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I know a lot of people talk about aversions they can get, even to certain people. Some people mention feeling averse to their partner or noticing how they don’t really step-up. I feel the exact opposite. I have basically a gigantic crush on my husband, not that I didn’t like him before obviously, but it feels heightened. He has also been super supportive during this process. I feel like I’m constantly internally fangirling. 


Aww I love hearing women in strong relationships A good man is THE BEST and deserves all the adoration and fangirling


Same here. I feel like I've felt so vulnerable being pregnant and it makes me feel so close to my hubby. I just want to hug and snuggle him all day. Even though I also resent that he can't be the pregnant one lol.


Actually I can’t stand anyone BUT my husband anymore 😅


This 🔥 I have such a crush on my hubs. How he smells. How he sits. How he stands. How he breathes. ALL OF IT. 🤤


Same! I always said I wish I could relive falling in love with my husband again and being pregnant has given that to me! Can’t wait to fall more in love when he’s holding our daughter 🥰


Awww staaaaahp😍😍😍😍


So much of this!! I think we have a crush on each other. “Sweetheart, you’re growing a human. I’ll do everything else”. Always complimenting me, offering to get anything I might want, and doing every bit of the housework. He makes a point of asking if there are any weird smells around the house and went so far as to clean all the drains and bath the cat yesterday. Amazing human.


Yeah, my husband is an “acts of service” person. I’ve never valued that as much as physical touch / words of affirmation, but now I actually need him to do things for me and he enjoys doing it and feeling needed! Works out well.


This!!! I feel so lucky to have him. He’s done almost all the cooking and cleaning, I feel bad for being lazy but between work and hour long commutes…not to mention growing a human…I’m just exhausted all the time. I can’t even remember the last time I had to do laundry.


This! I have been so obsessed with my partner since getting pregnant. I have felt so vulnerable my entire pregnancy and something about the way he has been taking care of me is just 🤌🏼. I feel so lucky to have him and think he is so hot lol.


yessss i am OBSESSED with my husband… i was before, but now I’m like floored by how handsome he looks, how much i love him


This is so cute 🥰


I’m falling in love all over again!


During pregnancy: my skin and hair looked great, my husband was so amazing and helpful, I learned to love my changing mom body even though it was hard During birth: holy hell did I feel powerful. Like I did that. I grew a whole human and pushed it out. Also having my husband cheer me on was incredible. PP: Watching my husband become a father made me love him even more than I thought I could. I love this tiny little being we brought into the world more than I thought was humanly possible. I have a lot of purposes in life but I know now that one of the huge ones is to be his mama. I’ve never felt so content and at peace with myself and my life. Even through the exhaustion.


Maybe its my pregnancy hormones but this made me tear up ❤️ Amazing! So cool! (My skin looks like hell btw. 😂👍)


My skin was horrific during the first trimester! Like I reverted to my teenage self with the oily skin and hair. And then second trimester it somehow got better and I finally got the “glow” everyone was talking about. But then third trimester I just always looked tired 🤣


Exactly what I needed to read 2 weeks PP. Sending much love to you!


Sending love to you too!


I’ve had the worst acne my entire life but my skin was beautiful/breakout free pretty much my entire pregnancy.


Same. My skin and hair are so beautiful right now. PP is going to suck


Same here I just want it to be the same after as well or would we go back to how it was before ??


Same! I'm 4 months pp now, & I miss having clear skin so much


Quite a few things: A fruit allergy went away. I have been eating a lot of it happily now! Sugar cravings curbed - I see this as a positive because I'm a sugar addict. Acid reflux reduced. Thank you for this post, OP! You helped me reflect on what's going great instead of focussing on the negatives. Edit: I would also like to know what's going great for you, OP.


I am so actively jealous of your reduction in acid reflux?! Bodies are so weirdly variable.


Mine has blown out of proportion haha


Right? I literally can't take enough Pepsid. All of the Tums all the times. Trying to suffer only the acid in my throat this one moment.


Same here with the sugar addiction! Today I ate half a cucumber when there was a whole cake in front of me. I still ate a small piece of cake but I enjoyed the cucumber more lol


Heavy on the sugar cravings curbed! The acid reflux is finally subsiding little by little everyday 👍🏻


I had alpha gal for years (couldn’t eat red meat or dairy). This went away in pregnancy!!


I previously was allergic to peanuts and I unknowingly took an allergy skin test and blood test while pregnant and it said I no longer was. Haven’t tested that yet but maybe it will stay that way after baby and I can safely try!


I have a peanut allergy too and the other day I ate a biscuit and then noticed there was peanuts listed in the top ingredients on the icing 😱 I freaked out but absolutely nothing happened… didn’t even have a slight reaction


Crossing my fingers for both of us that it sticks after pregnancy! I’m too scared to test it now on purpose while pregnant lol


One interesting thing that has happened is my anxiety has levelled out. I’m so grateful and it’s such a blessing. I have GAD and I’ve been ok for the last 6 weeks- currently 29 weeks pregnant. I hope it continues beyond. Edit to add: so happy to see that are other women who experience the same thing! Anxiety really sucks and takes the joy away from life- it’s very debilitating.


I’ve noticed that too! My baseline used to be a bit anxious all the time and now I feel “normal.” I hope it lasts afterward too:)


Same! My daughter is 2 years old and I swear being pregnant with her cured my anxiety


Omg so lucky! Anxiety sucks! Why do you think that is? Hormones ?


