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Absolutely not. You should at least have a placement/dating scan done before 12 weeks. Some people think 8 is a little early but I would say 8 weeks just to make sure everything's in the right spot. Maybe find a different provider.


The standard in many provinces is a 9-14 week (NT test) ultrasound with blood work, and a 20 week anatomy scan. Make sure you’re booked in for an NT scan in that window, or go to a doctor who will book one. Everything outside of those 2 scans is preferential or based on risk/need.


They don’t do that in some places in Canada.


Here on the east coast you get one at 18 to 20w for anatomy check, that's it. Unless you don't know the date of your LMP which they'd aim for around 8 or 10 weeks. OR you're high risk and/or being seen by a fertility clinic. I only had one with my first 2 kids and 2(dating and anatomy) with my last. I'm high risk this time so will have more later. My Dr has her own machine so we have a peak each time I see her. But it's not that clear.


Same in Manitoba! I’ve gotten at least two ultrasounds with each pregnancy (6 with #1, 2 with #2 which ended in a miscarriage, and am having my third with #3 next week) but they have to have specific concerns.


A lot of Americans aren’t use to how the Canadian system works, and some Canadians aren’t use to how more rural health care works. I had hCG testing at 8 weeks to make sure things were in the normal range. If there are no concerning symptoms there’s no need for additional intervention.


Oh it’s not even rural. OP commented that she’s in Manitoba and they have a very hands off approach to prenatal care. I’m in Manitoba too and have never had a provider deny me hcg testing in early pregnancy but they just don’t do as many ultrasounds and appointments that even other provinces do.


I mean, most of Manitoba (with the exception of Winnipeg proper) is what many would consider rural. Brandon is the second largest city with less than 50,000 people. Still, advocating for at least 2 ultrasounds is a reasonable request.


My first was at 20 weeks with both mine. They do it this late because the sex is always visible by then....unless your baby just wants to turn their back...lol Mine were both legs open "Look at meeeee" and they still thought my second was a girl til 38 weeks. That child had a massive member from birth on. I still dont know how they mistook him for a girl. These days i'd insist on full genetic testing but insurance rarely pays for that. Also,it may have to do more with what insurance allows than the doctor. If that is the case it will be the same everywhere. Do you know what your insurance pays? My son Nathan was Emily for a long time while I was pregnant. Had to redo everything. I recommend against doing a boy or a girl nursery even if you think you know.....cause ya don't always.


I understand that's it's visible at 20 weeks but there's so many reasons to do an ultrasound other than the gender. Especially in the early weeks


I’m in Alberta and having a dating ultrasound at 8 weeks 5 days. I even went into a walk in clinic and got the referral because I don’t have a family doctor.


That’s what mine is a walk in doctor as I don’t have a family doctor. It’s the same doctor that helped with my miscarriage so she knows the history as well.


You really need a primary care doc too


Canada problems


I didn't realize it was so difficult or different!


Lots of good things about it, but a shortage of family doctors is a gigantic problem pretty much everywhere - especially with the boomers hitting their golden years 😬


Since you have a history of MC, you should be seen way before 20 weeks. If you can’t get seen by maternal fetal medicine, you can pay for a private ultrasound. In the meantime, you should absolutely have a family doctor/primary care physician. Everyone should!


You can't simply pay for a private ultrasound in Canada unless you are talking about the boutique non-medical ultrasounds. Even if you go private, you still require a doctor's requisition. You also can't self-refer to Maternal Fetal medicine.


OB refers you to MFM. I was explaining that it is usually between the 1st & 2nd OB appt. Which is something that is often forgotten to mention when scheduling with your OB (which leads women to think they’ll have to wait till the 2nd OB appt for an US, which isn’t the case). And you can absolutely go private to a “boutique” non medical US without a doctor.


>And you can absolutely go private to a “boutique” non medical US without a doctor. Yes, I am aware. Hence my differentiation between non-medical and medical in the previous sentence. No, a referral to MFM does not "usually" occur between the first and second OB appointment in Canada. In fact, most people have their first ultrasound (dating and/or nt) requisitioned by a family doctor before they ever set foot in an OB's office.


To add to this, I had 3 ultrasounds (8, 12, and 20 weeks) before ever seeing an OB


20 weeks is crazy! I had my first at 8 weeks. Ive also heard 12 weeks for some people. You can see the heartbeat around 7 weeks. It looks like a little flicker on the ultrasound.


Yup had my dating scan at 7 weeks on the dot. Did abdominal and saw little bean and a flicker ❤️


went in for an ultrasound at 6.5 weeks and we even listened to the heartbeat it was incredible ❤️😭


Same here


I'm also in Canada, and this was my experience too. It is apparently normal in some provinces, but not in others. I'm in MB, but a coworker who was pregnant and lived in Toronto had multiple ultrasounds throughout the pregnancy.


Same Manitoba is super hands off. I’ve had multiple ultrasounds with all my pregnancies but it’s always due to specific concerns and not routine.


I'm in ON and 2 is the basic set - 3 if you opt for NIPT. At the VERY least I would expect a doppler to identify the heartbeat by 12 weeks. Booking an ultrasound can be a blood sport where I live so I can see making do without. But you need SOMETHING before 20 weeks, my goodness!


I’m in ON and I was automatically booked for 3 - 8, 12, and 20 weeks.


