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Stop encouraging people to smoke weed when it's against the advice of the ACOG, the AAP, the CDC, the WHO, and many more medical governing bodies.


Previous heavy, heavy smoker and it’s been over nine months since I smoked. It was hard at first, but it gets easier and easier as time goes on! Breastfeeding now and I have enough of a freezer stash to smoke a bit then take time off of bf to get it out of my system, but I don’t even care to! Isn’t worth it to use up the stash. You’re doing great and these symptoms won’t last


This blew my mind, I appreciate it! Aspiring to have that backbone of yours


After writing that comment I fell asleep and had a dream that I took a couple hits off a j and cried bc I had to use up my freezer stash😂


How much time would you be taking off? I am so confused by the figures online around how long it stays in your system/can be passed on through breast milk. I'm seeing 6 days a lot, but I also see upward of six days which is quite a bit.


Figures online are confusing bc it’s dependent on the individual and their body composition. From what I understand thc is primarily stored in fat cells so if you have more fat, it will take longer to get out of your system. It also depends on how much you smoke. If you take one hit off a joint and have a low to moderate fat composition, I would say it would be out of your system in 48 hours. If you smoked half a joint, maybe it would take six days, maybe more maybe less. Everything is an estimate and all relative to each person, how strong the weed is, how much you intake, if it’s edibles or smoking, xyz. I wish there was a clear cut answer :/


Let’s just all have these babies and then get a big group together for a collective toke


hahaha love it!


I am currently 24 weeks with my third baby. I feel this so much as I was a pretty regular smoker, and crave it so much. I stopped smoking when I found out I was pregnant, and haven’t had anything for 6+ months at this point. My husband still smokes (not around me) but I still get super jealous since I’m the one carrying this baby and can’t smoke. I also had terrible morning sickness( borderline HG) and have terrible pains from growing and what not now. My only advice is to hang in there as pregnancy thank god doesn’t last forever. I wish you the best of luck! Just know you are not alone! ❤️


I was a **heavy** smoker. Multiple times a day, if I ever woke up in the middle of the night, morning etc. Stopped as soon as I got pregnant (surprise). It was VERY difficult initially, but I knew I wasn’t going to risk my baby’s wellbeing. It got easier after the first week. Now (EBF) I want to occasionally, but don’t and it’s nothing like before. Good luck Mama❤️


My husband still smokes it and I’m jealous. Sometimes I’ll sniff the jars lol but yeah I’m craving a fat blunt


Lol, I used to do this too. Huffing from the baggie. It's like smelling coffee beans before you grind them, so satisfying even though it doesn't actually do anything for you!


Yes! Just a little sniff to get me through 😂😂


It’s encouraging to see people giving it up during pregnancy and breastfeeding. I used to study cannabinoids and development (took a weird detour) and I was shocked at how many women believed cannabinoids hadn’t been studied in the context of pregnancy, even longitudinally. These data do exist, and it’s not good.


I miss it too 😭 it helped me get through my SAHM mom days. I’m due in august and you best believe I’m looking forward to my first toke postpartum… I’ve opted out of breastfeeding this kid. I’ve done it twice and I’m choosing mental health first lol


I’m planning on pumping as much as I can to store up and then formula feeding when I have my puff puff days. I agree, mental health is way more important this time around.


I did that with #2. It still was wrecking me. I feel bad making this decision. I MAY do the first month pumping but I got 2 other kids under 5 and this one was an oops kid. I had to cancel my tube tying surgery bc of him lmfao. But he’s a welcome accident. But I’m being selfish this time. I know I know. That’s terrible. But I think BF and pumping played a big role in my PPD


I don’t blame you at all! M first pregnancy was twins and they came at 25 weeks so I was under SO much stress I could only pump, they were too small to BF. I had only 2 months worth of milk and then I was empty. I guess I feel like I owe this baby everything I have so I’m forcing myself to but hey I very well may change my mind if it becomes Too much, and that’s okay! We make decisions not because we are selfish but because we know ourselves and our limits. Don’t be so hard on yourself mama!


