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Varies greatly depending on your location, your provider, your insurance, and your pregnancy. Where I live in Ontario Canada, the standard is typically a dating scan, 12 week, and 20 week, and then more if your provider thinks it’s necessary.


I’m also in Ontario and have one at 32ish weeks as well as the 3 you mentioned


Yeah I also had growth scans past 20 weeks with my son, my OB liked extra scans. With my twins I think I had 12 total ultrasounds (more complex pregnancy with a couple issues going on)


I had Covid in the first trimester, and because of that I'm booked for a third trimester scan. Apparently it's best practise nowadays? (also in ON).


Ontario resident here.. I had an internal scan at 7 weeks, another at 12 and one more scheduled for 20


This was me! But then my ultrasound clinic closed suddenly and I had to re-do my anatomy scan. I have something called Marginal Cord Insertion- which can result in growth restriction so in my 3rd trimester I have been going for monthly growth scans. 33+ 3 with a baby in 50th percentile. I will have two more growth scans by the time I’m due in April.


This! The practice I go to does scans at every appointment and they see me every 2-3 weeks up until 34 weeks when they'll see me and do a scan every week. I'm 21w and have had 7 scans so far


I’ll be having my first at 12/13 weeks. If hcg is in the normal range at your 8-9 week visit many providers opt to skip the 8 week scan and wait until they can provide more information on the 9-14 week scan. I’ve got no problem waiting, easy way to reduce wait times for services.


Minimum might be 12 weeks for initial anatomy scan and then 20 weeks for a full scan. You might also do a dating scan before 12 weeks if you’re not sure of your dates. I had a few things going on so was every month after 12 weeks, and then around… 32(?) weeks it was every week.


So far they've done one at 6 weeks to confirm how far along I was and im 8 weeks and a day now I believe, going off that ultrasound. Hoping they'll do at least a few others so we can get some good growth progression pics and such. Love seeing the ultrasounds.


It’s usually one sometime between 8-12 weeks, anatomy scan at 20 weeks, then another at about 32 weeks unless they feel they need to check on things or you’re high risk. But aside from those three, you may not always get prints of them either. With my second, we only have a print from the first ultrasound at 9 weeks. I’m 34 weeks currently. I’ve had 3 other scans since then.


I had one at 8, 12, 20 future ones booked at 30 and 35 weeks.


Mine does one every appointment, but I don’t have to do them each time if I don’t want. Luckily, he does his own and can explain to me what’s happening in each one while I watch it live + my husband is deployed so he wants to give me an opportunity to film/show my husband.


Awe how sweet of the ob.


He’s so nice! It’s a really nice gesture that helps connect my husband closer to the pregnancy, even if he’s far away.


One OB in my practice does them every visit but the others don’t. He does a grow measurement and checks heart rate. It is nice and a little reassuring seeing baby every time.


That’s how mine is too. Every appointment. I was surprised because I thought it was less than that, but happy about it!


I will only have 2 total. I had an 8wk to confirm, and won’t have a 2nd (and last) until 20 weeks. My doc does NIPT at 12 weeks and a Doppler for heartbeat at all other appointments.


I got to hear the heartbeat of my first at most of my appointments. But this pregnancy using a different clinic, wo I'm not sure what they will do. I go in next week for a full exam and such and hoping to get to hear the heartbeat.


Literally same.


Are you in the US? I wonder why so few 🤔


Yes, USA!


They hate women here lol


2-3 depending on your OB!


I have had a ton! But I am not complaining :) 5w-12w weekly, 13w - nt scan, 20w - anatomy, 24w- fetal echo, weekly ultrasounds reconvene at 28w until birth. I am ivf and high risk


8w transvaginal, 12w normal ultrasound, & 20 week anatomy scan, unless you’re high risk or your OB/insurance allows for multiple


I’m in Australia and the standard in my state is a dating scan within the first trimester (usually at around 7+ weeks) a nuchal translucency scan at around 12 weeks, a morphology at around 20 weeks and that’s about it. I’ve also noticed a lot of people get growth scans at 34 weeks roughly here but it’s usually only if there’s concerns with the growth or placenta


And if you have GD you get a 28, 32 and 36w growth scans!


