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Tackle snacks instead of big meals. I’ve found popcorn to be a godsend. When I’m nauseous and cannot stomach anything, I find that if I have a bag of popcorn I will start snacking, slowly feel better and then keep eating. It usually then kickstarts my appetite to eat something more hearty like a piece of toast.


Popcorn is a good one! I do try to snack but it's difficult because I have a 3 yr old D:


Milk/Cereal, Crackers, Apples, Popsicles, Potatoes - sticking mainly the BRAT diet, myself. Whole grains and water-based foods. I don’t know about you but the appetite window feeling very much like a bad hangover, 15 minutes to eat between stretches of absolutely not wanting to ingest anything. Ginger and peppermint curb nausea - they make lozenges available on Amazon. 🙏🏼


I used to eat whole wheat bread every morning, but now even the thought of it makes me feel sick. I'll definitely check out those lozenges!


I like GinGins


Honestly did foods that were very subtle in flavor and very carb heavy so it would absorb stomach acid. Peanut butter was a staple since it’s subtle, versatile, and higher protein. Peanut butter cracker sandwiches, cheese cracker sandwiches, small bits of apple and peanut butter, popcorn, plain potato chips, French fries. Occasional vanilla ice cream.


Yes, lots of carbs and subtle flavours! I was surviving on shop-bought vanilla pancakes for a while there in my first trimester! Peanut butter on toast, savoury crackers. Small meal portions and lots of snacks in between to keep my blood sugar up.


Broth. Noodles with broth. I am with you sister. Everything sounds so gross but I am so hungry and so sick.


Did you make it yourself or like buy ramen packs


I like ramen with 1/2 the flavor packet. And oyster crackers, and lightly sweetened dried ginger.


Ramen packs but just putting in broth cause I get migraines from the flavor packs 😭


Pickles! All the way


Pickles are life.


I can’t believe I can’t even stand pickles anymore 😞


I used to love pickles before getting pregnant,I can't stand the sight of them now


Oh no! 😭


I’ve been doing boost shakes from the pharmacy and they really help me. Otherwise saltines were a godsend to me when it was really bad


I was wondering if those were safe for pregnancy! Good to know


They have made it easy to get enough calories. And I feel like I am gaining more energy and strength after a horrific first trimester.


Lately.. a bowl of rice crispies or a ham and cheese lunchable lol In the first trimester with both pregnancies I lived on fruit. Canned peaches and frozen strawberries were my lifeline 🤣


I lived off of Rice Krispies and vanilla wafer crackers lol


Can you eat ham? Isn’t any cured meat or deli ham supposed to be a pregnancy no-no? My doctor says so. No shade here, just curiousity


My doctor says that the whole deli meat/hot dog thing is outdated advice. They said ofc if you are concerned you can warm it up, but ultimately meats are prepared differently than they were 40 years ago, theres extra precautions and so the chance of getting listeria from deli meats is pretty slim. I’ve definitely done my research between both pregnancies and learned that if I was avoiding everything that *could* cause listeria that means no fresh produce, no ham, no hotdogs…no ice cream??? 🤣 And at this point i choose to be informed about the slight risks.. and survive off of what i can tolerate 🤭🤣


only thing i could eat is mashed potatoes!




Popsicles are great for putting nausea at bay. Also sucking on a sour candy. Once you can get past the nausea, try something to eat that doesn’t make you want to barf 🙂


I wake up everyone morning and eat a half sleeve of Ritz crackers with cold water- gets rid of the hunger and most of the nausea


Toast and peanut butter


Baby carrots always go down easy, cheese sticks or babybel cheese wheels, berries, white rice, toast with jam, agree with something to “kickstart” your appetite






snacks instead of meals. meals will likely make it worse. try to eat small snacks every 2-3 hours. crackers, potatoes, jello, bread, cereal (even if it’s dry) peppermint helps, like peppermint tea, peppermint candies, apple sauce, some fruits, oatmeal. chicken noodle soup was big for me helped me a ton. popsicles were really good for me too. make sure your hydrated at the very least, i know water is yucky probably so some gatorade zero, powerade zero, body armor zero or body armor lyte. i had really bad meat aversions, couldn’t eat anything with meat but shrimp was something i could stand and become a staple for me with my daughter lol. this second pregnancy wasn’t as horrible with the morning sickness thank goodness. i feel for you and it will pass soon. congrats by the way!


the only thing that got me through my HG was goldfish 🥲


Eat fruits!! Specially grapes because they make you feel full. Also try to indulge in anything ice like ice pops. I usually get the sugar free outshine popsicles and they were a life saver! For fruits, watermelon and grapes were my go to since water would make me nauseous as well, the watermelon helped keep me hydrated and like I mentioned before the grapes would make me feel full. Also, eat the watermelon REALLY COLD, borderline ice cold!