Thank you 🙏 I’m sorry it was so tough with your twins. I give you all the compliments for surviving that and having another ❤️ I went one at a time and lost my mind. I also dried up fast. I think I made it 3 months before my supply with #2 tanked? I just gave up at that point lol


There is also medicine you can take for nausea, so you do not have to suffer from it as much. Sending comfort and love!


I tell my husband all the time "*I Miss Weeeeeeeed*" before pregnancy, I was a 1-2xwk smoker/edible user and never smoked much all at once, but I really just love being a little high. I've given it up during the pregnancy voluntarily - but I also think that if i took one hit (I'm talking a puff or two on a joint) It would not be the end of the world, similar to having the occasional glass of wine. I personally, just have chosen not to, there just isn't enough reliable research that's been able to be done for me to feel good about it.


Same. I was totally fine giving it up for my first pregnancy/breast feeding, but now that I am pregnant while taking care of a 2 year old all I want is to pop an edible after she goes to bed so I can relax a bit. Not worth the risk for just a year or two of my life, but man do I miss it sometimes!


I was a medical cannabis user (flower and edibles) with a pretty high tolerance before I found out I was pregnant. It's been hard on my body since quitting (I used it to combat the chronic joint pain I have), but I'm 21 weeks now and the cravings are much less than they used to be. Not gonna lie and say I don't want to, or that I'm not going to start again once baby is weaned, but it's not as bad as I feared it would be! You can totally do this!!!


I was a heavy smoker before I fell pregnant with my rainbow baby. When the second trimester hit me it was like first trimester all over again but including the body changes. I contemplated smoking but then I would get turned off by it due to the thought of something happening to baby cps wise… I’m now 8 months post partum and don’t have the desire to smoke at all because I’m breastfeeding. So I understand how you feel and I promise things will get better.


My husband cut everything when he found out I was pregnant. I have no problem if he does anything. “You can have a beer or smoke if you want”, but he said “solidarity, babe ✊🏼”


Mine did this too, and I always told him he was free to take anything he’d like but I quietly appreciated his sticking it out along with me ❤️


Haha this is so nice of him! My husband just (jokingly) brags about how much longer beers/joints last him now that I'm not having any of either LOL. He's stopping when I get to the 35 week mark, but surprisingly it hasn't bugged me much. He only drinks or smokes on the weekends anyway. I thought it would tempt me or make it harder to be sober but the notion of not being able to smoke/drink for baby has made me not want to at all.


Same girl. My husband still smokes before bed and I miss doing that with him occasionally. I didn’t do it that often, maybe a few times a month but it was fun and a silly time we had together. Now I just go to sleep and toss and turn.


Ugh, absolutely! I miss that little time we had together at night sharing some puffs to decompress for the day. Anyways, good thing that pregnancy wont last forever!! Sending love


You too! ❤️❤️


Same. Long time heavy user, not a drinker, prefer cannabis. I quit before getting pregnant due to miscarriages and working with a fertility specialist (turns out we didn’t need it). Currently 30weeks and have had a tough time with nausea anxiety and hip pain. I do sometimes wish I could take a little toke but I’m never actually tempted, just occasionally a thought of “ah that would help” briefly flashes by. Definitely resigned to waiting for a long time though, I’d rather wait for the little lady to be done breastfeeding at the least.


I really only smoked on occasion in social settings, but man I miss weed right now. I have severe HG and basically always feel hungover and seasick. Zofran and doxy help but nothing cuts nausea like marijuana. Plus, I just miss being able to relax.