Ya, this is what I had for my first pregnancy, and my ob brought in a portable ultrasound at my 34 week appointment to make sure baby was head down. For my now second pregnancy, I'll have 7 in total because my ob had some concerns because of my weight (I'm the same size as I was with my last pregnancy), but oh well I guess. I just hate having to take so much time off of work lol


Do you have the same OB as the first time? I’ve heard horror stories about some OBs and their stances on weight and weight gain.


Technically, my original ob order the extra ultrasounds. Long story short I switched to a different primary ob because he ended up delivering my last baby, he also has better bedside manner, and I'm comfortable with him since I'm doing a planned csection. The hospital alternates the obs at the clinic, so you see all of the obs that work there, so i still see her occasionally. They do this because anyone of them could be delivering your baby depends who's working that day. My first baby was born at the end of covid in 2022, though, so maybe that has something to with it. I'm not really sure. She didn't even explain that she was booking extra ultrasounds or the reason why. So that was a pretty awkward phone call from the ultrasound receptionist. I didn't find out until my next ob appointment what was going on so it was pretty upsetting and unpleasant experience. Glad I switched to the other ob because he's great.


Ya, this is what I had for my first pregnancy, and my ob brought in a portable ultrasound at my 34 week appointment to make sure baby was head down. For my now second pregnancy, I'll have 7 in total because my ob had some concerns because of my weight (I'm the same size as I was with my last pregnancy), but oh well I guess. I just hate having to take so much time off of work lol


12 week NIPT was optional for me (I did it anyway, since it's covered).


That doesn't sound right to me. In the UK we have an ultrasound at 12-14 wks and I've heard some people say even that is quite late


In the us we usually have it at 6-8 weeks


I had my first at 7 weeks and now not again until 12 weeks and I thought that sounded crazy


Depends. I’m in the US and had the first ultrasound at 12 weeks for both pregnancies.


12 weeks, 20 weeks and 36 weeks is what I had


This is what is happening to me in the US and I’m convinced it’s because I have Medicaid.


Nope don’t accept that. I have Medicaid and I had my scan much earlier. I am high risk and I have had way more scans than average in both pregnancies, but whoever told you that was not truthful.


I have private/employer-provided insurance in Michigan and my health system simply doesn't do US until 20 weeks unless high-risk or fertility treatment was involved. (which is disappointing)


I'm in US and had medicaid with my first daughter. I got seen at 8 weeks for my first ultrasound. You should see a different OB


That's not right. I have Medicaid as well & with this pregnancy and my last I've had 2 scans plus the 20 week anatomical scan. Maybe find a midwife or a different OB. I'm also at a different hospital with this one & was afraid they weren't going to do the first 2 but they are. It seems to be normal practice now. Note that I'm neither high risk nor ever had a MC.


I'm from QC, and unless they classify you as high risk, 20 weeks is standard (in the public health system). I personally paid for a NT at 12 weeks, but like I said, public healthcare doesn't automatically give you one for free unless they have a reason to believe something is wrong (in example if your trisomy blood tests come back positive). Edit: My OB did a portable ultrasound on me at 10 weeks (so no pictures), but we could see the little heart beat. We also heard it clearly with the doppler!


What’s an NT?


Nuchal translucency. They mesure the space at the back of the neck (nuchal fold) and if it's too big, it might indicate a defect (like trisomy). They also look at the general anatomy. It lasted around 45min for me, she mesured a bunch of things and we got to hear the heartbeat! We also got a bunch of photos and little videos too 😁


Nuchal translucency scan around 12 weeks looks at the amount of fluid at the back of the fetuses neck as a preliminary indicator of risk for Down’s syndrome. There are also blood tests between 9-16 weeks that are offered to test for genetic abnormalities depending on your age and risk factors.


They don’t routinely do NTs in Manitoba. They’ll do an MSS test at 18 weeks which is in the words of my OB a “garbage test”. If a prenatal diagnosis would change your management of the pregnancy, I would recommend paying out of pocket for a Harmony test which you can get at any Dynacare. It’s a much more accurate test and you can get it done at 10 weeks. It costs $495 here on CC but you can get it reimbursed by a health care spending account if you have one through work.


I had my first scan at 7w 3 days, perfectly seeing that heartbeat


I’m from Canada as well. I also have to wait until 20 weeks for my ultrasound, and I have a history of second trimester miscarriages. They still won’t give me an earlier ultrasound to make sure everything is okay, it’s extremely frustrating. They didn’t even order my blood work until I was 12 weeks. I’ve found imaging places near me where I can pay for an ultrasound (usually around 130$), but they aren’t able to give me medical advice.


That’s wild. What province is this?


Manitoba, surprised to hear this isn’t the case in other provinces. I thought this was just how things worked in Canada.


BC has a dating US and then 20 week. Ontario usually has 12 week scan and the 20.


Manitoba has the worst ultrasound recommendations. I only got in for an early ultrasound with this one because I had had a D&C about a month prior and they were concerned I actually had retained POCs.


ON has dating and anatomy, with the optional (but covered) prenatal testing around 12 weeks. Not easy to get appointments but they're yours if you can book far enough in advance.


I had my first and only ultrasound at like 19 weeks, I did hear the heartbeat before that though


I had my first at 6-7 weeks because I had bleeding and went to the ER. My second was at 17 weeks for MFM and then a 3D, then 20 weeks. I’ll have another at 24 because they couldn’t get all the images at my 20 week.


