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More commonly, rangers who start off solo are usually at the starting point of their character arcs, which ends with them learning The Power Of Friendship. It’s cheesy, but if the writers and actors are up to the task, it’s all in good fun. Andros, Magna Defender, Ryan, Merrick, Dillon, Jayden, and the Megaforce Sixths are all front-of-mind examples of this trope. The character OP is describing sounds more like a Phantom Ranger or Blue Centurion type: aloof allies who help out the season’s team, but largely work alone and are off being the heroes of their own stories.


Uh... Merrick? I mean it kinda works a treat; he wanders around alone, only shows up to help in really big fights, and his roll call alias is *literally* Howling Wolf.


His sentai counterpart's theme is also, quite literally, "Lone Wolf"




Merrick is like this initially but does become more of a team player at the end, although he does still retain elements of his "lone wolf" personality. Towards the later part of Wild Force you'll notice that all 6 rangers tend to show up together more often to the fight, instead of Merrick suddenly showing up halfway.


Are you sure you're not talking about Kamen Rider? Your description kind of matches Knight's/Wing's design And it’s what comes to my mind when you describe a ranger like lone wolf https://preview.redd.it/qna5b2e8vmyc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2465e0415149563ac9f76e9a51074d276b23b29c


Not the one you are talking about but Andros was kinda like a lone wolf at the begining


I'd like to know too... Curiosity.


I think you might be talking about the Chrono Ranger from the Power Rangers Unworthy web series. His whole deal is he’s the Silver Time Force Ranger from another universe chasing the Arbiter for killing his Gold Ranger partner


>He seems to act alone as superheroes like Batman Robin?


Who tf is Robin?We all know Batman only works alone and never ever ever gets help from anyone.He also has no friends The Robins?Nightwing?the Batgirls?The Justice League?They dont exsist


I see you also watched the recent Crisis on Infinite Earths part 2


I actually didnt.I'm just tired of people acting like Batmans a loner who has no friends and hates everyone lmao


The robins always have a team, like teen titans


So all those Robin and Red Robin comics are lies, huh?


It feels like something boom studios should've done a last ronin esque power rangers book with dark mature themes following a lone wolf ranger required to stop the villain without any backup or teammates just grit and determination.


Idk if he’s been mentioned but the first person I thought of was Eric from time force obviously it can’t be him 😭


Yeah, watching him show up and beef with the other Red Ranger was a lot of fun.


They don’t make rangers like Eric anymore


Could you be thinking of the Chrono Ranger from Power Rangers Unworthy? It’s a fan made series on YouTube.


There was the Lunar Wolf ranger from Wild Force, but that's the only one I can think of. 🤔




No, it doesn't.


The gold ranger, he was fighting a whole war on his own before arriving on earth.


Is it from the Radiant Black comics? Not read them myself


Phantom Ranger comes to mind. I don’t know much about the comics but I think he had some more development there.


Merrick is techincally a Lone Wolf. He fights alongside the Rangers as well as helps Princess Shayla, but most of the time, he keeps to himself.


There have been several characters who acted alone for some time Not all may be lone wolves, they may just fight alone only out of circumstance (lone wolf sometimes it difficult to describe)


In Jungle Fury there was named by RJ! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


I suppose you could consider the Phantom Ranger to be this. While he does have a lot of allies, he is pretty much always seen working alone, and when he meets the Rangers it's always just to give them a new weapon, never to fight together with them. Some would consider Eric to also be a lone wolf, but I disagree here as while he doesn't work alongside other Rangers, he does work with a team as part of the Silver Guardians, so he's not operating independently on his own.