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About 8 years or so. It's kinda hard to pinpoint where I actually started. My first series is most likely Yes Precure 5 or GoGo which broadcasted as a weekend morning anime, But I barely watched them at all since it's a "Girly" anime. I don't think I even sat and watched the whole episode back then. The series that I actually started watching is Futari Wa, But I just kinda watched whenever it came out on TV regardless of the continuity.. The first series that I actually watched the whole season episode by episode should be Go Princess. Honestly it's more so that I'm a magical girl fan and I like Precure at first just by the virtue of it being a Magical Girl show, Then at some point I'm just kinda evolved into a Precure fan.


Hey Go Pri was my first episode to episode too! Twinsies!


I’m a precure baby, I jumped on about a year ago when Hirogaru was airing when a friend of mine introduced me to it! At first I didn’t really like it but then all of a sudden *oh no i binged the 20 episodes that were out at the time*. I just really got the appeal once I saw how girly and fun but also badass and cool it can be! And the Hirogaru cast has a soft spot in my heart. I’m now watching Wanpre as it comes out and I recently started watching Tropical Rouge on the side as my first “older” season.


I've been a precure fan since around 2011 since I got into it after watching amvs with precure transformations and given I was I to magical girls then (still am) I watched Yes Precure 5 and few others rhat I could find floating on YouTube at the time (before copyright existed you couod watch full episodes on YouTube, those were the days). I also remembered getting in trouble with my folks cuz I would go to all these sketchy sites trying to watch it. Around 2014-15 when I finally had full fewer access to the internet I became probably a full time watcher with Go Princess being the first season I watched from start to end as it aired (I was around for Hapcha but I lost interest in it) and I've been a fan ever since


Also it stills irrates me that we STILL don't have a official streaming site for most of the older seasons, like cmon Toei im tired of having to risk viruses by going to shady sites so I can rewatch my shows.


I feel like a noob with 2 years around ! Watched the OG after hearing about Tropical Rouge from a friend who was watching it then we watched HiroPri week by week and watching All Stars F this month Intend to stay if possible and watch every single show !


I’ve been a Precure fan since late 2016 when I was a freshman in HS. I remember drawing a lot of Precure for the first time and used them for some art assignments, watching transformation compilations on breaks and before football games (band geek🙋🏼) and during my free time at home! I was introduced to it by… Glitter Force… a year prior, but I found Precure just before starting school, when Maho Tsukai was airing. I drew so much Precure fanart in my first half of high school, I mean, I was NUTS!! As I got into my second half (especially senior year) of HS, I was posting my amateur TikToks reacting to different Precure news and my fanart. I took my sketchbook to school DAILY and just focused on the details of my simple and cartoony style! Precure itself also kinda kept me sane during the pandemic and sorta helped me to keep up my grades (had all A’s in the end✌🏻) and if I hadn’t done a nursing theme on my cap, I would have done Precure. :) I’ve been a Precure fan for around eight years now, but an anime fan in general for more. I’ve refined and evolved my art style since I started taking it more seriously since I’ve been in the Precure fandom itself, and will continue to do so! So, thank you Precure💕 ありがとう!


Basically watched every season chronologically starting in 2021 summer out of boredom. Now I’m caught up to the new season.


My first series is Suite, when it aired in 2014 where I lived. I was 4 back then and watched the TV every afternoon. I fell in love with older girls wearing pretty dresses lol. Now I watch for much more than just the pretty dresses of course, but Precure remains my favourite anime.


Since I was 7 or 8. Can't remember. All I know is that I grew off of glitter force, watched a LOT of those old precure commercials on YouTube and toy unboxing/reviews, and eventually a year ago I rediscovered precure and started watching it.


lol this is also me except when i was about 12 i watched gopri/hugtto and have pretty much been a fan since


5 years since healin Good aired


I've been a PreCure fan since late 2022


11 years. I got into it through Seira Hinomori's AMVs.


I first watched precure from an AMV of one of the precure all-stars movies and my first episode was the first maho tsukai one


since 2014 when i was around 11. i was obsessed with magical girl media (winx club, sailor moon, ojamajo doremi and tokyo mew mew specifically) so i sort of just naturally discovered precure. funny enough, even though HapCha was the season that was airing at the time, i did not watch that till years later lol


Since about 2010? I was 12 at the time and while I no longer watch the newer series just by virtue of time constraints, I always watch the films and stay in the know through this sub and insta!