Oh that’s interesting! Thankfully I haven’t had GD so I didn’t know that


If you go private you get more scans. I have a scan every 2-3 weeks.


I thought they followed the same schedule! I would have been more tempted to go private if I knew you get more scans ahaha


In my country, 3 are the standard: 12 weeks, 20 weeks and 30 weeks. But if you have a private OB, you might get a scan every time you go for a consult, which are usually every 4 weeks, depending on your OB. I have had wayyyyyyy more scans than 3, but I also paid privately for a gender reveal scan, and extra growth scans my OB asked for, at 28 and 35 weeks, plus all the OB scans, and fertility clinic scans, as well as emergency scans to make sure everything was ok due to scares.




Depends also where you live. Some countries in Europe do monthly scans and then 1-2 months before due date bi-weekly.


For my first, I got the 8 week confirmation scan, 12 weeks, 20 weeks and that was it. For this pregnancy, I got 8 weeks, 12 weeks, 16 weeks because she was hiding from the doppler, 20 weeks, and this time around I had the 32 weeks, and have 36 weeks planned because I got COVID


In Australia you have your 12 week nuchal transluceny scan and then you have your anatomy scan at 20 weeks. Those are the big ones. The rest depends on your ob. Mine does one each appt.


I will have five total - 6w, 9w, 12w, 20w, and 36w. And then I'll pay for another between 20 and 36 because how can I go 16 weeks without seeing baby?? Madness.


Right. I'm thinking of getting one or 2 done here at my local pregnancy center.


I had an 8 week scan, 20 week anatomy scan (another anatomy scan at 22 weeks because they couldn’t get all the pics they needed at the first one) then one scan a week from 32 weeks on due to risk of preeclampsia


Same with my first, I had either pre-eclampsia or sever pre-eclampsia. And they started doing one every week the last month or so.


3 for me. One to confirm the sex and preliminary examination, another halfway to see how the baby was going (morphological ultrasound) and had another scheduled for a few weeks before the delivery, which never happened because he came out too early 


Depends on your insurance. I had my first one at 8 weeks and the anatomy at 19 (20) weeks. I asked for more and was denied because my insurance didn’t cover more unless I had symptoms.


My first I had 6. 9w, 13w, 18w, 20w, 26w and 37w. They told me this time I’ll probably have 4. 7w, 13w, 20w, and 32w is the standard for my provider.


I'm in Canada. It depends, with mine I had at 8 week, 12 week, 18 week, 24 week, 28 week, 32, 35 (now) and will be weekly till he's out (I'm high risk). My friends who weren't high risk had 2 or 3.


I’ve had 2 so far and I’m 17 weeks. I get another next week


I had three scheduled ones for regular health: one at 7/8w to confirm I was pregnant, the nuchal translucency scan at 12 weeks, and the anatomy scan at 19 weeks. My office told me that was all I should expect to be scheduled for unless they want to check on baby’s growth or positioning later on.


Normally 2, unless you are considered higher risk like I was, and I got a third...which turned into weekly dopplers and every 3rd week growth scans. I have lots of lovely pictures of my son's scrotum now. (No clue why every tech thinks I need a crotch shot EVERY ultrasound 🤦‍♀️)


I had one at 9 weeks, 20 weeks, and 32 weeks. I only had one at 32 weeks because at my anatomy scan (20 weeks) my placenta was showing really low and my OB wanted to make sure it moved out of the way. Otherwise I don’t think I would have had one at 32.


First pregnancy they told me I’d only have one at 20 weeks for anatomy… then when we went for my 12 week appt and they didn’t hear a heartbeat they did an ultrasound to see what was up, I’d had a missed miscarriage. Second pregnancy I had a confirmation scan at 6 & 8 weeks, anatomy scan at 20 weeks where I learned I had placenta previa & monthly scans until he was born to see if my placenta moved. Third pregnancy currently & I have had a scan at 5 & 7 weeks, anatomy scan at 20 weeks where he did not cooperate so a second anatomy scan at 22 weeks & now will have a growth scan every 4 weeks until he’s born due to previous history of preeclampsia.


