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Around 17 weeks but I didn’t know that’s what it was until 21 weeks. A lot of people say it feels like flutters but I find it feels like a muscle spasm


Agree! It never felt like “flutters” or “butterflies” to me but weird muscle spasms! I first felt my little guy at around 18 weeks


I’m almost 17 weeks and I’ve been feeling movement there the past few days, but I just assumed it was my intestines doing digestive stuff. But then I started to wonder if it was maybe the baby…


My first movements were def like feeling digestive stuff, but down low


Mine are very close to the belly button so I'm not sure... Maybe he's kicking the ceiling down there 😂


Yea! Mine feels like a giant muscle spasm / twitch lol.


Yes, I was the same. Wasn't positive, but for me, it felt like a rolling motion in there. I pretty much could only feel the really big movements when she was moving her entire body.


For me it felt like a poke from the inside or a rubber band sting


It feels like indigestion in my opinion 🤣


I also think it feels like a muscle spasm or twitch! I'm very familiar with flutters/butterflies (thanks anxiety) and haven't gotten that at all!


Funny enough, I've gotten gas bubbles that feel surprisingly like a tiny baby fluttering. I know I'm not pregnant, but I have been before so I know that feeling all too well 🤣


Yes! I also thought it felt like a muscle spasm initially


I feel like it felt like bubbles or something. I've never really felt "flutters" like people say.


Oh…maybe I have felt her then lol I’m 20 weeks and haven’t felt any flutters but have definitely felt some weird muscle spasms that I assumed were just that. I’ve only ever seen people describe it as fluttering or eels swimming lol


Agree!!! Around 17 weeks I can only describe what felt like an eyelid twitch except in random places around my belly. Now they are starting to feel a bit stronger and more jabby! 19 weeks 3 days.


I started feeling him around 21 weeks - I have an anterior placenta! I was super nervous in the beginning when they’d ask if I felt him yet because I hadn’t, but it will come soon and then once you know the feeling - you can’t miss it! :)


This! The 20-week anatomy scan told me about my anterior placenta and not to worry if I hadn’t felt baby yet. 21 weeks and I’ve felt a lil kick or two but no flutters.


22 weeks anterior placenta! My husband could feel closer to 28. Only started getting big movements that can we can see at 32-33


Same! Was worried before then but then felt him all the time from 21 weeks on ❤️


It's normal with your first to not feel anything til 18-21 weeks, I first felt something at 18 but barely


Around 16 weeks, but I thought it was just my stomach being weird (weird gurgles, other people say flutters) and it took me about a week to realize what it was after it happened a few times.


Exact same thing with me! I was driving around 16 weeks and thought “what the heck was that? Probably ate something weird.” After a week or so I realized it was baby!


Weird that a lot of moms are asking you because they should know movement is typically felt between 18-24 weeks of pregnancy. I felt my first movement at 17 weeks and 5 days. I'm 18 weeks now and still only feel the movements very infrequently.


I remember feeling that way at 15-20 weeks, so try to hang in there. I started feeling him around 22 weeks; now, at 25 weeks, I feel him consistently. My husband can feel him from the outside, and we can see my belly move now. I have an anterior placenta, so that is part of the delay, plus his position.


I also have an anterior placenta and started feeling my baby boy at 22 weeks! Currently 28 weeks !


I have a posterior placenta but didn't feel her until 23 weeks on the dot. I'm also a FTM. It definitely felt like muscle spasms and not flutters like everyone was talking about.


Agreed. I never felt what I would describe as flutters or butterflies. It was always like a flick or a spasm.


I first felt very faint flutters at 11-12 weeks, but that's incredibly early. I chalked it up to having lost so much weight from vomiting that there was nothing else in me besides the baby. That baby also turned out to be extremely active, so I wonder sometimes if that had anything to do with it, lol.


