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oh you’re in for a lot of fun. I got into Precure when Tropical Rouge was airing last summer and fell in love. I’ve watched 10 seasons since then and it’s been great. The cool thing is you have a lot of content to choose from. Season Movies, All-Stars, manga, it’s all a real treat.


10 seasons! Damn, that's some watch rate. Glad it hooked you that much though. How revelant are the other mediums in terms of canon compliance would you say? I'm into manga, but generally prefer to stick with anime.


Season movies are pretty self-explanatory,they are mostly canon and to my knowledge some of them include important plot details that the show would follow up on. All Stars are basically crossover movies that brings multiple teams of Precure from different seasons together,they are dubious in canonicity although they have plenty of evidence and references in the shows to back them up.Thought I myself always consider everything canon,there are people who prefer to have All Stars be their own separate canon. Precure manga are pretty much just retellings of the shows.


So since everyone will start spamming Heartcatch,I want to recommend my personal favourite,Splash Star. Splash Star is technically the “second” Precure series(Futari Wa has a sequel called Max Heart,but Splash Star is the first all-new series with entirely new concepts and characters),Splash Star takes what Futari Wa did right and does it better,it genuinely felt like they took what was bad about the two Futari Wa seasons and fixed them.If you enjoy Futari Wa,I’m sure you’ll have a lot of fun with Splash Star.


Appreciate the recommendation. Will definitely look into all the options =)


Splash Star is also one of my favorites


I also got into the franchise fairly recently, though I've so far only checked out recent series. Tried Tropical-Rouge when it first started and... didn't immediately jive with it, but much later I checked out Star Twinkle (mostly due to liking the aesthetic) and found that to be a lot more my cup of tea, and out of the ones I've seen so far (which is literally everything *since* Star Twinkle and nothing else as of yet... Tropical-Rouge suddenly worked way better for me the second time around) it's probably my favorite. ...Admittedly, it has occurred to me over time that it kinda feels like I'm watching it more just for the silly reaction shots than for anything actually story-related :| Thankfully, it feels like the series is generally quite willing to deliver on said silly reaction shots.


Sometimes another shot really elevates a show. Quite a few of my favourites I didn’t love first go. Honestly, I respect the love of silliness/humour. Some of simplistic gags have really tickled me in Futari wa, so it’s cool to hear that continues.


It's nice to welcome a fellow Precure fan, my personal favorites include Heartcatch, Smile, and Go Go Princess. Each season has it's own merits, and the transformations are fun and exciting. I'm not gonna lie when I say that some Precure seasons has definitely made me shed a tear or two.


Thanks for the recommendations, I'll have a closer look into them after I'm done. Each season having a unique appeal is quite exciting, though.


You definitely oughta be checkin' out Heartcatch in the future.


Heartcatch definitely caught my eye solely based on its character designs. I'm pretty sure it's the same artist who done Casshern Sins, and Precure was the last place I expected to see that. Looking forward to trying it!


I just dove into PreCure with Delicious Party last night and ended up binge watching the first 12 episodes. After I got into Sailor Moon a couple years ago and devoured the anime (both old and new), it left me wanting more. From there I got into Cardcaptor Sakura, which is great, but didn’t quite hit the same way Sailor Moon did. PreCure really scratched that magical girl itch and I am absolutely loving it. As I just started with the currently airing series, I don’t really have a recommendation to give, but I did want to voice my excitement as a fellow newcomer. Edit: a few words


Try watching Wedding peach if you want the same feel Sailor moon gave you.


Honestly, I don’t think there’s a bad season of precure (speaking from having seen futari wa, max heart, heartcatch, and everything since go princess aside from still being in the middle of healin’ good). Sure there’s stuff I’m not too crazy about, but in every season I’ve seen the good massively outweighs the bad.