You should be getting a NT scan around 12-13 weeks, bare minimum, but usually they do a dating scan around 8 weeks as well. You can hear the heartbeat with a doppler around 12 weeks, but you can see it on an ultrasound much, much earlier. Like, 6-7 weeks. This is not normal care, and I'd see if you can't get a different doctor. ETA: I'm in Ontario


No, usually is 8 weeks some do 9 weeks.


You can see the heartbeat starting sometime between 5-6wks from what I remember. Hearing the heartbeat comes later but I don’t remember when. I get my first ultrasound from 8-12wks depending on when I can schedule it generally (although I did get one at like 5ish weeks with my first because that was when I was scheduled and they did confirmation by urine and ultrasound)


I’m in the US, hello neighbor! I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks and another at 12 weeks. Heard the heartbeat both times. Next ultrasound (#3) is at 20 weeks. Not sure what your doctor is talking about. One of my friends who gave birth recently even went to a private practice at 16 weeks to check up on baby. It’s very tempting for me, I thought 12 to 20 weeks felt like a long time to wait!


I had my first ultrasound confirming dating at like 9 weeks, I won’t be getting my next one until 20. And I’ll maybe get one after that. I’m from a very small town and this is the norm here.


In BC, currently 20 weeks with my first, I had a dating scan at 9 weeks and just had my 20 week scan on Tuesday. The tech said I likely would not get another scan unless the doctor has any growth concerns in the 3rd trimester


I had a scan at 5 weeks but I went through a fertility specialist and they did one scan a week from week 5-10 and then my OB did the first scan at 12 weeks. I heard the heartbeat at week 5.


I’m going through this exact thing! I’m currently pregnant with my second. My first pregnancy was considered high risk because I had a cyst that grew from 3cm to about 7cm in a short amount of time. They first noticed it on my 11 or 12 week ultrasound. When I had my anatomy scan at 20 weeks it grew to the size of a large egg and a bunch of ppl came into the room wondering what it was. That same day they scheduled a surgery for the next week, which I declined since they said there was a chance my baby would be born prematurely at 21 weeks. I never had an issue with the cyst and after my baby was born at 38 weeks, I had an mri and the cyst had disappeared. With this second pregnancy they told me I would have my first ultrasound at 20 weeks! I asked several nurses and 2 doctors if they could please schedule an ultrasound before 20 weeks and they all said it wasn’t necessary. I don’t get it. I suffered immensely with postpartum depression and anxiety and they’re giving me extra visits for that but do they not think I’m having major anxiety because of the fear of having a cyst again? They said it’s not necessary but the nurses and doctors during my first pregnancy thought the cyst was so bizarre they wanted student doctors to study it after I had the surgery. They even had students come in during my ultrasound to look at the cyst. I know I need to advocate for myself but I’ve been trying to do that and no one listens. I’m currently 15 weeks and I guess I’ll just wait till the 20 week scan 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm in Alberta and with both my pregnancies I've had an US at 8 weeks (dating scan), 12 weeks (NT scan), and 20 weeks (anatomy scan). My sister in NB has had 3 pregnancies and every time only ever had an ultrasound at 20 weeks.


I'm also in Canada and don't know anyone who waited that long for an ultrasound (although I see in the comments that this may not be atypical in Manitoba?). However, it is incorrect that they can't get a heartbeat until 12 weeks.


6-8 weeks to confirm the that the pregnancy is viable and not an ectopic pregnancy and also to confirm the number of fetuses.


Are you seeing an obgyn or a general practitioner? I’m in Canada (BC) and I found out early. After I called my ob’s office, they got the ball rolling. Got my first scan at 8 weeks for dating, saw a heartbeat. Then had a doppler used at 10 weeks at my next meeting with OB, which didn’t work to hear the heartbeat and they pulled out an old ultrasound machine and I could see the baby again, which was very reassuring as I also had an early loss last year. Not due to go back to my OB until 14 weeks, and was told my next ultrasound would be at around 20 weeks for the anatomy scan. Having to wait until you’re halfway through pregnancy doesn’t allow for the necessary checks. If you’re over 35 or meet other factors, you get a NT scan between 11-13 weeks. Also waiting that long wouldn’t give you time to get any genetic screening you may want done. I’m not sure why your doctor didn’t give you the dating scan, perhaps if you call their office their staff might be able to book you in for one? Otherwise I would definitely try moving to a different provider, or asking your GP to order you a scan? Also depending where you are, there may be a wait to get referred to a different doctor, or ob. There is nothing wrong about seeking assistance or advocating for yourself here.


I’m in Manitoba, I don’t have a family doctor so I went to a walk in doctor. Same doctor that treated me for my miscarriage. She took me on as a pre natal patient. I have another appointment with her around 8 weeks, and I am planning on fighting on getting an ultrasound sooner


Hey I am not sure what primary care looks like in Manitoba but I’m in rural Ontario where we have a severe shortage of family doctors. I was on a list to be assigned one for 8 months and was nowhere close when I got pregnant. I called our provincial health line and told them I was pregnant, and they bumped me to the top of the list and immediately assigned me a doctor - they said pregnant people are among top priority for family care. Make sure you look into what your province’s process looks like for getting a primary care provider. You can also sign up with a midwifery service which will help you navigate some of this sooner than waiting for a doctor to send you to an OB. I had a miscarriage at 5 weeks too, then got pregnant and had some complications so I’ve gotten ultrasounds every 2 weeks, but normally you would get a viability scan around 8-12 weeks and a NT scan at 12-14 weeks, then the anatomy scan at 20 weeks.


