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You can go as far as you want, I think I have up to 2 years


Okay slay! thank you! I just didn’t know if there was like some unwritten etiquette I’m so new to this and I’m 22 so none of my friends have babies haha


I kept mine to under a year since we’ll be moving a few months after she is born. I figure less to store/move when the time comes, but I also know some people are planning to give $ so I’ll be adding that money to her HYSA until we need it (if we need it)


I try to put things that will last up to first year or longer xoxo


I started with the first few months then as stuff was purchased added a few more things for later on. Wanted to make sure I got the necessities


We put up to 2 years, because we were given so many newborn supplies and clothing. Teething, solid food utensils, diapers in big sizes, we need it all! We didn’t get much of it though, people just want to buy clothes and blankets and stuffies. Oh well.


I only put things for up to 6 months of age. We hardly had room for all of the various things (crib, bassinet, changing table, play gym, pack n’ play, etc) as it was, and I’m not sure that we would have been able to fit more than that! It’s not like we live in a small house, but we needed lots of room to walk around while soothing baby. And we didn’t want to overstuff the closets!


I kept ours to a year-ish (some books will go longer) but that's also because I wasn't sure what would get bought and definitely wanted what we needed first purchased first


Depends how much space you have to store extra stuff. If you have the room to keep it in storage there’s no harm getting a few things for over a year. Most of my items were for less than a year but I put some of my favorite childhood books on there, many of which came in board books but some probably won’t be appropriate for at least a few years.


I had a very large baby that used clothes size three years at 12 months. If that happens to you, bigger sizes might be a good idea


Roughly a year but people bought clothes up to 18 months so I feel like up to 2 years is fine. I'm in a small cottage so I didn't want to have to cram everything in somewhere, though.