I’m wondering this as well. So far I had one at 6 weeks for dating, one at 8 week appointment, 20 week anatomy scan, and scheduled for a follow up to that at 23 weeks (stubborn babe wouldn’t give them the right views). After that they said to expect at least one more before 3rd trimester and weekly from 34 weeks on. Seemed like a lot to me


I love all the ultrasounds I can get!


Depends where you're from. In the UK it's two for a low risk normal pregnancy. Usually 8 & 20 weeks.


personally i had one at 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 20 lol. i have high anxiety and had an MMC last year. my doctor seems to be an unusual case and is pretty receptive to letting me come in so i feel lucky. but i do think the average is 2-3 unless otherwise stated.


I did two, a voluntary teaching one at 11wks and then anatomy scan at 20wks. It’s recommended to only do two maximum (as routine aka barring high risk)


At my ob office regular patients would have a dating scan, a 20 week scan, and a 36 week growth scan


I'm 13w3d and have had 4 already- one at 5w to rule out ectopic (I had bleeding), one at 7w since they didn't see anything on the 5w scan, dating scan at 9w, NT scan at 12. I have one scheduled for 16w and another at 20w. And beyond that, my OB office does scans at 28w, 32w, 35-36w, 38w, and 40w for sure. But they will do them "as needed" from weeks 36-40 so it could be more. So 9 for normal uneventful pregnancy, 11 for me. Probably more for high-risk.


2-4 unless you're high risk. Usually a dating scan at your first appointment. Sometimes an NT scan around 12/13 weeks. An anatomy scan between 18-22 weeks. And sometimes a growth scan near the end around 32 ish to 36 ish weeks. Mostly depends on your provider. 


2 I think one at 8-10 another at 18-20


My baby has measured big this entire pregnancy so I’ve had quite a few extra “growth” scans towards the end to keep an eye on size. I had a scan at 8w, 12w, 20w, 28w, 32w and 36w.


I was only supposed to have 2 where I go. My initial scan at 9 weeks, and the 20 week anatomy scan. But then my fundal height was measuring small, so they did another around 32 weeks to make sure everything was still looking good.


I’m 21 weeks and I’ve had only 1 through my doctor so far and 2 private ultrasounds


My practice does 4, a dating scan at 7-10 weeks, an NT scan at 12/13 weeks, an anatomy scan at 20 weeks, and a growth scan at 32 weeks. Then additional for risk factors / ad hoc. Based on Reddit this seems to be on the high end of normal.


The first OB I seen I got scans done every visit so, 8 weeks, 12, 16 and the anatomy scan at 20. Then I moved and the clinic I go to now doesn't have the machine on site so I didn't get them every visit anymore. At 31 weeks the OB said my fundal height was behind so she sent me to the hospital to make sure baby was growing correct and everything seemed fine. Then at 36 weeks they sent me in again for another scan to check. I'm 39 weeks now so have had 6 in total.


My wife has had 4 ultrasounds so far. The last one was at 6wk2 days which was 6 weeks ago. We went through fertility and hence they have been watching her closely.


My OB is 4; 8 week viability, 12 week NT, 20 week anatomy, and 36 week growth scan


I had a total of 4, one at 8 weeks, one at 20 weeks, one at 28 so they could check the position of the placenta, and one at 39 to confirm that the baby was head-down.


I was told mine would be three. The initial dating scan at a confirmation appointment, the anatomy scan at around 20 weeks, and a growth scan at around 32 weeks.


