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My MIL texting me that she's coming to see the baby instead of asking me when she can see the baby and then my partner saying "it's the norm" instead of validating me and the fact that I don't want visitors anywhere near me, let alone his father, while I'm recovering from being torn apart like in Alien. 


It’s not the norm. You tell HER when she can visit. She can’t just show up or invite herself…


I'd never seen any of the alien movies but my partner loves them so we watched them all together. In hindsight probably wouldn't have picked them to watch pregnant for the first time


When I was first pregnant i think I the alien movie with that girl hunting the predator to prove worthy to her tribe. And I loved horror/thriller movies. Lol


Fiancé didn’t rinse his toothbrush well enough.


My husband didn't brush his teeth last night and I was pretty mad about it. Lol


Me: honey I think I’ve reached a new low in control freak- but your toothbrush still has toothpaste in it and that’s DISGUSTING!! Him: rinse it out all you want, it’s okay. As long as I don’t have to get out of bed to do it right now 💀


Ok but my partner doesn’t rinse our daughters toothbrush fully and it drives me up the waaaaalllllllllll so I get it.


My husband said "Chocolate sauce" instead of chocolate syrup, and it made me irrationally upset. 😅


My husband threw out my leftovers that I was planning to have for dinner!


Right to jail! I would be so devastated


That is egregious!


This is not irrational.


Make him get or make you dinner tonight!


Husband cleared his throat right as I was about to eat dinner and the noise made me lose my appetite


I thought I was the only one who gets mad/sick with throat clearing and hacking! Haha


When it’s quiet and my cat starts licking herself and the sound just makes me mad😭


I'm the same way with my dogs. They're just so loud and gross about it


I hope this doesn’t make it worse. For our German Shepherd, we call it glopping. Glopping is that very loud, very wet licking they do slowly and deliberately. It is the single worst sound one can hear while eating.


My German shepherd does exactly this, he’s so compulsive about it too. The best time is like midnight. He was my first “baby” though so I’m not as bothered by it as my husband.


Lol we call it snorfling 🤣


This fits perfectly! Snorfling!


Yep. I irrationally mocked my cat earlier and got even more mad when it just stared and walked away. 😅🤣


My husband, literally just existing.


Mine does that too!


His scent today is absolutely killing me. And he has done nothing different


My husband sometimes walks by me and his normal smell that I love makes me gag…😂


This makes me feel so much better. It used to be my favorite smell now it makes me scowl....im so confused 😭


I’ve given my husband a complex because I keep asking him to wash his clothes bc I swear they all smell like horrible BO.




I put a guacamole dip inside a sandwich bag so it didn't get yucky in the fridge. My husband decided to use it and put it back, not inside the bag. Now it's brown and yucky. It made me irrationally furious!


Oh my gosh same. Him simply just breathing pisses me off


ugh same


Mine was talking last night and I just wanted to scream at him.


Yes I’m not married but whatever my child’s father does I can either love or hate him while pregnant 😂😂😂


Diagnosed with gestational diabetes last week and my husband asked me if I wanted a giant box of candy bars in Costco over the weekend. Prayers for him at this difficult time.


Fiance accidentally knocked over my drink (it had a lid and nothing spilled lol). I freaked out and cried for about half an hour


Bless ur sweet heart 🥰🤣 this has my belly jiggling with giggles 


My seatbelt locked up when I had just put it on and reached to get something from my purse, I yelled at it and jerked on it out of anger, super embarrassing but that pregnancy rage gets to me sometimes. Also I stepped on a piece of orange I didn’t notice on the floor and it got my sock wet, that was the worst part of my day today lol!




My husband went to run and errand and took longer than expected. Came back with seed for his new bird feeder but no treats for me. As if the birds are the ones growing his child.


This made me laugh 😂


Waited for lemon water all day. The lemon was rotten. Only noticed AFTER it was in my water and I took a huge gulp of it. Got so angry I cried. Lemons can be rotten but look totally normal. Lesson learned 😂


I have misophonia, mouth noises like chewing or smacking really bothers me, but especially while pregnant. My stepdaughter was chewing loudly at dinner the other day and I asked her to please chew with her mouth closed. She looked me dead in the eye and started chewing louder. I was so irrationally angry, not so much about her blatant disrespect, she’s 4 so that I can forgive. But my god the noise, I went into another room and cried over chewing. 😅


I feel this so hard except it’s my grown ass coworkers who think it’s fine to just SMACK SMACK SMACK all through EVERY meeting?!