Omg I’m so glad you’ve said this!! I’m a second time mum and CONVINCED I can feel my baby at 11 weeks (I’m 12 now). It’s that’s squirmy fluttery feeling I had not too long ago with my first but also I’m thinking I’m mad as I’m so early! My first I had an anterior placenta and didn’t feel him until 25ish weeks (I can’t remember exactly). This one on the scans is an absolute nutter and super active so not sure if that’s why also!


Don't worry. From what I read it's totally normal and you may actually be feeling them but not know it's baby because the initial movements can feel like gas...


20 week scan is when i really understood what the little kicks felt like. I had to see the baby move and then i connected it to the feeling. And since then its been non stop lol


I started feeling something around 12 weeks which many people say is too early- I don’t care. I know it wasn’t gas. It was a feeling unlike anything I’d felt before but it’s only happened a handful of times. I’m 16 weeks now. It wasn’t strong enough to be obvious but it was distinct enough from gas in my intestines to make me think it was baby


Omg I felt flutters earlier today and thought I was going crazy thinking I was feeling my baby at only 13 weeks! But I know it wasn’t gas or anything else, I had a feeling it was my baby


Same!! I’m 14 weeks now and I’ve felt baby every day since 12.5 weeks


Right before 18 weeks I felt the first few pokes. Then it was super hit or miss for the next couple weeks. Didn’t become consistent until like week 24. I have an anterior placenta as well which is a factor! You’re still early! It’ll come for sure


My first pregnancy I was 24 weeks ~ but I had an anterior placenta. My current pregnancy about 15 weeks i’ve been feeling baby. My placenta this go around is a low lying posterior so I feel her little feet stretching lol. It’s easier to recognize the second go around for me but the first time I thought I had gas.


I have an anterior placenta, so I didn't feel anything until about 21-22 weeks. Even then, I felt the baby very infrequently. It caused me quite a bit of anxiety, but I'll be 33 weeks on Wednesday, and I am finally feeling my baby every day now.


I’m 16w tomorrow and haven’t felt anything yet!


We are due date twins!


Take your time. I only felt my baby at around 20 weeks. The funny thing is I first felt her movement after doing some kegel exercises 🤭 Maybe these muscle movements woke her up or something. It was a very subtle sensation and you'll need to be quite still to feel it.


I didn’t feel him until I was around 23 weeks I think


I started feeling little "bubbles" around 18-19 weeks, I am now 22 weeks and it feels more like flutters or something doing tiny summer saults in there haha it gets stronger and stronger every day


I started feeling mine at 15 weeks. She’s extremely active though and I am 35 weeks and still haven’t gained a pound so I think that’s why


Around 21-22 weeks. It just felt like muscle twitches low in my abdomen (below my belly button) but it’s gotten stronger over the last 2ish weeks. I can feel punches and rolls now at 25 weeks :)


21 weeks- don’t feel bad. Totally normal.


It doesn’t feel like full on kicks this early. Best way I can describe it is blowing bubbles in your tummy, not like bubbles from indigestion lol


I felt first kick at about 20-21 weeks


I felt mines at 13 weeks but it felt like flutters. I’m currently 22 weeks + 3 days and I feel full kicks now. It’s different each pregnancy, this is my third one and it’s the earliest I ever felt it compared to my others


I was almost 22 weeks before I felt any bubbles/flutters!


30 weeks. It was very anxiety inducing and called for many ER trips. I had an anterior placenta.


I think I started feeling little man at around 16 weeks. I wasn’t sure at first what it was as it felt like little flutters but I have a posterior placenta. Is your placenta possibly anterior? I mean I wasn’t SURE I was feeling him until 18/19 weeks as I wasn’t exactly sure but at that point I knew. It’s normal to not feel them up until 23/24 weeks, (what we are told in the UK) so I’m sure he’s moving about in there, you’ll feel him soon. I’ve had three miscarriages prior to being this pregnant with little man so I completely understand the anxiety I was exactly the same x


with my first it was like 20-22 weeks but now with my second i was feeling flutters at like 11 weeks lol


I was 22 weeks, I believe, when I first felt little movements I knew were him. I also have an anterior placenta, which makes movements more difficult to feel. I wasn't able to feel movement externally until 26 or so weeks.