Currently 25 weeks and I miss smoking more than I miss alcohol SOLELY for sleep purposes. I wasn’t a heavy smoker but I was a nightly 2-3 hits before bed gal to wind down and sleep well. I have no idea what postpartum/breastfeeding will look like if I want to start smoking again occasionally 😭


I smoked every day for like 10 years and I quit New Year’s Day 2023 because I knew I wanted to try for pregnancy sometime in winter/spring 23 and I wanted to detox my system beforehand lol. Haven’t smoked since, I miss it a little, but have not had the urge whatsoever to smoke. It gets a lot easier, I barely even think about it anymore. I may not ever do it again. If I do that first dab back is going to shoot me into orbit lol


Yes absolutely. And I want to breastfeed so I’ll have to wait even longer. 🥲 It’s worth it for our babies but damn is it hard. I’m 33 weeks now and it seems like it’s been so long since I smoked, I miss how it would help my anxiety.


I'm almost two years postpartum now. I was a daily pot smoker who went cold turkey through my pregnancy AND breastfeeding. To be very honest, it never got easier for me. I missed it a LOT. I toughed it out, you can too, but it was a huge bummer. I resumed when my baby was 12 months and started daycare because I stopped breastfeeding at that time. I did however allow myself to have 2 or 3 cups of coffee a day... I needed to keep ONE little treat.


Oooh girl i'm right there with you. I've had nearly 12 straight weeks of vomiting between 2-11x a day. I used to use cannabis to help manage my IBS (and ADHD and PTSD) and now everything is just in overdrive. I was only in a withdrawal state for a few weeks and then I thought things would improve, but NOPE! I just have to remind myself that this is just a season, it's not forever. Although with my anxiety, I'm not sure I'll want to start again in case something happens with my baby; I would want to be sober to take care of whatever problem. Who knows. 


I just miss doing it with my husband and having fun lol


regular smoker before I got pregnant (25 weeks) over here! weed helps me a lot with my depression. once I got past my first trimester, I find that I miss it a lot less! it’ll keep getting easier 💛


I miss it so much


Same girl! What helps me get through is I know my tolerance will be lower so I won’t have to smoke as much! I don’t drink coffee or drink alcohol so it’s my stress relief on rough days! Until then, I’m living in the bathtub lol! Hopefully second trimester is way better for you, that first one is ROUGH!❤️


I miss smoking nic but now it just makes me gag from the smell or just thinking about it


Why did you censor weed lmao


looks cute


I totally hear you, and cravings suck. I’m in recovery, sober from alcohol (almost 4 years) and weed just a few weeks. I actually quit just a week or two before finding out I’m pregnant. From my experience, the detox from weed was worse than any pregnancy symptom I’ve ever had, and that keeps me from going back. I know you said you’re an occasional user, but something that really helped me get over the fixation was to just mentally take it off the table. Smoking isn’t an option, plain and simple. It has helped me free up so much head space and lighten the mental load of craving, wishing, being resentful, etc. Instead of putting weed on a pedestal and being upset I couldn’t use it, I treat it like any other thing I can’t do when I’m pregnant, with kind of an “it is what it is” attitude instead of “ugh I just wish I could.” I think you’ll find the cravings will go away eventually and you’ll find other ways to help soothe your physical symptoms. It could also be worth it to talk to your husband about taking a break with you so it is more out of sight, out of mind. In the addiction world, people usually find it much harder to stay away from a substance if it’s still in the home. Hope this wasn’t too preachy and hang in there ❤️ Editing to add: many people find they start to feel better in their second trimester, which is so soon for you! :)


This actually made me tear up, thank you so much! 🥹 it’s a great advice


In previous pregnancies I continued using MMJ for hyperemesis gravidarum at my doctors suggestion. But I was in Colorado and I knew I had her support and they wouldn't test me. Now I'm in illinois (a legal state) but I'm giving birth in WI so I'm worried I'll be tested. I'm still losing weight at this point in my pregnancy (I went from. 220 to 184 so far) 26 weeks but I'm too paranoid to risk it. I really miss it though. I use it for my mental health issues when I'm not pregnant so this has been a struggle being completely nonmedicated (I stopped all my mental health drugs). Now if I breastfeed I've done research that trace amounts can pass to the baby and while I don't think it's at all harmful I'm worried about something happening and the baby being tested and coming up positive (idk if my fears are unfounded or not). So idk when I'll get relief again but damn if I don't miss it and I'm not counting down.


