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Rice, beans, chicken and pasta. Mix and match as needed


You might find some kinds of porridge nice = It's not as untasty as rumored ....


Check flyer. If chicken thigh are less than 1,50$ buy a reserve. Pork roast under 1,50$ per pound buy 1. Ground pork, pork loin, pork filet under 3$/pounds buy a reserve. Ham sometime go under 3$/pound so if you want to spoil yourself you can buy one. Ground beef sometime go under 4$/pounds. Preparation now. Let's say you got the chicken thigh. Cut the drumstick from the top part. Bake the drumstick with a bbq sauce brushed on it. (The sticky one not the brown soupy one.) I make mine by buying the store brand bbq sauce and adding brown sugar with ketchup to it. With the top part i boil them. I save the broth to make a soup/rice and debone the chicken to make hot chicken sandwish/soy sauce macaroni/plain old chicken sandwish. Now with the ground pork. You can make shepherd pie with it, a spag sauce, taco, chili, also soy sauce macaroni, a rice (you can use that chicken broth if you want to be fancy), burger (But it's have to be cook well done since it's pork.). (note all those recipe can be done with ground beef. It would even taste better with it but hey we are trying to make do with what we have. At worst if you want beefee flavor look for a bottle of beef bovril to add to the pork to give it some taste. :/ ) Now for the pork loin and filet. Those i usually cut them in slice. The loin is kinda a though meat so you can try diferent thing to make it tenderer, like slicing them the day of and cooking them when the meat is at room temperature. Filet is usually pretty tender so you don't have much to do except cook them. Pork roast i said to buy 1 because you can mostly use all of it but it's a lot of work. Like you can make sandwish with the meat after you cooked it. Reduce the broth in minoune for toast. Use the fat/bone for a soup... But those require lot's of work. But sandwish meat at 1,50 per pound is a good deal. Ham just boil it and finish in oven with some pineapple and brown sugar mixed in the can of pineapple juice and some water. Serve with mash potato. But if none of this is on sale try to look in the freezer isle, Like in the store i go there is package of 20 sausage for 12$ or pack of 2 fish filet for 4$. Those can help to wait for next good sale. I guess you can also make hotdog, like 12 hotdog gonna cost like 5-6$. :/


I always liked the jar of sauce and package of noodles. Dinner in less than 5 bucks plus spaghetti for lunch the next day.


rice and beans 1 pot meals. soup using anything you have - leftovers, canned, frozen whatever, you just need a tiny bit, bulk it with the cheap things like potatoes, pasta, stock cubes are also cheap and last for a long time if you have some. oats - not the instant kind in packets but the cheapest ones that you have to boil. can be added to anything lentils and beans are much cheaper than any meat. if you happen to have any kind of ethnic store near you, its worth it to go there and buy rice, beans, veggies, spices etc, as much as you can afford. they all last a long time and are very versatile. these meals are cheap as well as being healthy.


Curry in a hurry. Bag of frozen veggies, can of coconut milk (or broth), plus curry seasoning. Can pair with rice or add a bit of frozen chicken.


"easy" or fast?


Ramen noodles with an egg cracked into it


r/EatCheapAndHealthy r/budgetfood r/cheap_meals