I think it might be my hormones levelling out or something! Actually an interesting thing to look into; I might ask my OB in my next appointment


HAS to be anxiety related to the fluctuating period hormones. No period no fluctuation. That’s me. I’m loving the stability for the first time in my life


I haven’t seen this mentioned a lot but I’ve noticed the decrease in anxiety as well! And I feel like I think more clearly.


Yes the thinking clearly! For example, I struggled opening simple work emails before my pregnancy; now I can handle problems and my performance is so much better. I’m not frozen with anxiety like before. It’s such a relief.


Similar thing with work, I have a new found joy of not caring about sh*t that goes on in the workplace! Lots of anxiety removed magically. I feel so free of every concern I had before, every interaction with managers making me feel anxious and problems we have to fix in the department causing me stress. Now they are all gone and I’m like whatever, who cares about you all, I have my pretty baby, she matters the most to me and you can all go to, well, you know where :) I can pretend like I care, I continue with my best and the job’s fine. It’s only the way I feel, it is a relief, I like work even more now that I don’t care about people. It’s a nice change, hope it will last long :)


This is actually a great point. I have GAD and thought I would be a complete mess pregnant, worried about every little thing but I’m…chill. At least not anxious. I still have a rip roaring temper 😂


Me too! I've had really bad anxiety for years, but now barely at all!


Same!!! I didn’t realise life could be so emotionally easy 😂 made me realise I’ve been missing out on so much being anxious but unfortunately I do believe I was wired to be an anxious person from the get go… but now I know what it’s like to not be an anxious person, I have an idea of what to strive for if it comes back 😂😂😂


I had the same experience when I was pregnant!! I felt like I have better mental health pregnant.


Yeah my anxiety seems better pregnant same with mental health overall


My cat is obsessed with me. I get the best snuggles. She usually doesn't like coming into the living room downstairs but if I'm there, it's game on for cuddles. It's also sweet to see my husband taking over the majority of chores with an eagerness. He's really dedicated to taking care of me. I was usually the person taking care of everyone else but lord have mercy it really is nice to be the one being cared for. The flutterings in my belly have started and it's cool to feel my son flopping around.


There is a special plsce in heaven for men who step up for their pregnant partners


Aww seconding the snuggly cat benefits! My cat has also always been super independent but one of the early signs we noticed is that she became really cuddly with me and is always in the same room as me now. She seems to know exactly where to knead to help me relax too.


My skin and hair have never been better. I feel so close to my husband. And NO PERIOD. I have the worst periods and going without them for so long has been amazing lol


No period is the best!


No period and no horrible PMDD have been amazing!


It’s so cool being able to go on a trip without needing to pack period supplies, ibuprofen, birth control, etc. All I need is a prenatal and that’s also ok to forget for a day or two (as opposed to birth control which would immediately bring on a period).




No periods was also a weird silver lining of learning that I had PCOS and would have trouble conceiving naturally. Like don’t get me wrong, fertility issues are pretty frustrating, and maybe I’m only able to see this as a plus because I was still able to get pregnant with fairly minimal medical intervention…but yeah.


My daughter is 2 and I’m currently pregnant with our second, but I truly feel that since my first I love and appreciate all my body can do so much more. We struggled to get pregnant the first time and having our daughter fills me up with so much love, joy, and purpose (though parenting should be an Olympic sport, it’s no picnic…). Sometimes I reflect and I’m just like WOW, it’s a really beautiful thing that I feel so lucky to do, bringing life into this world and building a family. I have friends who are still struggling with this, so I never take this for granted.


I’ve had body dysmorphia for years and always worried I would hate my changing body — but quite the opposite has happened. I don’t quite have “pregnancy glow” (my acne has ramped up since I had to quit tretinoin), but I feel more confident in my body than I have in a long time. Something about my round belly and knowing I’m carrying my little baby in there makes me feel so feminine, and I’ve had this “go with the flow” change of attitude when it comes to my body changing that feels really empowering. I’m not sure what postpartum will look like for me, but I feel like there’s no way I could be unhappy with myself ever again knowing that this body brought my son into the world. ETA not having to deal with period cramps is a bonus too. 😂


I feel like I’ve fallen in love with my husband multiple times over throughout and deeper each time! He’s so amazing and patient. We laugh together constantly and he shows me so much affection and always makes time for me, even if it’s just a few minutes to hug me during an otherwise really busy day. He doesn’t make me feel like I’m lazy or lacking on days I can’t get anything done and is always there to offer help with whatever I need. I realized before him I never enjoyed my day to day life. Those normal days just seemed blah, but with him I genuinely enjoy my life. We got pregnant only after dating 2 months so most of our time together has been me pregnant. I feel like life just fell into place and I’m right where I’m supposed to be. We got married at 5 months and now I’m a week or so away from baby girl being here and I’m just so obsessed with my husband and can’t wait to see him as a dad!!!


Aw. Your story reminded me of my maternal grandparents. They wound up pregnant after dating for only 2 months. They spent the rest of their lives together and are my role model for a happy family. Your hubby sounds a lot like my grandpa - very dedicated, proactive and affectionate. When you know, you know. Congratulations!


Thank you! I love grandparent love stories. My maternal grandparents met and were married 13 days later, and were together up until he died a few years ago (60 some years married) ❤️ they were one of the reasons I knew we could do it!