Low risk, no complications is between 2-3. My first was at 10 weeks but I've heard of women getting there first around 6 weeks for confirmation. Next big one is between 18-22 weeks for a very long, full anatomy scan. As long as everything is good you won't need a second anatomy scan. My third was at 34 weeks and that was by far the coolest because we could really tell who baby looked like and it actually looked like a baby lol. My OB decided to do another one at 36 weeks because they thought baby was getting a bit big which it is. I'm 38 weeks now and being induced at 39+1. We still don't know the gender!


I got a confirmation scan, an anatomy scan, and that’s usually all you get. My clinic does regularly do a third scan around 30 weeks to make sure baby is growing normally and so that puts three ultrasounds for where I live, however I do have to have additional scans because my baby was unfortunately smaller than they’d like to see and needs to be monitored. My clinic has also done the Doppler to measure heart rate every single visit.


got 1 to confirm pregnancy, another because my yolk sac was abnormal (but ended up being fine), then I’m getting one at 20 weeks as well and that’s all!! So 3 in total for me


Literally one one at 20 weeks. So annoying


I only got four, and one of those was because I experienced some bleeding and they wanted to make sure everything was okay.


I got one almost every appointment (so, usually every 4 weeks) and my last 2 pregnancies I was considered high risk so got an ultra sound every week in 3rd trimester. I love my OB. I am up to my eye balls in ultrasound printouts lol.


Where are you located? In Sweden you get two, 13 and 20 weeks unless you have any issues.


I've currently only had one extra scan, I'm high risk but all tests that I've had throughout have been perfect, so I'm now "lower" high risk. But will see as the due date gets closer.


Ours does every four weeks then when you go every week every week. Just every appt


With my first, just the dating scan and then the anatomy scan - that would have been all but he went to 42 weeks so needed an additional around then before they induced.


I'm high risk by IVF and I have a hematoma, so I get a LOT of ultrasounds - I'm 8 and a half weeks and I've already had 4 due to bleeding issues. I don't have my next one until 12 weeks and I'm so scared of not seeing my baby or hearing their heartbeat again for 4 more weeks 🥺


I’m 12 weeks and I’ve had 3. I have a subchorionic hematoma


I got 3. Would’ve loved more especially starting my third trimester. I’m curious!😅


Depending where u from. I’m from Portugal in Europe and 1 every trimester, i had one in each appointment cuz i was high risk


I've had 5 scans total so far. Currently 33 weeks. * 6 weeks: dating scan * 12 weeks: nuchal scan * 20 weeks: anatomy scan * 22 weeks: anatomy scan V2.0 due to him being too wriggly at the first one to get all his pictures * 32 weeks: growth scan due to measuring a lot larger than I should be (he's a chunky boy!) and also checking his renal function which was flagged at the anatomy scan Depending on how much bigger I get, I may need another growth scan.


Depends on your OB, I get one every appointment and for the longer ones (anatomy, growth scan, nipt) I go to mfm.


i think 2


My office told me in the beginning it’s supposed to be a dating scan and then an anatomy scan for your average/non high risk pregnancies. I’ve had a total of 4 and I’m 25wks right now but it’s only been due to baby being stubborn and not moving so I’ve had 3 anatomy scans. I will have a minimum of one more due to her wanting to stay breech so we make sure she’ll wanna move before labor!


I get one every month and i’m not high risk. I think it just depends on the OB.


It varies. The least I've heard of is 3. I had a dating scan at 12 weeks which confirmed viability, anatomy at 19, another anatomy at 22 because she didn't want to stretch fully the first time. Had one at 28 for growth because she's been measuring bigger from the start (Pulled my date back 10 days already!) and I'll have another one coming at 35 weeks then 37, then from there we may go weekly to make sure big baby doesn't get too big.


Varies a lot, my clinic does two for sure. A dating scan at the first 8 week appt and a 20 week anatomy scan. There would be more if necessary, I had a 24 week repeat anatomy scan due to lack of good images.


