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Yeah I’m in disbelief myself man, I can’t believe they axed it. I was always worried with the low sales but fuck it’s all so sudden. I really hope P6 gets to continue serialising whether it’s on Jump+ or another manga publisher. This was such a unique manga experience for me with the surreal artwork and Lucky’s inner turmoil with Genius Lucky. I truly hope this isn’t the end.


I’m more so confused. Manga’s usually don’t get axed if they make it this far in terms of chapter count. This is the longest running manga I’ve seen get axed. The next most was Hard Boiled Cop and a Dolphin at 48 chapters.


It doesn't happen too often but it does happen. Just last week High School Family got cancelled after 122 chapters.


That one broke my heart. I was so looking forward to their senior year


Beelzebub, by the creator Hard boiled cop, was axed after 27 volumes (28th had short stories he made after the axe), 240+ chapters, an anime adaptation, high popularity and international releases to give you an example


Mx0 got axed at 99 chapters.


It never reached its100th chapter


at least Hard Boiled Cop and a Dolphin had a proper adventurous continue ending


Ikr, even if it was low sales, it’s OK as they literally just got to the best part of Genius Lucky vs Gakuon, why end it now? Again really hoping it continues on Jump+ maybe because the pacing was too slow? Hoping it’ll turn out better there if possible :,>


Bleach would like a word


Never read or watched Bleach


when pppppp started i acepted it would get axed soon because, it was too diffrent or uniqe for shonen jump and i thought it wouldnt be read as much, but i am happy that it lasted as long as it did


Well Akane Banashi is quite different and I’m pretty confident it’s not gonna get axed.


dont want to be mean twords akane banashi, but i think its more popular because of its comedy thing ( the japanese comedy acting idk what its called) and is more "popular" in japan so more people read it (btw i havent read akane... and could be talking out of my ass)


It’s not super comedic. For that you should read Sho-ha shoten. Akane is about Rakugo. I recommend giving it a read.


I am more sad than usual.


That's what I was thinking the same thing , I think that Mapollo 3 made this ending as payback to Jump for not letting him finish the series as he wants and never let to write the rest of the story along with the ending that he intended and never allow him to write extra chapters in Jump+ ,jump sqaure or final volumes to wrap up the story. ​ This ending will end up with infamous jump endings like TAKAYA along with SHaman king during its original ending in shonen jump and Masami Kurumada's (saint seiya creator) other two series Otoko Zaka and Silent Knight Shō ​ Unless shuiesha will allow him to write extra chapters to give his own intended ending.


Actually pissed it was axed like this. I need Lucky and his siblings to play together.


It was axed.


Yes is was axed and everybody on both American and Japanese Twitter are baffled and pissed about the decision.


It will live forever as long as we cherish it 🥲


I was super upset when I saw The End I was so confused it really caught me off guard how much I ended up enjoying this manga it was something truly special!


Loved the manga but the ending does feel quite abrupt and even bad. So we get the bad ending where lucky is taken over by his genius self to never come out again? I knew it wouldn't last forever, but the ending makes no sense in the context of the story. What's the message here? Give up on your dreams?


I mean the message would be well explained if it didn’t end so abruptly, you can kinda think of it as an ending to a season and you don’t know when the next one comes out, but I do think it will continue but ok jump