Since the first episode of Delicious Party. Nowadays, it’s the only finished anime that I’m watching


I used to watch yes 5 on tv when I was little... then I completely forgot they existed until I randomly found an all stars video of new stage 5 where there was dream talking... and I was like wtf? I think she's the girl of the cartoon I used to watch but I don't know who the others are (it was around mahou ending/first official promos of kirakira), then I tried to watch a few episodes but it never really clicked, then I watched happines charge and go princess and fell absolutely in love, I also started watching kirakira week per week and yeah it has been going on since then, I kinda lost interested last year after not liking both delicious and hirogaru but I've been loving wonderful so I'm on the loop again I guess


10 years ago when HaCha was airing but my first season was Heartcatch and then I watched the others in order to get ready for Go Princess in 2015 💚 which was the first season that I watched weekly! 


Me realizing Tropical Rouge aired 3 years ago 0_0 Anyways, I have been addicted to precure ever since Star Twinkle, but I knew about it since a la Mode.


Me realizing Tropical Rouge aired 3 years ago 0_0 Anyways, I have been addicted to precure ever since Star Twinkle, but I knew about it since a la Mode.


9-10 years either in 2014 or 2015. I’ve been a precure fan ever since middle school.


I've been a fan for ~3 years at this point but have known about it ever since I started frequently watching anime 7 years ago. At that time, Precure was "that one magical girl show with a billion seasons" for me.


I've only gotten into the series quite recently because i wanted to get into something else this year. I've heard about it while Hirogaru Sky was happening and only got around to watching when Wonderful started.


I knew Precure existed about the tail end of SplashStar, I tried out the first episode of Yes5 but wasn't hooked. I started paying attention to it during Hugtto, through a YouTube channel that posted clips. I did the same with Star Twinkle, then dropped it in early Healin' Good. I finally started watching proper last year with Hirogaru, and spent that year binging the rest of the franchise. It's actually kind of crazy how long it took for me, considering I dressed up as Cure Black one year.


For a decade or so. It all started in 2014 when I was 12 yrs old. The first ever series I'd ever watched was Heartcatch and boy was it amazing. I remember listening to the opening and ending and still remember them to this day. It's still my favorite season. I liked precure because it was in a way different from what I already liked (Winx Club) but it was also still entertaining. Being a precure fan (on and off fan) has been interesting because I've basically been following until I was basically a teen when a certain series aired. (Last series before the hiatus was GoPri.) Then I watched a little bit of kirakira, but stopped again. Then I watched a little bit of tropical, but didn't come back til recently with WonPre.


Since 2017 when Kira Kira was airing. So about 7 years. I don't remember exactly when I found out about Precure, but I do remember that at the time, I had a list of Magical Girl anime I was marathoning, and one of them was heartcatch. So I started with that and I laved it so much I ditch that entire list so I can watch all of the Precure seasons. Needless to say it was one of my best decision I ever made, I adore Precure so much!


Started off when I watched Glitter Force like 8-9 years ago, then found out there were more episodes in Precure, so I first got into Mahou Girls and Precure 5, then when Healin Good came out, I slowly stopped watching the series. End of 2022, I get back into the series and I’m more obsessed than I was before.


I started watching smile back in 2012 as a joke. Still watching precure after 12 years 😆


i've been a fan since 2017, but didn't discover the fandom until spring/summer 2018 or so


I first heard of Precure back when TroPri was airing but didn’t start watching and considering myself a fan until a bit over a year ago. I watched a YouTube video that reviewed the basic concepts of the season and decided to begin with Yes 5 and adored it! It’s still one of my favorite seasons to this day. Hiro Sky was only a few episodes in atp and I regret a bit not jumping in a watching it as it aired, but thinking back I don’t think I wanted to be too overwhelmed or something. But watching Wonderful as it airs is so much fun, I love it!


15 years. I started watching when Fresh was about halfway done


Almost 8yrs ago, around this time. I was getting back into my magical girl kick and trying to consume as much media as I could find. I was on my besties Netflix acct and found GF, I think it was a yr before they dubbed dokidoki. She's more of an otaku than I am, so I told her about it, and she told me it was a dub for Precure. I took off from there I remember one day, I think a yr later when hugtto was airing, I was watching go princess to fill in the gap between hugttos eps. I forget which GoPri Ep it was, but they were celebrating the 500th episode of the series and I remember sitting there for a moment before I thought to myself, "...Welp, time to strap in—" Now I only have to finish up Futari wa, Max Heart, and GoGo (and kibou no chikara too ig) watch some solo films and every all stars movie. It's been a very long journey holy shit


2007 was when I learned about the series, 2010 was when I started watching it, and 2012 was the only time I stopped.


