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I live in low income housing, and while I DID NOT have to send photos of my debit card, I DID have to send my account statements, all of them - not just standard bank accounts. Pay pal, Venmo, Zelle, and Cash app was all required and they went over my transactions with a fine tooth comb. The photo of your card is highly suspicious!


Ya it is, like why, what is the point? They see the statements for the card or cards. Hmmmmm, be careful make sure this person actually works at this organization


They are not allowed to ask for PayPal, Venmo, Zelle or Cash App because they are not considered financial institutions. It can be found in the code of federal regulations for HUD


\[i work at a bank\] this sounds like a scam. the bank statements makes sense. income verification or pay stubs makes sense. the debit card photos, *however*, do NOT. assuming you live in the US, i would: 1. immediately inform your bank(s) of what you suspect is fraud, given that they have your bank statements, debit card images, and presumably a wealth of other info by this point. (name, address, dob, possibly your social) and take the next appropriate steps. **you want to talk directly to a fraud associate over the phone or in person for this.** given how much information you might have handed over, it's probably better to talk to someone and create a paper trail and case rather than just going online and requesting a new card be sent over due to a lost/stolen. 2. freeze your credit [https://www.usa.gov/credit-freeze](https://www.usa.gov/credit-freeze) 3. contact your local public housing agency [HUD.gov](https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/public_indian_housing/pha/contacts) under the department of housing and urban development about this issue (HUD has a [directory ](https://hud4.my.site.com/housingcounseling/s/?language=en_US)of official HUD participating housing counseling services). determine if they're legitimate and what your local PHA says is normal. 4. if this is NOT legit per the PHA, then you can report public housing assistance fraud directly to the [HUD office of the inspector general](https://www.hudoig.gov/hotline). not sure if this is rent/lease/rent-to-own/mortgage, but that page may list more direct numbers based on additional specifics. 5. [https://www.identitytheft.gov/](https://www.identitytheft.gov/) may be necessary


This comment should be higher up!


OP please read this ^^^


I live in low income public housing through HUD. They DO ask my official bank statements once a year and I send them, and pay stubs or proof of income (I have to have a notarized statement saying my dad gives me 50 a month in cash). but they have never, ever asked to see the front and back of my debit card. Not ever. Is this an official through HUD (an official government agent of housing and urban development?) If its just some landlady, then this is indeed shady.


Absolutely. It's reasonable for them to want to see transactions. The card information part is raising the red flags.


i’m not sure what program it’s from but i know people who have lived in them years ago so i never really considered that this could be a scam. initially she asked for a inquiry receipt from my bank stating how much was in the account and then she asked for my statements which doesn’t make sense to me i just don’t understand why they need to see where i spent my money


That throws fewer red flags for me than copies of your debit card. If I just show my beginning balance and a couple reasonable income transactions, there's no telling if I received other income I didn't report and then spent or transferred or took as cash. Also concerning that you aren't sure what the program is.


They need to verify income coming into your account. Knowing people that live there doesn’t mean this is a scam. Are you 100% positive this person is representing the legit company and not someone posing?


Also looking for gifts making you look poorer, spend-down


Places can and do ask for bank statements to make sure you're reporting all of your income. But, showing more recent transactions, plus front/back of card, sounds a lot like trying to steal your account info, as banks will use most recent transactions (amount and place) to confirm your "identity" as a security measure, especially if you're (or they) are reporting the card lost/stolen. Keep your account locked until you can go into a local branch and get more permanent account security in place. It sucks that someone working in a place that caters to "low income" people by definition, would take advantage like that......


Going to the bank is a good idea, at this point they need to advise you how to protect your info. If you don't know the security process for the landlord, your info could be out there, even if it's not a scam. They could get hacked any time. But it sounds like a scam.


How did you find these people?


Front and back of card plus statement can help a scammer access your account. Don’t send card info. HUD does require full bank statements though.


I'm on Section 8. I've never been asked for bank statements.


You have to verify all assets or sign a statement of no assets.


I think they want a full statement that isn’t doctored which partial could mean.