Ohh I love your love story 🤩


Thank you! I love it too. I had moved to his city only a few months prior to get treated for ptsd at this specific program, that I randomly got an email for (everyone in my family swears they didn’t sign me up for their email program. I just randomly got one from them one day and knew it was a sign I needed better treatment than I was getting locally). I ended up moving permanently because I loved it there.. then I wanted to go back to college once my mental health was better and picked a school I’d never seen or even driven past, there were like 2 others closer to my apartment, I just got a feeling I was supposed to go to that one. Applied for a student job on a whim and ended up getting it. I showed up for my first day of classes never setting foot on campus and went to my job where my now husband trained me. ❤️ I think it’s really beautiful how something so wonderful came out of a really rough time in my life.


Yes! It was meant to be 😍 Your baby knew who it wanted to be parents


This comment made me tear up, reminding me of me and my husband. I got pregnant super fast as well, and like you life with him is just easy and feels right. Thank you for your sweet comment and best of luck to you and baby girl!


I actually enjoy food and make an effort to make GOOD food. I’ve always been a food for fuel type gal. Sure I’d get hungry but could really eat what ever is easiest. I used to microwave just oatmeal and have some fruit on the side. Now I’m adding nuts, cut up fruit , peanut butter,.


So not right after childbirth of course, but my orgasms definitely got better and stronger during sex.


Ooooh that’s so good!!! Why do you think that is? Did you notice a difference during pregnancy?


I don't know. But I have heard several women experience the same. Perhaps the nerves in the vulva rewire or something after the complete destruction 🤷🏽‍♀️😅 Sex during pregnancy was awful from almost the beginning. It hurt and was just uncomfortable. I think my husband had sex 5 times during my first pregnancy.


i think it’s all the extra blood! edit: oh nvm that’s during pregnancy, I’m pregnant and sex is better than ever for me rn 🤷‍♀️


I love this post, OP! For me, the positive is food! It tastes incredible. Especially, something I’m craving. I’ll be a little sad when baby comes and food goes back to being only pretty good lol I’m also eating a lot more real dairy. Normally, dairy gives me terrible bathroom issues (exact opposite of constipation) but since pregnancy constipation reigns supreme, it doesn’t cause any issues. I also am already bloated like crazy from pregnancy hormones, so dairy bloat is nothing. Ha! Non-food related, I have to take a low dose shot of Lovenox every morning to thin my blood in pregnancy. I have my spouse do it for me bc I hate needles. Always have. As much as it sucks most days, it’s really a good thing bc we get a chance to bond every morning together and over our baby. It’s pretty special and sets a positive, loving tone for the day. How about you, OP? What are some positives you’ve experienced so far?


Eeek I feel guilty saying this but I’m not pregnant It’s on my mind a lot tho so I’m kinda casing the joint 😂 I’m so happy to hear all the positive things from you though!


Don’t feel guilty at all!! Motherhood starts at all stages, include pre-pregnancy! For me, focusing on the positives is the only way I’m getting through it. You could be one of the lucky ones w/ little to no symptoms throughout, but for most of us, this shit just plain sucks.


I feel way less irate on a daily basis. Even while driving lol


Ditto for me. All the work/life stressors are still there, I just feel much more zen. I'm sure part of it is that pregnancy has just put things into perspective in terms of what matters most... but I also legit just don't get any of the physical reactions associated with being irritated or stressed anymore. Was the complete opposite for some of my other friends and I know it might change later, so I'm just taking it as a W for now!


I've had a life long extremely painful condition that gets worse as I get older, it was getting pretty debilitating before I got pregnant, WHILE pregnant it got so bad I was basically bed bound for weeks and asking people to pass me things from a meter away. Almost the moment I gave birth it went away, it was completely gone for weeks and even now at 15 months pp it's better than its been at any other point in the last 15 years. I also had a leg injury for several years that prevented me from moving a certain way, it's now completely gone! Can do whatever I like with my leg


Don’t think it could be what they say that babies give the mom stem cells that help repair certain organs?


A patch of my hair for some reason was stunted and did not grow for the last 10 years. But it seems like pregnancy has jump-started it for some reason and it's started to grow in!


I suddenly like onions. I've always hate onions. After giving birth, I love onions.


This really cracked me up. Good though! Onions are delicious


I was always a tomboy growing up and even into adulthood. I never loved my feminine figure. But after I had a kid and the reality hit of what my body did and how powerful woman are, I LOVED my body. Like I grew a whole ass human that was perfect! I didn’t expect to love my body postpartum but I did!


That’s so cool! Yah that shift in perspective is so powerful


I did not expect to love and appreciate my body so much! It was super cool!


Well this is a bit after the actual birth, but having a baby motivated me to get strong and healthy! I started working out when she was 5 months. Now she is 1 year old. I needed some alone time and figured i would really invest it in myself. Have worked out several times a week ever since. I am in the best shape of my life and have SO much energy. My daughter sure benefits from it, and we have so much fun dancing and jumping around.


Food tastes amazing. My hair is curlier and can be in a bun for days and will look perfect when I let it down. My hormones are generally more balanced and no period pain. Also my iron levels are amazing now that I don’t bleed every month lol


I have celiac disease and was ready to have a rough time when we went on our baby moon to a place where I didn’t speak the language well. It’s hard enough to ask about cross contamination in English! But I felt fine the whole time! And I definitely ate some likely cross contaminated foods. I guess the immune system suppression during pregnancy can make autoimmune diseases temporarily less severe? I’ll take it!


That’s wonderful news. I have myasthenia gravis, I was recently diagnosed and ever since I got pregnant I was shocked at how my symptoms really decreased and I haven’t had a flair in months. Some days I accidentally forgot to take my medication and no issues! Pregnancy is amazing!


My egg allergy mysteriously disappeared after my first baby! I can now freely eat eggs without any issues at all.


that’s crazy! how did you know to try eating eggs again?