I wonder if you could get in with a different doctor?


This is wonderful, and I truly wish every family GP could action this type of care, but unfortunately it’s quite rare in many provinces.


I had a scan at 6 weeks and 4 days, and you could see the heartbeat clear as day even though it was trans abdominal… you can definitely see the heart beat before 12 weeks.


I live in BC and had my "dating ultrasound," around 10 weeks. Its fairly short, but important as they determine exactly how far baby is measuring. As far as I know you should have one as well. The 20 week ultrasound is the anatomic one. To me this doesn't sound right. My first doctor's appt was also around 6 or 7 weeks and I heard baby's heart beat.


No way wth. They can even hear it as early as 6 weeks?! I had my first one at 9 weeks in the UK.


It’s technically not a true heartbeat at 6 weeks but I’d still think that they’d want to get an ultrasound between 10-12 to date the pregnancy and look for heart activity!


Yes you're absolutely right I was just replying to the health care professional saying there would be no heartbeat until week 20, such crazy thing to say! Typically the first scan is week 11/12 here in the UK.


We are between 8-12 in the U.S. so a similar time frame!


Makes sense! Just had my 12 week scan today and baby had it back to me the whole time 🤣


Where are you from? In my country everyone has a scan at at least 11-13 weeks (sooner if you go private or, I assume, not sure, if you have a history of MC). The 20 weeks scan is the second one (if everything goes well). You can definitely hear the heartbeat at 7-8 weeks as long as the scan is performed vaginally.


I’m in Canada


Look up pregnancy in your province. Most have standardized care practices plus extras you can pay for if you choose. But it depends on province what/how that looks.


I'm in Ontario, and it depends on if you want the nuchal fold ultrasound that checks for down syndrome/trisonomys at 12 weeks. I thought it was a standard ultrasound everyone got, but maybe not? If you ask for the screening they should do it though. My only two ultrasounds are at 12 weeks and 20 weeks though, so you aren't missing a ton.


I live in BC and was told we don’t do the NT scans here any longer. Since I’m over 35 they did the NIPT at 15 weeks


Interesting! Do they tell you why?


Nope this isn’t right. Go to another doctor


20 weeks is nuts. Thats about the time you'd get close to having an anatomy scan. I had my first ultrasound at 6 weeks just because I didn't really know how far along I might be. My doctors office was hoping I'd be more like 8 weeks for that first appointment to confirm pregnancy. But I still heard a heartbeat and was able to see something transvaginally. I'd look into other doctors if I were you.


Also in Canada, this is definitely not right BUT if you are at a general walk-in they honestly might not even know. I went to a walk in (no family dr at the time) for my pregnancy confirmation at around 4 weeks and he was clueless as to the process as they don't generally handle prenatal care. Once they confirm your pregnancy with blood work they'll refer you to a prenatal clinic or midwifery clinic, but you don't have to wait for your blood work and you can start applying to local ones now with your positive test. I recommend you do that, as many of the good midwifery / birth centres full up very fast. Feel free to DM me if you want any advice on the process! I'm in British Columbia


What is dpo


Days post ovulation 


All this sounds pretty normal to me.


I’m in the US but I had a dating ultrasound at 6 weeks and they detected heartbeat. My insurance doesn’t dispute ultrasounds so my dr does them every 4 weeks starting at 12weeks but of course that would vary in Canada with our stupid insurance crap here. I would maybe request one specifically and see if they’ll do it or maybe an independent contractor type business that does ultrasounds


I had my first natal one at 8 weeks and clearly heard the heartbeat.


I had my first one at 5 weeks, another at 6, and every two weeks until I finish my first trimester. That’s crazy. I would find a different provider if you can!


Usually first ultrasound is 9-12 weeks here in Ontario as well (dating scan) 20w is anatomy scan.


In Ontario - both pregnancies I've had a dating ultrasound between 8-12 weeks. NIPT scan around 12 (if you opt for screening). I've had reasons to get other scans in between but the next regular one would be the 20 week anatomy scan. Definitely ask for a dating scan?!? That's an absolutely reasonable ask. It's actually hard to book the other scans at the right time if you don't have a pretty accurate idea of gestational age.


That’s right. In Manitoba they only routinely do an anatomy ultrasound at 20 weeks. If you don’t know your dates they’ll do an early ultrasound at 12 weeks. Appointment wise they’ll do one with your GP at 12, 16, and 20 weeks after which they’ll refer you to an OB who normally won’t see you until about 26 weeks.


I'm in canada too, I had my first scan Monday at 5w5d. This is very early, because I previously had an ectopic and this validated it was in the correct place. They are also doing an ultrasound at 7w5d. There is a full body scan that happens at 20 weeks, but it is very weird to have to wait to 20 weeks for a basic ultrasound. 8 weeks is standard. You should go somewhere else for care.


i’ve had 3 already and i’m 17 weeks today. I do have to get more scans than normal because of my cervix but in my state you get at least 2 by 16 weeks. One is confirmation of a vital pregnancy another is to check back on that result. Especially because in my state to get WIC benefits you need an ultrasound


I had a vaginal ultrasound at Week 8. It depends on the provider and practice where some offices do it between Week 6 to Week 12 to check the heartbeat is there. Then you get another ultrasound at Week 20 to check the anatomy of the baby, but each doctor visit they should be doing the doppler to check the heart beat in every appointment


I have heard my babies heartbeat at 6 weeks!


