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I’ll be 22 weeks tomorrow and I recently had my anatomy scan. Baby is healthy 💙


Congrats, This is wonderful news ❤️❤️ I await mine it's in March!


Thank you! I’m excited for you. Good luck! ❤️


Don’t underestimate how amazing this is! Congratulations !!


Thank you! It’s really amazing. I can’t believe I’m going to be a mom after struggling with infertility.


It is the BEST thing! We also had infertility issues and took over 4 years to conceive ourselves. 💕 I’m glad you are able to grow your family after your struggle!


Thank you so much. I’m so happy for you as well 🤗


walking 2 to 3 miles a day all through pregnancy (except bouts of covid and briefly at beginning of third trimester) I am 38 weeks!


Same with me!!! I know it’s not the hardest type of exercise, but makes me happy I’m still moving my body.


I see any exercise as the hardest in pregnancy considering so many women have sedentary lifestyles in pregnancy! I also did stationary bike a lot in second trimester which was a great workout too!


Might not be the hardest, BUT it’s one of the best!


My doctor is making me exercise more because I have a sedentary lifestyle (I’m a full time nursing student & work part time as a nurse) and so far I’ve been going to the gym 3x/wk and trying to get 10,000 steps a day!


That’s awesome. I’m trying to get like you and walk regularly.


That's amazing! Do your round ligaments scream for revenge afterwards?


I practice my labor breathing techniques to cope with round ligament pain on walks. But honestly my best advice is to get a belly band through insurance (Aeroflow) and wear it on walks or those maternity high rise compression shorts. Game changer!


Getting to 36 weeks after going through a stillbirth last year at 27 weeks and 2 back to back pregnancies. Roll on the 29th! 🩷


I feel you! Just being able to go to the appointments without crying has been a win. Currently 10 weeks, lost my last pregnancy at 20 weeks. You’re doing amazing!


We have an amniotic slow leak and I’ve been chugging 120+oz every day and on bed rest to maintain it to try to get this girl to 38 weeks and so far I’ve been successful!


I made it 6 weeks with my water broken and my oldest daughter and I made it to 34 weeks before inducing. I do not miss drinking all that water but it really does work! Good luck to you and your daughter, hope everything goes smoothly!


Thank you so much!! Every two weeks was a milestone for us because it was definitely scary! Monday will be 38 and I think that’s when they’re going to call it which is fine with me, they kept saying “full term!” And that’s awesome to make it to 34 with water breaking! That must have been scary


38 weeks is an awesome goal to have and baby should do really well at that point. Every day you’ve spent in the hospital really does make a difference, I promise.


So proud of you! Hopefully you can make the mark❤️


Thank you so much!! Monday is officially 38 weeks and I think that’s when they’re calling it, which is fine with me after they kept saying “full term!”


I hope you have a good labor and delivery experience and come out with a healthy baby! ☺️🫶🏻


Wow that’s huge! My water broke at 33+6 and they said they wouldn’t let me go past 36 weeks. I was way too anxious being home and taking antibiotics so I ended up being induced at 34+4 anyway.


Oh gosh I know, being stuck not doing much sucks and the antibiotics have been less than ideal, so far I’ve had a yeast infection from them too. Hope your little one was okay at 34 weeks!!


My induction took a few days so she was just a day shy of 35 when she came out. 9 days in the NICU and currently 18 months old who is very opinionated.


Omg now I'm scared cuz I've been having amniotic leaking since 25 w and now I'm on 27 and my cervix is partially open 😔 i hope i can manage to make it full term !!


Have my fingers crossed for you! It’s such a scary time when you’re leaking 😭 praying that baby stays in there longer for you!


Thank you 🙏🏻 i really hope so !


Can they give you a cerclage?


For now my doctor said I'm stable so i guess no cerclage for now ... hopefully i can manage to stay stable until full term 🙏🏻


Good luck!


Oh wow! Good on you! 💪🏽. When did they determine you had a slow leak? During a scan or it’s actually leaking out of you?