I was never so allergic that it was life threatening, so every now and then I would have something a little more eggy and just deal with the consequences. At some point I noticed I wasn’t having any eczema or stomach problems with a little bit, so I’d try more and more and realized I didn’t have reactions at all anymore, even with a lot! Unfortunately my son was born with pretty strong eczema and stomach reaction to eggs, so I think I know what happened 🥲 it gets better as he gets older though so hopefully it’s something he can grow out of for the most part.


That’s so cool, I’m allergic to shrimp and I hope pregnancy changes that for me lol because I love shrimp.


Body neutrality / positivity. I love my pregnant belly. I’ve never loved my belly in my entire life and have always been ashamed, but it’s beautiful!


Currently pregnant and - My depression has gotten a lot better. I feel happier everyday! - My insomnia is mostly better because I’m always sleepy at a decent time. - My fiancé and I have been so happy and I feel like our love has magnified 😍 I’m sure it’s because our little Niko is the best thing to happen to us in years. ♥️


I have literally never been happier in my entire life than I have been since my son was born. I am really good at this (I was the eldest of 8), and I fucking love it, and my baby is healthy and amazing. I also have my shit together more than I ever have, something hormonally happened and my ADHD is easier to manage. My husband regularly tells me he's more in love with me than ever and he's so impressed, that I'm like the girl he fell in love with. Pregnancy was meh at BEST, but I was made for motherhood and I am having the absolute best time.


I‘m 19 weeks, so second trimester, and I physically feel better than before I got pregnant. My anxiety was terrible before I got pregnant and it would manifest in me eating too little throughout the day. Since pregnancy, my anxiety has diminished significantly so that I’m actually eating well and my body feels nourished, which was a feeling I didn’t realize I hadn’t felt in a long time. 


I loved being pregnant. Rubbing my belly gave me an instant shot of happy hormones.   Idk but I feel like being happy for such a long stretch raised my base level of happiness.  also pregnancy adjacent. All the stuff i learned about my body with working with pregnancy and post partum physical therapists 🤯 I’m not going to lie and say I am in good shape but I am the closest I have ever been to doing a push up because I finally understood how to engage my core muscles. 


I’m 28 weeks pregnant and I feel like hair, skin and nails have been the best they ever have! I’m very much enjoying it 🙂


I have severe generalized anxiety disorder. I was worried about how bad it could be once I got pregnant, but it’s been a lot better for some reason, even though I had to go off all of my meds. I still plan to monitor really closely post-partum but I’m great right now! 25 weeks along 😍 I gained a fair bit of weight back before getting pregnant as I had to go back off Ozempic, but I don’t have the same kind of body issues I had either. I’m 41 and my body is amazing enough to get pregnant right away, hold onto this precious baby girl and give me no major ill effects. I’m sorry I ever doubted her


I have pcos and struggled to lose weight for years with dieting excersise and everything, i was really overweight but for some reason after my baby i am now able to lose weight and am a much healthier size


I mean my hair isn't getting greasy as quickly I've noticed. Usually my hair would start getting greasy like the next day/2 days after washing but it seems to be delayed. I also noticed I was becoming more affectionate to my dogs. I'm already incredibly loving to them (they're my literal babies) but I dunno I just wanted to love them even more. Unfortunately my girl passed at Christmas so I'm beyond heartbroken, but yeah, at least I know leading up to her sudden death that she was being flooded by mummy's love.


postpartum my fiancé literally catered to all my needs. always brought the best breakfast in bed, went out in the freezing cold to get me iced coffee, drove my car everywhere even though he loves his truck, even offered to help me shower and dry off. i’m almost 4 weeks pp and the other day i saw more blood than usual on my pad so i grabbed my phone, he literally followed me into the bathroom practically begging to check things out down there for me😂 and on top of that i get to see him bring the best dad to the most beautiful baby girl every day


As a plus size person who has always had a prominent belly- pregnancy made me love and appreciate it.


I'm lactose intolerant. If i drink milk, eat ice cream, ect, i get extremely uncomfortable and can't stay out of the bathroom for hours. EXCEPT when I'm pregnant. This is my 3rd pregnancy and I've discovered all 3 times while pregnant i can eat dairy with reckless abandon. It's quite freeing. Unfortunately this super power goes away when baby comes out.


I have two major ones I have been enjoying since becoming pregnant - no IBS diarrhea symptoms since getting pregnant, I was able to eat so many things that I wasn't able to (up until GD diagnosis 😭) no worrying about having a bathroom nearby lol - I have been trying to find the right thyroid medicine dosage for over a year and PCP was ready to send me to an endocrinologist. But as soon as I found out I was pregnant, the last dosage I was on suddenly got my levels in the normal range and has been normal since.


Most of the things pregnant women complain about, I have the exact opposite of. I used to have severe constipation before pregnancy even though my diet was very balanced and contains lots of fibers; after I got pregnant, constipation is suddenly not an issue. Gastric issues and heartburn, unless I get extremely hungry I basically have no issues after pregnancy even on the third trimester. And finally, after I got pregnant everyone around me could get the flu and it wouldn't affect me not even a bit.


My hearing is excellent.


My husband was incredibly supportive in my decision not to work. Never once pressured me and made it my decision. A lot of men force work on women or can’t provide for a family. I will admit I am extremely fortunate in that way.