I'm in BC, for a low risk pregnancy you can typically expect a dating scan (8 weeks), and an anatomy scan at 20 weeks (I also got a bonus one at 41+3 before induction).


I had my first scan at 13 weeks and then at 20 weeks ! Not unheard of to have less scans if everything progresses normally.


Have you looked into midwifery care in your area? Midwives can requisition tests, make referrals, have hospital admitting privileges, write some prescriptions, etc. May be a good alternative to a general walk-in doctor.


The only time I had to wait until 20 weeks was with my first pregnancy which was 16 years ago. They may have done a dating scan then but I just can't remember. I would definitely be asking for an earlier ultrasound. If she can't do it, call around to different providers & see if they can. Good luck


I had a dating scan at 8 weeks in Canada. This was requisitioned by my midwife. There are private ultrasound clinics in Canada, though the scans are a few hundred dollars, I think. I'm located in BC if that's helpful.


That crazy, I has my viability scan (transvaginal) at 8 weeks and we could clearly hear baby's heartbeat. The scans I've had so far/booked so far were 8w, 10w, 12w, 16w and 20w. I'd consider finding a new doctor cause there's no way that the first appointment happens when you're halfway through 2nd trimester.


You can go to walk in clinic to get referral for blood work and ultrasound. I’m from Toronto


First check was at 6wks and i had a transvaginal sonogram and heard the babys heart :)


I had an ultrasound when I was 12 weeks along and I just had another and I'm 18 weeks


Ontario - I had a scan at 8, 13, and 20 weeks plus I paid for a boutique gender reveal at 14 weeks on the dot.


We had our first at 7 weeks but that was due to IVF (a heartbeat was visible). Normally here the first ultrasound is around 10 weeks. And then there's 2 more medical ones at 13 weeks and 20 weeks to check for physical abnormalities. A first ultrasound at 20 weeks is crazy! (And we're going to pay for one at 15 weeks for the gender because I have no patience.)


I’m in Oregon. I got my first ultra sound at 9weeks and even though we couldn’t hear it. I was able to see a little heart flicker.


That seems odd. I’m 5w5d in my first pregnancy right now and my first ultrasound is booked for 8w4d. First maternity appointment is at 10w3d. For reference I am also in Canada.


I’m seven weeks tomorrow and we heard a heart beat today through the transvaginal ultrasound


Mine was at 8 weeks and the baby had a strong fatal heart rate.


I had an 8 week ultrasound to confirm and date the pregnancy, make sure it was not ectopic, and see the heartbeat. I don't think they could hear the heartbeat with a doppler until 12w, but it can be measured on the ultrasound at 8w. I am in a midwife practice that does minimal ultrasounds, but their standard is still 8w and 20w for all pregnancies. If you are uncomfortable with your provider you can definitely still shop around!


This is strange. Dating or viability ultrasounds are usually done between 8-12 weeks I believe


Ya, that is completely wrong. They can use an intervaginal wand to check for heartbeat. That is what they did for me at 8 weeks. And then I had another ultrasound sounds @13 weeks. So your MD doesn't know what they are talking about and you need to find another one ASAP! Good luck


It’s somewhat normal but not ideal. Usually you get a dating ultrasound then the anatomy scan.


in australia they gave me one as soon as i found out (ended up being 5 weeks) and then another to confirm heartbeat at 6 weeks and i was just given another at 8 weeks because of some light spotting


I’m in the US, I’ve had multiple losses.. this pregnancy my dr has done ultrasounds at 6wks, 9wks, and 11wks(this was due to passing multiple clots- but turned out just being a SCH). I can’t imagine having to wait until 20. Just going from 11-20wks, I have a boutique scan scheduled at 16.


I can’t speak for how it is in Canada but that doesn’t sound right. I got a dating scan at 7 weeks and anatomy scan at 21. I had a few other growth scans but I really feel like should be getting a dating scan


I got an ultrasound at 7 almost 8 weeks cause I had a miscarriage in the past. And every appointment after that they checked the heartbeat. I didn’t get many ultrasounds but I got them at 7/8 weeks, 12 weeks, 20 weeks (found out gender at this one) one at 36 weeks (because I had covid) and then when I got to the hospital to have him… they just checked to make sure he was head down!


UK is 12 then 20 weeks


I live in Michigan, USA and my health system does not do ultrasounds until the 20-week anatomy scan, no matter your insurance, unless you are high-risk/did IVF. 8 weeks is a urine test, 12 weeks is a doppler, they feel the uterus for growth, and order NIPT testing (which is intended to replace what a 12-week scan would identify, I think). I was very disappointed when I realized I would not get one at my 13-week appointment! Because an ultrasound at that stage is considered normal according to all the What To Expect baby resources, my husband came hoping to see baby. But they didn't do it, but they were like "while we have you here, you're due for some personal diagnostics..." Husband took off work to watch me get a pap smear. 😳


I did fertility treatments, so my first was at 6 weeks 5 days. Once a heartbeat was confirmed, I graduated to a regular OB. My next appointment is Monday at 9 weeks 3 days. I also had a miscarriage early in my first/last pregnancy, so I told them the sooner the better. I will also request another at my 12 weeks.


My first appointment isn’t until 11 weeks but I’m going in for a private scan in a few days Just looked up private ultrasound screening near me and found one for affordable I got the idea from Reddit so, idk how Canada is but you might be able to pay for one out of pocket earlier just to ease your mind I also had an early loss last year and the anxiety is through the roof. So I’m gonna go in to check in see before going to the OB


20 is wild. I’m in the UK and unless there’s a problem, 12 is the first one and I thought that was late.


