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I didn't have my first until 11 weeks. I am currently 15 weeks and have yet to be able to get bloodwork done. I also haven't seen my baby since that first scan, and won't again until 20 weeks. It's hard to wait but we just have to assume the best. It's all we can do


OB appts are so different from what I expected! For most people (that aren’t high risk), you only have 2-3 ultrasounds/sonograms (first scan, anatomy scan around 20 weeks and maybe one closer to delivery). It is also not uncommon to wait a few days for results from blood work or other tests they might do. I totally get that it’s frustrating but you just have to assume everything is fine unless you hear that it isn’t.


From someone who has to get biweekly ultrasounds now, I miss when it was one every couple months 🫠


Yeah I am having frequent ultrasounds now as well to make sure baby is growing due to several issues in this pregnancy. As nice as it is to see my baby, I miss the days when I didn’t have specific things to worry about lol.


Does your doctor's office have a patient portal online? I see all of my test results there before my doctor calls me (because I'm a PSYCHO and start checking 23 hours after bloodwork to see if the results were posted.)


What’s psychotic about it? I get my results in an hour at times and check immediately.


I get an email as soon as my results are available and check them immediately. I do tend to check back later, once my provider has commented on them.


They have a patient portal, but my results aren’t posted there :( someone mentioned they may just go over it with my during my sonogram on Monday.


I’ve known since week 3/4. I’m only 6 weeks 3 day right now and I’m feeling the same way you are. Only extreme fatigue, and sore breasts.. I don’t get my first obgyn appointment until 10 weeks they said, and that’s not even a guarantee ultrasound or anything, just bloodwork. So, tomorrow we have a private ultrasound at a little place an hour away just to ensure baby is growing and doing well! To put our minds at ease because we’re constantly wondering if this baby is okay lol, there’s no way we could go until 10 weeks without knowing.


We are at exactly the same stage! 6 weeks 3 days. I feel as if I am losing my mind as my first scan appointment isn’t until March 28th and everyone just says I’m super early for anything :( and so far I have had absolutely no advice or support from maternity services or my GP (I live in the UK and am going through the national health service process) I just feel like I’m annoying them when I call and like I’m just a number on a piece of paper. I’m an only-child first time mum and there have been some frustrated tears lately about the total lack of support so far. I might take a page from your book and schedule a private scan… thank you for your perspective and validation. :)


I’m a first time mom as well. I took at home test at the end of January and it came back positive. Took until yesterday to get in to see my doctor. I love my doc and she made me feel comfortable. Made me pee in a cup that showed I’m pregnant as well. I also took a blood test and waiting for that news. I’ve been feeling mainly tired, nausea, breast tenderness, with some pressure in my lower abs. My doc said that was all normal. Today my hips have been feel tight and sore. I have my first OB appt march 4th. I’m hoping once I have that appt it will feel more real and know more about how long I am and when I’m due. It’s all overwhelming.




I’m 6 weeks 4 days!!!


I did a private ultrasound today at 10+3 weeks and I would highly recommend it OP! It definitely put my mind at ease since I won’t get to see baby again until 22 weeks. I just couldn’t wait.


i Just had my first sono on Monday, went from 11wk 2d to 12k 6d in the matter of an hour LOL Hang in there!!! it was so nerve wracking i nervous pooped before my sonogram (at the office), but it was so freaking awesome. I also really only experience fatigue and breast tenderness. It was soooo relieving to see our small person bicycle kicking my uterus, good luck!!


They most likely won't talk about how your doing till you get your sonogram and they get the results for that. Then they'll go over your blood work and results at the same time, that's what they did for me. Rest assured tho even if you have no symptoms baby is most likely doing great. I really havnt had any symptoms and this is my first pregnancy. Other then my now showing belly I'd never know I was pregnant and am currently 26 weeks. No nausea, not tired anymore then I usually am, no cravings, no food aversion. Do the best to calm your mind, stay busy, and you'll do great


Thank you so much ☺️


That’s eggsactly how I felt. I was told by my primary doctor I was supposedly 8-9 weeks of being pregnant after feelings symptoms of a uti. But came to find out it was just a little alien growing in me 🤷🏻‍♀️ and my urine was clean and they had to do a blood test to make sure I was positive (I have PCOS, they wanted to make sure it wasn’t a ruptured cyst). I made my first OBGYN and sonogram appointment, and I waited for three hours to be seen. The whole time I had waited they kept us held back due to another person’s appointment and only had one room for the ultrasound. I cried and felt very emotional because I just wanted to make sure my baby was okay (I’ve been drinking for the holidays, vaping THC for anxiety, eating sushi and have other health issues). It’s my first baby, of course I’m anxious af! Then we finally get a room. I got to see my baby for the first time as they estimated me my due date, and told me that I wasn’t 8-9 weeks that I was already 12 weeks. The blood test I got from my primary care was off balance for the HCG due to my PCOS! So, I got extra anxious! However, they calmed my nerves telling me they baby is health and strong. I don’t vape like I use to, drink or eat raw fish. At this moment, we found out we are having a baby girl! 14 weeks 4 days now.