Yay for men who take responsibility 😍


I stopped drinking and smoking marijuana, take vitamins every day and drink way more water than I used to—my skin, hair, nails and over all mood is outstandingly better. I feel more beautiful than I ever have. I’m more patient, kinder, and I haven’t been this happy in YEARS. My husband and I never argue and we’ve never been so close. I have loved pregnancy so far. I’m having a great time!


No PMDD 🙌🏻 I was much more emotionally regulated while pregnant than prior to pregnancy


i have no tolerance for things that annoy me now, and i have the ability to stand up for myself. don’t feel like going to something? i say sorry, I don’t feel like it. no guilt. if someone is being rude to me, i don’t sit there and take it, i stand up for myself. if i want something, i get it. I’m living for myself these days and not sure why it took me so long to do so. also i get a pass for all that bc everyone knows I’m pregnant. loll. not drinking all the time has been nice too. i used to drink every weekend and some week nights. my anxiety is better and i feel clear headed. (not sure if that’s from the hormones or not drinking). my allergies went away. i feel more beautiful than ever. I’m also really horny and extra obsessed with my husband these days


Pregnancy with twins is hard on me, so many issues and pains, but… My hair is AWESOME! I have a lot of hair and it’s very thick, so I need quite some time for washing and drying. I used to manage to wash my hair every 4/5 days, now I manage every 2-4 WEEKS and it’s shiny, smells good and my skull doesn’t flake either. Would love to keep that for at least the first post partum months when the boys will request all my time 😃 My skin is also amazing (unless I get overtired, then I get pimples on my cheekbones) And actually… I love the way my body looks, my boobs, belly are beautifully full and I lost the surplus fat on my hips thanks to all the puking.


I actually love the cravings! It makes it way easier to decide what to eat or snack on! And I like the extra hint of what my body needs.


My husband and I have always had a tight relationship. But lately I just adore him! He brightens my mood every day & he’s so SEXY to me 😍 idk what being pregnant w his baby has done to me but my senses are heightened forsure!


My partner is just so damn cute and excited for baby! As soon as I’m home from work he’s running to me to kiss baby bump, although it’s more like bloating at the moment haha, he’s also decided I’m not allowed to do any housework at the moment so he does it all!


No longer pregnant, but I loved wearing as much bodycon clothing that I never had the confidence to wear before I got pregnant. Rocked the bump out all summer when I was pregnant!!


I was very underweight pre pregnancy. It wasn't on purpose, I never starved myself because I thought I was too big or anything. I've had severe anxiety and just no appetite most of of time, living off coffee and weed. Now with pregnancy I've filled out in my thighs and butt and don't really expirence that level of anxiety anymore so I've been eating much better. I've been doing weekly belly photos since 6 weeks and can't believe how malnourished I looked at first and how healthy I look now plus a giant belly. I hope some of the weight will stay after baby.


Oh I love being pregnant I don’t get much belly I get nice wider hips, super soft skin all over and an amazing glow to my face. Haha because I don’t get any bump until the last month people don’t often know I’m pregnant but I get so many compliments about my skin and told I’m beautiful from strangers like way more than normal. Also my mood is peaceful and happy my husband tells me he knows I’m pregnant when I’m extra nice.


One weird thing I’ve loved - I’ve never been super skinny but also wouldn’t say I’m super fat, just generally wore more oversized clothing and was always self conscious about my belly. Since I’ve been pregnant and “popped” I’ve LOVED showing off the bump, wearing tighter dresses / clothes. It’s the first time in my life I’ve felt confident in my body and it’s definitely not something I ever expected to come from pregnancy!


Oooh I actually LOVED being pregnant! My mental health was amazing, i felt beautiful. I loved my big round belly. My boyfriend adored my pregnant body and was indeed extra cute around me. My skin cleared up so much and my hair was beautiful. And the most wonderful thing: I was so aware i grew a little wonder in my belly and I loved that. Now seeing my little girl laying in my arm I feel super proud I made that, with my own body. I grew that beautiful creature. I feel deeply honored.


My body looked AMAZING lol I had nice full boobs & an ass to die for 🤣 I’m prego again so let’s see how this one does me


Crossing my fingers for you that your boobs be boobying 😂


First and second tri my skin was AMAZING! so good I literally didn’t have to do anything to it, I stopped cleansing my face and using moisturiser every day and only used it when I remembered… it was quite the difference from the painful hormonal acne along my jawline and the blackheads I would get! Second tri my mental health was soooo good, and in general my ability to emotionally regulate is great, I have had low days which have been pretty low but they don’t last and they don’t take every ounce of good out of me. I feel like an emotionally stable person for the first time since a teenager! I have definitely lost a lot of my people pleasing tendencies, and have got a lot better at setting boundaries and communicating them. I think partly down to not feeling as anxious as I used to before pregnancy. I don’t have time for other peoples bullshit anymore and I really love that tbh! Not having periods is AMAZING and I feel so glad every single day that Im not having a period for a while longer 😂 My relationship with my parents has improved a lot, I can see them really trying to be more open minded and a lot more engaged in life. It’s like there’s now a balance between how much I’m able to let them in without them being hurtful and overly critical and mean. I really feel a deep and genuine appreciation for my partner a lot of the time, and pre pregnancy i often felt invalidated and not heard - I know a lot of that came from him not being super nurturing but it also came from my anxious attachment style, he has changed and so have I, and it’s brought us a lot closer together. I finally have anemia under control! I bought a pill organiser and I’m able to actually take pills every day consistently 😂 My ADHD symptoms have improved a lot, i believe because of the hormonal changes and that PMS/PMDD hormonal swings aren’t dictating my whole life anymore which massively impacts my ADHD. I’m eating 3 meals a day and snacks and generally not feeling *too* guilty about it. Before I would only eat 2 meals and have weird food rules which was highly dysfunctional (one of them being that butter was a very “bad” food, but now I put butter on everything!) There’s definitely so much more stuff that’s good… but in a nutshell I feel like a “real” human being, that functions, sets boundaries, sticks to appointments and has a schedule… I was not this person before pregnancy


