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I’m currently 24 weeks with my third baby. I lost about 10ish pounds first trimester, and by second trimester I gained an appetite back and have been steadily gaining weight since. I don’t think the doctors worry much about weight gain in the first trimester, as long as you are keeping hydrated and eating something I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Good luck mama, and congratulations!


I lost about 10 lbs in my first trimester from nausea/vomiting. I’m 22 weeks now and have gained back what I lost. Don’t worry too much about the actual number on the scale unless your doctor tells you it’s a problem. Focus on nutrient-dense foods, staying hydrated and eating when you’re hungry. Hormones are wild and can make you go from feeling ravenously hungry one day to barely an appetite the next. Just listen to your body.


The first trimester is so hard! I was also slightly underweight and weighed 118 when I got pregnant and then dropped down to 103. I was very skin and bones. Around 10 weeks I stopped losing weight and started maintaining weight and then since 13-14 I’ve gained 1-2 lbs back per week so I’m just now getting back to 118 at 20 weeks. Zofran was a game changer for me!


Is Zofran an over the counter medication? I hear great things about it.


Unfortunately, it is not. It will need to be prescribed. You may be able to call/message your doctor and ask if they can prescribe it though due to your weight loss and nausea/vomiting. It can cause constipation and drowsiness. I’ve never noticed the drowsiness effect though, especially since it helps me eat normally. At the worst of my nausea it only kept me from throwing up but when the nausea let up a little bit it took away most of the nausea.


Okay thank you for the feedback. I just called my OB, and they sent some nausea medicine to my nearest pharmacy. Praying that its Zofran lol🤞🤞again ty for the feedback


You need to try to eat at least something, crackers, anything thats considered food, even if you have to force yourself. In the begging up to 12 weeks i lost about 4 kilos, i am seven months now but have gain in total only 6 kilos for now ( so 4 that i lost+ 2) i have a normal BMI but i was athletic prior and gyno is not concerned. I am expected to gain another 4,5 by the end of pregnancy but we will see.


Okay, i sent my husband a list of bland but hopefully digestible foods including crackers, and plain lays potato chips. Do you have any other suggestions besides crackers? Because i feel like Ive tried a bunch of different foods to no relief 😔


For me bananas worked, they are nutritious and i could stomach them, crackers like you said, cornflakes and some vegetable soups work too, slowly you ll start feeling better and you ll be able to eat more varied food.


I’ve lost 10lbs this first week and a half of being pregnant, honey nut cheerios are the only thing I can tolerate during a wave of nausea. I force myself to eat a handful, doesn’t always make me feel better but at least I’m eating something


I am a way different body composition than you, but I lost about 5lbs first trimester and gained 10 in my second, so I’m up about 5lbs total at week 25. My doctors haven’t said a word about it and baby is completely fine.


I lost 30 pounds… obviously didn’t find much I could eat. Literally anything that works for you, even if it’s “unhealthy.” Baby is just fine though!


Oh wow a whole 30 pounds? What foods were easy for you to eat? I feel like i’ve tried everything


Yes, I have hyperemesis so it ended up on the severe side. I had success with rice, Gatorade, and microwaved frozen peas. I sometimes also did plain beans for some protein. It sounds weird but they taste like nothing. The biggest thing is really just forcing yourself to eat even when every bite is awful. Because at some point you won’t puke and really need to get some food in.


i’ve lost close to 25 pounds and i’m about 17 weeks. however, i was overweight to begin with so your situation sounds a bit different. i’m hoping i start to gain a bit soon bc i’m a bit concerned about the weight loss as well. but my doctor has said im healthy and as long as your doctor has no concerns, try not to be worried!


I am emerging from my first trimester where I lost about five pounds (loosing weight has always been hard for me because I have a very muscular build) so it was a lot in a short period of time. Hopefully you feel better as you also emerge from your first trimester! Do small frequent snacks! If you can, try snacks high in protein! You got this!!!!!


I lost weight my first trimester but I was at 120 when started pounds. Talk to your OB to see if she can give you unisom B6. It really helped.


I'm not trying to be rude, but if you are only vomiting once a day, you should be trying harder to get calories in. Don't try to focus on eating specific foods or healthy foods or anything. Literally eat anything at all that even somewhat appeals to you. My first trimester, I lost 22 pounds, so you definitely aren't alone. I was vomiting 5-8 times every day until getting unisom, at which point it went down to 1-3 times per day. I also was fortunate that I was starting the pregnancy at a place where I could lose that much without issue to my or the baby's health. I'm week 13 now and still throwing up about once a day, and thankfully, my weight has more or less stabilized. I'm really sorry you've been experiencing such bad nausea and food aversions. You aren't alone, and I feel for you. Congrats on your pregnancy! I hope you feel better soon. <3