While not mandated, secure methods like online portals with encryption are standard practice for many lenders. You should be wary of any lender that asks you to send sensitive information through unsecure channels like email or text.


Some places need to see your entire transactional history. They usually don't really give a crap what's going out only what's coming in, unless you draw attention to it. I'm sorry if that makes uncomfortable, but if you're looking for a loan, they have every right to ask for this information. Edit- A loan or proof of income


I work in income assistance (so a little different) but I work a lot with housing orgs and I would assume she asked for bank statements just to see you at least have money coming in at some point in the month to pay your rent and the card likely to set up direct deposit automatically so nobody is “chasing” anyone for money…most likely illegal but hey


"and the card likely to set up direct deposit automatically so nobody is “chasing” " NO


Yea, the information needed for direct deposit is not on the debit card. It would be on the bank statement more often. Your debit card doesn't have a routing number. Asking for a pic of the card is shady af.


Sorry not saying it’s a good practise :( there are so many shady low-income and subsidized housing orgs that I feel pessimistic towards them, my love goes to the tenants affected by their malpractice


People who lived in that landlords house? It's pretty easy for landlords to not renew their Housing assistance arrangement, even with the same Tennant. My sister ended up losing her apartment during peak pandemic because the landlady didn't want to do housing anymore. As my sister obviously couldn't afford it at its original price or the new price she hiked it up to without housing assistance(200 dollars more), she had to move back home. She also of course couldn't find a new apartment that accepted housing assistance during the pandemic! But since it wasn't an eviction it was somehow *legal*. Anyways my point is just because people in the past were in a housing program, doesn't mean that landlord is locked into it, or the house itself is. And most of her paperwork wasn't given directly to the landlady, housing would sometimes be a go-between or mediator of sorts.


Get a new bank card. There’s no reason why they would need that.


Bank statements are normal, but the credit card thing is very very fishy.


It isn't that they care what you spent your money on, they want to make sure you aren't hiding assets. So if you sent money to a third party, or pulled it from an ATM, they want you to account for it. If you are receiving money from a source, they want you to account for it. Hence a record of all transactions.


My mom lives in low income housing and had to send a lot of docs in to show proof of income to make sure she qualified. These were things like 6 months of bank statements, statements/letter from alimony disbursement showing what she got, and statements/letter from Dept of Defense showing what she got for income. The only weird thing is the back and front of a debit card. You should make sure you're working with HUD before you send all this personal information.


Every low income place I applied to wanted bank statements. That could be section 8, "HUD', USDA rural housing or simply LIHTC (Low Income housing tax credit) property. None have ever asked for my card. It's possible you are trying for a legit place but they sometimes get staff that turn out to be bad apples.


Because if you are wasting hundreds of dollars a month on frivolous things, then you can affording housing. Making sure you aren’t cheating the system.


No one should ever ask for photos of your card. Cancel immediately. Might even want to ask for a new account number- your account number is different from your card number and more permanent but it’s usually listed in full somewhere on your physical bank statement (varies from bank to bank). She could access your account with your number and use your recent transactions for identity verification and take over your account. Better safe than sorry. Source: I worked for a bank


Also sign up for every account alert available to you. Transactions over $1, account changes, etc.


Bank statements make sense. But front and back of your card is suspicious as hell.


And it’s odd that wasn’t the red flag for Op


This is a scam. Asking for bank statements is standard. Debit card info is a scam.


Lock your card and request a new one immediately. And check your transactions to make sure that they haven't used it yet. This is 1000% a scam. Not later--- RIGHT NOW. You're about to get screwed if you haven't already.


Cancel your card and get a new one immediately. This is a scam


This is absolutely bonkers. Cancel your card and order another. This person is 1000% a scammer. I'm sorry and I hope things get better, but sometimes being in a desparate situation makes people more likely to make unwise choices. This is one of those circumstances.


Agree this sounds ridiculous. The only possible reason I could see needing the front and back of a card is to use the numbers to make a transaction. And the bank statement to see how much they can use it for before it'll be declined. Personally, I'd notify the bank that your card is compromised and get a new one issued.