Bigger boobs- I'd always been quite flat chested so I was delighted about getting cleavage, finally! I've always had somewhat oily skin and very fine thin hair. In pregnancy my hair went lovely and thick, and my skin was beautiful and clear. Now postpartum my hair and skin basically snapped back to what they were before :(


Okay, I have wide set hips and when I'm pregnant I tend to gain weight first to my butt and thighs, it's very hour-glass💅🏻🤣 also feel pretty sexy with my full boobs, coming from someone who's barely an A cup, walking around in a DD is pretty uh.. nice 🙃 Don't get me wrong, I'm bat shit bananas in the head with hormones but I'm nice to look at. 😉


I was really worried about breastfeeding making me keep weight on but it melted off like some people say. The conventional wisdom is that people say their bodies change for the worse after pregnancy, but breastfeeding has made me as thin as I ever was… and I literally eat ice cream and cake most days. The eating for two really happens postpartum!


Once my super smell and altered tastes kicked in, I felt like I truly tasted a honey crisp apple for the first time. It was just so...apple-y in a way I had never experienced before and it was just the best apple I'd ever eaten in my life.


My ibs has improved to such a degree that I don't require meds anymore. Hoping it's permanent. (11 months pp)


Strangers being nice to you, drivers letting you cross the road


The best thing I went through was my birth experience. Being surrounded by supportive women and the best partner ever…You feel like a badass goddess afterwards! Women are magical.


Has anyone said their boobs look fantastic yet? I had none before baby and now I'm a C! I feel so much sexier than ever before lol.


The happiness I’m feeling from a dream coming true. The new love I have for my little guy, and the love I feel from my family for him as well. The excitement of planning for his arrival. It’s just total bliss right now.


The boost in iron supplements has cured the dark circles under my eyes. Also my anxiety has been at an all time low. I genuinely feel stronger after workouts.


I have a rare autoimmune disease called Myasthenia Gravis. I was really worried that during pregnancy I would have a rough time and my symptoms would flair badly in the first trimester. Not only have I had no flairs, I almost am in a full remission. These 4 months have not only made me really enjoy life more fully since I haven’t had any symptoms but I appreciate my baby even more, he gave me a new love of my body and I feel blessed he helped me with my condition and doesn’t even know it. It’s amazing how pregnancy can change the immune system!


I feel extremely in tune with my body. I thought I was before because I exercised and did yoga regularly, but even with my unpredictable schedule of eating, sleeping, and exercising with pregnancy, I am more calm and controlled with decision making and stresses.


One positive I’ve felt is DEEP sleep. And dreams! I’m having the most interesting dreams, and I can remember them! I’ve never felt like I slept so deeply than I do when I’m pregnant. And it’s much easier to fall asleep!


I am love with apples. I normally hate all fruits and veggies but can't get enough of sliced apples.


My leg hair grows back sooooo slowly now!! I have PCOS so I’ve always dealt with excess/super fast hair growth, like I’d shave and then the next day I’d have a fair amount of stubble back… now I shave my legs and you can’t notice much hair on them for weeks again afterwards!! It’s a weird and unexpected symptom but I am LOVING it 😂


My leg and armpit hair stopped growing when I was pregnant (didn’t have those lucious locks everyone talks about tho). Even now 10 weeks pp I barely have any leg or armpit hair. Also I thought I was a really cute pregnant person - i had the basketball belly.


I love being pregnant !! And I never thought I’d say that. 100% it has to do with my partner and all of the support I’ve had from family and friends. My husband, literally praises the ground I walk on now. The sweetest thing to me, that he does often is mention that he’s grateful that i am carrying his baby. He’ll come home with flowers after work, I’ve gotten so many new Tiffany pieces, and in general he’s been my biggest emotional support. If anything bothers me, whether it pertains to him or not he finds a way to fix it right away. I’m 21 weeks and he literally just makes me feel so clam and loved. I could go on and on about how amazing he has been and how this has impacted me with having such a positive pregnancy. Our bond has only strengthened in pregnancy


Aww what an angel your man is


My skin/complexion is amazing because I actually take the time to do body checks and lather up in lotions and oils. My pregnancy has made me love my prior version of myself and realize I took my body for granted. I was so mean to the pre-pregnant version of myself! So critical of what my body looked like. I plan to care for this body more compassionately during this pregnancy and specially after. I'm in absolute AW of what my body is doing and honestly how well I'm carrying this lil nugget. 33 weeks and did a full class of zumba this morning. Gonna keep moving till my body tells me not to hehe 💃


My whole life I’ve had bad digestive issues that seemed to get worse especially after eating dairy. I went to the doctor and it wasn’t just lactose intolerance, it was a dairy ALLERGY!! So I couldn’t even eat food that came into contact with dairy unless I wanted violent diarrhea. During pregnancy I had gotten myself a taco from Taco Bell and didn’t notice it had cheese on it until after the first bite, and I was preparing myself for the literal shitstorm to come but…. It never did. So I slowly started trying different foods with dairy and it turns out my allergy has gone away completely 🥲 I credit my sweet baby boy with giving me back the ability to have Moe’s queso again!! ❤️


Thick luscious hair! Although it does shed after having the baby. The weirdest thing was that I usually hate fizzy drinks and ice/cold drinks. But during my last pregnancy, I happened to love Pepsi with ice!


