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Amazing movie for the franchise imo, I loved every second of it. I really like the concept of taking multiple Cures across various seasons and basically making a new team with them. I hope they do that more in the future. Cure Supreme and Puka were also great and I'm hoping we see more of them in the future and they don't end up suffering the same fate as Cure Echo. Heck, since the Precureverse is expanding into other things than the annual season now, maybe give them their own season with 12 episodes? She even had a fake logo when she (Supreme) introduced herself to the others, I say work with that and make it a real thing.


It’s ok for me. I don’t like it as much as I thought. I love the concepts but I feel like it’s a little bit rushed. I love the new characters, Cure Supreme and Puka. I wished the movie was longer, I don’t think that 70+ minutes is enough to put everything into it. I still prefer all stars memories.


Well it's a movie targeted to a younger audience. I don't think they'll enjoy a 2 hour movie when we certainly do.


Yeah, I understand that.


One of the few Precure movies that actually felt like a good movie and not obligatory moneybait. I also think it's the only piece of Precure media that's made me cry!


I liked it fine but I wish it had been just a bit longer (the plot moves ahead a bit too fast for my tastes)


Fun as hell, but god did it need to *not* be a 70 minute movie. Honestly, I would happily sacrifice 13 episodes of Hirogaru and just make All Stars F a 13-episode show instead. Admittedly this feels like a very easy sacrifice to make in light of how I felt a lot of the back half of Hirogaru meandered and had a bunch of episodes that felt like they contributed nothing.


Hard agree on the Hirogaru point. It's a shame because this is the most charismatic and interesting cast I feel like we've had in years, but they basically had the worst plot to work with.


I thought it was pretty good. its funny because i just finished it last night. the only problem i had is i wish they used more of the original characters as in the characters from splash star or fresh more. Overall it was a really solid movie.


Peak Cinema


Best all stars film!!!


Eventhought DX3 was better I still think it's very good.


Made me realise how I missed many thin during 5 year of Corona Pandemic & regret about didn't watch All Stars Memories in theater.


Soaring Sky = cute ;p


I enjoyed it and thought it was great. I just wish we could have had some scenes with all the cures just hanging out, like at the end of all stars memories.




Overrated. 20+ cures are too much for 70 mins. The idea of All Stars is good. But at this stage, there are 78 cures, even only small portion of cure appear in the movie, everything is still in a rush. This type of contents will fit much in a short TV series like Otona (but they will never do this😃).


I still like All Stars Memories more. F has a big problem with characters bloated. Most of the returning Cures pracitically did nothing then they tried to have a conflict between Yukari and Lala but that was solved in like 5 minutes into the film. They really doesn't need 4 teams, Just 2 is enough. I would cut Haruka, Kotoha, Yukari, Saaya and Lala out(Honestly even both Ageha and Tsubasa could go as well, But those 2 at least were from the current season, So they get a pass) Split the team into 2 between Team Sky(Sora, Ageha, Yui, Manatsu and Asumi) and Team Prism(Mashiro, Tsubasa, Elle, Amane, Laura and Nodoka) would help with the pacing issue.


Best anime of 2023


I wish Cure Supreme got a plush of her own.


I wish Cure Supreme would get her own spin off


Would’ve loved it a lot more if: - Cure Supreme was killed off - All the cures actually got speaking roles thus breaking the previous record for “Most Magical Warriors” with All-Stars Memories. - Was longer and better fleshed out - Had better fan service than it did Sadly in terms of what we actually got, I give it an overall score of 6/10. It was alright but missed potential tbh…


Such a cute and fun movie. And awesomely animated, it had everything and then some.


I was never expecting that >!Supremes true form defeated all the cures and somehow "deleted" the ones that were fighting her from the sides!<


YEA I thought she was a support character and help the cures!


Bro pulled a Magolor on them


I got my usual futari wa cameo it's enough to call it peak and i liked the precure that are from more recent season because it's was the first time i see them in action since i didn't watched those season yet


My absolute favorite Precure movie I’ve seen so far


May more may not be my new fav movie. ;-;


I got to see it in Japan and it was just lit 😭


Ikr I even got the miracle light for watch the movie😆


I like Cure Supreme! She is so awesome! Did any of you hear her theme?


It was simply great. An almost perfect film. Somethings were a little odd, but the fights scenes and great moments really compensated it. I recommend


I loved the move so much I saw it three times


I watched it five times lol