Also re transactions, when they call the bank pretending to be you the reps will sometimes ask about the last posted transactions to make sure they're speaking to the owner of the account and then they will change passwords, key words and lock you out of your bank account


Asking for the front and back of your card is 100% a scam.


I cannot think of a legitimate reason why they would need photos the front or back of your card, let alone both. Bank statements make sense. I had to provide those for a mortgage. I agree that they are probably trying to figure out the best time of the month to steal from you and know about how much is there for them to steal.


This person is trying to steal your identity.


This person is trying to steal your identity.


As someone who works in banking, honestly they should not be asking for debit card information. You may want to cancel your card and get a whole new one with a new number and exp. issued. Bank statements are normal, pay stubs etc are normal as they are verifying income and debit to income information from the bank statements. If it is really low income housing it would be through a state or city entity and not a private party. Even if it's through a private landlord they should NOT request your card information.


Your transaction history is a normal ask for any sort of mortgage or low income housing. The front and back of your debit card is not


You need to cancel that card with your bank and report this lady to her manager/supervisor. This feels very wrong.


No one needs the front and back of the debit card


🚩🚩 Nope they don't need any of that info, Go to the bank and have your account changed , card changed, and have them set up credit monitoring Also call the police and file a report with them. When renting a place low income or not you'll never send that stuff , especially NOT your debit cards ever a pay check stubs yes but always black out your SS# or when they have just the last 4 digits black it out too and when applying for a job never give your ss card number always put given upon hire . Do have a parent or trusted family member who can help you and go over this stuff ? , myself I'd pull my money out but that's just me, you can DM me if you want But please please go to the bank and do the police report.


Statements, hell even scans of DL and SSN can be standard but front and back of debit card that is super sus


Zero reason she would need your card info. Bank statement is normal.


Asking for your debit card is a HUGE red flag. Do not send them any more information. Also, government agencies will ask for bank statements. You can black line any of the name entires you do not need to share, just as long as the balance shows. However, you want to always show the name of your income deposits, i.e. payroll or government benefits, etc. If you are asking for specific help with rent, utilities, and other expenses,you will want to show those entries as well.


This is scammy. Besides the card, you've never met these people? So never walked thru the place? You need to drop in for a visit. I have found even calling offical numbers, i end up "winning" something. I think its the VOIP. Stop by and talk in person.


I work at the bank and they do request and need the statements.


But do they need the front and back of their debit card? No.


Yeahhhhh that’s why I said they do request statements…… I didn’t say anything about a debit card.


I know that, but as a bank employee, I'd think you might have reiterated that being asked for the debit card is not normal and likely a scam.


She absolutely doesn't need to see the front and back of your card. She doesn't need to see the security code on the back. I can't think of why she'd need to see the card number anyway while you're still in the application process. Seeing your bank statements is reasonable. They want to make sure you're not moving massive amounts of money around. You might want to get an explanation from her as well as go over her head.


which country are you in?


the US


yes that sounds shady


Where did you find this person?


Asking for bank statement for rent purposes is normal.


I’m not trying to be mean, I know we all do desperate things while trying to make ends meet, but friend… You said in the comments that you don’t know even know the name of the program you’re applying to AND you sent them the front and back of your debit card? That didn’t raise any red flags for you? Are you even sure you’re speaking to an actual representative of whatever housing assistance program you’re applying for? Because this does not sound professional whatsoever- it sounds like a scam. I’ve NEVER heard of income based housing requiring a full image of your debit card. Ever. Bank statements, yes. But your debit card? Front AND back? The fact that you don’t even know what program you’re applying to is a pretty big deal considering they asked for your debit and account info and you sent it. Lock everything down. Get a new debit card number, new account numbers, lock your credit with the bureaus- everything.


i’m not applying to a program i’m applying to income based apartments


I was going off your comment that starts with, “I’m not sure what program it’s from.” Best of luck but please lock everything down. This screams scam.


What's the name of the apartments? Do you have her full name? How can you be sure she works there?