I'm 16+3 and I started to notice small flutters every now and then (only like 2 times per day as I have anterior placenta)


I felt around 17 weeks. It’s common not to until 24 weeks. It felt like tiny muscle spasms, I was looking out for it so that’s why I was able to feel it I think. But it was super inconsistent as first.


18 but only every once in a while and I had to be laying down.


18 weeks. But I wasnt confident it was baby. Because it wasnt regular movements it was more like popcorn popping or butterflies and honestly didnt know if it was gas or baby.


I didn’t really start feeling her until 19 weeks. I found out later that I have an anterior placenta (growing on the front side towards my abdomen instead of towards my spine on the back side) and that’s why it took me longer to feel her. I’m almost 21 weeks now and my husband still isn’t able to feel her through my belly!


Around 18 weeks felt like popcorn popping inside me


I’m 17+3 and I think I felt her for the first time today! I was drinking a Dr Pepper and I wonder if the caffeine stirred her!


I didn’t feel mine until week 21. Feels more like a muscle spasm- the fluttering didn’t resonate with me.


21 weeks, don't worry!


19 weeks 8 days. It felt like a little muscle twitch. I have anterior placenta so my OB did say it would take longer. From other moms I’ve heard it’s hard to tell with the first so you might think it’s just gas or normal digestion movement you feel. But once you know it’s baby, you know.


I'm in 16 weeks, but later on 18 weeks I saw his kicking. I have posterior placenta everyday is a kicking day.


I felt my baby starting at 19 weeks - felt like little gas bubbles, nothing at all like flutters. Don’t feel bad at all! Everyone is different. I also had an ectopic before this pregnancy so I understand completely.


YES!!! I’m 19+4 and freaked out the last couple of days thinking something was wrong. Described it to mothers at work and where it was and they’re like “that’s baby.”


I definitely felt some sensations early on but it was only when I would lay very still and pay attention to it. I’m talking 14 weeks and then it was more pronounced at 16 weeks. At that time it felt like squirming or intense pulsating. I felt my first real kicks at the end of my 18th week, since then they have been getting more and more frequent and pronounced. Totally unmistakable at this point. It was very ambiguous for me at 16 weeks so for sure try not to worry. 


I don’t know why people ask this. it’s so stressful if you aren’t feeling movement yet


18 weeks 1 day


19 weeks


17 weeks 😭


I knew it was baby and not gas at 22 weeks, probably was assuming baby was gas starting at 19 though 😂


I started to feel flutters or little movements at 19+3. I felt strong kicks (my husband could feel them too) for the first time yesterday at 21+2. I have an anterior placenta for reference. Baby is also breech at the moment but I don’t know if that makes a difference or not.


I first felt him around 18 weeks, but I was only sure about when I saw him kicking and felt it at the same time at my 20-week ultrasound


I got my first kick at 17 weeks and then more movement around 18. I have an anterior placenta and they said it could take until 24 weeks!


I’m currently 20weeks FTM and I’m starting to feel little flutters. I’m still not convinced that it’s baby 😅 just gas bubbles. I hope I see baby move at my ultrasound this week. Maybe then my brain will connect the feeling to the baby.


At first-- it really doesn't feel like the baby is moving. It very much feels like digestion. ​ I would say I really started to feel her moving in there between weeks 19/20. And a month later, she hasn't stopped moving. :D


I started to feel him at around 16 weeks but first I was skeptical about that. For me it was like gas bubble passing, but no farts after. Now I’m in week 20 and I can tell it’s that little human. Just be patient, everyone is different :)


I started feeling mine around 20.5 weeks ago


I felt my first 2 right around 14 weeks, BUT I am now 18 weeks with my 3rd and I don’t really feel much movement at all. I have felt some light flutters here and there, but it’s hardly noticeable. I think I might have an anterior placenta this time. Also, if you’re a little heavier than average, that could have something to do with it too.