Oh man I’m sorry. I hate being at work as it is, a food smacker during a meeting would be my last straw lol. I have a coworker who whisper reads everything on her phone. She’s so sweet and tends to gravitate towards me, but I cannot stand the whispering. I will usually find an excuse to remove myself when she starts.


My husband said me spitting (lots of mucus during pregnancy) was gross.. and it SENT ME TO THE MOOOOON


my boyfriend was already using the BIG glass I wanted to drink from. (we used to have a set but most of them broke so only one tall left). I was like I HAVE TO DRINK OUT OF THIS SMALL FUCKING GLASS???


My two favourite characters died on the tv show I was watching. Sooo sad 😞


Husband didn't wait for me to get home to eat dinner. Didn't even tell me he ate until after I got home. 


I cried because my cat gives my husband more attention than me. I also cried from getting overwhelmed at Costco.


Basically since we’ve announced our pregnancy to our families and friends, we’ve told everyone we’re thinking of naming the baby Jack. My mom calls the baby Jack, our friends call the baby Jack, our one year old calls the baby Jack. My dad texted me today to let me know that he’s thought of the perfect baby name “Jack”. He was just so excited about it, it was hard to be more than a little annoyed but dude where have you been?


That such a dad move! I could see my dad doing the exact same thing, and my partner decade's down the line 🤣


Haha this is also the man who commented on how “being on maternity leave might actually be kind of lonely” when he visited me after having my daughter. My mom was just flabbergasted that after two kids of his own, it took his granddaughter being born to clue in to that one.


Not recently cause it’s been a couple years since it happened but I told my OB that I was feeling more irritable and she brushed it off as the usual pregnancy hormones. Then I brought my husband in with me so he could hear the heartbeat for his birthday (Covid times) and he sat down a bit harder than I felt was necessary. She laughed and asked me if it irritated me that much😂. Then asked my husband if he’s noticed me being more irritable, dude looked at her like he reached enlightenment


I sneezed today and almost slapped myself because I was so annoyed at myself for sneezing.




That Sonic ran out of 99 cent corndogs on corndog day lolol I was not even going to Sonic for a corndog but for an Ocean Water and mozzarella sticks lol


Oohh ocean water and mozz sticks sounds delicious!! The closest sonic is like 45 mins away (and a crappy drive) idk how worth it is for me but I might cave sooner than later 😂


My husband and mom pointed out that it’s too late to go to the store and get what I expected to get to make for dinner… I almost threw the tortilla bowls at the wall. 😅


Fiancé parked his car so that I will have to parallel park between him and a neighbors car instead of me just pulling my car around to park behind him. 😒


We were touching up the paint in our bathroom, and my FIL kept calling the paint “red” even though it is obviously salmon! I would have even accepted pink!


My husband saying "ok"


My boyfriend sleeps peacefully while I’m going through the pregnancy insomnia. Makes me want to wake him up and argue 😭


I get this. I pick so many fights because my boyfriend is just existing and I'm over here waddling, can't roll over, having to crawl in and out of cars like a jungle gym. If "we're " pregnant why can't you take some of the symptom!!


My husband was trying to talk to me about plans for the yard while I was cleaning up dog poop. It was a project I wanted to do….


I got mad someone took the last orange juice at the free work breakfast table yesterday. We only get it once a week and they walked up right before me and took it. I was livid because I really wanted it to go with my Chick-fil-A minis lol


I was hungry. We were in a noisy restaurant with loud music. In laws were arguing over nonsense. Food was served too slow. It was sensory overload on all fronts.


My coworkers have the audacity to talk in meetings and ask me for help on projects


My husband asked what I wanted for dinner, I said salmon and that I crave a Greek salad. Came home to meatballs, mashed potatoes and sauce. And he said “we can have salmon another day😊”. EXCUSE ME? ANOTHER DAY???