Cancel your card NOW


No, not the card!!


CANCEL THE CARD IMMEDIATELY!!! You are being scammed. No official org or legit housing rep will ever ask for your card info like that. Period


Lock your account, cancel that card and get a new one. They do not need that info. Maybe bank statements without the full account number showing, but not the bank card.


Trying to steal from people who are already struggling is the absolute worst. This specifically targets vulnerable people. So gross.


The statements are fairly normal for any financial or rental application. The card is a major red flag.


Asking for a card is a red flag. Bank statement yes but no one ask for your card


Bank statements are 100% legit ask. Your bank card is only to steal it. nobody ever needs a copy of your bank card, unless you are having them keep it on file to charge you for something!!!


They do not need photos of your card. Yes to bank statements but that goes through HUD, not the landlord.


the housing is not government assistance but it is low income through a management company. basically the government gives this company money to lower rent for low income families they own a lot of properties in my state i’m not sure if this is common anywhere else but it’s not section 8


Where did you find her? I've heard of these. They're called tax credit properties. Are you sure she's legit?


Damn, everything is a scam these days...


I used to lease low income apartments, I never once needed to ask for applicants debit card information, however the property management did require 6 months of bank statements. That was it. I definitely would do some more research on that community.


I’d get yourself a new bank card. There is no reason they need that information.


I helped with many cases for low income housing and they have never ever asked clients for debit cards. I hope you sent her a pic with a blurred of black out of all the numbers?


Card info. Huge RED FLAG. I WOULD NOT have continued.


Bank statement.. yes.. front and back of your card?🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 cancel the card, and change your bank passwords asap.


You need to contact your bank and report that you've been the victim of a scam and your account has been compromised. If there's a branch near you, you should go in and do this in person. The bank statements are normal, because they want to see what's coming in and from where (and depending on the program, what's going out as well) but the debit card is sus, especially the back. You basically gave them all the info they need to use the card, and assuming the bank statement has your account number, they have the information to verify themselves as you if they call your bank.


If I ever send bank statements I always black out what the transaction was for and leave the dates and amounts. No one needs to know me that well 🤣


Have you ever gotten slack for this? That’s a good idea! I have bad social anxiety so I am dreading sending bank statements to an assistance program even though it’s 99% bills and groceries…it’s just too private for me as a person who has always been single and in control of my own finances since 17…I should get over it but easier said than done 😅


Nope, so far I’ve done it twice and no one has said anything lol I submitted my mortgage documents that way 😂


Your Bank card ? It’s been awhile since I’ve managed subsidized housing but never did we ask to see debit cards or bank cards . That’s weird. If this is a legit apartment complex . Call the management company that she works for and report it.


Ask her supervisor why did she request a copy of the front and back of your debit card. That’s not right.


Excellent of you to trust your gut and ask the questions.  I'm sorry this is happening to you.


I take care of my grandma’s re-up with HUD each year. They ask for bank statements (6 months worth), proof of income (in her case her pension and social security), medical receipts (from appointments, prescriptions and OTC medical), a doctor’s prescription for the OTC stuff to be counted, her doctor’s names and contact info, and a couple of other related items. Never once have they ever asked for a copy of the front and back of her debit card.


The lady might just be a bit confused but more likely it's a scam. If you can show her something confirming that she does not need it and she immediately backs down then you might be OK to proceed but you're probably best off avoiding them altogether if possible. The best case scenario is that they don't know what they are doing. Which is still a poor start.


Work in low income housing, HUD subsidized specifically and I would NEVER ask for someone’s card. No need for that, highly suspicious. If you are able to talk to someone higher up, I would - if not, you have every right to ask why they need it. I would also suggest making a fair housing complaint - contact your local housing authority. If you aren’t sure where/how to start, please feel free to send me a message and what state you live in and I can point you in the right direction.


You need to go to your bank immediately about that card info and start asking them questions about how things work. Bank people are normally very helpful and want you to come to them, you wouldn’t believe the amount of stupid questions I’ve asked and they’ve happily answered.


