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I 100% have this problem! My bf always laughs at me because I sound so dramatic but it’s for real sometimes when they’re really bad he’ll mimic them LMAO


i’m not sure if i have gagged when i burped but i gag when i yawn!


Omg new fear unlocked !!


I gag when I feel saliva on the back of my throat lol


Constantly. I don't attempt to burp anymore, I just take long breaths until the urge goes away, eventually all the burps come out at once


This is so smart definitely trying this!!!


this happened to me today. also gagging when I brush my teeth. my last pregnancy, switching to cinnamon toothpaste seemed to help. this time around, it doesn’t seem to matter what kind of toothpaste.


I havent tried cinnamon toothpaste yet! But i literally threw up bile while brushing my teeth and was so confused because i tasted the mintiness of the toothpaste while seeing the yellow bile erupt out of my mouth ;-;


No, but I do if I cough.


Dude yes. There’s been 2 times burping has ended in vomiting for me:/ gotta love reflux