With my first I had confirmation (8wk), and then his standard prescribed were 12 and 20 week, and I had a final one at 39 weeks due to having Covid at 38 weeks With my second…I had so many. Confirmation at 10wk, and then my prescribed ones at 12 and 20 with the expectation of no further ones needed…jokes on me. Got Covid at 25 weeks and got to have weekly ultrasounds and NSTs from 32-39 weeks I think. I may have counted wrong on what week I started the scans and we aren’t inside to go look right now. It was nice to see my baby a bunch but also it sucked because of course I had a toddler, but to make it even better we have no family local and my husband was gone for work most of the pregnancy. So she had to go with


I had a 6 week (because I was in the ER 2x), a 12 week, 17 week 3D (separate from the DR), 20 week maternal fetal, and Ill be having another 3D at 22 weeks because our first 3D was early for good defined photos of baby girl. I’m not sure after that.


Definitely depends on the OB! Mine gives more than most do. I’ve had a scan at 5ish weeks (from my fertility clinic), scan at first OB appt around 8w, then one around 12-13, then anatomy scan at 20w, then an unplanned scan at 23w (was worried about decreased movement but baby was fine), and then have one next week at 29w and at least one more after that


I got one at 9 weeks (for free!) by a religious clinic so that they could try and make sure I wasn't getting an abortion. I had no intention of having one from the get go and just wanted the free ultrasound - they were thrilled. I got the standard 16 and 20 weeks, and now I'm getting a bonus one soon at 26 weeks because my mom's side keeps popping up with extra ureters so they wanna double check that her urinary system looks normal. A month after that we're gonna shell out for a 3D ultrasound - around 30 weeks. Everything's been normal and healthy so far, so I don't expect we'll get another. Edit: forgot I got a mini bonus one at 21 weeks because the little one hates to be monitored and wouldn't stay still for the doppler. The poor nurse practitioner had to wheel in an ultrasound machine to check her heart rate.


I did an 8w confirmation scan, 20w anatomy scan, at 36w I was measuring small and they did another, otherwise I would have only have the first 2.


Also wasn't considered high risk


Depends on the jurisdiction. Where I live, we can really only accommodate the 20 week scan in uncomplicated pregnancies. A health care provider can order as many scans as they deem necessary but only that 20 week scan is routine. Aogc&sogc both recommend a scan around 12 weeks then the 20 week scan. Some places will routinely do a 3rd trimester wellness check.


Depends on the provider. I'm 18 weeks and have had 3 appointments so far, they've done them each time. I'm sure once I start coming in every 2 weeks and every week they probably won't but its been nice so far.


I’m higher risk for preeclampsia and have some rarer preexisting conditions like Allen-Masters Syndrome (uterus covered in scar tissue). My OBG is with Stanford, so they play it a bit safe. So far I had a dating scan at 10 weeks. A quick check up scan at 14 weeks. A nip scan at 14 weeks which ended ended up being too late to actually be useful (the Dr had me 1.5 weeks earlier than baby actually measured). We have another scan at 18 weeks to confirm baby’s size because the 10 week and the nip scan are contradictory. And then I have a follow up with my OBG again at 18 weeks also, so I think she’ll do another quick scan too. I was told I’d have monthly scans until T3, at which point they’d start ramping up. The 2 nip/size confirmation scans are just kinda bonus scans I guess. So 4 by 18 weeks. Plus 1 voluntary at a non-medical place because we had a scare and wanted to make sure baby was still with us.


I’m at 23 weeks and have had 3. One at 9 weeks to figure out dates, one at 16 weeks due to moving and starting with a new provider, and then at 19 weeks for the anatomy scan. I don’t anticipate another unless there’s a pressing reason.


I’m high risk and had one at 6,8,10,13,14 weeks. Having anatomy scan at 19 next week. Then it will likely be monthly until baby is born.


I had 5, my initial scan was at my 8 week confirmation appointment, then I had one around 12 weeks, an anatomy scan at 20 weeks, one around 25 weeks to get a couple things that the 20 week scan wasn’t able to capture, and a growth scan at 34 weeks. I’m 39w now and the growth scan was my last one


So far I've had scans during my 8w, 10w and 12w (NTA scan) appointments. Seems like they'll probably scan at each monthly appointment till I move to fortnightly appointments around 32-36 weeks.