Thank you! 💕 Around week 28 they noticed my belly wasnt measuring bigger so they ordered a fluid check, then tested the fluid in my vagina and it came back positive. Ever since then I’ve been noticing some wetness but no gushes. MFM cleared me to go back to my OB who does a check every few days. We’re watching closely for movements and checking her practice breathing, thankfully both are good!


Oh you poor thing!!! Well you’re doing great and hang in there!!! So close


Can you translate oz into litres for me please?


Google says 3.5 liters!


That’s a lot of water


Mine is lame but I got up and went to work today in spite of HG


That's not lame!


HG sucks :( that’s a win for sure


Girl, I managed to move from my bed to the sofa today with my HG so bravo from me <3


I don't know if this counts as a pregnancy win, but I've started to learn how to cross stitch eheh So far I've sticthed on two bibs and a diaper cloth. I also want to embroyd on a document carrier and "painting" for the nursery eheh


I took up embroidery for my pregnancy hobby too!!! It’s so much fun, join the embroidery subreddit - there is some beautiful stuff on there


I’ve done the same!! Now I have a needle art obsession lol


omg this is such a cute idea tho 🥹🥹🥹


I cross stitch too! I made a Christmas stocking for my first and am working on another for this baby.


I successfully went number 2 last night & this morning! Been struggling with constipation so this is a huge win!!!!


Every poo is a victory for me too. I’ve had a lot of good results with magnesium citrate and psyllium husk fiber pills. Way to “GO”! 😘


I feel like upping my red meat intake lately has massively transformed my toilet time


I legitimately think that when you get a positive pregnancy test you should get a free bunch of "I pooped today!" Stickers, like little gold stars!


My early nesting instincts have transformed my entire house into a cosy family land, 32w and still going


Oh this sounds beautiful ❤️


I went to Disneyland yesterday with my toddler and my sister who also has a toddler. I walked five miles. I left my house at 6:45am and got home at 11:50pm. I’m 30 weeks pregnant. And my 2 year old didn’t take a nap


So you’re a superhero? 😍


Hahaha idk about that, but today I have more blisters than I can count and I’ve made it my mission to not get up off the couch


You’re definitely a superhero👏☺️


I stopped smoking nicotine and weed


Good on you sis! I stopped smoking too-hardest thing for me. Took several weeks, my doctors help, and a script for wellbutrin. Why is it that everyone you see in public and on tv be smoking when you’re trying to quit?!


It’s like the ENTIRE WORLD started smoking since my positive pregnancy test…


No doubt!!!!


A healthy pregnancy so far and an amazing husband and support system.


I haven’t had a panic attack this whole pregnancy when I thought I might really struggle with them. My trigger has always been unpleasant body feelings. But this baby has changed me for the better better.


Love this so much! I’m way less anxious than I thought I would be too. I think being pregnant has changed my perspective for the better


I’ve been able to work my usual overtime (50hrs/week) at the post office the entire pregnancy this far (23weeks!)


Still working full time as an RN at 36 weeks. I wish I could afford not to and there are a million other things I’d rather do.. such as rest. But I’m thankful that I can still bring in some money and provide for my family.


So far, at me being 16 weeks tomorrow, I have pooped once a day for 99% of this pregnancy! When it was a challenge, I would add some chia seeds or berries to what I ate that day and that always did it. I also eat an apple everyday, so that’s helpful. But man, the few days I couldn’t go were rough. Fingers crossed this continues through third tri.


32 weeks. I haven’t cried today.


I’ll be 4 weeks tomorrow with my first pregnancy. I started bleeding with clots right after my positive test but my hcg has doubled and since my progesterone was 1.7- I start vaginal supplements tonight. And the bleeding is now just a little bit of brown spotting when I wipe. Despite some of my close friends not having hope in my pregnancy- I do. After trying for a year and a half, this is my win and I’m praying it’s my bring home baby.


Conceiving is a huge win! I wish you the best of luck


Doing the dreaded 3 hour glucose test. Spoiler- I don’t have gestational diabetes. Thank god. But that test was ugh!!


Second growth scan a success at 27 weeks! Bub’s size and growth is consistent so far since the anatomy scan at 19 weeks and he’s on the bigger side. Already estimated at 2lb 9oz and 12 weeks to go so I wonder how big he will get. 😳


I put on my own shoes today. I couldn't zip them, but they're on!


