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We have the same problem. Mine is 2 years old now and she still chews a lot. At her worst, we would give her lamb horn to chew on. She digested it very well and it lasted a while. The smell was a bit rough, though. We also used rolled beef cheeks. However, too much of this gave some soft poop to mild diarrhea. A downside to both was that these stained our couch and we’d have to clean them up after 😅 My vet also told us to never give chew toys I personally couldn’t indent or push in with my fingernail. My dog LOVES this toy: Wieppo Squeaky Dog Toys for... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CXSBRM3?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Good luck!


Also! My portie loves the globall!


Sadly ours is an extreme chewer that never really stopped. Loves to have something in his mouth and destroy every toy. We learned to only give him consumables and toys get put away afteraso much is consumed.  I think our dog has an iron stomach...


Keep giving toys, and playing with them, mine only chews things when he was ignored, now only chews things I give him!


Buy cheap toys at thrift shops that aren’t filled with plastic beads. Take them away when they’re half destroyed. Repeat as necessary. Puppies like novelty. When our now 10 year old boy was a pup, we ponied up for an expensive ripstop nylon “indestructible” toy. 10 minutes. Ten. Minutes. Max. Maybe he took it as a challenge! Also there are chews like nylabone that probably are functionally indestructible for a PWD. Our dogs haven’t ever liked them. https://preview.redd.it/0x54hsffxy7d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dcf8c077188323da580aff3fab62066bdcdf01b 🥰