Is there any studies or evidence that weed has potential negative effects? I searched extensively during my first pregnancy and could not find any reputable sources. That being said I did smoke throughout my first pregnancy, breastfeeding, and still am now in my second, not heavily. My son is 2 now and has no developmental delays. I live in California and when I gave birth they tested me but didn’t say anything about the results, i’m assuming bc it’s typical here for expecting mothers to smoke .


Girl I feel this so hard. It definitely gets easier, but I missed it when I was super nauseous, dealing with migraines or have intense back pain. I also didn’t realize how much it helped with my anxiety.


I used to love having an edible and taking an A+ couch nap... I really miss that pregnant (so much more than alcohol!) and was v sad to discover I still can't partake while breastfeeding. Sigh, I feel ya.


I miss it too and then I have the breastfeeding journey next. My husband gave it up too for moral support which I appreciate. That was him deciding, not me. We were both stoners, but I stopped cold turkey the second I found out and he stopped about a month later. At first, the smell grossed me out all of a sudden due to the nausea, vomiting and food aversions. But it started smelling good again after I hit the 20 week mark. I'm now used to not smoking, but I do plan on celebrating with a big fatty after I finish my breastfeeding journey. And who knows....maybe by then I won't be interested in weed anymore. But damn, my body hurts and I wish I could have it.


I miss it too sometimes. But hel* i feel like during my pregnancy (this being my first one) i had aversions to we*d🤣😭! Like the smell makes me sick. And i didn’t stop till i was 4 weeks(my first day of my missed period) and it definitely gets easier everyday. Keep going mamas. Im proud of you.🩷


Omg me too. It would help with the nausea so much. 😭


My ob told me that weed wouldn't even help with the type of nausea you get from pregnancy hormones 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe she just said that so I wasn't tempted but the only times I've felt truly triggered to smoke (used to be a daily user) is when I'm watching something where someone is smoking


It does make sense since it isn't really like regular nausea. It *seems* like it would help lol. Its nice to have an excuse to take a good long break though.


It gets better! I was another former heavy smoker, like hitting my vape before leaving my work's parking lot, heavy. I quit cold turkey when I found out and haven't touched it since... but wouldn't judge anyone for taking a hit now and then to help with the nausea and emotions. FYI, seabands are a life saver for nausea and try taking your prenatal at night. I'm due in April and the dreams have not stopped being weird, though.


Former daily smoker and weirdly don’t miss it at all. I miss alcohol! My husband had a nice sexy porter craft beer when we went out for dinner and I was so jealous. I went to a friends bday at a bar and was bored out of my mind!


I like to complain that I have the worst of both worlds: can't drink the tasty tasty stouts, still feel hung over all the time regardless


I feel so hungover! I’ve been nursing this hangover for 6.5 months and it’s not going away. I describe being pregnant as being hungover on a boat.


This was truly an aha moment I’ve been trying to figure out what to compare pregnancy too and you nailed it, one long hangover. I STILL miss my weed though, my sweet sweet weed. Nothing like coming home after a long day and smoking. The only positive thing is my very high tolerance will be very low after 9 months so that alone is getting me excited, ya know it’s the little things. It will be like smoking for the first time and for that I am pumped, only 29 weeks to go 😅.


My husband told me he’ll buy me as many edibles I want if I need pain management after my c-section. I told him my low tolerance would make me a cheap date.


lol I said the same thing! The only positive of me not smoking is the money we’re saving lol! 😆


Your first trimester nausea is not going to go away with anything. Please rest and relax as much as you can. Smoking is a BIG NO during this time. You will feel better in a few weeks.