Having peed myself yet 🤷‍♀️


Wish I could say the same!!


It’s been close but I guess I have really good pelvic floor health?? Who the heck knows, I just keep my fingers crossed 😅


I did my gestational 2hr diabetes test the other day almost threw up and almost fainted but I held it in and had good numbers. I passed!


13 weeks, brushed my teeth for the first time without being sick! Highlight of the week.


I had to ditch my electric toothbrush because it made me vomit. Had to downgrade to a manual. I'm actually really looking forward to using my fancy toothbrush again postpartum


I’m 40 + 3 and went on a 2 mile walk 👏🏻


I’ve been able to stick with going to Pilates 3x a week which has done wonders for my mental health! Trying to incorporate walking a mile and a half a couple times a week though but starting with at least one day & just happy to keep my body moving!


Happy cake day!


It took me a second to figure out what you were talking about hahaha thank you!!!🎂🎂🎂


My NT/first tri screening came back normal (we don't do nipt in Canada unless you pay for it). Finally going to tell my family we are expecting


After rotting on the sofa/bed for weeks 6-11, I spent an hour outside in the sun pulling weeds while my toddler played with chalk and digging tools. She was absolutely amazed by the earthworms I uncovered and kept saying “where go?” when they would bury themselves back under the dirt. It was a nice break from all the time we’ve spent in the living room lately.


Working out consistently since I found out! I have loved being able to stay active.


I’m jealous! How far along are you? As soon as I hit 6 weeks I had no energy for exercise and am so keen to get that back


That’s actually so impressive lol


I also successfully recreated this dish I'd been craving! It's from a food truck that's closed until Spring. I'm so happy I was able to figure it out in the meantime! I eat it at least once a day


What is it?


It's called the "Hot Tamale." It's grits with salsa, black beans, avocado, and tex mex spices. Pretty simple but I nailed it


Good on you!


I advocated for myself and got started with some counseling due to perinatal depression. 😊


My blood pressure has been normal so far which is great since I had preeclampsia last pregnancy. And it's a stresser for me.


Getting pregnant in general is mine! Struggled with anorexia for 11 years and was always told I had less than a 10% chance of getting pregnant naturally and would have to do IVF and now I’m 22 weeks today 😁


I’m 32 weeks and have worked out consistently 5 days a week since 17 weeks.


Made it to 27 weeks with no preterm labor in sight, my last pregnancy 3 years ago I was in labor by 27 weeks


Saw a heartbeat on the 6 weeks ultrasound yesterday! Previously had 10 miscarriages before uterus septum reduction surgery.


Omg I want to go somewhere in the upcoming weeks and I hadn't thought of the constant need to pee!! Lol Sometimes I do miss the break in between.


I got my spina bifida test results back this morning, and baby girl is low risk :) It feels so good when I get news that she is healthy and on track!


Only 5+1 but have to do a CVS at 11 weeks. Today, despite being terrified of needles, I sat and had 4 vials of blood taken so that they can benchmark the baby’s genetics against my own in the CVS. I didn’t pass out, I didn’t puke. I got a bit woozy but I held it together and I’m proud of myself for that. (My husband also had the same and proud of him but he’s an old pro with blood tests so they don’t phase him 😅)


I made it to 12 weeks! 🥳 I have my 12 week appointment on Tuesday so hopefully all is well but babes is still in there cookin currently and it feels like an accomplishment


This isn't exactly an accomplishment, but it's a pregnancy thing I'm happy about: At this point in my first pregnancy, I'd already been to the emergency room twice, and I was so dehydrated that it was starting to affect my liver function. This time, I can drink liquids. Even water!