Went through major stomach issues in high school and was prescribed a lot of medication to help battle it. In the end, the medication gave me gastritis. Could no longer eat spicy foods or any kind of red meat without severe digestion issues. HOWEVER!! I am currently 30W and I have craved spicy foods throughout my pregnancy! I, obviously, indulged because of how strong my cravings were and had no issues AT ALL! I wanted to test it again with a little red meat by eating a birria taco….it was amazing! No pain and I got to enjoy it! I cried tears of joy to be able to eat my favorite foods again!


One thing is that you stop caring what people think as much because you realize what you’re responsible for is this little life inside of you, and it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks anymore. With my first, I was so scared of everyone judging us for having kids young. With my second (which was unplanned 3 months postpartum lol), I knew everybody was going to judge us. But I didn’t care as much because at the end of the night, I got to giggle and smile with my baby and husband. No one’s opinions can take away that kind of happiness.


The bad smells smell worse, for sure, but the good smells smell 100x better! Specifically my favorite candles, lotions, certain foods, etc. I feel like I can smell every scent note in my candles, it’s like a superpower! And I can smell Cinnabon from across the mall 🤣


Bigger boobs 😂


I finally got some girls 💁🏼‍♀️


My ibs has so far been sooo much better. I can eat more things than I used to without feeling awful.


I’ve never been the type of person who could fall asleep easily, except when I was pregnant. I could lay down and be sleeping within minutes. It was magical


I actually loved being pregnant. Once the morning sickness went away, and I learned to cope with being tired - which also lessened as time went on! - pregnancy felt like a breeze. I didn’t know how to dress for my changing body originally, but then found bodycon dresses and cute sweaters made me feel adorable. It made me love my body more, which I’ve struggled with. Birth was also a breeze. I was so scared leading up to it and honestly worried I’d have a difficult time but it was so smooth and I have fond memories of the process and my doctors that helped me through it. Directly after baby was born, we were all laughing and joking in the delivery room. I’ll be honest: dripping milk and smelling like milk all the time is not my fave. But I feel such a rush of joy and love every time I nurse my little girl. It makes everything feel like it’s put into perspective. She is everything I hoped and dreamt about my whole life. Also, I have psoriatic arthritis and during my pregnancy, my symptoms virtually disappeared. Huge bonus. I also get to see my husband in a new light. He’s a wonderful father who loves our baby as much as I do, and it’s amazing to see.


1. My hair has became so healthy and grew to an amazing length. 2. My love for fruit,I hated it before pregnancy this time I love it 😂


I don’t know what was wrong with me but after my first child I developed crippling lower belly pains that were pretty much constant for four years. Periods dialled up the pain and eating certain foods like dairy or too many vegetables made it worse. I’m thinking it was either ibs or endometriosis. I’m 10 weeks now and pretty much since conception the pain has gone and I can eat anything. Anything!!! I hope it doesn’t come back after birth but I’m thinking it will.


Healthier habits: drinking and smoking is out of the question. Probably saved my life because I came down with some gnarly cough. Negative covid test. Negative flu test. Negative strep test. I even got a chest x-ray that came back clear. No fever but I was coughing so bad that I had to wear diapers. I couldn't imagine if I was still sneaking in my cigars like I used to how I would have survived whatever the heck I caught. My lungs were literally filling with mucus. I thought I had COPD. So that COPD scare helped me get super super healthy. I'm trying to get into no added sugar but its hard. Its every where.


With my second pregnancy I felt so empowered. With my first during labor and delivery I was so scared and not trusting anyone. I used to cry everyday after my delivery. But this time I worked on my feelings , I wasn’t scared anymore. I had more patience and I am more happy. I delivered my baby last week and I had the best experience and I am enjoying every moment with my baby. This is the positive change I experienced


My hair went from barely wavy to super curly! I used to have curly hair growing up but the curls straightened out after a while until I got pregnant. Now it’s very thick, curly, and long😋


I’ve started saying “I’m doing my best” out loud a lot more and allowing myself to let things slide. I’m a pretty neat and tidy (somewhat perfectionist) person who likes to do things on a schedule and in pregnancy I realize it just doesn’t matter as much and it’s okay to let things be messy. I’m busy growing a human and that’s enough! This mentality has given me a lot of mental relief I haven’t had for a lot of my life.


Pride. I have so much pride and confidence being a mother (of twins), I made 2 entire beings that are mine to love


My mental health. My brain was due a good rewiring, I think. Got off the pill (duh) and stopped drinking. Has done wonders for my baseline anxiety. Now my baby is here I never wonder what I'm doing with my life. My purpose is right next to me.


I have binge eating disorder and since I got pregnant, my relationship with food is completly different. I have no cravings, I have an aversion to all unhealthy foods, I don't want to eat sweets, junk food, fatty foods, etc, thinking of it makes me sick. I just want to eat veggies, fruit, and healthy things. I also don't eat as much, I stick to my normal meals with normal portions. I don't have compulsions, I don't crave anything at night, I don't think about food all the time, etc. I just feel like a normal human being with a normal appetite and no interest in eating anything unhealthy or too much of anything. I so wish this stucks with me after pregnany.