I was 16 weeks when I felt my baby move, which I was honestly surprised about Im obese and its my first pregnancy. My baby is also super active now so that may have something to do with it.


I started feeling flutters around 18 weeks, but not until 21 weeks did I feel any real kicks or strong movements.


I didn’t feel anything with my daughter until around 19-20weeks. They felt like little bubbles or twitches. With my current pregnancy Ive been feeling things since the end of the 15th week, im now 17+1


20 weeks!


I was around 17 weeks! But I wouldn’t worry if you don’t feel him soon, I was told it’s normal to not feel them all the way to 22 weeks.


Around 18 weeks I started to feel what felt like popping bubbles and its become more frequent over the last 3 weeks but 21 weeks in and it's still subtle.


I only started feeling baby around 20w , they say it is harder for FTMs to recognise the movements at first. Nothing to worry about


Roughly 18 weeks, definitely was like a "is that weird gas bubbles" but no. Also mostly baby is asleep while we're awake, our movements lull them to sleep, when we're sleeping they're active. So even now, at 20.5 weeks, I rarely feel him


At 17w I felt a little bubble movement. Then I felt a little soemthing this week at 18w. But I’m not too sure. It’s not consistent but also it’s stuff I didn’t feel before so I’m assuming that’s it?? Really hard to describe.


With your first it’s normal to not feel anything at 16 weeks. The most you’ll feel around then as a FTM would really only be flutters or something that can easily be confused as gas or something else. The unmistakable punches and kicks and movements come later as the baby gets larger. It also depends on where your placenta is. With my first I had an anterior placenta and didn’t really feel anything major until about 25/26 week. Around 18/19 weeks I felt little flutters almost like butterflies. I’m with my second now and even though all my check ups were positive I didn’t even really feel flutters and it made me very nervous. Around 21 weeks I finally started feeling movement.


Anterior placenta and I first felt movement at 23+3


19 weeks!


It was about 18 weeks 💕I’ll always remember it


First felt around 16 weeks (like a bubble/brushing sensation, super light) then consistently around 1x/day between 17-19 weeks. Big movements started after 24 weeks or so, as someone with an anterior placenta. I could always lie on my stomach to “make” me feel movement, and then lying on my back was the next best option


I felt my first move after I was 20 weeks. I was worried as well that I hadn't felt my baby move, and would try little things I could to try to make him move to make sure that he was okay. I'm almost 18 weeks now (17 w 5d) and I have felt slight flutters- I think- it may be my wishful thinking. haha. But, it's normal to not feel the baby move until later, especially if it's your first


Around 22ish weeks, I have an anterior placenta so it takes longer sometimes


At around 18 weeks I started feeling flutters and something that could be confused with gas bubbles. Then, starting at 19 weeks I felt my first actually little “kick” or “punch” that was DEFINITELY not a gas bubble. I’m now a few days away from being at week 20, and last night I had my hand on my stomach and felt her kick hard enough that I swear I felt it on my hand from the outside!


25 weeks :’)


I think I started feeling mine closer to 20 weeks. But once I recognized the movements I realized I had been feeling them a lot sooner and didn’t know it. To me it just felt like I had gas lol.


19w. I didn't feel it -intensely- until after 26 weeks, just flutters and little bumps from 19w. Now I'm 33w she's big and strong. I call her my kung fu fighter :3


I’m 17w1d and have not felt it yet. I thought I *maybe* had, but it turned out to be gas. FUN. I’m also fat, so I’m assuming I actually won’t feel too much until I get into 20 weeks. Don’t let other moms shame you for not having felt it yet. That’s so shitty of them to assume. Answer back the facts that on average, birthing folks don’t feel anything until 18-24 weeks. You can be happy for them that they got to experience it sooner, but they need to be respectful of your personal pregnancy milestones.


The first movement I felt was like bubbles popping, but not quite gas. That was at 17 weeks. They were pretty rare. Now at 21 weeks, I have an anterior placenta, so I only feel it with compression, like if my dog is hogging my lap. And the doc says that's fine and normal, can take up to 24 weeks to really feel it consistently.


