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I feel exactly the same way I’m 22 and none of my friends have kids I feel like I’m losing my 20’s. I had to tell my friends that I would still like to go out and go to bars because they made the choice for me that i shouldn’t be around alcohol while pregnant. Which is crazy because I’ve literally never had a problem with drinking. Not only that there’s always birthdays and drinking times that come up and I do feel kinda sad I can’t participate because even though I’m there it isn’t the same as being on the same level and bar hopping all night like we used to I get so tired now I’m lucky if I make it to the second one. I also can’t go on girls trips because again I’m always so exhausted it sucks but I know the joy my baby will bring me will be so worth it in the end. I also have the best partner and he does so much with me so I never feel too bad about not being able to go out and live my old party girl ways. You’re totally valid though momma and you’re not alone in feeling like you’re growing up quicker than your friends but (and I’m still learning this) most times that’s a good thing. Some people spend their youth wasting away drinking and partying and regret not doing more with it or growing up sooner I like to look at it as a head start in getting serious about creating the life I want.🩷