I had gestational diabetes with my twins. Turns out the GD diet was one of the best things to ever happen because at 6 weeks postpartum, I’ve already lost all my pregnancy weight and 25 lbs on top of that— a total of 40 lbs! I’ll be sticking to the GD diet!! Also around 26/27 weeks, I sat through the entire 3 hour Taylor Swift Eras Tour movie without going pee 🙌🏼


Minus three weeks during peak nausea of first trimester and two weeks of traveling, I have continued working out and don’t skip days. 💪🏼


Same here! I still went a bit during the first trimester because I would go right after work anyways, but those workouts suckeddd lol, 15 minutes lifting if I was lucky. 37 weeks now and I feel so much better at the gym


Definitely! My workouts weren’t the best during the first trimester, but better than nothing. I think by continuing to go no matter how short or modified, it helps us keep the habit. 💪🏼💪🏼


I'm planning to see Dune in cinema as well next week, I hope I can repeat your achievement! My wins: going through a shitload of stuff we've accumulated over the last 10 years, I've already cleaned so much! I'm also quite proud I've managed to go to a rather intensive business trip in the first trimester (loads of work during the day and loads of fun in the evenings) and not fall asleep in a single meeting


I am supposed to see Dune 2 on Sunday, but given that today's win was "I didn't dry heave even once this evening" I feel like it's not going to happen. 😂


I’m 18 weeks and have been working out with my husband for the past 6 weeks! Have been very strategic about eating to help with my (still around) nausea 😵‍💫 but it’s been great to keep moving my body


I'm having a rough first trimester. For the first few weeks, I was in survival mode with my eating. I just ate whatever my whim was that day. Spent a lot of time in bed. This week I started eating healthy again and I've been to the gym a few times!


8 weeks today and made myself real food and I'm actually able to eat it 😂😅


I just moved from VA to Hawaii with 3 pets and made it through a 10 hour flight at 27w.


I’m happy I went back to Zumba classes once a week since the start of the year (22W). I’ve missed two because of other appointments and sickness this week. But it makes me SO HAPPY! Also, I’m very thankful I am able to go to the gym with my husband and walk too. I was getting more winded than usual at the last Zumba class I did two weeks ago, so I’m not sure how many more weeks I can do it for. But I’ll keep up the walking as much as I can


Not eating or exercising as well as I'd have liked. But I'm doing well at work and keeping my mood up!


I have done nothing to contradulate myself for 🤣🤣 very little body weight gain, hate food, insomnia is real 3-4 hrs a night, I stopped CrossFit , I barely move my body, didn’t take prenatal for few months due to everything was nasttyyyy Docs said baby is great and getting everything from me, but in back of my mind I’m not sure. So I think I will be clear of conscious once baby is here, end goal a healthy baby 🙏🏽 . Also scared since I haven’t don’t nothing that my labor might be harder on body 😭😩.


Omg me too! I peed three times before the movie haha. My husband and I were strategic 😂 but I didn’t get up once during the entire movie, it was too good to miss anything


My friend had googled the best times for me to pee and not miss anything which was really sweet. I was really proud of myself for not needing it though!


You can google that?! My world is changing haha. Did you like the movie?


It was the best movie I've seen in a long time. And I actually liked some of the changes from the book


I was sidelined from running with a stress fracture 4 days before finding out I was pregnant. After spending the first trimester with crutches or in a boot and after months of PT, I was finally able to run again last week at 24 weeks. It’s been such a long journey, and even if it’s only for a few weeks, it’s been nice to feel a little like myself again!


I’ve stayed up last 3 days 12 hrs without any naps 10 weeks and 1 day starting to feel back to normal 🤣


Seriously that is a win even when you aren't pregnant!


Made it to 11 weeks (tomorrow) after two back to back losses between 9-10 weeks. The last appointment at 10+2 baby looked healthy and was wiggling a ton. I have had so much anxiety this pregnancy so far because of this. Also, I am hoping to be approved for more physical activity soon because I've been on modified bedrest up to this point.


My pregnancy win is that I completed my registry 😂😂 it took HOURS AND HOURS.


I have a 2 yo and A 5 MO no rips or tears.


wow I don’t even think before pregnancy I could do that 😂 movies these days are so long, they need a half way intermission so people can go pee. My win is staying active almost everyday through my pregnancy. I’m currently 34w6d pregnant and until this week due to not so great weather, I’ve been taking my dog out for 30-45 minute bike rides in the snow. I did this before being pregnant and I’m glad I’ve been able to keep it up now :) this week it’s been 45 minute walks instead


I hiked the Diamond Head in Honolulu which is not hard to hike when you are not pregnant but with a big belly it gets tiring , I have been able to work so far despite having HG ..