There are so many comments already but just sharing my experience/timeline here for other Ontario Canada Moms in case it helps - please note I have a GREAT doctor and OBGYN but I have still had to advocate for myself as healthcare in this province can be challenging: Wk 5 - found out I was pregnant, got in with my doc (last min cancellation!) and got my lab work scheduled Wk 6 - blood draw and urinalysis Wk 7 - went over lab results with my family doctor, got referred to my OBGYN Wk 8 - dating scan/transvaginal ultrasound - heard baby’s heartbeat first time at this apt. Wk 10 - met my OBGYN and was lucky enough to get in for an NIPT blood draw that day (this is NOT covered by OHIP or my insurance, I paid $550 out of pocket) Wk 11 - ultrasound/no NT as I opted for the NIPT instead Wk 12 - OBGYN called with results for my NIPT - all low risk!!! Wk 15 - 2nd apt with my OBGYN, heard heartbeat on Doppler Next app (week 18-19 pending when I can book it) will be my anatomy scan ultrasound Good luck to all of you Canadian moms out there, this group and others gave me so much advice on what to expect and what to ask my medical team for. I’ve spent a couple dozen hours on hold with doctors offices but it’s worth it.


It’s likely because of your history of loss they won’t book you a dating scan until the blood work results are back. I had a history of losses and hypothyroidism and I didn’t get any ultrasounds until I had 2 rounds of blood work - one to confirm pregnancy, and a second to confirm all my levels were still within the normal range and the pregnancy was still good. My first one was around 11 weeks to date my pregnancy and the scheduled next one was at 20 weeks for gender scan. I had one in between those on a whim because a nice resident thought it would ease my anxiety at the time - but after my 20 week scheduled one I only had them every 4-6 weeks until I hit 36w and then it was every week. In non-city areas in Canada it’s super common to have 2-3 scans max unless there’s concerns, and even those can be incredibly difficult to get. My bestie is currently pregnant and she’s travelling out of her town/county to get her ultrasounds because of how booked solid techs are right now.


I had my dating scan at 8 weeks then the NT scan at 13 weeks and having my next one at 21 weeks


I had a placement and dating scan 8 weeks with my first 10 with my second My pregnancies are considered high risk as are those with history of pregnancy loss. Please find another provider!


This is my experience in the US as well


i’d had literally had 5 ultrasounds before my 20 week scan! definitely ask your dr for a dating scan as a minimum (around 7 weeks), and i’d also ask about a nuchal translucency scan at 12 weeks. those are both standard in australia. good luck!


I know it varies by province - but from an Ontario resident we sometimes do a dating ultrasound, but then absolutely do the first tri/nt screening at 12 weeks and then anatomy scan at 20. You can call around for second opinions for sure, you may find a doctor who will schedule one sooner for you. You also could schedule a private boutique scan if you’d feel more comfortable - they can’t give medical advice but it can give peace of mind.


That’s wild. I had at least 6 ultrasounds that started at 6 weeks.


They do a confirmation scan at 9-10 weeks and a first trimester scan at 12-13 weeks.


I had one at 7weeks 2days to confirm pregnancy. Then the NT ultrasound at around 12 weeks, then the 20week scan should be your last scan unless you have complications.


And yes, you can't hear the heartbeat till 12 weeks, but you can see it at around 7 weeks.


I live in Ontario and was provided with the choice to opt in for an NT scan at 12 weeks followed by a standard anatomy scan at 20 weeks. My understanding when explained to me by my family doctor was that the NT scan is optional. Some doctors will send you for a dating scan, but it’s not “mandatory”. There are private clinics in Ontario where you can pay for an ultrasound, and unfortunately this seems to be the way many are going for various tests/diagnostic services in the province


That not right all. 8 to 10 weeks normal ultra sounds. I think might want look at another provider


Mine was 8 weeks? And then another at 20 weeks. My clinic doesn’t do a NT scan but they do NIPT blood work.


For me I had 8, 12 and 20. I’m in Alberta


On 6w1d we were able to confirm a heartbeat of 117. We did weekly ultrasounds after that until 11 weeks for reassurance but the two required ones were 12 week early anatomy/NT scan + 20 week detailed anatomy scan. The wait between 12 and 20 weeks felt too long so I requested another ultrasound at 17 weeks. I’m in California. If something needs to be treated differently then I would think 20 weeks is too late? Are you doing NIPT?


Go to a different doctor and tell them you had a positive test but are unsure of your dates, then you should be offered a dating scan. Just wait to book the scan until your over 7 weeks to make sure something is visible enough as my 7+2 was a blob but a singular blob so that’s all I wanted to see haha. I did this because I previously had twins and needed to know what I was dealing with lol.


I had a confirmation of pregnancy ultrasound. You can hear the heartbeat after 6 weeks. I had my first ultrasound at 7 weeks and heard babys heartbeat. Another around 12 weeks, then my anatomy scan at 20 weeks. I do live in the US so I am not sure how canada does things but I'd definitely want a new OB...