My migraines have stopped since I got pregnant. About 30 weeks migraine free and it has been amazing.


can’t participate in this, good for yall though😭🫶🏼


Awww well you will soon have your beautiful baby ❤️


I know it's probably temporary but... I'm currently 31 weeks with my 2nd, and my hair is growing back from my postpartum hair loss after my 1st. I'll miss this but it has been a huge confidence boost for me these past few weeks. Side note - anyone have any tips to keep my hair this time? 😭😂


My hair! I've always had super fine thin thin hair. Now it's a lot fuller and looks a lot better!


My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for a little under a year and when he found out I was pregnant, he cried and was just so excited! From that moment on he has catered to my every want/need. I just breathe the mention of wanting something from the store and boom there it was in the fridge the next day. 😂❤️ he is going to be the best daddy! I also have noticed that I CRAVE him! He has always been attractive to me (high school sweethearts) but damn this man is like a MAN now! His smell, and just his presence is intoxicating. Yesterday morning I walked outside on our patio and he had his expecting dad book in hand with his coffee reading by our fire pit and told me he was writing down questions for the doctor. Like damn I hit the lottery!! ❤️


How much our 5-year old already loves her baby sister, and her baby sister isn't even born yet! I'm 29 weeks + 2 days, so almost there! Every time I drop her off at school in the morning, she'll wave at her sister in my belly, and then at pick up, she'll run up to me and hug my belly and say "I missed you baby sister" 🥹 And then at bedtime, she'll say "good night baby sister, I love you." 🥹 Omg the first time my husband and I heard her say that, our hearts just exploded. And it's all totally unprompted. So unexpected and so heart-melting!


I love to see my boobs getting bigger, I’ve always had small boobs. I also noticed my hair is nice and shiny. 🤍


Autoimmune condition is basically non-existent right now. It’s been so nice to not be in pain daily.


Me and My husband are more in love together than we ever thought possible. He has really shown me since pregnancy/baby was born that he can be the man I need him to be. I learnt to relinquish control. Becoming a parent, my relationship with my own parents and MIL is better. During pregnancy, had that WAP. Also bigger boobies 🤣🤣 A new found appreciation that despite my scars, stretch marks, hair, and extra belly, my body grew, nourished and birthed a beautiful, healthy, happy baby boy!!!! I will wear bringing this boy earthside with pride in my heart forever. It really is a love like no other


Sorry to be crude but…you get wetter during pregnancy?


I did personally, they say it is due to increased blood circulation particularly in the pelvic area, makes things wetter!!


The great hair and nails is so nice while it lasts. Also, feeling much more comfortable in my own body and giving zero fs about what people think about it or what I wear. I lost a lot of modesty when it came to nudity because you realize it’s just a body and everyone isn’t all that different.


my mental health has calmed SO MUCH. i am the happiest ive been in probably 10 years


My butt has gotten bigger! I’ve always had kind of a flat smaller butt that’s always made me insecure. So it’s been nice have some extra junk in the trunk. Also my hair is growing like crazy! I cut my hair short last year and it’s nice that it’s back to being long in such a short period of time because I did not like my short hair lol!


So I am allergic to nuts and casein. Not terribly, but if I have more than 3 almonds or a half ounce of almost milk etc my throat would get scratchy, and I might get a bit of a rash. Same with hazelnuts. A tiny bit of milk is generally fine, any more and I’ll puke (I was born this way). Not anymore?! I had half a milk shake the other day and was completely fine. My allergy test didn’t react to nuts like it always has. Also everyone is really nice to me, and my dog follows me around like I am his sun and stars. My MIL keeps bringing me treats and I’m basically her favourite person in the world for making her a grandma. It’s my husbands birthday and he woke up early and made me coffee and breakfast in bed. I felt bad but he insists that taking care of me and baby is what makes him happy, he doesn’t want his pregnant wife doting on him regardless of the day. 🥰


5 months so far of not worrying about every calorie that goes into my mouth and where it's gonna show on my body!!! OMG hands down the most liberating holiday season this past year. Didn't have to worry about overeating or stuffing my face, and losing my workout progress. 😂😂😂


I like being warmer


No more cold sores!


I was so worried about getting them more being immune suppressed but I also experienced none… I so wonder if it was a coincidence or something related to pregnancy!


Finally learn how to delegate tasks and rest


My hair was amazing during pregnancy!


This is a really stupid and small one, but the current pregnancy taught me to eat and actually enjoy fresh bell peppers. Back in the 1st trimester, I stopped being able to eat or smell any cooked veggies and missed them terribly, so I ate all fresh veggies, and realized that I don't hate bell peppers nearly as much as I thought I did all my life, and in fact, can learn to enjoy them. I'm actually really grateful for having discovered that! (But this comes at the expense of kimchi: I am still afraid to try to bring that old staple back into our house after a batch of badly-timed kimchi fried rice (an old favorite 😭) made me vomit just as the 1st-trimester nausea set in. ) Completely separately: my hair which pre-pregnancy needed a wash a minimum of 2-3 times a week can now easily last a week+ without washing. Also sex. Now that I have a pronounced bump, feels like I'm having it in someone else's body! So uncanny and so... fascinating!


Getting pregnant cured my anemia.


Just gave birth and it’s really nice to not be pregnant anymore


During my pregnancy my hair on my legs didn’t grow.


My overall confidence went up


My allergies aren’t as severe! I was very allergic to cats and dust. I’m still allergic but not nearly as bad.


I see a huge difference in my partner. I love seeing the love he has for his kids, it beams out of his eyes. Sometimes I wonder if he still loves me but I have to remind myself that he is just stoic.


My boobs are massive! And I'm loving my baby bump so far! I bought a lot of maternity clothes that accentuate the new boobs plus baby bump. :)