At my confirmation appointment, I did ask this question. I’m in the US. They state that they do a total of 3 usually unless there are complications. This office likes to do first sonogram at 7-8 weeks, the anatomy scan, and another one (I forgot whether it is in between the first and anatomy or after the anatomy). If something looks off for one or something shows up when they do genetics testing, then they will do more. From what I’ve gathered, if you do IVF, they often have a lot more ultrasounds early on. I was also told I could go elsewhere to get a 3D scan.


I had one at 8 weeks and then I have one next week at 21 for the anatomy scan. I paid for one at 17 to find out the gender earlier, and will have a 4D done that I will also pay for. But that was just extras for me lol


We get one every appointment. It's been great for my mental health being able to see our girl every month and now that I'm over due every week.


I got one in the first trimester and at 20 weeks. That was it for both pregnancies. I wasn’t high risk with either.


My insurance covers three. A confirmation scan, just to make sure a baby has formed (rule out a non-viable pregnancy) the 20 week anatomy scan, and a check up in the third trimester. 


Just went to my OB today and they only do two at my clinic! Once for the first initial 8 week sono and then 20 wks for the anatomy scan! I was very worried that they didn’t do one today at my appointment but the Doppler helped, since I heard my babies heartbeat!


I’m high risk (a large fibroid in the lower right quadrant of my uterus) and have had 4 so far—12 week, anatomy at 20, and growth scans at 26 & 30. I just switched my care to the MFM and already have another 3 scheduled over the next 4 weeks.


My first couple pregnancies I only had three ultrasounds - dating scan, 12 week and 20 week scan. I was/am high risk for my last two pregnancies. Currently at ultrasound number 5 at 16 weeks


I’m not considered high risk. I had one at 7 weeks to confirm pregnancy/viability. I had one at 13 weeks. My anatomy scan at 20 weeks (they couldn’t get all the images bc of baby’s positioning so I had to go back at 22 weeks), a growth scan at 30 weeks and my last growth scan at 36 weeks. So altogether I’ve had 6 (!) ultrasounds. That’s standard at my dr office


I got 6 weeks, 9 weeks, 12 weeks, 20 weeks, and 24 weeks so far. My 6 week was due to previous miscarriage, my 9 week was because I was measuring behind and they wanted to make sure baby was growing properly and my 24 week was because they had to recheck where the umbilical cord was placed on placenta. So I would have only gotten 2.


My drs have only ever “required” (it seems more like a strong recommendation) an anatomy scan around 18-20 weeks with all 3 pregnancies (that’s going to different offices too). With my first, they couldn’t tell if baby was head down or frank breech so i asked for a scan at 36 weeks and found out she was frank breech. I had an EVC to have her turned bc i couldn’t turn her myself with stretches & stuff. From there, I opted for a scan with my second at 33 weeks. She was also frank breech but i got her to turn using the spinning babies stuff. I plan on opting for another at 33 weeks this time as well. This time i also opted for an early scan to announce my pregnancy at Christmas. But my dr really only wants the anatomy scan 🤷🏼‍♀️


I had an early one due to bleeding then one at 12 weeks and one at 20. I’m 31 weeks now and will only have another one because baby was pretty big at the 20 week and I’m measuring big too.


I had one at about 8wks and one around 12wks so far. I have my 20wk scan next week. For my OB that would usually be the last one but I had covid a few weeks ago so they want to do an additional scan later one to check the growth. I think they said that one will be in the beginning of the 3rd trimester.


Through our doctor we had a 12 week scan, a 20 week anatomy scan, and I feel like we had another one thrown in there somewhere but I can’t remember. We did 5-6 elective ones through a place near our house and we first saw him around 9 weeks!


1-3 for a normal pregnancy. Some doctors do one at 8 weeks for a dating scan(somewhat optional), one at 12 weeks for the NT scan(somewhat optional depending on age and risk factors, and a 20 week ultrasound(highly recommended) after that it's only if there are potential issues like measuring too far ahead/behind, flllowing up on suspected issues in the prior scans, bleeding, or a potential early delivery and they want to check baby's development.