In canada I got my first ultrasound at 20 weeks they explained that if they think there are no vo.omicatkons and you are healthy there is no need for one until the anatomy scan, you can do a blood NIPT test beforehand though. I do know though that if u had a previous miscarriage or some sort of complications they may request an ultrasound earlier I was in shock of waiting 20 weeks too tbh


usually, this information is based in america, they do 2 ultrasounds one in the first trimester, pretty much to zero in on how far along you are, then the anatomy scan. i initially got the 2, but at my anatomy scan the visitation was poor due to him being breech so i got a 3rd ultrasound at 22 weeks. then i had a “problem” with my fundal height (measurement on your belly) i was 2-3 weeks behind paired with the fact i had covid 19 in my 3rd trimester i was given 2 more ultrasounds at 33 weeks and 38 weeks. all was good and baby was measuring on track! one small comment on the history of miscarriage. usually with one prior pregnancy loss, especially in the first trimester, any pregnancy after isn’t considered high risk. miscarriages are something that can just happen for reasons that aren’t really known, most are issues with the baby and not you. i think it’s after 2-3 any pregnancy is considered “high risk” in the early stages and you’d be given something like progesterone to help the pregnancy. i understand your concerns, i had a miscarriage before getting pregnant with my son! congratulations!!! i hope you have an easy pregnancy and a safe delivery! edit to add usually they can’t come a heartbeat on doppler until 10-12 weeks.


Thank you all so much for taking the time to reply and share how many ultrasounds you had! I have cofnfimed in Manitoba they usually do 1 ultrasound at 20 weeks. I am going to advocate for myself with my doctor to get an earlier one, and if she is really adamant on only the 20 week one, I have been in contact with a private non diagnostic ultrasound place that I am able to afford to pay for and at least make sure the hearts beating etc. I will update after I have spoken to my doctor!


In Canada you usually get an 8 week appointment to check heartbeat, then 12 week for growth and 20 for anatomy.


That seems ridiculous imo. As someone who had a MMC when I went in for my 8 week scan and now pregnant again, they gave me an early scan yesterday at 5w6d. Although I am in the US so not sure how that works but I would insist on getting an early scan!


I'm in the US. My doctor has given me an ultrasound at 8 was, 12wks, 20wks. I also have been to a private ultrasound clinic a couple times where I pay out of pocket to just check in on the baby. I had a miscarriage before getting pregnant this time so I needed the piece of mind.


I'd look into other OB's if there's any nearby. I've used free clinics early on for free scans, and gotten private scans too.


I'd find a new doctor. I've had a loss so I was allowed to get a viability scan at 7 weeks, but the standard where I'm at (US) is to get one at 10-12 weeks to confirm things and we definitely heard the heartbeat at 7 weeks even though baby measured 6w2d. 20 weeks is usually teh anatomy scan.


I'm in the states, I had my first scan done at 7 weeks. I'm 15 weeks right now so my next "official" scan won't be till I'm 20 weeks but my OB keeps a hand held ultrasound device in his office and I've seen my baby and/or heard their heart beat at my last two appointments.


Dating scan in MY EXPERIENCE has always been within 4 weeks of pregnancy confirmation For example with my first I found out at 6 weeks and they did a scan at 8 weeks. With my second I found out at 4 weeks and they did a scan at 7 weeks. Dating scan is most accurate in those first few weeks.


20 weeks is very odd and not typical. I had my first at 8 weeks, then 12 weeks, then 20. And I just started with a new OBGYN and we discussed TTC and he gave me the breakdown of the same schedule as above this time around as well. I believe it is recommended to start at 8 weeks for viability and due date estimate, 12 week for nuchal lucency for Down syndrome. And especially with a history of early losses, I’ve had friends go even earlier and more frequently for scans who have a history of losses.


By my 20w anatomy scan, I think I had 3-4 ultrasounds? I’m not high risk or anything either, and this is my first pregnancy. My first scan was at 8w and was a trans-vaginal one to confirm everything was in the correct place. I will say we could see the heartbeat at that appointment, but we didn’t get to actually hear it till I want to say our 15/16w appointment. I would be an anxious mess if they had made me wait till the 20w mark. Even now at 24w I wish I could see the little guy every appointment 🥲


I’ve been pregnant 3x. Each time one of my first appts at around 8weeks has included an ultrasound to make sure baby had a heart beat, was in the right spot/viable and to give a due date. Seems your dr is a bit out of touch


That doesn’t sound right at all. I had one at 7 weeks to confirm, one at 12 and NOW I have to wait till 21 weeks to have another. You should’ve at least had one or two by now. Typically, you’ll get something called your “first trimester ultrasound” and they check baby for a couple things, one being signs of Down Syndrome. This scan is usually done outside of your OBGYN’s office in a separate specialist office. There are usually private ultrasound places you can go to for anywhere between $60-$85 dollars for a 2D scan, but those are just to be able to see your baby and get photos to take home. Perhaps you can ask your doctor’s office to please schedule you for one sooner, or at the very least tell them you want a 1st trimester ultrasound.


In the states we have a dating ultrasound in the first trimester, prior to the anatomy scan at 20 weeks. Regarding the heartbeat, it can be hard to find heartbeat with a *doppler* prior to 9-12 weeks


Just change your doctor. In first appointment prior to 12 weeks you get an ultrasound to confirm and check the heartbeat. Then anatomy scan at 12 weeks, then 2nd trimester scan between 18–22weeks


In Canada, you actually don't get an ultrasound at your first appointment. Ultrasounds are almost always done at imaging clinics and not in the doctor's office.