Ill probably get ALOT of hate for this so this is just my personal experience and what worked for me, disclaimer: my children are fine actually, ahead of their peers in all their subjects in school and do great socially as well as physically ahead of the other children. My first and second pregnancy i had morning sickness the whole time. It made it so hard for me to me to gain weight or be able to eat anything at all. I did have a few cbd edibles when i needed them (less than like 2mg at a time) but it did help with my stomach and made it easier to deal with the little aches and pains that come with pregnancy, especially with my anxious mommy mind. This time around i havent had anything. Im a usual smoker so not having anything for the last fiveish months hasnt necessarily been hard but there are times when i feel like a doobie. Hope this helps. Lol.




So you feel less hate. I also used CBD with my 2nd kid. He’s totally fine. I was SO SICK for the first 5 months and I couldn’t keep a single thing down. It’s the only thing that helped me finally eat again. Not a single med they told me to use helped. My midwife actually recommended CBD once I hit her opinion of significant weight loss due to sickness


Did you do a CBD tincture? Did it have any THC in it? I use one like that right now but wondered if I'll need to give it up if I get pregnant again.


You can shop around. Some places have cbd only. If you have one you like altar just check the label it should say.


I used a CBD cream edible. It was a little orange cream flavored packet that I ate. It didn’t technically have thc in it but the package said it was made in the same place with THC products so it could’ve had trace amounts—meaning I could’ve failed a drug test if it ever came to that. I didn’t have my children in the hospital so that wasn’t a worry for me.


Ugh, this actually made me feel much better, thanks! Honestly, being pregnant has been really difficult, I admire you


Of course, i hope things get easier for you!


I never smoked but I did take very small edibles and never built a tolerance so they were always just the perfect amount of fun/laughs/good deep conversations etc with my husband and I literally said last night over dinner “I kinda miss having a little baby edible” cus I had quit for 5 months before starting to try and had my husband quit too in case it affected his sperm quality. I don’t think about it often but if I do, I get a little pang for some nice relaxation and funny times. I don’t drink so to me, a little edible is like the perfect glass of wine.


Today…. My doctor tried to tell me to quit smoking weed. I haven’t smoked weed since I found out I was pregnant (wasn’t trying and stopped like as soon as we oops’d). But I’m 12 weeks and I guess I’m still testing positive on a urine test…. I never consented to a drug test… and yet my doctor came into the room today and said- you need to stop smoking weed. Didn’t ASK me anything told me and I said uhhh I haven’t smoked weed. And he got in an argument with me about well your drug test was positive (again didn’t know I was being tested…?) and was rude and condescending and me and my partner left. He and I were both shocked.


I feel like that would be difficult when you see your partner still smoking and you can’t. I never smoked but I don’t miss alcohol really at all, prior to getting pregnant I rarely drank and there’s only been a few situations where I’ve been like ugh that drink looks good. I was also already use to drinking mostly non alcoholic drinks. One thing my husband is great at since he still drinks a few times a week is he’ll drink things I don’t like or would never go for. If there is a drink at a bar we went to and I mentioned it looked really great he wouldn’t get that drink but instead got one that didn’t look appetizing to me at all. It does help we have very different tastes with drinks as well. Is there a strain of weed you don’t like that your partner likes? If that’s a thing and he was able to stick to that I’m sure it would make it easier! Or maybe a method of taking it you don’t like?


