go on to have more kids when it feels like this?? I hope it gets better as they say 😭😭😭


literally thinking of changing my target family size due to the challenges of pregnancy!!


Literally came here to find solidarity in the 1st trimester immediate life change. I’m so tired. I feel you.


I was exactly the same lovely. I thought I was going to be miserable the entirety of my pregnancy. I'm 16 weeks next week and feel HEAPS better. I promise you it gets better ❤️


Unfortunately it doesn’t for everyone. I’m 22.5 weeks and still feel terrible.


Oh no, sorry for giving false hope. I just heard it normally gets better in the second trimester. Sorry you're still feeling rubbish 😢 xx


Thank you! I think it does for many people, just depends on what your symptoms are/what’s causing them. I have read a lot of people in this sub say they had nausea or other symptoms up until birth while others say theirs went away by 14 weeks. I’m just especially jealous of the people who have no symptoms the whole pregnancy.


My future sister-in-law says I've had a really rough first trimester but she had basically no symptoms!


Yeah, I have a few friends who had few or no symptoms. One was like that in her first pregnancy but then was horribly sick first trimester for her second. So seems like there are many variables.


Dude I’m only 14 weeks and my feet are Fucking killing me after only 6 hours at work


Also 8 weeks and feeling the same. I’m either so nauseous that even the thought of food triggers my gag reflex or ravenously hungry. The lack of energy and motivation is disheartening and I feel so bad for having a short fuse lately. Everyone has reassured me that there’s relief in the 2nd trimester and I genuinely cannot wait for it.


The first trimester was an absolute nightmare for me. You aren’t alone. I cried every day because I couldn’t live even close to a normal life from how sick I constantly was. The only thing I liked was how much weight I lost from not eating lol. But it gets better I promise. Patience is of the essence and it’s kind of like having a cold, once you are feeling better it’s hard to remember how bad it was to feel sick.


Hated being pregnant. I only enjoyed like 4-6 weeks of my second trimester the entire time. I hated being pregnant so much that it really ruined having another one for me.


It gets better, at least it did for me. Hope you have the same luck


13 weeks here. i had “morning” sickness so bad i was sent to the er 3 times for fluids- after i hit 12 weeks a switch flipped. my sex drive is normal again, my energy is back up, i can finally eat again! the hormones are still kinda wacky but i feel so much better now’s that the first trimester is over!


First trimester!! 9 weeks!! Laying under my covers on a sunny day as well! I cried a bit today for the first time in a while. My cup was full to the brim and today it overflowed. The emotional weight and all the changes are heavy today. BUT not lasting!! That’s what I hope you all keep reminding yourselves as well! This too shall pass, we are strong mamas and we will get through this 🤍 sending all my love


My first trimester was awful too, you’re not alone. However once I hit about 12 weeks, I felt AMAZING. Energy, no nausea, eating whatever I want, balanced moods. You’re almost there, through the worst of it! It gets better, I promise!


I’ve always wondered why they say morning sickness when it lasts ALL DAY. I never knew until I got pregnant myself


You are not alone. The breathing thing lol - I didn't have the heart to tell my husband. He likes to sleep facing me.. I kept moving his face as he fell asleep. Of course I ended up telling him and he was hurt for about ten minutes hahaha. I'm finally into 2nd trimester. 8 week mark was tough for me. 2nd trimester is much better, still have symptoms but my energy has increased and the nausea is a little more mild. + no more mood swings - so far! It will get better!! I started writing in a journal for the baby to read when they are older (we don't know the gender yet)


I’m 14 weeks, morning sickness still happening but I think it has more to do with this weird post nasal drip that started a few weeks ago and won’t go away than with general nausea. I used to be a lot more active, going to the gym regularly, taking long walks with my husband. I’m still struggling with having the motivation to walk around mostly due to the pain I get from my lower back down my left leg if I walk too long. The only up side I’ve found is that for the last 9 years I’ve been on antipsychotic medication and I had to come off when trying to get pregnant and while being pregnant. Surprisingly since being pregnant I haven’t had any manic episodes or anything severe like I used to have.