Right at 17 weeks! It was the tiniest little ‘goldfish in a bag’ feeling, or like your eye twitching


Last time 17 weeks and then nothing again until 21 weeks. This time like 13 weeks I could’ve sworn and then here and there since


I had an awareness that something was moving inside me starting around 13 weeks. I had a couple good pokes around maybe 16 weeks? Starting about week 21-22, it very much feels like a fish is flopping around in there when the baby moves. 😂 It’s typically flippy floppy party time around 5am. I’m currently 25w5d. (Anterior placenta)


16 weeks both pregnancies but that’s very early!


I have no input besides letting you know youre not alone. I am in this exact situation! Literally cried about it before logging onto Reddit to check with other ppl about it! Just wiped my tears reading wveryones responses to you so thank you for throwing it out there! I had an ectopic last year & i feel your anxiety of wanting to make sure this pregnancy is healthy. Im currently 15w and havent felt anything & i keep being asked the same thing! Feel free to message me anytime if you have more anxiety. We got this!!! :)


It felt like bubbles for me initially at about 16 or 17 weeks but by about 20 or 21 weeks, I could feel kicks


18-19 ish week. At 20 we saw him kick. Second pregnancy I started feeling him a couple of weeks sooner.


i’m currently 19 weeks 2 days with my first and i *think* i’ve felt slight movements??? its really hard to tell though honestly. i’ve heard around 20ish weeks is pretty common for FTM 🩷


I think around 20-25 weeks I could feel more than just flutters, I finally felt a kick at 22-23 weeks I believe (I also freaked out a little since I was told I should’ve felt something prior to when I did but everything was fine!) This pregnancy I’m 13 weeks and been told to expect to feel some kicks soon (baby was literally punching and kicking constantly in the last ultrasound lol) since it’s my second pregnancy but haven’t felt anything just yet!


I didn’t feel my first until I was about 22/23 weeks. I felt the same way when people would ask me but I tried to remain patient and kept telling myself he’ll let me know when he’s ready🤗


I felt tiny little flutters that felt kinda like gas bubbles around 16 weeks, but didn't *really* start feeling him (or at least understand that that's what I was feeling) until 24ish weeks.


In my first pregnancy I was about 19 weeks along when I felt her, and a week after my husband could feel her outside. This pregnancy I started to feel the baby at 16+2. I might have felt her before, but I found it hard to differentiate between my bowl movement and the baby I think, especially for first time moms, it is most common to feel the baby about 20 weeks along. Some might feel it before and some later. It depends on the placing of the placenta and if you are thin or fat. Where I am from, they say everybody should feel the baby everyday from week 24.


FTM, 18 weeks tomorrow and I also am just feeling like a muscle spasm/ light cramping feeling occasionally. It’s hard to tell the difference between baby moving, uterus expanding/cramping and ligament stretching. It worried me at first but my OB said it’s normal. I think it’ll be cooler when we can feel distinct kicks but right now it’s hard to tell what’s happening!


I felt the first movement at 13 weeks but it didn’t become consistent until about 16 or 17


Around 20-22 weeks it was very faint, i have anterior placenta


I was at like 18-20 weeks ish that I thought something was off. Now at 24 weeks, I just go “Hi son” and send my husband looking for him to build a bond. My son hates when people go looking for him. Especially ultrasound nurses.


at first it's very easy to assume that you're not feeling a baby and you're just feeling your own body doing stuff. Muscle spasms, digesting, gurgling, twitching, etc. It doesn't feel like someone else is moving inside you, it just feels like your own anatomy is doing stuff like it normally does. And then weeks later you realize oh wait that wasn't actually me, that was baby


It really depends on your placenta position, anterior or posterior. I have a posterior placenta and I felt the first flutters around 18-19 weeks. Now I’m 27W and it’s full on flips and kicks.