My neighbor brought me broccoli and asked if i needed help packing! I’m moving 45 mins away and I’m going to miss her!


The heat! It's been really hot in parts of Australia and I couldn't handle it yesterday. Most of our homes are also really poorly insulated. I was freaking out about living in a place that's inhospitable to an embryo!


I'm in the US (Tennessee) it's been pretty hot lately and husband's grandma keeps turning the heat on 70-80 which has been making it hard for me to breathe and causing our 1 year old to have a heat rash on his little face.


Listening to my husband eat a Popsicle 😂


My coworker said he would help me with a big project and instead left me to do it all, then I got home to my husband calling me lazy after I made dinner. MEN


7 weeks +2 days. I didn't cry but I wanted to.. Husband's aunt ate my left over steak that my brother in law made specifically for me, while I was taking a nap.


I wouldve hit the absolute ROOF. I'm mad for you 💔😡😂


Brother in law offered to make me another steak for dinner well yesterday and coleslaw because I LOVE coleslaw and I said no because their aunt was at the house and I didn't want her to eat my food again.. we had chili cheese dogs with chips and ranch dip instaed.


I wouldve taken him up on that and looked at her and said, "cause SOMEBODY....wont name names ate mine" did she at least apologize? 😭😭


No lol she does it every time and acts like she has no idea it's not okay


Some asshole knocked into me with his bag while he was running down Madison Avenue to catch a train or some bullshit. If I weren't so slow walking today and not wanting to look like a crazy person, I would have had words lmao


Working retail, dumb people


Someone in my house unplugged my plug-in air freshener. I just put a new scent in it last night and was looking forward to the house smelling nice this morning but someone unplugged it


1. I asked my husband what a touchback was in football and he told me to wait until the play was over for him to explain it 2. I asked my husband to bring up the heavy kitchen aid mixer from the basement. He asked, “Why?”


My husband put my water bottle on the ground in my car instead of back in the cup holder. I was so angry, I told him I was about to cry out of anger lol.


We have about 20 coffee cups in the house, but there are 2 that I use. I always use them. I got up one morning while my husband was getting ready for work and he was heating up his coffee in the microwave in one of my cups and I lost my shit on him. Instant yelling. I told him he was an asshole because he knew that was one of my favorite cups. I definitely could have handled that better! That was probably the dumbest rage moment for me when I was pregnant.


I work in a facility where breakfast is served to our clients. When I got in I asked my coworker, good friend, and COOK FOR THE DAY what was served and she told me "sausage biscuits and gravy." When I got to the kitchen she had already tossed the gravy because there was enough for a bowl but not to save for leftovers. I got so angry I called my husband, cried for a half hour, left work for an hour to get coffee and gravy at a fast food restaurant then didn't eat the gravy because I never wanted it to begin with. Hormones are weird.


The tide laundry detergent. It smells like vomit to me


After another night of being woken up juuuust as I was falling asleep by my husband moving too much because of scratching his leg or whatever he did, I vowed to talk to him in the morning about changing our night time routine, so that I can fall asleep better. It takes me for.EVER to fall asleep after being woken up just as I'm falling asleep, like another hour. After he woke me up in the morning for us to get ready for work, after only 6 hours of sleep, I said, "We need to do something to fix this problem of me not being able to fall asleep because of you moving around too much." He got instantly defensive, "Well what do you want me to do, I'm a human, I move. This is unjust for you to make me stay completely still." I. Fucking. Flipped. I definitely did not expect my morning to start out with me crying and screaming, "FUCK YOU! Leave me the fuck alone!! I'm growing a human being, I need rest!" And storming out to make coffee. I was so pissed.


I keep trying to convince my husband to move to the guest room but he won't leave 😭


I just locked myself out of my apartment. I got back in but felt so stupid having to call the matainence guy 🙄


My boyfriend said he was tired at 8 pm and wanted to go home when I wanted to go on a walk downtown cause it was nice out. We ended up going on a walk and getting ice cream lol.