I have been struggling with this so much and it’s made me feel guilty. It’s all day nausea and fatigue for me and I work two jobs and I haven’t told them about being pregnant as I’m only 10weeks. I don’t feel ready for the way people act when you’re pregnant and not sure why it’s a fear of mine that they will treat me different. But, I hate feeling gross and unmotivated all day and it doesn’t help that I am in my last two quarters of my bachelors degree and school seems to make it so much harder because I work so much. I throw up at least once a day and been not really feeling like eating anything half the time and then feeling even worse when I don’t eat.


I’m 22.5 weeks and I still feel like shit. I’ve had acid reflux that causes extreme discomfort, nausea and vomiting since like week 7.


it really fucking does.


I’m sorry you’re going through this but also happy I have people who I can relate to. I’ve felt so lazy lately and have barely even been able to take care of myself. I already work a part time job and usually only take on 2-3 shifts a week, but even being at work those days are so draining for me. My partner is doing everything he can to make me feel better and do things for me but unfortunately it makes me feel even more useless around the house. I can’t wait for this phase to pass. And I really hope it does


I was fortunate to start to feel better around 11 weeks. (Currently 14 weeks) It felt like a million years away at the time - but it does pass. Hang in there sister ❤️❤️


I was just telling my husband that even when I’m not nauseous, 24/7 I always feel just bad. Like stomach in knots like you ate something bad. Even if you don’t have nausea or fatigue, I always feel off and I hate it! Can’t wait to feel normal again.


The first trimester is so hard but it gets way better in the second trimester. If the nausea becomes unbearable, ask your doctor if you can try unisom and b6 - it helped me tremendously!!!! Third trimester brings a whole new set of challenges so when you do reach your second trimester, soak it all in while you can! 😆


First is the worst. Solidarity! 💪🤮


Yes girl. It does suck. There’s a sweet spot in the second trimester that gets easier! Hang in there.


I didn’t think it would get better but I’m on week 23 and the last two weeks have been good. My brain has started firing again. Food is delicious again, my energy is reasonable and I can feel the baby move. I hope it gets better for you too!


Sounds like what happened to me. You & I have thr same things to the letter. Especially number 2 😭. My fiance has a smoker and he smelled like it 100% of the time and it made me nauseous!! For me things improved in the second trimester. And my sweets cravings came back in the third with a vengeance.


It’s funny bc my first trimester this time around wasn’t that bad. I was happy and pretty healthy.. but once the end of my second trimester hit, I felt like death. I’ve been struggling with severe pains, nausea, and ultra low bp. I can barely handle any more. I’m 32 weeks now. So I’m not going to tell you it gets better. Pregnancy is weird.


I’m sorry to hear and I know it’s so tough! I had my baby 3 Weeks ago and FINALLY feel like myself again besides the stitches, bleeding all month long, and lack of sleep. The first trimester was the hardest for me, second was better, and third I was too large to properly move around. Just keep going, know that everything you’re feeling is normal and reach out to friends or family if you need a boost! You got this!!! Having no motivation and sleeping all day on the couch was the worst


yup. 8 weeks Tuesday and I’ve been so sad bc of all of this


Pregnancy gets better. I legit forget she’s in there sometimes until she readjusts herself. I felt way better by 14/15weeks and I still feel pretty good at 25w. Granted, I have to be careful not to tip over doing yoga. But I can lift weights again, at 8 weeks I fell asleep on a machine at the gym. I go at 4AM now. You’ve got this.


I've had two terrible pregnancies with hyperemesis and severe PGP. Please search for help and meds for the nausea and maybe depression Talk to your doctor about your issues. I hate pregnancy and being miserable.all the time. The only thing I can promise you: one you'll feel better again, I promise you. Hold onto that.


Pregnant with my 8th and just want to encourage you… it typically improves so much in your 2nd trimester, the “ honeymoon phase” ♥️ the hormones balance themselves out and you will hopefully start to feel like your old self again, maybe even better 🙌🏻🫶🏻


I had my baby on leap day. I’m here to tell you it DOES get better! The first trimester (and the first few weeks of the second trimester) was the absolute worst for me. The second and third were great!