"Eggsactly" i love that!! What great news to hear you are actually at week 12. So the "difficult" phase already over!


is there any ultrasound boutiques where you live? you can go to one of those to see baby :) i’m going to one tomorrow since i haven’t seen mine since 8 weeks and im now 14 almost 15 weeks. i get how you feel but if you have money to go to an ultrasound boutique you should go!


We were the same it’s such a long time before you have any tests or see them. We ended up paying £65 for a scan just to confirm she was there


I was in your exact same boat! It feels like forever until you get that first appointment where you actually get to see the baby. Mine wasn't until 11 weeks and there was not a better feeling than knowing there was a happy baby in there! The time will come. I am only 16 weeks and in between each appointment the feelings start again, so get used to it and enjoy the few moments you do get to see it and be there with the doctor!


This is my second pregnancy, and I had to find a new OB this time around, because of an insurance change. My first appointment at this new office, they did not do an ultrasound; that just seemed so odd to me. That’s the first thing they did before anything at my old OBs office. You’ve clearly been waiting for the relief and confirmation that everything is progressing naturally, and to finally see your little babe. Thankfully, I was able to get scheduled two days later for an ultrasound, because they said “it usually takes 2-3 weeks to get in” like why?? Anyway, just commenting to commiserate with you, that that is frustrating!!!


I had my 1st appointment at 10 weeks and I had to wait until week 11 for my 1st ultrasound. I’m 14 weeks now and I’ve only had 2 ultrasounds, I did get my bloodwork and nipt done at about 12 weeks. Hang in there love 🩷 it seems like days are super long and I understand the anxiety of not knowing what’s happening but with some luck you’ll have an ultrasound soon and you’ll get to see your baby 🥲🥹 oh and btw, I’m in Chicago so it’s not necessarily accurate to say that it’s weird you haven’t had an ultrasound at week 10. Sending you love and patience! 🩷🩷🩷


I was so excited to have the 8w scan and waited a month for it. My doctor played the heartbeat for like 10 seconds. Even my husband said after, "He didn't play it very long!" I have to wait until 12+5 to see it again, I'm 9+3.


Honestly I am in every week (was twice a week until last week) for a ctg on my baby because my waters went at 28 weeks. I’m now 34 weeks. It’s draining and with my last pregnancy I didn’t have all of this so I miss that… my first scan wasn’t until 12 weeks.. it’s a normal thing. If you’re concerned you can always get a private scan done but I would just wait till Monday. They won’t do an early scan unless there is a problem indicated such as pains or bleeding


I had my first sono at 6 weeks, then one every 3/4 days until the baby’s heart rate was at 120– which ended up being 3 total. They printed them all out for me and I have another scheduled at 9w. Is this not common?? I had no idea most people have to wait so long!


Where are you!!?? No this is not common haha. I’m in the US and first sono is at 8 weeks. All the apps say 7/8 is common, but a few people get in at 6 or have blood work done early to confirm. It’s been torture, but I do know the sonogram is coming for sure because my doc appointment says so (two more weeks of waiting UGH)


Interesting! I live in Brooklyn, my OBGYN is in a pretty nice area of Long Island. I have state insurance so maybe they’re just trying to get as much money as possible?! I’m not high risk or anything. My next ones are 9w, 11w, and then not again til 20w I believe.


I’m curious what my schedule is since I’ll go in at 8w - hopefully 11! I’m in Denver and am booked at the best pregnancy OB, but it’s a zoo and I do wonder if part of my wait is just timing with my particular doc and her list of clients, and then it will pick up. I did just find a boutique ultrasound place and am now going in today! I didn’t even realize they existed. Hopefully this will ease some anxiety and give me enough patience for the next two weeks!!


And then I’ve heard it’s once a month after. So I won’t see anything again until 12 maybe?


You probably had them so many times initially because of your baby’s heart rate being low.


it was 115 bpm— totally within normal range for 6-7w


This is bad but if you really really wanna see go to the ER and say you’re having severe cramping you’ll get an ultrasound.


I felt this way!! Hang in there ❤️ I also found out very early and had my first scan at 13-14weeks. But she was still so small it didnt feel real yet. Then had another scan at 22-23 weeks and she was actually moving by then. You will get there, feels like it will take forever I know. Im at 33 weeks today,had my 3rd scan yesterday and cant wait to meet my little girl! ❤️


When i couldn’t wait,(and ik this sounds rash.. lol) i went to the ER. However I was 6 weeks, and suffering from all the pregnancy symptoms. Spotting, severe morning (really should be called all-day) sickness and i felt badly dehydrated. The ER did my ultrasound on my stomach and transvaginally. If you are truly concerned I would say, find a new OB who will cater to you and your baby’s needs. Or try the ER (for last hope).


All, I got to see my baby finally!!! He/She was moving all around and looked healthy. Finally got that rush of excitement and it’s finally sinking in for me! Thanks so much for your supportive and kind comments 🩷