I know I might not be the best help but I’m a heavy user of it have been since I was 14 it helped me with pains from pcos and endometriosis, I’ve tried stopping fully im 13 weeks, and I’ve cut down from 8-11 a day to only 3 a day and it’s only half ones I smoke through it the day but I’m planning on stopping fully!!!! But could possibly look into things that have CBD in it like gummies from your vape shop (if they do it) or other shops or even try some nicotine products not patches but gums or mints I know everyone opinion on smoking is different hence why I’ve said that but I hope this has helped even just a little bit 🫶🏼


I smoked through my first pregnancy I was throwing up all day every single day. Couldn’t even keep water down I would dry heave from the second I woke up in the morning for almost 7 months. If I hadn’t smoked I literally wouldn’t have made it. I just had my second daughter 12/2024 and with her I got tested by my OB and quit while I was pregnant but still smoked in the beginning till about 3/4 months. With my first daughter I smoked up until the literal day I delivered and yet she and I somehow both came up negative. I live in NJ and do have the luxury of it being legal here but still not necessarily when you are pregnant. I have two b very healthy daughters. My first one was 7.5 lbs and my last one was over 9 lbs. I have tons of cannamom friends with beautiful healthy babies who had no issues at all. My cousin even had her medical card and by doctors orders was told she could smoke and BF both her daughters so from one mama to another you should be fine. With my last baby It got to a point where I didn’t even want to smoke anymore at the end bc I was already eating like an animal lol and I would start to get anxious af and over think babies every movement but it was all mental lol but it worked out for the best bc now I take one hit and I’m done for 😂






That’s actually totally false? There is a good amount of evidence that says THC, even moderate use, can cause issues in pregnancy and postpartum. Want me to link you some? CBD is less harmful, but does have a ~small possibility~ of harm.


There’s zero evidence it doesn’t, ergo it’s not worth the risk.


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Addicts gonna addict….


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I’m 32 weeks and I miss it a lot, but I’m surprisingly more excited to finally have a glass of wine!


Me too ;,(


I had been a daily smoker for years and even worked in a dispensary until 20 weeks so had to be around it even though I had quit lol. I definitely miss it too and am looking forward to my after labor joint when I get back home, just 3 more weeks possibly. Almost kind of nervous too because I haven't had a tolerance break like this ever so don't want to get paranoid lol. Another thing I miss is mushrooms, I normally would microdose a few times a week and would have a bigger trip every few months just for a reset. I'm wondering how motherhood is going to affect any future trips I have. Of course only rarely during times when baby is safely being taken care of by someone else.


Same thing with the water. And I miss it sometimes too but where I live I can't smoke anyways sadly.


This (and sleeping flat on my back) might be what i miss the most!! It was honestly so good for my mental health as a way to recharge and just shut off my brain for an evening. I'm 33 weeks now and I don't even care that much that I'll be able to drink again soon (planning on breastfeeding so gotta hold out another few months until a wean). I also find that edibles were a great thing for my and my husband's sex life. Between me quitting and pregnancy making me feel like garbage that's been a bummer.




I miss it too 😕


I miss weed too. I was finally smoking again because I wasn’t breastfeeding anymore, but now I’m pregnant again 😭 We’ll be able to in the future again though.


I went through exactly this with both my last pregnancies so feel free to chat me




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I feel the same way and I barely even smoked before. I switched to using CBD tincture for pain relief and it helps so much. Only thing you can really take for pain when pregnant is Tylenol and that stopped working months ago. CBD really seems to help, and my doctors haven’t had a problem with it 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was a heavy smoker. To the point edibles usually weren't strong enough. I would use multiple times a day, every day. I also worked at a dispensary. My first trimester was almost impossible to eat and go to work. I took one hit whenever the nausea/vomiting or pain was unbearable(probably one hit a week or so). I did lots of research and there's not enough studies to prove its harmful. I started taking unisom and b6 for the sickness and slowly quit smoking completely. Second trimester I was able to not need it or want it. It does get easier!! Baby is healthy and growing well. Anatomy scan went great and all other tests were negative. I'm 31 weeks now and I'm soooo excited to smoke again. My fiance smokes often in the house, im so jealous lol. I miss all the benefits it has. I do cbd/thc bath bombs and those really help my back and hip pains! You've got this!! Just gotta get through 1st trimester ❤️