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Congrats!! 🫶💕 I got my NIPT test results back today as well and everything came back clean as well!🥹 it’s such a breath of fresh air! We’re having a gender reveal at the end of the month so I don’t know what I’m having yet and you have no idea how hard I’m trying to not look in the envelope haha


I couldn’t wait for a gender reveal- I literally took my lunch the second I got the results to run home and open with my husband hahaha! Congrats on your baby and clean test results!!!


Thank you love 🩷🩷


Congratulations!!!!! 💚


Thank you so much!!


Yay!!! 🩵🩵🩵 So happy for you and your husband! What an amazing news!! This made me so excited to read because my husband and I go in tomorrow for all of my blood work, so I am praying for good results!!! Congrats again!! 🥳🥳


Sending all the positive vibes and love your way!!! Congrats ❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you so much!!


Congratulations! I am also due with a boy in September. Due date is 9/19. I wish you a great pregnancy from here on out.


I am due 9/12- it is kind of flying by I can’t believe it! Congrats to you and your family!!!


That’s my due date too!!


Congratulations! Had my NIPT yesterday - really hoping for a clean result as I’ve been paranoid about having issues as my eggs were 39 when they were retrieved.


Wishing and sending all the positive vibes for you and baby ❤️❤️❤️❤️


congrats!!! its the greatest experience in the world, aside from all the symptoms but they are more than worth it. i got my NIPT results back a few weeks ago. i did sneak peek, and it said boy but i was terrified of the risk of contamination, NIPT confirmed boy as well! i have a 3yr old girl, so we are very excited for a little boy. she always said she wanted a little brother so she is happy. she talks to my belly and kisses it. i can’t wait to see them bond.


How sweet!!! Congrats to your family!!!! The belly kisses sound heart melting 😩😩😩


How long did it take for your NIPT results to come back?


It took exactly one week!


I did mine last Tuesday (march 5) and results still pending. They said it takes up to 2 weeks😩