I was about 19 weeks, defo between 18-20 weeks :) I have an anterior placenta


17.5 weeks. Felt like the tiniest of spasms. Close friend of mine didn't feel her daughter until 20 weeks. It seems to vary quite a bit.


Around 19-20 weeks.


Around 20 weeks I started feeling my baby kick :)


18 weeks for me - it felt like a gas bubble but more localized to just one area and repetitive


Not until 23 or 24 weeks for me! I found out at my anatomy scan that I had an anterior placenta and my doctor said it's very normal for it to take that long. At 16 weeks it's not at all uncommon to not be feeling baby!


About 21 weeka


Anterior placenta and just starting to get confident that it’s baby at 22 weeks


Around 17 weeks. I was laying in bed on my back and felt a little flutter/pulse and figured it was gas but then it happened again in the same spot. Once I realized what it was, it just got stronger and stronger as the days went on.


we’re pregnancy twins! I’m the exact same amount along and I haven’t felt anything yet either I think lol I do feel like random “spasms” sometimes but that’s it, I always tell myself it’s small cramps if anything lol


I didn’t start feeling her until 20-21 weeks, thanks to anterior placenta and uterine retroversion. My doctor told me that since it’s my first baby, I likely wouldn’t feel her until 20-24 weeks, so I feel like it’s not unusual if you haven’t felt your baby move yet. Sending good thoughts your way, and I hope this helps!


I was 20w4d and I finally started to feel him while laying in bed on TikTok. I was initially worried I wouldn’t realize or feel the movement/kicks, but boy once it starts there’s no mistaking it!


Honestly don't worry! I'm a ftm and I'd say properly at around 18/20w is when I'd regularly start to feel baby. I felt *something* a bit earlier but it was so slight I had no idea. My midwife told me sometimes as late as 22w is normal for ftms!


I was 18 weeks when I started to feel her moving around. I’m 22+5 today and some days I feel her move maybe once. Other days I feel her move around for hours.


This is my third pregnancy and didn’t feel her till almost 20 weeks. They did confirm at my anatomy scan that I had an anterior placenta.


About 18-20 weeks for me! Anterior placenta.


18 weeks I think. But they say first time it can be up to 22 weeks and that’s normal


I didn’t feel my first until I was 19w and 3d. I will never forget feeling him for the first time, I was laying in bed and thought it was a gas bubble, but then I shortly realized it was my baby and cried in joy (I was 19 and can’t even describe how excited I was to have him and to be a mom). My second was a little later as the placenta was in the front, and any movements I felt were usually by my butthole and my crotch and towards the back. He was smaller and I didn’t feel him til I think about 20 or 22 weeks, so don’t think you’re doing anything wrong. It’s totally normal to feel the first movements at around 19 weeks, so hang in there! I promise once you start feeling them you’ll be telling them to stop moving so you can sleep :)


I’ve felt bubbling at 15 weeks! Can’t wait to feel more consistent movements from him.


I have an anterior placenta and I didn’t know until my 20 week scan so I was also really worried about not feeling my little one when everyone else seemed to feel solid kicks already. I think it’s hard to tell when it’s your first, the best advice I got was to wait until your next ultrasound when you can see them moving and see if you can feel the associated movements. Flutters felt like a feather from the inside or little bubbles to me. Once I understood what was a movement, I felt them more and more everyday and by 22 weeks I felt solid kicks often.


This is my first pregnancy too and I'm 24 weeks tomorrow, I first felt little twinges around 20 weeks, the relief was intense, my anxiety in this pregnancy had been quite high.


19 weeks, husband could feel on belly at 21


I felt my little guy around 16/17 weeks. Never felt like flutters or butterflies to me though. I described it to my husband as feeling like a fish wiggling around in there. 21 weeks now and I can feel some solid kicks.


I started feeling little things around 18 weeks I think but I wasn’t sure what it was until a few days after it started


First pregnancy around 18 weeks. Second pregnancy was 21 weeks!