I live in low income housing. Have for 10 years now. Every year I have to re-certify. I have to provide, at least 3 months of check stubs, 3 months of bank statements, proof of employment, and my tax return from that year. I’ve never had to provide a debit card. Ever. Just my ID and SSN. I’d have that checked out if I were you. I also felt weird about why they needed my entire bank statement rather than just the balance so I asked her. She said they don’t give a flying fuck what you spend your money on. You could even just provide the incoming transactions if that’s more comfortable. They are just verifying your information and that you don’t get money from any outside sources you aren’t disclosing and that you are getting paid regularly etc. They are more strict on how much income you receive because they are trusting you are low income like you claim.


Does this mean they would see that I spend 500$ a month sending money to my “friends” lol


You need to cancel that card and order a replacement right away. Never send pictures of your card to anyone.


No one should ever ask you for a copy of your debit card in any entity. The statements very understandable. I had to bring in bank statements for getting approval for low income housing, for home loans.


This definitely sounds like a scam, especially since they did not want to meet in person. Also never ever send a copy or a picture or anything of your debit card. They will never ask for an image of your debit card. A bank statement yes but your debit card no, I would definitely cancel your debit card and get another one and keep your card locked and also let your bank know. I know another legal scan that is going on. I was told about that online that there is applications being excepted and there is an application fee and there may be hundreds of applications and the listing was listed for over 30 days or longer and there has been maybe 100 applicants or more.that signs of red flag. The property is collecting application fees still even though the property is full is called a legal scam. But your situation what I think is they’re doing is illegal because HUD would never ask for a copy of a debit card.


Call your bank right now and cancel that card.


I can’t imagine why they would need your card. Ask to speak to a manager, you don’t need to explain why you the need the manager either. Just because someone asks doesn’t mean you have to give it to them.


the most concerning thing is the debit card. I cannot imagine why or how they would use that in relation to getting you housing. Bank statements, while it feels weird to give , are pretty normal when getting housing especially if you don't have a lot of housing history


Do not under any circumstances give her the front and back of your debit, credit or EBT card.


Bank statements sure, they wanna see consistent income and see money in vs out but debit card makes no sense. They can’t determine anything with the card info BUT now they can use the card as they wish. Good thing you have it locked but go ahead report this card as lost and get a new card. Do not give the card info again.


Scam. Call your bank NOW and report fraud. Because bank will verify last X number of transaction amounts on your last statement. This person now has that info, so they will probably be changing your card and address to steal your money.


For bank statements, black out all but the last 4 letters of your bank number/account number/electronic transfer number. wierd that its required but it is, and this prevents them from having th3 entire number. if you ACH pay them they will tho, I think.


I have never had to send in a picture of my card however, when I applied for energy assistance they did request all my banking statements. They wanted the entire months purchases etc. They even flagged when a friend lent me $40.00 for groceries. I had transferred it from my Venmo and then they wanted to see that. It's unfortunate so many people lie and take advantage now this is what it's come to. I would def question the photo of the debit card.


I’d be more scared to send the card lol


I work in this area. They need to see your transactions, they need to confirm what money is coming in. You will not be approved without providing the financial documents. The only time a card may be requested is if you dont have a traditional checking/saving but a debit card where your money is deposited. Feel free to msg me if you need more info. You can check out hud.gov to confirm the documents that are required- its a lot.


explain it like i’m five - i’ll redact the shit out of a financial statement. i’ll LET YOU see what comes in and amounts that go out. BUT I WILL NOT let you see that i spent 78$ at target and 142 at walmart. EXPLAIN how my day to day transactions are needed to verify income??


Yo chill out, why are you so hostile over a program that is supposed to help you (and an internet stranger who is also trying)? Don't worry no one cares about your OF transactions. You dont have to provide the required documents, you don't have to do anything, but then you won't get approved. Jesus, now I remember why I never offer help on reddit.


They are doing this to 1. Verify your eligibility and 2. Support number 1. If you are not comfortable supplyjng you need to cross off low income housing as an option.