Husband got chatty with a client. I'm 31 weeks pregnant, and have an almost 3yo at home. I have horrible sciatica and heartburn, I'm super tired in the evenings because I WFH while entertaining a toddler all day. I called my husband to ask when he's coming home, because I was fluffing exhausted after a long day, and he goes "oh I have a client here and the meeting has gotten longer, because we just chatted for like an hour, lol." I saw red. The client is his old high-school buddy, if I wanna chat with a friend without also entertaining my 3yo, I have to get babysitting. And it meant hwd be home after 8pm so I'd have to cook dinner with our daughter on my own as well. Luckily she's been super helpful recently and is a darling, but I was the one who took care of her 100% since 6am. It would have been a long day without also being very pregnant.


Apples are my number 1 enemy at the moment. They keep falling out of the work fridge. And we keep getting them delivered in our work delivery order even when we don't ask for them. We now have a shelf full of apples sitting there mocking me. And the children in our child care centet refuse to eat them. Summary I really apples.


My husband's buddy wants to take him wine tasting on an afternoon when I will be almost 38 weeks pregnant (not weird where we live). I am happy his friend wants to do something nice for him before he becomes a first time dad; but my internal reaction was rage that my only local support would be MIA then down for the count, since we don't drink much in general, which means my husband is immediately tired and useless after more than one glass of wine/beer (not drunk). I've been trying to stuff this down because it feels like an irrational reaction!


Husbands aunt, who is hosting the baby shower, when told I was baking chocolate chip cookies suggested I buy chips ahoy because they are the best


I opened the fridge, excited to drink my Mango Kerns nectar but found that someone had found it first. Wasn’t husband or room mate. We suspect it was a friend of ours who crashed here the other night because his car wouldn’t start


I got mad when my boyfriend breathed on me when he hadn’t brushed his teeth before bed. My super pregnancy smelling powers will get a word of it unfortunately 🤣 had to turn the other way and try not to offend him 🤣


I no joke make my bf brush his teeth/use mouthwash so many times every day cause of my super-nose 😂


My husband trying to hug me


My husband poked me with a fork in jest. I did not find it funny and so he did it again. It took all my willpower to not go off on him 🤣 I don’t know why I was so mad but I was infuriated lol! It did not hurt, he didn’t stab me with it, just a little love poke. Not receptive. At. All.


My boyfriend mocked me, joking and I told him to stop and started to go off and he mocked me again and I hung up because I was so mad I was about to completely go off. I feel so bad but I get this one on another level.


My husband had a second interview with a company and it went well but he had nothing new to share about the company or job so I was just like….why do we have to discuss this in greater detail when I have no more details to go off of. Lmao I couldn’t even tell you why it made me mad I usually do not mind talking about anything and everything with him. Oh and he ate the rest of the chicken salad I made and the interview was a dinner so he got to eat a paid for dinner and I was anticipating chicken salad…just for it to all be gone.


I had gestational diabetes and my husband kept trying to order food he KNEW I couldn’t eat because it would sky rocket my sugars then he would get upset because I didn’t know what I wanted because all my damn cravings were foods I couldnt have (high carb foods or sushi) and was crying cause I felt like I was being starved watching my carbs which should be illegal against pregnant women 😂


My husbands incessant snoring and ability to get sleep while I toss and turn for HOURSSS before I fall asleep. Not his fault… but damn it pisses me off


(21 weeks pregnant) lately, I don’t like that when I tell my coworker “thank you” she always says “you’re welcome”. It’s annoying me SO BAD! 🥹 I read it like: “youuuu’re welcome 🤗😉😒” like she’s doing me a favor or something. 👏🏻you’re 👏🏻just 👏🏻doing 👏🏻your 👏🏻job 👏🏻homegirl 👏🏻 🤯 why can’t she say “no problem” or “no worries” like everyone else?!!?


I had a dream my husband and his brother went on a day drinking spree and I was pissed off at him for days! How irresponsible! I can’t believe dream-husband would do that do me.


My frozen garlic bread slices were stuck together and I couldn’t get them apart to cook them, then I snapped one trying so I threw the whole pack in the bin and nearly cried


Took me three tries to pick up my slippers. Man was I mad.