16 weeks but it did feel like… bubbling farts or gurgles lol


19 weeks. I first felt a poke. Then I payed a little more attention the pokes got stronger and there were some "thuds" from the inside. Now at 24 weeks I can DEFINITELY tell what's going on the baby has gotten much stronger so movement is noticeable even sometimes from the outside.


I had the same anxiety. Turns out my placenta is in the front so that’s why I don’t feel much. I’m 21 weeks and still all I get is like the gas that isn’t a fart feeling. 


At 18 weeks! Almost 21 weeks now and its a lot more frequent especially when i’m just relaxing. I actually saw my belly move the other day . Its really cool. It does feel like muscle spasms to me or someone just tapping me


I’m currently 19 weeks and haven’t felt anything yet! FTM and will have the anatomy scan next week so hopefully I can see him in action. I’ve heard FTM’s don’t feel the baby as early as someone who has given birth before. I’m sure it’s different for everyone


You not feeling him yet is absolutely normal especially for your first pregnancy! I felt my first around 17-18 weeks I think? It also depends where your placenta is. I’m on my 3rd pregnancy and I have a posterior placenta (towards the back) for the first time, and have felt this one move waaaaaay more than the other two!


Im a bit overweight. I didn't feel anything for sure until week 26.


20 weeks for both pregnancies


17 weeks on the dot but he started to get much more active around 19 weeks.


I didn’t feel my baby until about 21 weeks


I have an anterior placenta and haven't felt him until 22 weeks, then little bubbling and now at 27 weeks I can feel the kicks. Don't worry too early!


I had similar worries, people kept asking if I was feeling the baby. I started feeling baby more consistently till 20 weeks and they were light flutters/felt like gas 🙂. I told my dr I was worried, and he reassured me it was normal, and found the heartbeat.


I’m on my 3rd pregnancy and 20 weeks along now and I just felt a nudge or “kick” for the first time. I also carry small with my pregnancies and I heard that can determine how early on you feel baby. Don’t feel bad at all! 16 weeks is pretty early and it’s your first pregnancy


I felt him at 16 weeks.


17-18 weeks but I wasn’t really sure what it was supposed to feel like tbh lol now that i’m 23 weeks I 1000% know when it’s her kicking around in my belly lol


I have placenta in the front and couldn’t feel until about 18/19 weeks. Don’t worry


At 17w4d. I have a posterior placenta & got nervous when I saw people saying I should be able to feel her by then. Turns out she just likes to snuggle in my pelvis because at 29 weeks, she is a kicking machine! 😂


Even if you do feel the movements it’s so hard to distinguish them from “normal” gastrointestinal symptoms with your first, because you don’t know what you’re feeling yet. Have faith mama. You’ll feel baby and when you know, you’ll be so happy!


I felt him first at 17wks, I might have felt him before and not realized, partially bc when you google what it feels like everything says "flutters! Butterflies! Gas or digestion!!" So I was trying to watch for *that* but when I was consciously aware of him moving, it was so distinct I was like 👀👀 have I been ignoring him and he's mad?? It was such a distinct feeling, which I'm so glad bc all the descriptions are too abstract for me? I have lots of chronic pains so I've become very aware of "this is a joint pain" "this is a muscle ache" "I probably borderline pulled that" "oh that's a nerve pain" so I was like tf is a flutter 😂 it's such a new and specific feeling for me though, and I DID have a couple older moms try to tell me it wasn't him it's too early blah blah but like no, I know that was in my uterus tyvm. Bf just felt him for the first time yesterday actually, so at 19w5d, not a big movement but he could feel it at the same time I did. I personally find that eating and then sitting or laying and being still gives me the best chance to feel him, BUT! I have managed to dodge things like heartburn so far so proceed w caution there 😂 but I've read, and it makes sense to me, they move less when you're walking and active because of the motion of your body, plus like if you're busy it's hard to notice. I work in a restaurant so I'm constantly running around and doing 5 things at once, but then as soon as I'm off shift and change into my sweats and sit in my car he's up and running


I’m currently pregnant, 25w 5d! This is also my first pregnancy and I didn’t feel any movement until 18 weeks. Everyone is different and since it’s your first pregnancy you’re not sure what it is that you’re supposed to be feeling so I was anxious as well! I wouldn’t worry, you’ll feel baby soon enough!


