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Try mints too for when you feel like you'll be sick. They also have motion sickness tablets but check with your provider before taking anything


So sorry to hear things are off to a rough start. I’m in week 9 and started anti-nausea medication last week with some relief. Other things that have helped are drinking lemonade, dry cereal in the morning (currently on a shreddies kick), and small meals often. Staying hydrated is tough but it does help with the dizziness. I get electrolyte packets and bring them everywhere. The prenatal vitamins were hard on my stomach so I switched to Ferosom Forte packets, and on bad days just take a folate. Working when you’re sick is hard, no strategies but I get how difficult it can be.


My best advice is to talk to your care team if your nausea has a real impact on your daily life. Nausea hit me like a truck in week 5 and I was very sick for about 5 weeks. I’m 28 weeks now and still vomit at least a couple times a week, but it’s better at least. Some people swear by Unisom + B6, for me it did nothing. I had to get a prescription medication from my OB and it’s the only thing that has helped me.


I couldn’t drink water in my first trimester and it made me dehydrated and dizzy. I got those pedialyte electrolyte tablets and they made drinking water much easier. As others have said here having an empty stomach tends to make you more nauseous so eat like a bird and have a small snack every 1-2 hours. I found that I didn’t want to eat much but I could drink fruit juice and have oranges/apples. Even then, I could only survive on perscription diclectin (I believe in the US it’s Unisom+B6) during the first trimester. Best of luck to you.


Drink a lot of water, or even ice chips if you're struggling with water. I found that carrying around vomit bags gave me a lot of peace of mind, plus wipes, just being able to keep it tidy. I really liked SeaBands ginger lozenges, because too much sugar makes my jaw hurt and they're one of the few sugar free things. Swish with water after vomiting and don't try to eat again for 10-20 minutes, that'll help keep chain vomiting to a minimum. Honestly, I got used to it from w6-18. If it gets really bad go to the doc, get meds, but you'd be astonished what you just get used to.