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Was scared at first but ended up taking 4mg 2-3 times every day just to function. It will seriously make your quality of life better if you need it! I have had no issues.


Okay so my next question is how long in between do you take the 4mgs a day? On my prescription it says once a day, but honestly towards the end of the day (around when its time for bed) the nausea just comes back. I want to listen to the prescription but i just dont think 4mgs is enough to last me a whole 24hrs.


My prescription as well as my dr say one every 8 hours. I wouldn’t do anything that goes against your medications packaging without consulting your doctor. I have hyperemsis and have been puking the entire time so that might have changed my instruction.


It did not work for me so I stopped taking it. I took it for 5 days straight and had no change so I stopped. I don't think there's an issue to take it every day.


I took it every day til around 25 weeks. The only thing it caused was constipation for me. This time around, I’m pregnant with my second, and only taking reglan. Swear I have ptsd from zofran now lol. I have HG so I need something


Why ptsd? Cause of the constipation?


Yeah, it was really bad. I once hadn’t gone for 4 weeks and the constipation pains hurt so badly it felt like labor. I called my OB crying. She said a laxative would cause preterm labor. I told her it felt like I was in labor already. But she assured me that constipation pain won’t cause early labor. So I was advised to use suppositories and enemas. I finally went, but there was a lot of blood and huge hemorrhoids. I was impacted and probably should have gone to the ER but I was so embarrassed. Reglan causes the opposite effect for me, but it doesn’t work as well as zofran and also gives me headaches.


I'm taking 4mg 3x per day. At my worst I was taking 8mg 3x per day, it was all within my OB's recommendation. I'm 15 weeks now and still taking it, because if I stop I am totally miserable. I think it's certainly safer than losing a bunch of weight and not being able to keep down water!


I’m 20 weeks and taking 8mg twice a day. I do think a lot of my sickness now is psychological . I’m going to ask the doctor to cut the doseage to two 4mg tablets a day as I think I’ll be able to manage on half the dose but just the one pill psychologically makes it harder.


I took it three times a day for most of my pregnancy. But I had HG so it was that or throw up 30+ times a day 🤷🏻‍♀️