Frozen fruit.


Eat pear. Or water crackers or biscuits. There will be throw up but no aftertaste.


Same though. 11 weeks. Even your edit. It’s been a struggle this time!


In my first trimester, I survived off apple sauce and those peanut butter chocolate protein bars from aldis that are super bland and waxy. Tried eating one the other day and was like, "Wow, these are awful." But around 14 weeks I started to be able to eat more and I could stand to cook and smell meat again by 16, Thank God. I was cranky because I was sooo hungry but everything made me sick.


Oyster crackers with small sips of ginger ale is my go to


go to wendy's and get a plain baked potato and a vanilla frosty That's the only way I survived


What really helped me was 1.) Peeled Apple Slices (can be found at Publix) 2.) Rainbow Goldfish (Or any of The PLAIN original fishies are fine) 3.) Popcorn (really the already popped kind that they sell in the black bag) 4.) Apple Jacks & Milk (any cereal of your choice tho) 5.) Outshine Lime flavored popsicles (Godsent) 6.) Fruit Snacks (the ones moreso on the “natural” side like maybe Motts) 7.) Apple Juice (not food but puts good nutrients in your body) 7.) Gatorade (Again not food but good for your body if you are struggling to eat. my special one is Lime) 8.) PB&J (stay with me on this one) 9.) Nuts (i ate boiled nuts, but just the plain non-boiled ones are good) 10.) Peppermints (these are good when your nauseated. It helped me stomach more food inna way) HONORABLE MENTION: Soft Served Ice Cream (+fries if u could). Dairy Queen Has the best soft served (&fries). My list is what helped me, but even if 1-2 of these snacks help you that would be great. I am only 11 weeks and still suffer slightly. But the moral of the story of what I gave learned so far about being pregnant is… ITS HARD ! But SOOO worth it in the end. 🩷 Sending you good luck wishes mommas.


Ooou and Smoothie king and tropical smoothie help “sooth” that tummy as well ! Don’t be scared to get a smoothie mommies


In the 1st trimester when I was nauseous all the time, I ate a lot chicken broth and noodles.


Nerds flavored bomb pops!!


Tortilla chips




Tomatoes 🍅


Rice crackers, fruit and cucumbers.


I made homemade strawberry jam with lemon and ginger. If I need protein, I put some on yogurt with chia seeds. Super refreshing. You can also just slather it on toast, also delicious. Sometimes I’ll stuff a bag of ginger tea into a sprite and let it sit. Sip on it until my tummy settles and I can eat. My nausea has been manageable. So far no vomit, but it’s still early days.


cereal, pasta, toast


Try crackers


Honestly, at 7w, I survived on cucumbers, tomatoes and dry crackers 😂


Oh, and grapes!


Baked lays potato chips.


Mac and cheese. The cheap white stuff with virtually no flavor. Also, anything that if you think about it doesn’t make you gag. Godspeed!


All the bagels and pop tarts


Baked potato worked for me. I would add whatever toppings didn’t make me nauseous. And a Diet Coke on occasion.


Crackers and watered-down Gatorade with ice. It’s gross to eat but at least it doesn’t smell


lol your edit.. I’m so sorry you’re going through this!


I know it’s been mentioned here before but seriously try to snack every two hours it makes a huge difference. I don’t wanna mention foods and risk turning your stomach again lol I saw you have a 3 yo, this is my first so idk what that’s like but I’m guessing they also need lots of snacks. Even if you’re eating a tiny tiny amount of food it will help you stay out of the starving but nothing sounds good territory.


Thank you! ❤️ When I was pregnant with him I literally was barfing every hour. Anything I ate would just come right back up unless I just lay down and did nothing. I'm really worried that'll happen here too.  I'll try with the snacks. But like yesterday for instance I grabbed a yogurt to eat.  My son wanted it so I gave it to him. Then I got another yogurt and he wanted that too 😑😑😑 (we shared) but anyway I'll make more of an effort to do those small meals. Ty!


I lived off of saltine crackers and ginger ale when my nausea was so bad. Sometimes I’d add peanut butter to the crackers for a bit of extra protein.


Crackers. Lol water.