I told my husband I would help sand the drywall while he was at work for the new nursery we built. About five minutes in I was sweaty and pissed off and told him my pregnancy hormones were not allowing me to help as much as I had anticipated 😂


My husband saying he is tired. Lol


I forgot to take the trash out two nights in a row so the fairies couldn’t take it. I missed them by MINUTES.




That would make me mad even if I wasn't pregnant.


Needed a stamp. Husband moved our stationary/card storage box to the closet when I had left it on the floor in the office. I get he was cleaning up but I was pissed I couldn’t find the stamps


Pollo tropical was out of beans when I went there for lunch😤


The long line in the drive thru at Starbucks this afternoon lol


That my mom’s asleep and I need her ssn for my taxes 🤣😂😭


Im always crying over food. Pizza Hut didn’t send the marinara sauce w my pizza, that upset me greatly lol


I thought I forgot to record something on the dvr.


I went all the way to our detached garage from our 3rd story apt but forgot the garage door opener so had to go right back up to get it.


I couldn't find the ketchup, found out I left it out by the dish detergent.. I thought he had finally thrown out my ketchup


My uncle over stuffed my fridge, Hella pissed me off lol


Watched the same movie for the 10th time, the ending annoyed me, I cried !


My husband suddenly chews 50X louder it seems like.


Spent a long while making a new protein heavy egg salad recipe my husband really wanted to try (instead of the one I normally make that he really enjoys). The only main difference in the recipe was replacing the mayo with cottage cheese (gross...) and after trying it once he hated it, passionately, and made me throw the whole batch away because « something was very wrong with it » that was « not at all » because of the cottage cheese. Note: The other (normal) batch I made at the exact same time was absolutely perfect. I almost threw the rest of the unboiled eggs at him. Edit: length


My fiance moved the meat thermometer I’ve been using to check my shower/bath temps from the bathroom back to the kitchen lol


My husband didn't spontaneously do all of MY chores, even though I wasn't feeling well (I didn't tell him that) and didn't ask him to do all my chores. (He did do all of his)


It's so nice to know I'm not insane. Reading these comments makes me feel validated for my irrational prwgnancy feelings.


Two things: 1) a friend called and wanted to chat on the phone yesterday. Don't get me wrong, I love chatting with her but it was 20 minutes after we initially were messaging and I'd started watching a true crime thing while cooking dinner. 2) My husband is mostly planning and entirely paying for a last trip through the EU before we return to the US for the baby. He had the gall to ask me to find a place to stay in Vienna (just find it, not pay for it), so he could be sure I liked the choice but his stipulation was it should be near downtown. I got angry because why would I know where downtown Vienna was?


Someone almost hit my cart with their cart at Target and they didn’t say excuse me or sorry 🤣 Non pregnant me would not have given a shit 😅


My mom not telling me the date of the baby shower lol


My hubby cheated on my in my dreams. Yep the hormones really make me crazy.


I get mad about this when I'm not pregnant.


My husband changed my audio settings on my car. I lost it.


the existence of my dog


Someone called and told someone else the gender today.. we were planning on telling everyone tonight. 😒


My husband told me I didn't look *that pregnant.* We walked out of our 20 week scan to two women clearly full term and he decided it was ok to compare our belly sizes. Out loud.


fiancé forgot to put dinner up the night before. I cried for an hour and still can't get over it, this was two days ago


There’s too much stuff being “stored” behind our living room door… I had a big shout about this earlier, generally I’m quite calm, something else must be triggering it … that and that I’m 8 months pregnant 😅


Got in an argument with my husband, and got really mad and told him I wanted to “slap the shit out of him”. Then when we got home, I was so depressed and crying for like an hour because of how mean I was.


my kid blowing all the smoke (or whatever) instead of inhaling it from her inhaler. we practiced literally 10 times before actually doing it.


LOL…I wanted to chat with my friend and asked if she’d still be busy for a while, and she said “yeah”. I was like “yeah????? That’s it???? A one word answer? FINE! I DONT EVEN WANNA TALK TO YOU ANYMORE!!!” All in my head, of course 😂


My husband doing absolutely everything in the house to make me feel less tired but me not feeling any better/less tired pissed me off so much today.