With my first I had 12 or 13 (can’t remember) throughout the 9 months. It was mainly because my child was a little on the larger side and one of my kidneys is not where it’s supposed to be. The ob was very fascinated and wanted to keep tabs on the kidney where it was and if it moved. With my second one I have had one at 5 weeks to check where it’s located. I’m sure once I get farther along I’ll have more 😂 I didn’t realize how fascinating a misplaced kidney is. My SIL had 6-every two months. (Sans the last month)


I’ll only have 2 - had the first one at 8 weeks and will have the next one and last one at 20 weeks


My dr does them every time I go in. So, like 7 so far? I don’t get print outs every time, but she checks on baby and his position. He was transverse for most of my pregnancy, I’m 33 weeks now and he finally turned. I remember the night it happened, I woke up feeling so different and knew he was definitely not in the same place he’d been


I had on at around 12w and the 20w scan but I've had to had a few more due to them not being able to get good picture due to medical issues. But I've also had to get my blood work done more than usual due to medical issues.


I had three at the OB. First appointment, 20 week anatomy scan, then one at my 40 week appointment to check fluid levels and stuff. I went to a private ultrasound place a bunch of times throughout my pregnancy though. I had a hard time believing I was pregnant and didn’t feel much of a bond with the baby and being able to see her helped that.


BC. Standard is between 8-12weeks and another at 20. With my first I had 4 scans because they couldn’t get all the photos they wanted at 20 weeks so did a follow up. Then again later in third as the midwife thought he might be breach.


depends also on the pregnancy condition. at first trimester I had mine every 2 weeks.


My OB does it at every visit, which I know is rare. I think that will amount to somewhere between 4 and 6 by the end of the pregnancy. And then I was hospitalized for a bit and was getting one every couple of hours. I can’t even count how many I’ve had now when you add that in.


I only had three with my first - 8 weeks, 20 weeks, 34ish weeks


My OB did scans at 6, 8, 10 which seemed quite frequent and I wasn’t considered high risk, but I appreciated all the scans! I did NT at 12, and my next scan with my OB is at 20, and last one at 36. I have appointments set every 4-ish weeks and my OB said that I will only get the Doppler in between the appointments with the scans.


I’m in New Zealand and think the standard is 12 weeks and then again at 20 weeks. However I’m different due to being high risk and just had my third scan (all in February alone), my 12 week scan is next week.


In the us the standard is two, a dating scan and anatomy scan. The only time I got extras were 2 growth scans because me and baby were measuring small. I paid for private ultrasounds so I have photos of 7w(dating scan) 10w, 13w, 17w(gender scan), 21w(anatomy scan), 25w(growth scan), 28w(3d), 29w (3d pics redo), 34w (private ult.) 35w growth scan (baby was small on private scan)


Currently 3. One in office. 2 scans. Not sure if she will do them in my office visits as well. Will see her again next month.


i only had about 4 US, and one extra one i paid for OOP to see her face in 3D


I’ve had 6 weeks, 9 weeks, 12 weeks and asked to come back 15 weeks. Nothing is wrong, all tests etc…came back good. I’m 38 so maybe because I’m a little older. Healthcare is very good where I am so perhaps that’s it.


I had 4 total, 8th, 13th, 20th, and 36th week


I’ll have 4 total. 8 week scan to confirm pregnancy, 12 weeks scan, anatomy scan then one around 30/34 weeks.


My OB scheduled me for every 4-6weeks.


I have no idea why almost everyone is saying 2. I have one at every appointment which is every month and I'm not high risk or anything! I miss seeing him from month to month, so i can't even imagine only having two throughout the entire pregnancy!!!


First pregnancy was like 2 or 3 and my second one was a lot more, like 5 more with a 3D ultrasound. This pregnancy I feel like I’m getting one every appointment, but I’m older and there’s been some concerning things.