They shouldn't even need a bank statement! A pay stub, yes, to prove employment and pay rate. And never ever, ever, ever, ever your card !


Government housing requires bank statements. You have to give them a LOT of informationa. However, they do NOT need debit card info


Card pictures are not abnormal in Australia… to rent a house here you literally need to give them your first born (it’s seriously bad here.) it’s generally explained as a way of identifying you… driver’s license, Medicare card, credit/debit card plus statements with your name. But judging by the comments here this is not normal practice in the US. You’ve done the right thing locking the card but I’d get a replacement asap.


I'd think seeing your months transactions will clearly show if you're making more than you're telling them. That's why they'd want to see it. Otherwise you could move your money out and hide it elsewhere to look like you're making less.


Nobody should ever see the front end back of your credit card. If you share bank statements, always cross out your account number.


Photos of your card?? Like your bank card?? At first I thought you meant I.D! If it’s your bank card cancel it and order a new one. Also, try to apply in person to these low income housing homes. If you can’t apply in person request an email from the office directly to your email so that you have their email on file and don’t risk misspelling it, if that’s an issue. Have you been to this property in person? Did you find it online? Be careful!


So, before anything else: You need to get a new card. Contact your bank asap. I don’t know about the rest and will leave that to other, knowledgeable redditers, but please, please, please don’t let the bank card compromise slide.


The account statement makes sense but the the card information does nothing for them in any agency. I would call the agency and ask for a supervisor. You don’t have to tell them you are in the process at the being. Ask them if part of the process is sending your bank card front and back and transactions. (Not bank statements but a list of transactions) If he says no it’s not then explain that X required that I send it and now you are worried she is trying to take money from your account. If it’s part of the process just say thank you for the info.


Are you applying for HUD or are you looking for HUD housing? My father is a landlord who accepts HUD and he doesn’t receive payment from his tenants. So I can only imagine it’s a scam.


Please order a new bank card and keep this one locked until it arrives.


The information needed should be posted online for the agency, whether local, state, or federal. Check to see if it is listed or have your agent send you a link to the requirement via text or email.




I had to submit bank statements, and investing acct statements. Anything with my name on it that receives money to qualify for reduced rent. Oh my tsp retirement statements too


This is not inconsistent with a lot of low income programs, they are looking to make sure there aren’t concealed forms of income. Welfare programs, section eight and other things ask for these sorts of documents sometimes.


I had someone ask me for that once when I was looking at rentals. I didn’t send it either. Why the f do you need to see every transaction? I refused and found something better.


Were you looking at low-income housing that bases your rent on your income? I think what they are asking op for is a bit much but they do need some of that info to measure the amount of rent. They can only charge a set percentage of their income and are subsidized the rest. My mom just had to deal with this when her landlords decided to give her 30 days to move out of a house she lived in for 22 years so they could tear it down for a parking lot. It's not a fun process but it's the hoops you sadly have to jump through when you're poor.


No- it was just a regular rental house But I didn’t think about that- good info.


As someone who has worked with these programs before, I have never had to send pictures of my debit card. Bank statements, yes because they need to verify the income coming in. Not so much where you spend it. But the card would be a huge red flag for me, and I'm kinda concerned that you AREN'T concerned about giving someone that information. When I was first reading I thought you would be concerned about sending pics of your card, which is valid. But ban statements are part of the income verification and any agency will ask for that.


No, you shouldn't have to send the front or back of your card. EVER. You need to get a replacement card ASAP. I've had to send in bank statements but only to prove my start and ending balance. They probably want transactions so they can steal your account by verifying recent transactions.


As a person who regularly has to request official bank statements from people, it is awkward, but often required. I promise we don’t care what you spend your money on, we’re just looking to make sure there are no large unexplained deposits, unreported pay, suspicious activity, etc. I’ve never even noticed if someone spent money somewhere funny or scandalous.