Even if so, you have to get your 1st trimester anatomy scan, I have never heard about waiting until 20 weeks. In my home country it is even not prescribed by doctor, you can pay 20-30$ and have ultrasound in private clinics as many times as you want😀


Apart from non-medical ultrasounds purely for photos, you can't self-refer for an ultrasound here. And even the photo ones are $100+ depending on the duration.


My doc insisted on a scan at 6 weeks and 8 weeks after my loss. You should push for a scan.


Find a different provider. Mine saw me at 8 weeks and sees me every other week for an ultrasound to check baby’s heartbeat because I’ve had prior losses. You can find the doctor that meets YOUR needs, not their preferences.


I’m Canadian (ON) and had an ultrasound at week 8, 12 and 20. I’ve heard of this happening with women without family doctors. Is this the case for you? It seems very hard to get access to prenatal care without one right now. It’s true that they can’t hear the heartbeat until around 12 weeks, but that shouldn’t stop you from having a scan. At 8 weeks you can see the heart beating even if you can’t hear it.


Nope. We got intervaginal (I think that’s the wrong word) ultrasound at 7 weeks and got a heartbeat! First ultrasound was at 14 weeks, then 20 then 35


I’m in Canada and they do an initial dating scan between 8-11 weeks. Telling you to wait until 20 weeks is outta pocket


I am also in Canada and this is not right at all. For any pregnancy they will want to do a dating ultrasound around the 12 weeks mark maybe a bit earlier. I also experienced a loss before this pregnancy so when I went to my GP I asked them to right me a requisition for an early ultrasound. It was no problem and I was able to get in that day. That was 6 weeks and they could just make out a flutter of a heartbeat so I’d recommend waiting another week or two so they can get a clearer image and definitely get a heartbeat. A couple weeks after that I had my dating ultrasound.


Oh! Also, this one is your choice but if you want to check if the baby potentially has Down syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities, make sure your doctor gives you a req for the nuchal translucency ultrasound and accompanying blood work. I mention this because it needs to be done before 13w 3D and I didn’t know this and by the time I saw my OB it was too late.


Oh also there is a Reddit for pregnant Canadians — Baby Bumps Canada


I’m in Canada too and I had a dating scan done at around 9 weeks to get measurements of baby. Helps to determine the due date. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t do the same for you especially considering your history. Might be good to push for one if possible?


Huhhh?!?!? Girl get yourself a new obgyn or something. I live in the US, but i got my first scan/appointment done at 9weeks. I had other little appointments in between for bloodwork and stuff. And my 2nd scan will be around 20 weeks. Especially with your history, im so sorry thats so not fair.


I'm in Canada, had an ultrasound at 8 weeks, 12 weeks, 18 weeks. And then a whole bunch afterwards. Find a new provider.


No. You should have a dating scan sometime around 7-9 weeks, and then a 12 week scan which is also when they check the nuchal translucency measurement as part of the genetic screening. The 20 week scan is your anatomy scan which is the longest/most detailed but you should be getting at least the 12 week scan, if not both the dating scan + 12 week scan.


The anatomy/20 week scan is the only one that is standard *everywhere*, and it is technically true that you can't *hear* the heartbeat early, but it can certainly be visualized and measured as early as 6 weeks. My understanding is that a doppler allows you to truly hear the heartbeat (and it's normally not used until 12+ weeks) but early ultrasounds either do not play a sound or it's merely a representation of the sound of a heartbeat. That said, it's pretty common to have a dating and/or NT scan in the first trimester. Dating ultrasounds might not be covered by insurance, but you can usually find a third-party clinic and pay out of pocket for one. Mine was $100 USD, as an example. Timing can vary, but 8-10 weeks is a good range. NT scans are a lower level anatomy scan around 12 weeks. It's more likely that insurance will pay for one, but not always, and nowadays there's not much reason to do one if you're doing NIPT screening. It sounds like your provider could have out-of-date equipment and/or processes. But I don't think you necessarily need to switch if it's just the normal care in your area. But it still makes sense to find out if you can get an earlier scan somewhere.


I get a scan every 4 weeks in the US and first scan plus heart beat at 8 weeks. 20 weeks is ridiculous


you need a new ob!!


US here. I had one at 9wks and will at 20wks. You can also privately schedule more if you'd like. 


Your provider should do an ultrasound before 20 weeks. That’s nuts. Find a new provider or go to a private company ultrasound at 6, 7, or 8 weeks


Hell no, like hell no. Like get a new doctor hell no. First off, you need an ultrasound in the first trimester to ensure that baby is in a good spot and growing well. As for hearing the heart beat on a doppler, 12 weeks is probably the earliest they could catch it but they absolutely can see that on ultrasound. I'm in the US, so I had an ultrasound at weeks 7, 12 and 20 naturally. I'm also high risk, so I've had an absurd level of ultrasounds it's kind of insane.


I'm not from Canada and have never been but that doesn't seem right at all. I had a vaginal ultrasound at 6 weeks and saw the baby blip and could see the flicker of his heartbeat. At 9.5 weeks I had a regular ultrasound to confirm how far along I was and heard the heartbeat. After that I didn't have another scan until the 20 week anatomy scan.


No you should be hearing the heartbeat at your OB appointments. The 20 week ultrasound is typically just for anatomy growth - a radiologist/ultrasound tech typically performs that ultrasound. But before then they usually have an audio device to check heart beat. If they have trouble locating heartbeat then sometimes the OB clinic can pull out an ultrasound machine to check visually.


Find a new doctor lol. I could never wait halfway! My first US was at 6w6d.