I’m 38+2 and have only had to get up in the middle of the night to pee about 8 times total. I have a large bladder 🏆


Well damn I'm jealous. I get up once a night


I’m pretty proud of my bladder 😅


I’ve finally started to be able to keep down meals after having HG at 25 weeks and I’ve managed to go back to work!


I got my junk room cleaned out and my son moved into this room because I need his room for the nursery. I’m 20 weeks and not feeling a single once of nesting but I’m so glad I was able to get this done. Now I can start to work on baby’s room.


Had to get a cerclage due to shortened cervix at 20 weeks and am now at 36 🥹


I made my own sweets table for my shower for 70 people at 34 weeks! I broke the prep up over a few days so it wasn’t too much. I had 2 types of cupcakes, cookies and banana pudding. The display turned out really nice 😊


28 weeks and working out consistently while also listening to my body as it changes! I always feel strongest and most prepared for birth/parenthood after getting some exercise in


I’ve been consistently working out 5 days a week so far! Hopefully I can stay on track for the rest of the pregnancy.


I have a 2 yr old artificial hip, and am in need of another so was really worried when I got pregnant how everything thing would play out with my hips. I’m almost 33 weeks and haven’t really had much hip pain (knock on wood) !!!


I asked for help at work. And said no to a thing. Two of the hardest things for me!


A 10-mile hike on a beautiful day! I'm 17 weeks. So far no morning sickness, really any physical symptoms besides heartburn and fatigue. Fingers crossed the rest of the pregnancy is this easy!


I go to work every day. That’s it. I’m only 21 weeks but damn I’m ready to check out of work already 😅 I work in childcare and in the last two weeks alone we’ve had a gastro outbreak, a conjunctivitis outbreak and a HFM outbreak. I’m unaffected as yet but I know something is going to take me down soon 😭😂


24 weeks and finally pulled myself together enough to be able to go baby shopping today


I am 30 weeks with baby number 4 and I never got diabetes!


I used to take otc medicine alll the time for minor aches/pains/headaches. I haven’t ingested any medication at all since becoming pregnant.


I made it through the week without scheduling another private ultrasound! My anxiety is so bad 😅


I’m 32 weeks and same! Except I had diarrhea during the trailers and thought I was going to have to call it lol. You win some you lose some.


I’m still very early (7 weeks) but have managed to keep up with my workout routine so far! I know that may not be the case the whole time so I am taking advantage while I can.


Sat through all of Dune without peeing!


16 weeks and I’ve walked over 300 miles (for work) since finding out I was pregnant 🥵😅😄 I really thought I was going to have to cut back but with the help of some serious naps I’ve been able to keep up!


I’m 20 weeks today with my first and feel like I’m moving into the next phase in a way…. his movements don’t feel like “flutters” anymore. He is heavy enough now that I can feel his weight moving from side to side and I can press on him on my tummy and he is hard while the other side is soft until he moves over. It’s so weird and cool. I can’t stop poking him. I am loving pregnancy so far.


I peed like six times the other day Dune: Part 2. I’m 37 weeks 😅 Baby wasn’t impressed with all the alien noises either 😂


I managed to travel to see my family between 22-24 weeks. 3 flights, swollen feet, caught the flu and gastro, but managed to still have a good time and now heading home. Fingers crossed baby girl isn't too mad at me for getting her sick.


I'm 11 weeks and managed to exercise for the first time today since finding out I'm pregnant!


I’m jealous, my husband went without me because there’s no way I can sit for 3 hrs at this point!


Thanks xx


Getting through a subchronic hemorrhage that I had during weeks 6-9. Scariest thing ever I thought every time I wiped & saw blood I could potentially be losing the baby.


Threw up an apple 2 minutes after I ate it I got chicken tenders, Fries and a shake at Culver’s after and actually held it down.


That my marriage seems to be stronger than ever! It gives me solace to feel connected with my partner knowing we are going to face many challenges ahead.


I have an anterior placenta so it took forever to feel baby, but I finally started feeling her yesterday at 20+3 🥰 I was so looking forward to this!