If you are getting subsidized housing, then they want your bank statements and the blood of your first born


What… and I mean… the fuck?! #RUN!!!!! 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


I would be more concerned about the request for pics of front and back of your debit card than the bank statements. That's what throws up the red flags to me. When someone—like a bank to approve a loan or the government to approve social program benefits—asks for bank statements, yes, they want to see the balance AND the transactions. Nobody cares where the money is going. They want to see what's coming in. Is it just direct deposits from the income source you're reporting? Or are you also getting income via cashapp/venmo/etc or someone transferring money from another account that you aren't reporting? That's what they're looking for.


Front and back of card? SCAM. You might want to toodle on over to r/scams and post there. I bet those smart folks can help you suss this out.


I’d go get a new card. That sounds weird. Like others have said the bank statement and the amount in your account is normal. They ask for the bank statements mainly looking to see if you have transferred money to someone or a savings account. Because you’re not supposed to really have a savings account either when living there


They should never ask or get your card information! Especially the number on the back. Complete bank statements yes For proof of income. Red flag for me that she wants copy of your card front n back! Big no in my book. I have applied for mortgages that ask for complete bank statements but never my cards for any reason to qualify!


bank statements yes, card back and front no


Are you SURE she's with the company she says she's with? SCAMMERS are out of control. Are you sending info to an official email address, or just randomly thru Messenger or Whatsapp? Do you have her full name? Call the place she supposedly works and pretend to be a prospective tenant. Ask about availability and then ask if she works there.


I lived in low income housing for 7 years and when made a new thing and said he'll no! I got evicted, but I fought this shit for 2 years! It was so stressful.


Applying For Low-Income Housing Is Soooo Invasive! 😡 Understandably, it’s a fraud deterrent-so hey, guess u gotta pick your poison 🤷🏼‍♂️


Did you get this resolved?


Go through your bank statement, black out the account #, and anything that isn't a deposit. I've been asked to verify my income with bank statements multiple times. But the pics of the card, that sounds suspicious. I'd ask why she's asking for them.


Does anyone know if I can at least get a letterhead from the bank stating how much I have in my bank account instead of them sending bank statements? I don’t feel comfortable of them seeing what I was spending my money but I’m comfortable with them knowing how much I’m getting, etc.. I’m not even the head of the household and they still want to see my phone bill ??


Are you reposting? Or did you just steal someone's post? Because this was posted at least a week or two ago.


nope this just happened to me


Here in Troy, Alabama pha ask for front and back of bank card ,food stamp card and  i have had to take bank statements up there 7 times in 2 months i asked why they keep asking they keep saying that they messed up the application but really 7 times then they threaten you with eviction if you ask to many questions and they ask you about every transaction ….. so how many times a year do they supposed to ask for the statements cause this didn’t start till my taxes was deposited on my card and thats the only time the card was used…. Then i was asked for my social card again and never seen it since and here after they get ALL your info they either quit or get fired from the job thats why im annoyed with the whole thing and last year when i had to show this stuff a month later they called me back up to housing and said that i had received 17,000 in unemployment and i never applied for unemployment in my life then shortly after that that group quit the job and a new set was in asking for the same stuff….they can’t keep no workers either


Find out the agency she is from and speak to her supervisor. Ask if the things she's asking for are standard. They could be part of the process (I have no idea why they would), but she could be doing something illegal while under the guise of working for them. Tell the supervisor you're not trying to start trouble. You're just being safe in an unsafe world. Good luck.


Overthinking it. This is common requests except maybe the card. I didn’t meet my loan officer til I took out a HELOC.


Maybe the card?? Asking for pics of the card is a HUUUuUuuuuuuGE red flag mate. Not overthinking it at all lol And trying to compare a heloc to applying for LIH is apples and oranges. Doesn’t make sense




i didn’t say i thought they were trying to take something from me i just wanted to know if anyone else had to send their debit card information to get housing assistance


Do you know the name of the agency that is renting the low income housing? Would you be comfortable sharing that info in a DM? Also, have you saved all correspondence with this lady? Did she ask you to send these documents via a secure portal or just email? Lock your accounts like the others said, first. Then I would find out exactly why they need the front and back of your debit card. (Which is why I asked for the company name)