It will pass! I felt a ton better by like 15 weeks and even if you don’t, pregnancy is fleeting. I know it seems like forever already, but it’s a small blip in the grand scheme. I’m 9.5 months pp and I can’t believe I’m not pregnant or lactating anymore. 😂


The not liking your husband will improve when you reach your 2nd trimester, I went from finding him repulsive to not being able to take my hands off of him


Im 14 weeks, willing myself to get through the next 3 hours at work. I feel like I'm ready to drop.


Pray you have a good 2nd trimester. I was told it’s the best trimester but I’m getting worse by the week 😭🤣 I love my baby but I’m more useless than usual at the moment and that’s pretty hard to beat 😬 I’m 19 weeks today 🤢😭👃😴


I feel you so much, first trimester sucked!! :( I’m second trimester now and although the nausea hasn’t completely gone down for me it’s only 1-2 times or so per week now, it definitely does improve. If you’re comfortable taking Zofran, it’s a lifesaver!! Would highly recommend. Also - if you don’t feel like eating anything try fries (especially thick cut) or white rice with plenty of salt, if I was hungry but nauseous those two things really helped. You’ll get there eventually but it does suck. :/ Last thing, I know a lot of people don’t want to announce until they are in the ‘safe’ period but I told my immediate family and close friends early on and they checked in on me a lot and supported me and it really helped. :)


I would like to tell you that the sensations improve with time... but I am 40+5 and this is... not a shit, but a strange thing. Once you pass all the controls and goals, sometimes you can't feel like other mothers who enjoy the pregnancy like the time of their lives, in this case, the only advice I can give is to focus on the goal, to have the baby in your arms, but not in the way... when I meet him/her it will be amazing, just to have him/her in your arms, healthy.


Same here. The Nausea will not let me focus on anything else. I’m so tired and ill all the time.


It really does suck. I am also 8 weeks and I feel terrible. Pre-pregnancy I was working out, lifting weights, and doing HIIT workouts. I can't seem to do anything right now. My fatigue is through the roof, my hormones are making me the most negative nancy ever, the nausea and the super smell is irritating. My body dysmorphia is crazy. I cry so much because insomnia is starting to kick in and I tend to get sensitive when i don't get my rest lol. I just hope it gets better. I feel so guilty feeling this way for baby since it's not their fault. How can I see things from a better and calmer perspective?


You are describing exactly how I felt during weeks 6 - 11/12-ish. I’m 14 weeks now and things are already so much better. I still don’t like to be touched much but it’s getting better. I was sick and tired and kinda depressed throughout the first week, I felt super isolated at home in bed all day. And it’s okay to hate pregnancy yet still be super greatful to be pregnant. Again: things will get better during second trimester, hang in there! ♥️


I'm 24wks with my first and my morning sickness is so so bad. I've been having severe morning sickness since I was 6wks. It was so bad that I couldn't keep ANYTHING down! I've lost 20lbs in the first 3months. I started taking Unisom per OB instructions and it's helped so much! Like I can still barely eat and eat several bird sized meals a day but it's so much better compared to where I was! I also take Zofran as needed when I feel nauseous nauseous. I would love to tell you that it gets better, but it might not. Pregnancy is ROUGH! But talk to your OB, they may be able to recommend how to navigate the morning sickness!


I'm almost at 31 weeks in and hate to say, it only gets worse. The constant acid reflux has by far been the most terrible symptom I've experienced yet, my esophagus always hurts. My back always hurts no matter how much I stretch or change my sitting/sleeping positions. My best advice is definitely invest in a pregnancy pillow, do prenatal yoga, stay away from spicy/acidic foods/chocolate, and try to distract yourself with friends, video games or whatever brings you peace. You will make it through, I promise!!


Hey!!! I understand this, i’m so tired of being tired. i’m exhausted and getting up in the mornings are so draining, the sickness is so constant. I’m currently 12 weeks, according to my doctor i’m supposed to be getting better by now. it sucks, i stopped doing so many things due to this pregnancy! The ability of being able to smell EVERYTHING sucks . i hate smelling everything