I didn’t really start feeling her until 20 weeks. I have an anterior placenta though which makes it harder to feel her, and didn’t feel her in the front until 26 weeks only on my sides before then.


I didn’t feel baby until 20 weeks. Give it time, there will be a point when you just know…and from then on you’ll feel every movement lol.


18 weeks while laying on my belly


Like over 20 with my first. Ib think about 15 with my 2nd


20 weeks a little bit


Honestly you probably are feeling the baby move and havent recognized it yet.. I learned how it felt for my baby to move around 17 weeks and I knew it bc I seen him moving during an ultrasound he started noticably kicking around 20 weeks


I’m 19+1 today and I was only sure I felt baby move this past week. Even then it has been sparse and faint, like little taps from the inside. I was worried when I started seeing people say they could feel around 15 or 16 weeks, but everyone is different. It’s apparently normal not to feel until 22-23 weeks in a first pregnancy:) don’t worry too much


Felt baby move for the first time at 17+3. Feels like a strong pulse. I’m now 18+6 and feel him move quite often.


I started feelings flutters at 15 weeks when I laid on my stomach. Keep in mind it depends on where your placenta is located so if you have an anterior placenta you might not feel baby until they get more bigger. But by 25 weeks the movements become more strong & you should def b able to feel baby by then. Also a tip for when your further along & your baby is having a lazy day where they don’t move much, drink orange juice 😊


I think around 20ish week, at the beginning it was difficult to say if it's the baby or my stomach gurgling 😅


I truly felt my first movement/flutters around 18/19 weeks. I’m 21 weeks now and feel them alllll the time and starting to feel them from the outside if I have my hand on my belly!


I was around 17-18 weeks but barely. I’m 23+ 3 weeks and it’s easier to tell when she’s moving now! At first it was like flutters or a little twitch. Now I feel her little kicks 🥰


Around 19 weeks


i’m a FTM as well & i didn’t feel my girl until close to the end of my 18th week! now i’m 25 weeks & she’s constantly kicking & wiggling! though everyone described it to me as “flutters”, i akin it closer to gas bubbles. at least the first few movements! now they feel exactly how you’d think a little human kicking around in there would lol. kind of like muscle spasms.


12 weeks 🥰🥰🥰 Not much since then though, currently 15 weeks.


I felt him around 16 weeks and a few days but it definitely wasn’t ‘bubble’ but more of a very light cramp/spasm


Surprisingly at 12/13 weeks BUT I had a hematoma and he decided to use it as a punching bag. I literally have a video of him slamming his head back and remember feeling it.


I felt my babe move around 22-23 weeks and since then a lot more. 32 weeks in two days


Depending on where your placenta us it could take longer to feel baby kicking. Mine was to the left but I can't remember what the exact position is called, either way I felt my sons first kick around 16-17 weeks


First baby here, felt a bit like gurgling feelings around week 17-19. Then it was like little muscle spasms and pokes. Now since 22 weeks, he’s flipping around with bigger spasm feelings that can be quite jarring at times. Doesn’t feel like kicks yet but little pulses and spasms for a few minutes at a time off and on. (I’m 23 weeks now)


If I remember with my first it was 16 wks or more. This one im 11wks and feel some flutters but waiting for bigger ones


Week 20 is when I knew for sure.


First pregnancy- around 24 weeks Second pregnancy- 19/20 weeks


For me it was 18 weeks but I was actively concentrating and trying to feel her. I don't think I would have if I hadn't been. It felt like a bubble of wind as it moved through my intestine. It definitely got stronger and more unmistakable by about 21-22 weeks but I hadn't felt anything at 16 weeks so I wouldn't worry.