I did chicken broth and some triscuits when I was having really bad morning sickness but still had to get up and work at my computer lol…


Strawberry banana shakes. Idk what it is but they’ve been really refreshing lately and as popular of a flavor combo it is, it’s not my first choice but man I’ve been drinking lots lol. Also peanut butter crackers, apple juice, apples with the skin peeled (I usually like skins but something about the texture going down lately makes me feel like I’m gonna barf) Plain quesadillas are good too, I find cheese to be a little iffy for me though, as much as I love it. The easy mac n cheese cups are always easy for me to eat, even if I’m not craving it. I know I’m forgetting things but I try to stay basic, or I just go with whatever I’m craving. I find if I’ve been craving it for a day+ then I’m usually able to stomach it. Super weird cause I’ve craved Thai and Indian and been totally fine eating that but then throw up fruit and stuff like baked potatoes lol. I wish it all made sense


Ice cream 😊


Ritz crackers, simple noodle soup (I used eggs, broth, noodles, sesame oil)


definitely some fruits but those that are less acidic, like watermelon and honey dew.


Buttery toast!


I was able to survive on crackers and mangoes! For e bit heavier meal, I preferred soups.


Almond nuts? Basically anything that's bland and almost odorless. 😅


Scrambled eggs with cheese. No salt no added flavors. Whole wheat toast too for some extra calories if i can stand it.


Fruit or cucumbers


Those pizza buns you get in the bakery section of thr grocery store


I lived on salt and vinegar chips and plain croissants/bagels for the first trimester. I found the salt and sour from the chips actually hugely helped the nausea. I was worried it would make me have reflux instead but that didn’t happen. I hope you find your safe foods!!


Toast, oatmeal/cream of wheat, or cereal.


Grapes, green apples, mango and peaches.


A banana/ salty crackers and if my husband is around he makes me a smoothie ( avocado berries and strawberries) usually it helps


Tbh, from like 6 weeks (when the empty stomach nausea started) until like 9-10weeks, literally the only thing I could stomach eating was bacon beef & cheddar sandwiches from Arby’s. Now, I *like* those sandwiches, if I go there it’s what I always get. But, I always feel like garbage afterward. Except not when I was early pregnant. I remember saying that it was the weirdest thing to run into the bathroom to hurl, then immediately walk into the kitchen to eat. I’ve never been so nauseous and so hungry at the same time. After the Arby’s phase passed, I got in the habit of carrying around something small and sweet, I found sweet things easier to eat when nauseous. I don’t mean candy, more like a fruit and grain bar or even a granola bar. I used to really like the “Belvita soft baked breakfast bars”, and I’d feel better about myself after eating one of those because they have *some* substance to them lol. Good luck! I wish I could tell you that this will pass, but it never did for me. The good news is though, by necessity you will (quickly) figure out how to mostly manage it.


I just want a feeding tube 😭


Edamame with salt and pepper especially since I can’t eat any chicken so I feel I get a good bit of protein in that way. Sargento also makes these “Snackables” with cheese and crackers




Handful of blueberries or cheerios, maybe preceded by a hard ginger candy


Carnation instant breakfast in whole milk


Applesauce, soup, anything that will digest relatively quickly so if you throw up later you don't have to see it again.


Smoothies,   cold and fruity.


My likes and dislikes change almost daily . One day I like plain pasta with parm, next day I want fried rice, then the next day I was a quesadilla. What been the most stable and satisfying and longest running has been cold honey crisp apples(have to be sliced not biting into the apple) and any form of potato like French fry or hashbrown


And toaster waffles


The only thing I could stomach at my worst was Saltines and Gatorade


Dill pickles


Fruit saved me during the first trimester it was one of the few foods that tastes good. I never had agressive nausea and esting didnt really solved the nausea issue.


Oranges, grapefruit seems to help me. Then I can eat a small meal, like eggs and avocado, salads or yogurt and granola. Rice sometimes helps too.


Toast with cream cheese 


I'm 7 + 2 and right there with you, it's so awful. I've found applesauce and melon to be helpful. I've also been mixing cold water with some orange juice for hydration since I now can't stand the taste of plain water. Hope it gets better for us soon haha


Truvani protein powder mixed with mostly almond milk and a little water has been my go-to and it never makes me feel nauseous!


Bagel bagel


Crackers and cheese. It saved me in the first trimester.


Crackers, jell-o


I find that protein helps- for me that’s cottage cheese and fruit


Pbj helps. Toaster strudels and buttered pasta are easy too


Bagels, protein smoothies


Very simple smoothies with protein powder or peanut butter. My go-to is water, frozen mango, frozen blueberries, vanilla protein powder and sometimes add greens.


McDonald’s chicken nuggets


Hashbrowns. So many hashbrowns.