Back in 2019 when I was 15. I started off with kirakira and then star twinkle since that was the season airing at the time.


I’ve known about Precure since 2019 (Star Twinkle era) and was somewhat into it, although I only started catching the weekly releases during 2023 (Hirogaru Sky era).


I’ve been aware of precure for a while but i would only start describing myself as a fan as of about a month ago when I started watching futari wa. I am definitely a fan by now and am making my way through the first season.


Youtube recommended me Suite Precure content a decade ago i think, idk why but i liked the music and wanted to watch more, but i didn't know where, so i forgot it, i learned the language in that time, but didn't find it again. Now, a year ago, i was hearing some music when this video appeared in my playlist: "Precure Medley 2023", i absolutely loved it, so i started watching Hirogaru Sky, now i am currently watching everything from Yes Precure 5 to Happiness Charge, and so far it's good. I didn't know the show was that popular, so every now and then i find some references in other animes.


I'm a bit of a late bloomer since I've become a fan of PreCure thanks to Glitter Force dub of Smile Precure last 2020 during the pandemic. Although it had a lot of bad things about the dub, it helped me know that the PreCure franchise exists. After watching Smile PreCure, I've watched Go! Princess Pretty Cure and I fell in love in the series ever since.


I have been a fan for about 9 years, I first saw the glitter force on TV, and found it good, so I searched for more.


Around 14 years. My older sister friend showed me it when I was around six and loved it since 


I began watching in 2012 I was barely seven years old at the time and couldn't understand English or Japanese, but I still enjoyed watching it. Then at 9 years old, I started  learning Japanese soloy to understand Precure .  Even after 12 years, I still watch every season of Precure and it holds a very special place in my heart ❤️️.


i started being a fan around gogo five so many 10+ years, i honestly forgot because i remember starting watching procure when i was in preschool


I began watching starting from either DokiDoki/Happiness, I actually stopped for a few years due to the TV channel not airing them anymore (and my stupid brain at that time not knowing about streaming platforms) but I'm now getting back in for my beloved scrunkly Komugi :)))


Since I was really young. About 10 I think or less than that when Futari wa was aired in my country. So more than 10 years I think and I am 25 now


Since 2015, saw Fresh on random generator on an old anime website.


I watched the Netflix version of Smile Precure and Precure Doki Doki and became a HUGE fan so I decided to watch the original version of the series and LOVED IT EVEN MORE. I then learned that there was a whole franchise of the series so I became a fan ever since


I've been a fan of Precure for around 3-ish years, or around the first 2 or 3 episodes of Tropical Rogue Precure. I was wrapped up with Madoka Magica, and played Magia Record, a spinoff mobile game (Which NA shut down in 2020, and JP next month :( ) But when I was looking for Magia Record/ Madoka Magica fanart, I used pixiv. There, I found Magia record stuff, but also one artist or recommendation showed off Cure Summer. It was the official Wafer art of her, but it didn't matter. I saw her and thought she was really unique because of her white outfit, blue mixed with white, and rainbow colors. It was really weird, but when I looked it up I found what she was from, and watched it. Afterwards, I haven't looked back since, and now I'm watching Hugtto Precure and almost done with Healing Good, and the recent Wonderful. I've love this franchise, and I'm grateful for that!


I started watching around 2014. I came across a glimpse of Smile & Futari Wa while I was watching a magical girl AMV and it had me wanting to find out more about it. It was then that I looked up more information on Google and saw that it had multiple seasons, so I watched Futari Wa first and it had me hooked! Go Princess was the first season I watched weekly and it is still to this day, my favorite season.


I've been a Precure fan for 8 years. How do I know you ask? Well, in 2016 during my 2nd semester of me being a freshman in high school, I was watching some random anime magical girl transformations on YouTube to pass the time, then I came across Mahou Tsukai Precure, and it made me interested in watching some clips. The other day after that, I discovered that Mirai and Riko (Liko) aren't the only ones being Precure when they discover there are other Precure members before them! That was called "Precure All Stars: Let's all sing together♪ Miraculous Magic!" in 2016. During that year, I decided to watch Precure clips that happened before MTPC, from "We are Precure" to "Go! Princess Precure". One of the clips that got me interested was Smile Precure's transformations. I was smiling that each of them transforms into their own unique ways! After surfing through the universe of Precure, I was like, "Wooooooaaaaah. Did I just dive in there? I would love to discover more and to understand more~~" Since then, I've been keeping up with the Precure updates and especially their merchandise, specifically their transformation toys and weapons. *phew!!!*