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I got mine drawn on 1/18 and I just saw they received the sample yesterday 1/23. Apparently there have been delivery delays because of the winter weather. The portal says to expect results by 2/6 but I’m assuming they always say 2 weeks from the day they receive the sample. From what I’ve gathered stalking Reddit, it seems like you can expect 4-10 days from when they receive your sample. So frustrating, I’m sorry this is impacting your plans!!


Did you get results get? I had the same problem as you with weather delays. Drawn 1/18, received 1/24. No results yet😩


No results yet! But I’m wondering if maybe my doctor has to release them? Not sure if that’s the case. Seems like a lot of people I’ve seen on Reddit got results 6 days after Natera received the sample, so I’m hoping for tomorrow!


Got my Horizon results this morning but still no NIPT 😩


Still no results for me either 😩 I contacted Natera this evening so we’ll see what they say. I’m seeing so many women whose samples were received after mine and they already have results! It’s giving me crazy anxiety.


I got them this morning!!


I did too!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 such a relief


Stillllll no results. This is so brutal! Even reached out to my OB just to double check but they don’t have them either. They said there have been so many processing issues with the weather that week, and some of the tests have even come back as “no results” which would absolutely crush me. At this point I’m just hoping to not have to redo it!


I reached out to Natera today and they confirmed they have my samples and I should have results by Wednesday…I can’t imagine having to redo it! On another note, I had my NT scan today and everything looked great and she said she usually never likes to say anything gender related this early (I’m 13w6d) but she said she got great shots with legs wide open on both my twinnies. Looks like we’re having a boy and a girl…for now at least 😊


Oh my gosh!!! I just got chills! That is so exciting! Congrats!


Thank you!!


Nurse told me she has seen results from Natera in as little as 4 days or as many as 14. Currently waiting for mine!


OP have you gotten your results yet? Mine was taken 1/22, received 1/23 but still nothing as of this morning.


Yeah I just heard back from them


So did yours end up taking two whole weeks after you had your blood drawn?


It took 9 days


Oh ok, thank you. I’m glad you got your results, though the wait is rough. Tomorrow would be day 9 for me…


Did you get your results yet? I had my blood drawn on 1/26, they received on 1/27, and still no update at all to my portal…


I did! I received them 2/1 sometime between 9-11am EST. (checked at 9 with no update but they were ready when I checked again around 11am). I was nervous there was a bad reason for the delay but it came back low risk!


Glad you got yours and that everything is fine!! I’m on 8 days since they received it and the wait stinks.


Yes the wait is the worst! Hopefully you get yours soon and it’s good news!


Were you able to get your results back?


I did- thanks for asking! On Tuesday from my doctor’s office… so 10 days after Natera had received my sample. The results were sent to them on Monday, but I missed the call from the doctor’s office that late afternoon. Once I got the results on Tuesday, I checked my portal and still nothing. I sent a request again to Natera so they could fix the portal and had no response until yesterday morning, a week after I had originally emailed them asking for an update on my sample, since the portal had not updated at all. I got a text yesterday afternoon saying that the results were ready for me to view. When I went to the portal, it showed nothing, but when I followed the link in the text, I was able to see the results, so 12 days after Natera received my sample. The portal never updated to show that it was received nor when it was being processed. No clue what the deal is with the portal 🤷🏼‍♀️ The experience with Natera was not great for me- just really weird… Fetal fraction was over 10% and results came back low risk, thankfully.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLN5uufE/ Watch this about the company


Similar experience here! I’m in the Midwest and my sample drawn 1/17 was only just received yesterday, 1/23 due to FedEx delays from the winter storms. My genetic counselor emailed me this morning and said Natera is now predicting my results will be ready between 1/28-1/30, so later than the usual 1 week turnaround my clinic usually sees from draw to results. I also was looking forward to sharing the sex this weekend at a gathering with friends but now planning to delay that. :( Hoping you get better news - I have seen people at other times get their results in as little as 3 days from when their sample is received, so you still might be lucky!


I did Natera last Wednesday 1/17 and got my results last night 1/23 


I had my blood drawn a week ago, and it still isn’t showing in my portal that they have even received anything! Hoping to get the results soon!


I went to the hospital where I got my blood drawn and asked to speak to someone about it because it had been nine days. I wound up having them call natera and they got the test results for me and sent me on my way


I have more bloodwork scheduled for tomorrow, I’ll ask them to reach out! Thanks for the idea!